Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

Oh ivksa, I'm so sorry. Sending hugs your way!!

Looking forward to hearing how the TWW'ers are doing on here. Fingers crossed that we get some good news!

Afm: had a positive opk this morning. Will probably ovulate by tomorrow, which is usually how things seem to go when I get a +. BD'ed yesterday, today and will do tomorrow when DH gets home from his travels. Fortunately we were able to BD before he left today and he's only gone one night. Whew! then it's tww for me again.
@super and magic: You both are my heroes. I don't know how you're both not in a test frenzy by now. I'm only 3 dpo and I only have to wait 1 more week before AF is due, and I already want to fast forward to Sunday so I can start testing! Keep us posted, sending you both so much fx for testing this week.

@super: about the crying...I always get that during my tww...darn PMS! DH and I watched Supergirl tonight and I was sobbing with happy tears when she came to the rescue at a pile up on the freeway. It just felt so amazing to see people looking to this girl (or woman rather) as their hero. Maybe I'll watch The Intern this weekend since I no longer have to see clients on Saturday to make up for the holiday, wahoo! :) I honestly don't know how I survive my workload sometimes either, but it helps that I love what I do and absolutely adore each and every one of my kids.

@Earthy: So glad the schedule worked out. Enjoy your O time! Hope you get a bit of romance in too :)

@ab: Hope those temps keep climbing for you girl!

I had some more cramping on the right again today. Brief and not as sharp, but definitely there. Also pretty common for me. My guess is either some leftover fluid from Oing or the egg traveling down the tube. Either way I take it as a good sign that I did in fact O. DH has been in high spirits this week. Guess he enjoyed the weekend too ;). He's been going around making up songs about our cats (and he almost never sings). I'm just waiting for him to make up a song about the tww. If needed, it could be our theme song for cycles to come! =P
Leson, may I ask what you do for work?

Sure, I'm a board certified behavior analyst (the license is in the works here in CA so soon to be licensed behavior analyst). I primarily treat children with autism spectrum disorder. It's challenging, and emotional, but incredibly rewarding. As a plus, behavior analysis works for all :). I even used a habit reversal procedure to help DH stop biting his nails.
hi girls!!! sorry for being so MIA - lemme try and catch up...

magic and super - omg omg omg it's wednesday morning WHAT is happening?? I have such strong POSITIVE (pun intended :haha:) vibes for both of you!

lvska - big hugs to you! :hugs:

earthy - yay tww! FX! I think with every cycle, our chance of a BFP goes up based on statistics and time, so we are bound to get one by now, right? :happydance:

leson - we have very similar jobs! every time you were describing your work, I was thinking you were describing mine lol I'm an Early Child Specialist and I work with families teaching positive parenting skills. Now if I could only have my own child to test things out on, that would be great :haha: Also - help me stop biting my nails!! lol :wacko:

psycho - so glad you had a nice romance weekend with the SO! sounds so lovely. this coming weekend is my O weekend - we aren't doing anything and that sounds AMAZING to me right now :haha: :jo:

trr - I'll ask you on this thread too - how are things?? thinking of you!

abennion - I'm not 100% on this but I think if you misfire O then your temp won't reflect. I always hear that the ONLY way to confirm O has actually happened is the temp jump, so I'm thinking you have in fact Oed. FX for you girl... :hugs:

welcome new gals! :hugs:

afm - Been super busy. Also have been really down about my upcoming due date. :cry: But all of this has kept me from obsessing about my cycle and it's been great. I feel so much more laid back than I have before. I will stick to BDing every other day and just kinda hang out and see what happens. I will still do OPKs just because I like knowing things when I can, but I don't think I'll let it change up the every other day schedule I have planned. Taking my first one today since I have Oed on CD 11 3 times in the past 2 years. :dust::dust::dust::dust: to all!
Bee- my fingers are crossed for you!

Afm- still having on and off spotting but the light period type bleeding is gone. Got a beta done Monday- 67 which seems low to me but I could just have a slow starter. Getting my next beta in a couple hours so I will know if the bean is hanging on by tomorrow morning. Ultrasound booked for next Thursday so I'm hoping to see a heartbeat (I know it's early)

Still hanging in but it hasn't really hit me that I'm potentially growing a person. I'm a woman of science and medicine so labs and ultrasounds will reassure me. FRERs are still progressing too which is comforting.

Good luck to everyone!
you sound just like me trr - it was totally unbelievable for me because I felt no different. So I was like huh? There's REALLY something in there?

I saw baby's heartbeat at 6 weeks so I'm thinking you might be able to ! :happydance:
@earthly that was clutch !

@leson my sister is a behavior analyst! i always tease her that she should be on criminal minds lol. Im glad you nd DH are in good spirits. Continue and def go see The Intern

@Bee you were missed! I cnt even imagine how you must be feeling. im sending you tons of digital hugs and real life prayers. <3

@trr at 5 weeks isnt 67 good? i think i read somewhere as long as you close to double everything is golden. i know its soon but are you rooting for a specific gender?

AFM still not af. but i keep feeling that she is there. i checked my cervix super high and a bunch of creamy cm. so high i cant reach it. so i woman-ed up took a test and it was a BFN w/ fmu. I honestly dont know whats going on in there. I tried to see if the raspberry leaf tea could delay my period. Either way I am booking an appt for this week. Any input? My cycle is usually 31 days and the longest 35 that happened about 1.5 years ago . Today is CD36. Im so confused!
Aw you girls are the best! &#9825;
Leson I normally wouldve been crazy by now but gaining more control each cycle hehe.

Bee and super (cycle twinnie hehe) afraid good news and bad.. still no af but no bfp either :( so im confused. Thought it would show a faint by now surely? Only used cheapie hpt with fmu and also did one again tonight... so I guess im in waiting limbo?

I HOPE im one of these girls that take a fair few days after af was due to maybe pick up hcg.

Good luck super still have my fingers crossed for you x
Pretty sure I had spotting last night. Temps are still on the rise so that only means good things! The cramps I had yesterday are gone too. They weren't like AF cramps, I don't know how to describe them but they were just odd. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but we'll see. I had a dream last night I got a super dark BFP. I'm hoping that's my subconscious trying to tell me something. After looking at my chart today

I'm thinking I'm going to change the coverline to 97.6 because that makes some sense. Then I would only have two temps below my coverline, and more pre-O temps under it as well. I know my pre-O temps are still fairly high, but I'm chalking that up to being sick last week. FX!
Super- healthy baby, first and foremost, but rooting for a boy. I'm the oldest and always wished I had an older brother to look over me.
@ab: Glad you have it figured out. I'm impressed! There's so much to make sense of...would be so much easier if it was just the same each cycle! FX to you too!

@bee: You bring a one-of-a-kind positivity to this thread. You were missed! Mad respect for what you do. The parent training components of the job are sometimes the toughest! I have this huge fear that I'll just overdo the whole parenting thing with all that I know and have seen. Hopefully DH can keep me in check if/when it's our turn!

As for the can look up the steps for habit reversal on wikipedia. Feel free to let me know if you have any Qs. That or you could always get a Pavlok. It's a wristband that you can use to shock yourself when you engage in a bad habit. A bit terrifying right? Haha I just thought of us using it to punish testing early. Any time you feel like testing early, just shock yourself...yikes!

@super and magic - the cycle twins :): I'm so pulling for you! What a nail biter (pun intended :winkwink:). No AF yet is good news for now. Keeping up the hope for you both!

@super: So cool that your sister is a behavior analyst too. Criminal minds is one of DH's favorites. I think I'll stick with the kids over those crazy unsubs! I may have a scar or two from a bite, but at least my head is still attached to my body :shock:! I'm worried about needing to come off of my more aggressive cases once I'm pg :cry:. I get so invested in their progress, it'll be hard to pass them along to a colleague before we're done.

@trr: I, too, am a woman of science. Love my charts, and graphs, and data! I actually have a BS in biological sciences. What's your area of interest? Oh and I'm also the much in common! Even though my little brother is a big brother to our younger sister, he never really looked over her in that "big brother" sort of way. I guess you never know how things will turn out. I'm sure whichever way it will be wonderful, and challenging, and beautiful.

AFM: :coffee: or actually since I'm PMSing :icecream:
Les- also have a younger sister too... I agree lots in common! I am a nurse actually. I love it.

Bad news ladies. Got my betas back... Levels went down so I will be joining you ladies again soon.
I'm not too sad about it, just hoping that it's not etopic and everything passes normally and quickly so I can start trying again.
@magic How crazy is it our cycles did the same thing?! I actually got so frustrated with the whole question mark and rang the smartest woman i know, my mom. and she reminded me she didnt test positive with me until more than a week after her missed period. So hang in there magic I'm living proof ! I'm planning to give it until monday and going to see my doc. I'll probably test again on Friday.

Ive been wearing a liner for the increased amount of cm ive been experiencing ( sorry tmi) and i found a speck of blood tonight. Literally just a drop.

@bee I agree with leson your positive rays are missed.
I used to bite my nails too. I started getting gel manicures to make my nails a lot thicker which made chewing them a bit wierd for me. Plus i knew how expensive they were so that helped quite a bit. Now i just chew my cuticles...

@leson yes my sister had to quit when she found out. I hear it can get very physically intensive. She used to come home so drained only to have to perk up and go back the next morning, I honestly admire anyone in that field. But it DEF beats serial killers.

@Trr So sorry hun. <3 I'll keep you in my prayers.
Sorry to hear trr!

My temp spiked back up to where it's supposed to be! And at 9 DPO I'm quite pleased! I have a 12 day LP, and temps usually start tapering at 9-10DPO. I might just test tomorrow and see, I just don't want to be disappointed.
you girls are all so wonderful - I love this thread <3

super and magic - what is up with this?? I can't believe both of you are experiencing the same weird thing! My periods can vary a little, but I think the longest cycle I've EVER had was 35 days ONCE in 2010. Other than that, I think 33 has been the longest and even that has been like twice. so it's def odd that you guys are both so late with BFNs..... :shrug: you know I'm not giving up hope, that's for sure!

abennion - yay for temps on the rise ! :happydance:

trr - giving you even more hugs here :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

leson - I always feel like working with kids is tougher than working with adults. Although, the "adults" I work with aren't very Not to mention many of the teen parents are kids themselves! But yest, there is never a dull moment as I'm sure you know! I too think that I will stop some cases when I'm pregnant - it's just not worth the risk.

I double majored in pysch and bio and for my learning and behavior course we needed to try to limit a habit that we had over the course of the semester. I wouldn't even choose nail biting or cracking knuckles. As a college student, I went with napping at the time :haha: My nail biting comes and goes. Sometimes months go by with nothing! right now it's in a bad phase - and super - I'm ALL over my cuticles. it's terrible!

CD 11 today. fertile window begins. getting my massage tonight :happydance: and going into it relaxed. BD starts tonight and will continue every other day. FX!

:dust::dust::dust::dust: to all!
This thread is so big now I am having trouble keeping up! So much happening ahh

trr@ so sorry to hear. hopefully you will get back on track soon and try again. If it's happened once it can happen again!

super and magic@ I'm definitely at the edge of my seat waiting to hear the verdict. I wonder if it's the change in weather somehow affecting everyone's cycles. Some other ladies on other threads are also days late, some of them were late BFPs!

beemeck@ your temps are really jumping this cycle. Have fun with the BD ;)

leson@ and beemeck@ Both of your jobs sound pretty tough to me. I am an engineer and solve all kinds of different problems all day but understanding people and trying to help them is overwhelming and stressful to me. I think I'm sociable but if confronted with an actual situation I totally freeze. Not to mention doing it as a profession! Mad props. :thumbup:

earthy@: Just started TWW too. Let's hope for a good one!

I had my first BFP dream! LOL super dark second line, then thought to myself, wait isn't it only 3DPO today? Yes it is, so this must be a dream. Dammit.
PC - yes, my temps are a MESS! lol :haha: I was stressing about them as the kept climbing during my period, but I've kinda just forgotten about it except for worrying what my poor coverline is going to have to be! :wacko: so far this cycle, I've had 6 days of post O temps if we use last month's coverline. I had a sore throat so I'm thinking my temps were up as my body worked on fighting that?

Your temps are looking great, missy! so nice and high :happydance:

my DH is also an engineer. He wants to come home and talk, talk, talk but I talk to people ALLLL day. I'm worn out by then!
@aben YAY~! Keep us posted on testing

@beemeck i looooove getting massages . glad you are heading into this cycle relaxed have fun ~! :baby dust:

@psycho i know right? i cant get over how our cycles are doing the same thing at the same time!

Yay on the dream! hopefully its a good sign

@magic any news?

AFM still nothing. what a cycle huh?! never had one go this long before. I stopped drinking raspberry leaf tea. i read a handful of people got a late period and thought it might be because of the tea.

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