Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

Thanks again I have not been to a doctor....I cant afford it right now and i have to wait a year to be able to because i don't qualify for as soon as my job offers me health insurance i will be on it...I sure hope my lady parts are just taking a nap before they want to work hard on creating my little bean...I hope you get your bfp soon as well all baby dust our way!!!

Oh no! I honestly can't imagine what it's like not having healthcare as standard, here in the UK we pay into the national insurance all our working lives and we get everything free as a result (well, not prescriptions or eyecare or dental care but that's a small price to pay for free hospital care and doctors). Without the NHS we'd have been set back years on our TTC journey. Instead we're trying to beat the clock from the other side - they stop free funding at 35, before then you get three free cycles of IVF round here and obviously everything leading up to that. They've given me clomid right now to see if that helps kickstart my ovulating.

I hope your insurance comes in and you can get some answers soon enough. Tell you what though - sometimes it does take a while with no need for intervention, so fingers crossed that's the case for you. In fact, my aunt tried for about 20 years and finally got her boy - naturally - when she hit her mid forties. He's 18 now and such a lovely lad - well worth all the waiting for him. So it really can happen any time! :thumbup:
Hi everyone!
Its been a few years since I last visited this thread but remembered it recently.
My hubs and I have been together for 14 years this year and married for 6. I came fully off birth control in 2012 after getting married. I had been on some sort of birth control since 2006, mainly to deal with PCOS and endometriosis. In May or June of 2013 I got pregnant but lost that pregnancy. Then over 5 years only became pregnant in Oct last year. My husband has had kidney failure for longer than I have known him and had his second transplant in March of last year. After all that stress we were looking into options to help get pregnant, but I ruptured two discs in my back in October of last year. I was only about 3 weeks pregnant when this happened and this pregnancy was lost too. I am currently waiting on surgery so of course I cannot look into medical help to get pregnant while Im waiting :cry: I was just wondering what advice people may have on putting a plan in to place for when I am able to ask the drs for help. Although I am not old(35 this year) I do feel like I need help to crack on as only falling pregnant twice in 6 years and loosing both makes me think my body can't fall pregnant easily or indeed keep the pregnancy...thank you all in advance
Hi everyone this is my first time posting here
I have been trying for the past 6 months but nothing happens and I have tried to see my Gp who sort of blamed me for waiting this long to start trying which upset me. I have been checking my fertility and temperature and using ovulation sticks
I was wondering any other things I should be trying?
Hi ladies, been ttc for a year and half, had all kinds of tests, checked my ovulation and even had HSG to check ovaries but nothing :( the gynecologist told me to start taking folic acid and it helps when trying to conceive, any one heard this?

Hi Janemarie
I haven't heard of Folic Acid helping in conception, however I am not a doctor. From what I understand you should be taking Folic Acid as soon as you want to start trying because you can build up a reserve in your body and you want your reserve high if you do get pregnant since it's crucial for the spinal development of the baby.

Since you have been trying for over a year, i would recommend seeing an RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) to start some fertility methods. Have you tried Clomid or Femera? I am currently using Femera and I got my 5 pills from Walgreens for about $2 - depending on your insurance. But most RE's say you need to try for a year and then you can start fertility methods. Just a thought since you're over your year mark.
After two years of marriage my dear husband was finally ready to agree to start trying for a baby. The process of trying to conceive started off with a bubbly “I can’t wait to be pregnant” feeling in Nov 2016.
However, It’s July 2018 and my excitement has slowly turned into a tiresome despair. It feels like it’s been an excruciatingly long journey. I really want this area of my life to be filled with enjoyment and blessing. At the moment my hope feels robbed and I’m battling to stay encouraged.
Every potential pregnancy sign would get me so excited and I’ve spent so much money on pregnancy tests and ovulation sticks. We’ve been through the semen tests, which seemed to show low semen mobility. My HSG test shows a partially blocked fallopian tube and I’m on my first round of clomid.
It seems like everyone around me is falling pregnant at the drop of a hat and I feel left behind. I feel guilty for wanting to fall pregnant, rather than just happy for those around me. I feel weak for not being able to trust God 100% and that it’s effecting me so much.
I'm gonna apologize...I don't understand any of the abbreviations on here so I will not be using any lol<---------- &#128514;. But anyways...I havent posted for a while....and here I am baby and I guess no hope....I get emotional about it. I see all these pregnant women and I almost want to cry. My best friend is pregnant with her second baby...she didnt have to try hard at all. I even get irritated with her because she complains about difficulties and how her son is terrible...I'm jealous...that's all that's to it. I lie all the time about wanting children...i always bring it up to my mom but the honest truth is im afraid to mention i just dont think i can have children. I feel like im not allowed to even want children...I feel cursed. I dont feel like a woman most of the time. I feel ugly. I just feel like i deserve to be by myself with a bunch of cats. I never express how I feel to my husband because i dont think he takes me serious enough...i feel like i just dont have anyone who understands me truly...I guess its good to write to women possibly like me? I got emotional writing this lol but please...anyone can respond wether it be tough love or plain and simple support i want some feed back. Thanks

It's so sad when one is battling with something like infertility that this lie comes into our thoughts that we're cursed or that we don't deserve being pregnant. Glad you vented but maybe surround yourself with people that speak hope and encouragement over you- even when you no longer feel those things. Sometimes a true friend is your strength when you battle to hold onto hope and remain strong. sending hugs
Just chiming in with my vent here...reading often but never really felt the need to post.
DH Ana I have to ttc for almost a year now. Yesterday, for the first time everything was saying yes, yes, yes, go, go, go.

Had an ultrasound the day before which showed my dominant follicle at 2cm. Yesterday I decided to go in for my pap smear and the doctor said I had abundant EWCM.
Took my OPKs in the morning and everything was at peak.

DH couldn't perform. Shattered. Every other time, every other cycle it's been fine, but this time...nothing. And we haven't BD for 3+ days before that. Looks like I'm out this month before even having the tww. Apparently telling him I am ovulating and then leaving him at home for a couple of hours for him too nervous. So upset.
I actually hate this process of TTC already. And I’m only at the start of the journey and only 3 months in, with no success as yet. I feel selfish saying that as I know it can take everyone different time frames; some months, some years and years.
All my friends have either just had their newborns or are pregnant and it’s happened for them extremely quickly. They’re constantly asking me when I’m going to have a baby and I can’t even bring myself to tell them that Im TTC cos every month AF shows and I’m disappointed. Whilst I’m happy for them I’m also jealous. I feel so selfish!

I was convinced I maybe was this month...sore boobs, cramping, fatigue, I was needing to pee during the night which I never do...creamy CM. Then tonight I got light pink CM. AF due to arrive on Monday. I did an OPK last night as I’ve never used them before but just wanted a practice before I go all in this month. It looked positive which was weird. Also did a HPT which was BFN 3 days ago.
I’m out this month and feeling meh!

Rant over
Here I am back in the venting thread...*Sigh* Been trying for about a year now. To no avail. Recent development; my af was like clockwork up until last time I saw OH (April) then I had 3-4 days of super light pink spotting on paper and nothing else for May, June, or July. Hospital urine test came up negative. So I am frustrated and at a loss. I am going into a walk in clinic tomorrow to see if I can get help and get some answers. It is extremely frustrating though, because my best friend is due with her first child this month. The 21st to be exact. Which is the day AFTER when my child would have been due if I hadn't miscarried. The sad part is my friend never even wanted children, and up until she was about 6 months into her pregnancy with Adam, and I snapped at her for drinking and smoking and using weed well pregnant she STILL did not want children.

Only since I snapped at her has she really stepped up and prepared to be a mom. It's frustrating that both she and her twin sister, neither wanted children. My friend is pregnant with number one, her sister is pregnant with number 3. Neither of them wanted children but they both get them, and all I want is ONE child and it seems the forces that be are completely against me having one and it is heart wrenching. I'm so tired of people saying "it will happen when the time comes." I'm getting more and more doubtful as time passes.

Not only am I starting to doubt I will ever get to be a mother, I am also starting to doubt I will ever be okay. I worry that if I can't give OH children, he will walk out on me, like my ex husband did after we miscarried. It's just a whirlwind of emotion.

All I want is a little rainbow to hold in my arms, I don't know why that seems to be way to much to ask...

Well here is to hoping the walk-in clinic goes well, and we figure out why AF hasn't shown her ugly face. Maybe I am pregnant and it's just one of those weird situations where I got false negatives, maybe it is PCOS or Endometriosis. We will just have to wait and see. I don't hold my hopes too highly for the chance of being pregnant. But guess I can't rule it out till a doctor tells me via ultrasound that I am not.
Does anyone else hate when someone makes the announcement that they are pregnant and you feel like the whole room looks at you like "we are waiting on youuuu..."

It happened in church on Sunday.. Our pastor announced his wife and him were expecting their 2nd. I was so happy for them but deep down I couldn't hold back my tears. I had to walk out.. My husband started rubbing my back and then my mom touched my shoulder like "it will happen".. then the tears came flooding out..I felt selfish that I wasn't happy for them but I was.. I just couldn't hold back my tears..

TTC for 8 blocked tube. 7dpo. First meeting with specialist tomorrow. So nervous they will suggest surgery : (
I feel a need to vent even though i am only on my first cycle ttc... though i have empathy for those of you who are a lot further ahead in your journeys!
I was on the wtt wagon for 6 years with depression over waiting so long. Ive been through my SIL accidental pregnancy, my sister with 2 unplanned and recently my cousin accidental after only 6 months of dating.

I feel horrible to admit i feel so jealous, especially when she says she not even excited and conplains all the time about how horrible it all is and keeps saying things that at least i dont have to deal with this. (She knows i had a mini meltdown when they told me and also that i am heartbroken at waiting so long to even begin trying). I dont show these feelings in case i upset her and am trying to be supportive but i need to think of my own mental health... i think af is showing up tonight so am just feeling very disappointed.

I am new to this site as well. Finally got the guts to sign up after finding myself looking for comfort and reassurance from you ladies the past few months.

On TTC cycle 7 at the moment and slowly losing hope. :( we have been having sex around our expected ovulation (I have the FLO app) and no luck yet.

This month however I learned that I got more “in the mood” and wet down there AFTER my predicted ovulation date as per my app. So I’m thinking I ovulate a lot later in my cycle? My cycle is between 26-28 days.

Any body in the same boat as me? Already had a rude family friend embarrass me by telling me “how conceiving works” and when I should be having sex with my husband... as if I’m a child and don’t know anything

Trying to stay optimistic for next month, and planning on trying pre seed and ovulation predictor strips. Any thoughts?
New to ttc and feeling discouraged before we’ve even begun... After a couple months of deciding “in the moment” to not use protection, my DH and I agreed to officially ttc. I bought the OPKs, lurked on here quite a bit, started tracking cm, etc. I was super excited to try.

Fast forward to a few days ago when my opk levels seemed to be ramping up and I asked if he would be ready to bd for the next few days, he says of course! His parents are staying with us for a week for the holiday, so that has already made things complicated. Last night (day before O) was Thanksgiving (=gluttony), so of course no action then, and then this morning I got a blazing positive Opk! Made it through another day with his parents (seemingly the billionth day one in a row), and when we finally go to bed he says he is too full from dinner and doesn’t feel like it. Then goes on to say he doesn’t seriously believe “that’s how it works - that it’s so time sensitive”.

I know I shouldn’t feel this frustrated but I can’t help it. I feel like there’s ALWAYS going to be something - next month we are with my family at Xmas - the month after that he’ll be stressed from work or not in the mood from eating & drinking too much with his buddies... I also feel like he isn’t going to take it seriously if he can’t even keep from having a second helping of mashed potatoes and that last glass of wine. I mean, I did...?

I know this is petty. And I don’t want to come off as obsessed with ttc or making him feel like I only want to have sex during O time, but once I decide to do something I go all in. I worry all the time about being 35 and wasting time. What if we have trouble conceiving? I know he doesn’t understand that either.

Anyhow, Thanks for the rant.
Only been TTC for 3-4 months now but as soon as we decided we wanted to get pregnant, it seems all friends of ours who weren't trying / wanting to get pregnant are now pregnant while we're waiting and wondering. Super sad and frustrating. Trying to keep positive as we're still young and it's only been a few months, but damn I can't help how upsetting it is. (Thank you. Been dying to say this somewhere since I feel guilty saying it to anyone I personally know...)
Hey everyone! I’m new here. A little background of what’s going on with TTC, my husband and I have been trying over 4 years now to conceive. I am seeing a fertility doctor as of last december and we started clomed last February. It was a success because I became pregnant! Everything was going wonderfully by 8 weeks I was told to start seeing my OBGYN instead of the fertility doctor. Two weeks after being released from the fertility doctor.. I had my
Appointment with the OBGYN and they couldn’t detect a heart beat. I had a miscarriage. I ended up having to have a D&C in May. I was 10 weeks. Now.. this December after losing a lot of weight (50) to be exact, I’m here trying to start again. I started clomed this past Friday. I’m hoping this will be a success now that I lost a lot of weight and I’m healthier.
I wish people would stop telling me how long it’ll probably take me to get pregnant. I know it may take that long. But can you just let me be excited to start trying? I don’t need to spiral into a depression already.
ALSO I am suppose to be ovulating today according to my cycle app but the OPK is negative. I’m so frustrated. This is cycle 1 of our TTC journey and I’m already pissed.

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