
is over 1 week late. Symptoms are-
*tender as hell bbs
*quite a lot of cm, goes from ew to creamy and back to ew
*achy back
*eating myself out of house and home
*slight twinges and cramps on lower abdomen, was more left side but now it varies
*at least 3 dreams each night which I remember when I wake like they were real.
My bbs usually hurt right at ovulation, however this time they started about 4-5 days ago which I thought was odd, I do breakout in spots around the date is due but this time I've had them popping up thoughout the month and in places on my face I don't usually get them.
I've done 2 tests , IC (thin strip tests, pink dye) and each time

I've used (fmu and tmu) this site I've found says tmu is more accurate... Not sure how true it is but here's the link....
I don't temp chart or use opk..... Me and oh just bd all the time haha. If I haven't caught this month ill definitely chart and use opks nc.
So that's me and my cycle/body in a nutshell, what do you ladies think?