Saw a show on TV earlier today called "Secretly Pregnant", which featured a 30 year old woman, still living with her parents, afraid to tell her parents that she is pregnant with her boyfriend's baby. YOU'RE A 30 YEAR OLD WOMAN. IF YOU DIDN'T WANT TO GET PREGNANT THEN USE SOME BLOODY PROTECTION. AND FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, GET YOUR OWN HOUSE ALREADY! Grrrrrrr.
To top it off (and not TTC related) I missed a promising job interview today because the bus I needed never bothered to show up. The company said there wasn't any other opputunities coming up atm so they're "keeping my details". I take one step forward and a million back.
I am sick of job hunting. I am sick of living with my parents (funny when you consider my comments above). I am sick of not being pregnant, being 74 days late for no reason and not getting help from the doctors because they think nothing is wrong just because a blood test done over a month ago says so. I am waking up every day, finally at a place in my life where my depression isn't taking over everything I do and I actually want to get out of bed and live my life, but it's as if the world doesn't want me to have anything and I don't understand why.
I have never been one to cause a scene, but I feel like I'm at the point of snapping.
I reached out to my "friends" earlier just in search of some cheering up, but instead just had the usual people being nosey so that they could talk about something when they get bored of talking about themselves.
What the heck am I honestly meant to do with myself right now????