Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

MrsW- Im really trying to look hard (At first I thought I could see an extreme faint one, and then I wasnt sure) What are your thoughts? Any clearer pics or in better lighting? Fingers crossed :D

Goosegoose- Thanks for the tips :) I just wanted to be nosey as my job leaves me so drained and exhausted! Its nice to know im not alone although im sorry to hear about your stresses.
I guess everyone has their own type of busy and hard day! I wonder if when I do have baby I can be a kept a woman (Poor Hubs) but then I dont think I will ever want to go back :lol:
@beemeck light amounts of alcohol is supposed to relax the uterus. im not sure if thats actually helpful but im not going to question it lol ;)

@magicdance i hear you on the stressful job. i used to work as a director for a private pre k and i had a hard time. ttc and working a stressful job is rough

@all yes i cant wait to create a nursery soon! i have heard about maca helping with sperm mobility and count and even libido. did NADA for dh libido. but hes still taking it 1 week on 1 week off just in case.

@mrsw try inverting the colors (turning white into black) there should be a feature on your phone or if anything you can find an app. it makes spotting faints a LOT easier
Hi everyone!

I've been MIA for quite awhile from here, but I'm hoping I can butt back in? :flower: I've been reading through all the posts I missed while I was gone and it's just so nice to have such a supportive group of ladies while we're all TTC!

Here's a quick update on me: I'm on CD19, took Clomid days 3-7, had an HSG test done on CD11 (came back clean; no blockages), and I've been sticking to my regimen of prenatals, folic acid, extra Vitamin D, baby aspirin and Red Raspberry Leaf tea. I've tried cutting down on the amount of gluten and sugar I consume, but it's been hard, and I haven't been doing great at that. I've also been using OPKs this time around, and since I've never used them before, I thought I must have been doing something wrong. I've been testing twice a day since CD12 and haven't had anything close to a second line show up! But then I tested this morning and a faint line appeared, so I think I must be close to O'ing. It's about time. I always thought that I O'd around CD14, so this has been a surprise. Maybe our timing has been the problem all along! (I hope that's the case...) I don't temp because it seems a little complicated to me too; silly, I know.

Someone asked me earlier about baby aspirin - I have a genetic blood disorder that causes my blood to clot very easliy, so my doctor suggested I take 1 to 2 baby aspirin a day, TTC or not. After doing some research, I also found several websites that say taking 1 baby aspirin can help prevent miscarriages. I don't know if that's entirely true (can they really be prevented?) but since I've had 2 MCs, I'm doing all I can to guard against another one.

How is everyone else doing??
MuseMama <3 welcome back! Long time no read :)

Im glad your tests came back okay - that must of been great to hear.
I wouldnt be hard on yourself about the sugar and gluten! Atleast youre trying really hard by the sounds of it.

I have a drawer in my bathroom devoted to my Opks :haha: I could not be without them now.
I can completely relate to the temping.. I have to be in the right mood and my patterns always left me dazed and confused so meh I can take it or leave it.

Im currently cd07 and finished my :witch: break :thumbup:

Good luck to those nearing ovulation and catching those eggs :winkwink:
Welcome back musemama! Hopefully the only issue was timing and this is your cycle!

im approaching cycle day 10 which is when the action part of smep starts. im super excited to try something different!

So far rasberry leaf tea has been fairly good to me! i steep 3-4 bags overnight and ice them in the morning and drink it with raw milk. ( sometimes with coffee) does anyone know if mixing it with coffee negates the effects?
Welcome back musemama! Hopefully the only issue was timing and this is your cycle!

im approaching cycle day 10 which is when the action part of smep starts. im super excited to try something different!

So far rasberry leaf tea has been fairly good to me! i steep 3-4 bags overnight and ice them in the morning and drink it with raw milk. ( sometimes with coffee) does anyone know if mixing it with coffee negates the effects?

hi all!! looks like we are all pretty close to be cycle buddies :happydance: coming up on exciting times! ....before the next wait :coffee:

super - I'm not sure about mixing the tea :shrug: but I do think I am noticing a big difference with my CM - if that has anything to do with it. I got EWCM last night and I don't get that every month (but did get it for BFP month) so I'm excited :happydance:

hope all of you ladies are hanging in there. I'm on CD 12 today. Set to O in the next couple of days. I messed up the SMEP this weekend while I was away. we were staying with my sister and it just didn't work out. So I'm kinda bummed just because I'm totally type A and liked the idea of following a set plan, but I know I haven't O'ed yet so it will be fine. BD last night instead. using OPKs for the first time and wondering if the brand I got is too cheap. They are ICs, but not wondfo. Clinical guard. The second line is super faint, but it seemed darker yesterday than it is today which wouldn't make any sense. hopefully they get really dark and clear soon. maybe I'll start doing them twice a day instead of once.

FX this is our month :hugs:
Also back after a busy weekend.

musemama and beemeck: I use a digital OPK and yeah when you're really far from O the lines are pretty faint and then even the day before positive, the lines are still light for me. Hence the surge is obvious (for me) I like digital OPK because it interprets the results for you but you can still pop out the stick and look at the lines. They're expensive but good for people that are regular because you know approximately which days and it's just a matter of verifying the day.

Temping is good too except now it's darker in the morning when I wake up so I have a hard time distinguishing a 4 from a 9, and 1 from 7 -_-

it's :sex: week, my favorite week of the month :happydance: Wish every week could be O week.
Also back after a busy weekend.

musemama and beemeck: I use a digital OPK and yeah when you're really far from O the lines are pretty faint and then even the day before positive, the lines are still light for me. Hence the surge is obvious (for me) I like digital OPK because it interprets the results for you but you can still pop out the stick and look at the lines. They're expensive but good for people that are regular because you know approximately which days and it's just a matter of verifying the day.

Temping is good too except now it's darker in the morning when I wake up so I have a hard time distinguishing a 4 from a 9, and 1 from 7 -_-

it's :sex: week, my favorite week of the month :happydance: Wish every week could be O week.

hi PC - welcome back! good to know about others' experiences with OPKs - I feel like I hear differing things from other women and other brands. I might actually consider splurging on the digis if this month is flop. These ICs just drive me nuts and I am a regular person to be able to take the digis a few days out of each month.

I hate how dark it is getting in the AMs too! I need to invest in a therm with a backlight. I've been waking up when SO is getting ready for work so I'll take it and hand it off to him to read lol.

it is go-time for me too! let's catch those eggs! :happydance:
Hi All!! This gets to be my first post!! Okay, so I came off Depo a year ago knowing that after DH and I tied the knot we wanted to start trying immediately. We married last Saturday (OMG!) and I have just 3 pills left in my pack of BC. Needless to say, that while we know it might take awhile to readjust, we're super excited to start trying. I'm thrilled to *finally* get to be part of this community!

As a bit of history, I was a very skinny, low BMI teenager and was irregular until I went on BC at 20. I did BC until I was 27, then did two years of depo where I stopped AF the first month of depo and resumed it the first month I was off it at 29. I've done BC for the last year, and even missing two pills screws with my hormones. I'm hoping its an easy transition off and straight into baby making!

:D Can't wait! (I say that totally feeling like "She has no idea what long drawn out ordeal she's about to head into" haha).
@beemeck ive noticed better cm too! so far the quantity and quality are much better than other months at this point in the cycle. ive been on raspberry since cycle day 1 and black cohosh since cycle day 5. Today is cycle day 8 for me. 2 more days until the dance begins!

ive been on the cheapie opks and was confusing at first. i use them twice a day and keep them for several cycles as comparison. its been easier once i got the hang of my cycle.

How are the rest of you doing in your cycle?
Hi everyone!
Welcome to those who are new and those who have been on hiatus! :wave:
I haven't posted in a while but I've been meaning to. I've been really busy with work and there hasn't been a lot to report in regards to my cycle until the past couple of days. I had some EWCM yesterday and today, so i should be ovulating soon. I've been temping this cycle and I'm looking forward to seeing when I ovulate. I'm on CD 10 now and I don't usually see EWCM this early. Fortunately DH and I started BD'ing already on CD 8 and we'll be aiming for every other day (we're kind of following the smep plan, except without the OPK's) :)
sounds like we are all getting EWCM this cycle which is great!

I'm on CD 13. Waiting to O. 3 days in a row of EWCM with lots today... I should have done SMEP without opks too because they are driving me nuts lol :wacko: still just a super faint second line. Going to remember to take them twice tomorrow. But think I'm just gonna BD for the next three days anyway since I'm a regular O-er on those cycle days.

GL ladies!!
Well to all those who havent tried raspberry tea please look into it! i have never seen so much ewcm this early in my cycle! i took an opk just in case im o-ing ridiculously early ( cd8!) and it was negative.
Well to all those who havent tried raspberry tea please look into it! i have never seen so much ewcm this early in my cycle! i took an opk just in case im o-ing ridiculously early ( cd8!) and it was negative.

Ooh I didn't know RRL tea helps with EWCM. I did drink it a quite a bit last week. I've also been eating flax seed every day for breakfast and yesterday (CD11) started having loads of EWCM. Was pretty dry before that though. I guess it's just a hormone thing.
@psychochick I didnt know that raspberry tea would change my cm either! but thats the only new thing i have tried this cycle ( i havent been on black cohosh as long) and theres so much of it! sorry for the tmi lol

Wishing, hoping and praying for sticky babies this cycle!

ive noticed some cramping on my left pelvis yesterday so i feel like i may o sooner than i normally do. my charts are a bit thrown off by the cm change ( my app keeps recalculating my o day lol) taking 2x daily opks just in case. but my normal o day falls next week. Game faces ladies~!
I'm right with you PC - or at least I think.... my guess is that I o'd yesterday even though my temps say otherwise. I woke up before my normal time and took my temp so that it would be with 3 consistent hours of sleep. it was lower than it was yesterday, but when I woke up an hour later at my normal time, it was way high. so I'm not sure what to think. I once read that BBT readings are supposed to be your lowest resting body temp, so when in doubt, I always just put the lower of the two numbers. my pos opk was on Wed, so technically today still could be O day. only faint left pelvic pain yesterday, which is less common for me. (it's mostly blaring). we will keep BDing and hope for the best. my abundant EWCM is gone, so maybe my second temp was right afterall.

super - my apps were doing the same thing with all of the CM lol. hope you get your pos OPK soon. I was feeling SO confident about this cycle until my first temp this AM, but maybe that's for the best. Don't want to feel super let down if this isn't the month.....

GL to all!
Hi All!! This gets to be my first post!! Okay, so I came off Depo a year ago knowing that after DH and I tied the knot we wanted to start trying immediately. We married last Saturday (OMG!) and I have just 3 pills left in my pack of BC. Needless to say, that while we know it might take awhile to readjust, we're super excited to start trying. I'm thrilled to *finally* get to be part of this community!

As a bit of history, I was a very skinny, low BMI teenager and was irregular until I went on BC at 20. I did BC until I was 27, then did two years of depo where I stopped AF the first month of depo and resumed it the first month I was off it at 29. I've done BC for the last year, and even missing two pills screws with my hormones. I'm hoping its an easy transition off and straight into baby making!

:D Can't wait! (I say that totally feeling like "She has no idea what long drawn out ordeal she's about to head into" haha).

Hello! Congrats on your wedding and your start in the ttc adventure :thumbup: I was the exact same after my wedding - But thats what everyone sang as kids right? (First comes love, then comes marriage then comes MagicDance with a baby carriage!) :haha:

Goodluck it is exciting when you get to that ''ready'' place. Hopefully it shouldnt take long for your cycles to adjust either. :)
Wowza has everyone Ovulated without me lol! :D

I think I could possibly have a late one this time as I was early last cycle.:-k My predictions are never accurate mind you but this is my Fertile week according to Ovia. :winkwink:

I cant tell you all how glad I am its the weekend.. I treated myself to a large bag of goodies from Lush. Its been a hard week :( :shower: Oh also Octobers Cosmopolitan and a pizza last night. :pizza:
Hi All!! This gets to be my first post!! Okay, so I came off Depo a year ago knowing that after DH and I tied the knot we wanted to start trying immediately. We married last Saturday (OMG!) and I have just 3 pills left in my pack of BC. Needless to say, that while we know it might take awhile to readjust, we're super excited to start trying. I'm thrilled to *finally* get to be part of this community!

As a bit of history, I was a very skinny, low BMI teenager and was irregular until I went on BC at 20. I did BC until I was 27, then did two years of depo where I stopped AF the first month of depo and resumed it the first month I was off it at 29. I've done BC for the last year, and even missing two pills screws with my hormones. I'm hoping its an easy transition off and straight into baby making!

:D Can't wait! (I say that totally feeling like "She has no idea what long drawn out ordeal she's about to head into" haha).

hi awn! I feel bad I missed your post. Magic reminded me :haha: excited for you to join us! And you never know - SO and I decided to BD when I was O'ing a few days before our wedding and much to my surprise it worked! unfortunately the pregnancy was a cervical ectopic :cry: But I never thought I would have gotten pregnant that fast. I had not been on BC and we were careful, but still. I had never gotten knocked up in all that time. Just goes to show what a little intentional trying can do. Now if only it could happen again :dohh:

GL to you! keep us posted :hugs:
Wowza has everyone Ovulated without me lol! :D

I think I could possibly have a late one this time as I was early last cycle.:-k My predictions are never accurate mind you but this is my Fertile week according to Ovia. :winkwink:

I cant tell you all how glad I am its the weekend.. I treated myself to a large bag of goodies from Lush. Its been a hard week :( :shower: Oh also Octobers Cosmopolitan and a pizza last night. :pizza:

come join us in the TWW soon magic! :hugs: so glad you are treating yourself before go time. I adore Lush! I relaxed last night as well and it was lovely. Now at 2 DPO the plan is to stay as BUSY as possible so I don't drive myself nuts :wacko: no more relaxing for me - my mind would wander too far :baby::baby:

GL to all of the others too :hugs:

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