@abennion sorry i missed your post. have u looked into what could cause the temp pattern changes?
@leson thank you! im such a wreck lol thank you for the link! VERY informative ive bookmarked it
i tossed the test and have been trying to get my mind off it. Hubby took me out for some bubble tea and to see The Intern. Great movie BTW

love. just tons of virtual hugs. i cannot give u enough

Hang in there girlie
Welcome Jenn! You are from BK? Im from Queens~!
Now i know nothing about those opks. So i cant really help you there. But i know for me i use the cheapie opks and i get a few days of almost positives ( where the test line is almost as dark as the control line) and then recently ive been having cycles where i get several days of positives ( where the test line is as dark or darker than the control line) My cycles are usually 31 days.
EVERY body is different. i know that goes without saying but i feel like its an important reminder during our journey.
I always recommend an app to help you keep track of your temperatures, CM, and opk results. ( ovia, glow)
As for hubbys sperm count, have you looked into maca? I know it has done wonders for my DH count and mobility. and raspberry and black cohosh has been great at turning my all over cycles( i used to range from 28 to 35) to a regular 31 days.
I wish i knew more to help you as i know how incredibly frustrating things like that can be
@beemeck how are u holding up love? hows this cycle treating you?
@Magic has AF stayed away? I am now on cd 34. This cycle is so wonky my ovia app has now resorted to giving me question marks lol. Have you tested yet? or are you sticking with holding off until after cd35?
All of yesterday i felt AF arrived for SURE. i was POSITIVE it was here a handful of times and rushed to the bathroom to check and nothing. I feel like shes coming but i dont know whats going on anymore. I plan to test on Wed morning with FMU as i have not done a single test with fmu. ( not even my potential evap line incident) Im so NERVOUS!