Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

Excited about the BFP's! Congrats ladies! :happydance: happy and healthy 9 months!!

I'm still waiting to ovulate. Should happen Tuesday or Wednesday. DH is doing some traveling for work so fingers crossed we get the timing right!!

Good luck chasing that egg hehe! Hope your timings workout :)
Got back home last night. Work this morning.

Temp dropped this morning, but I tested anyways. It is darker than yesterday's. Have had a bit of light brown spotting today. That combined with the temp drop is making me expect AF at any moment.

This will be the last cycle that I test this early >_<. What a bad idea.

Thanks for your support as always ladies <3 :hugs:


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@earthly crossing fingers you catch that bean!

@trr have you told family yet? i always love those videos where people record telling their loved ones

@AB you should try a ttc app! it makes tracking so much easier. i suggest ovia or glow. those are the ones i have been using

@magic our cycles are so close! AF is still not here. officially cd33 today. praying the frenzy hits us this cycle. i stocked up on dollar cheapies just in case i get the nerve lol
oh i hope the extra attention is a good sign. u know how dogs gravitate towards their pregnant owners

@ivska i hear you on testing early. that line looks nice and dark though. dont give up hope yet <3

Hows everyone else doing in their cycles?
This cycle is definitely my wonkiest. O'd on CD11, high rise up until 3DPO and then a crash. It definitely doesn't follow my usual pattern at all.
Got back home last night. Work this morning.

Temp dropped this morning, but I tested anyways. It is darker than yesterday's. Have had a bit of light brown spotting today. That combined with the temp drop is making me expect AF at any moment.

This will be the last cycle that I test this early >_<. What a bad idea.

Thanks for your support as always ladies <3 :hugs:

Come on sticky bean! Dont give up.. We are all rooting :hugs: Stay strong.
OKAY. so i woman-ed up and peed on a stick. and i got so anxious i walked away and did the dishes and started cleaning, lost track of time and went back to the stick almost an hour later. and... there was a very faint line..:cry::wacko:. now do any of you girls know how evap lines work? because im googling evap lines and i dont think i have the guts :nope:( or the urine) to pee on another stick.
OKAY. so i woman-ed up and peed on a stick. and i got so anxious i walked away and did the dishes and started cleaning, lost track of time and went back to the stick almost an hour later. and... there was a very faint line..:cry::wacko:. now do any of you girls know how evap lines work? because im googling evap lines and i dont think i have the guts :nope:( or the urine) to pee on another stick.

Oh super! Hang in there.

First, let's not forget that BFP frenzy juju going around!

Now the other side...if it was an hour later and the line is could be + or it could be evap. Unfotunately, I think the only way to know for sure is to test again and read it sooner. Stupid tests! You'd think our tech would be better than this by now! Take it easy, and do what feels right for you. Maybe give it a few days, so that if you do test and it is + the line will be darker? I'm pulling for you over here, and big hugs either way.

This was my fav article on evap lines (but only open it if staring at the photos of evap lines isn't going to drive you nuts):

I love the part where she recommends throwing the invalid test out the window and then running it over. Could be some good stress relief haha!
Extreme cramping and heavy bleeding today. &#55357;&#56398;&#55356;&#57339;&#55357;&#56468;
Hi everyone! I hope it's okay I jump in on the thread. I am currently on CD 13 and I have been using Clear Blue *Advanced* Ovulation tests. The ones with the O for low fertility, Blinking :) for "High Fertility" and a Solid :) for "Peak Fertility". I have been testing starting CD 8 and on CD 8, 9, and 10 I got an O so "Low Fertility". On CD's 11, 12, and 13 (Today) I got all Blinking :) so that's "High Fertility". Now I have been reading posts for days on CB Advanced OPK's and some people say they have gotten 2 days of blinking :) "High Fertility" then the next day got a Solid smiley. And others who have said they have gotten a blinking smiley for more then 4 days! I am so confused and upset. I am currently starting my first go at IUI. My DH has a very low count and my cycles have been irregular since I was 13. So Charting my BBT daily, using OPK's and watching for other signs such as CM is what I have been trying to rely on. My GYN says I am O'ing (blood tests confirmed) but my cycles range from 30-48 days so determining when I will O is very tricky and therefor my charting is all over the place. It's consistent but the time of O is very different cycle to cycle! All my cheapies and regular CB OPK's are not detecting any LH surge, they are all very negative! However with the CB advanced OPK's you need to use FMU and my cheapies and regular CB OPK's always get darker when I use evening urine (However, I definitely have not gotten a + yet this cycle). I'm just confused I read all the directions to the CB Advanced OPK's and I know it reads two hormones Estrogene which rises slowly before Ovulation and then LH surge right before O. However, majority of women only get 2 "High Fertile" days and I'm on day three of these blinking smiley's! Has anyone else used these OPK's? Also, I have been reading other posts, congratulations on all the BFP's! Wishing everyone a happy and very healthy nine months!! :)
@abennion sorry i missed your post. have u looked into what could cause the temp pattern changes?

@leson thank you! im such a wreck lol thank you for the link! VERY informative ive bookmarked it :)
i tossed the test and have been trying to get my mind off it. Hubby took me out for some bubble tea and to see The Intern. Great movie BTW

@ivska <3 love. just tons of virtual hugs. i cannot give u enough <3 Hang in there girlie

Welcome Jenn! You are from BK? Im from Queens~!
Now i know nothing about those opks. So i cant really help you there. But i know for me i use the cheapie opks and i get a few days of almost positives ( where the test line is almost as dark as the control line) and then recently ive been having cycles where i get several days of positives ( where the test line is as dark or darker than the control line) My cycles are usually 31 days.
EVERY body is different. i know that goes without saying but i feel like its an important reminder during our journey.
I always recommend an app to help you keep track of your temperatures, CM, and opk results. ( ovia, glow)
As for hubbys sperm count, have you looked into maca? I know it has done wonders for my DH count and mobility. and raspberry and black cohosh has been great at turning my all over cycles( i used to range from 28 to 35) to a regular 31 days.
I wish i knew more to help you as i know how incredibly frustrating things like that can be

@beemeck how are u holding up love? hows this cycle treating you?

@Magic has AF stayed away? I am now on cd 34. This cycle is so wonky my ovia app has now resorted to giving me question marks lol. Have you tested yet? or are you sticking with holding off until after cd35?

All of yesterday i felt AF arrived for SURE. i was POSITIVE it was here a handful of times and rushed to the bathroom to check and nothing. I feel like shes coming but i dont know whats going on anymore. I plan to test on Wed morning with FMU as i have not done a single test with fmu. ( not even my potential evap line incident) Im so NERVOUS!
I think I might have misfired on this O (when the egg doesn't release), it should try again sometime this cycle, I'm hoping. Either that or its a big estrogen surge lasting 3+ days, but I'm pretty sure that's unheard of.
welcome Jenn and abennion. :wave:

@ivksa: Ugh that sucks. :hugs: I can see your lines. I'm definitely thinking chemical. Chemicals seem pretty common with early testers though. I actually sort of wish I could see even a hint of a line some time so at least I know that SOMETHING happened due to my efforts. So you know, at least you know the egg did its best but it wasn't perfect. Next time it will be :)

@supergongjoo: oooo man you're disciplined. I would totally be testing right now or tomorrow but I totally support you waiting. Patience is something I do not do very well. Looking forward to wednesday! FX

@jenn: I have no idea what DH's counts are, but he's taking L'arginine, partly for helping with blood pressure and muscle cramps, both of which he sort of suffers from. I've heard some success stories from L'arginine for count and motility as well. I've also heard good things about maca as well.

@abennion: I agree that it seems a little odd that your temps have dipped so far. I guess just keep BD'ing and see what happens. I am guessing you don't use OPKs?

AFM, I'm pretty sure today is O day according to OPKs. Got some good BD in :happydance: I think the romance jujus did help with the BD at least.
@psychochick: we do use OPKs however they haven't been all that reliable the past two months.... I got high readings right up to this supposed O. I'll just have to go back to them this week I guess. I've never seen/had this happen before. Its all really confusing.
@abennion are you still getting opk positives? that is interesting

@psycho its half discipline half self preservation lol . im glad you are in it to win it!

Still no AF ::nervous::
Hello friends!
I took a pregnancy test yesterday. Yes, way too early, I know :P I've also started to take prenatals, just in case.

Anyway, TMI again, but I guess my period isn't due until around the 15-17. My boobs are SO sore, lmao. Is this a thing? I don't even know anymore.
@psycho: Hooray for romance! I just O'd this weekend. Now for the wait right?

@ivksa: So sorry girl! Hang in there. You're not alone!

@super: Still no AF? I'm getting so excited for you! Also so glad you got a date night with your DH. That sounds so perfect. Was the movie any good? I've been debating if it's worth a watch of not.

@soph: The early signs list is long and confusing, and there's so much overlap with PMS. I will say that sore boobs, in all of my reading, seems like a good sign...but it's still early days if you are still a week or so out from AF. Here's hoping!

AFM: I had such a wonderful O weekend with DH this month. It was heaven to have two full days without having to see a client. I've been working 10-12 hour days + Saturdays since July! I'm feeling so hopeful this cycle, but I'm worried that just means I have farther to fall if AF shows. Going to take it easy this week, and then start testing Sunday. AF due next Wednesday.
@Leson year I'm being cautiously optimistic Still 30 hours until I feel brave enough to test lol. And yes I'm counting down.

It was actually MUCH better than I expected it to be. And I thought I was fun to see Anne Hathaway go from devil wears Prada to intern. I cried like an idiot... lol I'm such a sap

I know the feeling! But at least you got some rest and love time ;) . I can't imagine surviving that schedule. Counting down til sunday <3
Superrr- I really hope that line gets darker. Omgosh it better not be an evap!
I havent tested and currently cd34. Still no af so if she stays away then I will test first thing tomorrow.

lvksa- im sorry this is happening. Dont give up though x
@supergongjoo: I used the cb advanced opks, so when I stop using them for a couple of days they'll reset. It thought this morning was the start of a new cycle (they use the first day of your new cycle as a basis until you peak), so of course it gave me a low reading, but when I popped it out there were two very distinct lines, so I'm assuming my progesterone is still up there. It looks like my temps are trying to make their way back up again. I guess its just a waiting game.
@Magic i am praying for my cycle twin! Please keep us posted on testing. im so cautiously excited !

@aben <3 how frustrating. my least favorite part of this is the wait game. hang in there girlie

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