Hi, my husband and I (both 28 years old) have been together for very soon 9 years and have been trying for a baby since July 2013, so one year exactly. We found out that his sperm count is low (10 mil) so the doctor still wants him to take another test since it can change. I am having a hsg dye test in two days to make sure everything is fine with me, even though my cycles are everywhere, from 29 to 41 days. This morning, I read the post on Facebook and what do I not see, my cousin who got married last week, who has been with her new husband for 2 year (on and off), is pregnant. She even wrote to a friend's question that she stopped the pill two weeks ago. OMG! Like really!?! You had to write that. Especially that you know people on your Facebook have been trying for a year. I was so sad. Yes I am happy for her but I am getting tired of being happy and smiling for everyone else. I am 28 years old, in a very stable relationship, and I can't have one. So Facebook makes me mad once a week for other baby postings.