Another Christmas ... another round of dealing with "when are you going to have children ?"
I am also so annoyed that all people can say is - Why not adopt? There are so many unwanted children out there who need a home.
Firstly, I do not think I am selfish wanting to have my own child. If I am not at peace with myself as I cannot conceive, would i be able to give an adopted child a happy home? I think not.
Secondly, adoption is not as easy as everyone thinks it is. It's not like a pet store ( apologies for the grim and rude comparison) where you choose something and take it home. I have had friends who tried to adopt in England but have been told things like "One of you is working... how do you expect to be a good dad when you cannot be around that much?"
Now in where I live, you can't adopt a child unless it is from a particular country and you must be able to speak German.
While I applaud people who do adopt, it is not for everyone and I shouldn't be deemed as selfish because I don't want to adopt.
sooo pissed me doc did nothing for me today. made apt to ask bout my period being so irregular and long and very short and brown spotting not a real period. She did zero tests and just told me to eat a cookie and relax. Are you kidding me!! What kind of advice is that! She says its because my estrogen is low. But yet she didn't even do any tests to confirm that!!!
I hate when doctors do that! I dont think they realize how rude and smug they come off when they pretty much laugh in our face and send us home! eat a cookie?? what kind of mess is that?? Dont be scared to stand up to your doctor! If you want tests done tell her "I want to be tested thats what im here for today. please and thank you." thats her job to listen to you and do what you need her to do! My last doctor tried to tell me that i didnt have PCOS (i was diagnosed by another doctor, and its in my medical record) because apparently im too young to have it!i swear.. i could slap these Docs sometimes
Get this!!! I asked her 'so you don't think I have PCOS or anything right' and she said "I don't even know what you mean by that" What kind of GYNO doc does not know what PCOS is!!!????? I'm switching docs that is for sure. Her bedside mannor is terrible!![]()
Hey ladies, Needing to vent here! Today is the day im suppose to start (The ticker at the bottom is off a bit) and after this christmas i just want to curl in a ball and cry.
My hubby and I have been TTC for 6 years and things are so crazy when it comes to our TTC journey... including me hitting the hubby with the car while taking clomid...but this christmas was esp hard because my sister who is now 6 mo pregnant with number 4 and my cousin who is pregnant with num 1 by accident (she said they were just practicing not actually trying which upsets me so much more) and also count my brother who had his little girl last dec 28th so this was her first christmas. All day long i heard about their pregnancies and how much my niece has grown over the year...blah blah blah.... it took every ounce of my being to hold it together. I cried the whole way there and home. Well christmas eve I started getting these sharp pains around my pelvic bone that has stopped me in my tracks every time. not thinking much of them i ignored it and went to bed. Christmas morning it got so much worse and eventually faded late christmas night leaving me in pain both mentally and physically all christmas. On top of that my husbands cousins just had their second baby. This is the same woman that told me that (after 10 yrs of unprotected sex with my husband) and me going to the drs that she got her iud out at the same time because she just knew that we would be pregnant together. Mind you it has been TEN YEARS with no protection without me being late once or getting a positive test. No signs or symptoms and completely regular to the day almost. So why on earth would she think that. Come to find out she had been trying to one up me which she admitted later that month. Well she just had her baby last night and i was ok with it (we are friends but it is still hard for me to be happy). This morning I looked at FB (which is the devil) and there are like 10 pics of the baby and i scroll across one of her husband holding her baby girl and smiling the biggest smile and it broke my heart. Ive been crying since 6 am and all i want is for that to be me and my husband. Just once.
My family is no where near supportive honestly they dont care about anyone but themselves. I feel as if i failed my husband and he thinks hes failed me. no one knows why it hasnt happened. I just want my heart to stop breaking right now. for just one day to go by where i dont cry and feel my heart shattering piece by piece!