Hello everyone! I'm very happy I found this site and I hope to be able to meet some women going through similar situations as my own, because at this point in TTC I'm just frustrated and heartbroken. My husband and I have been TTC for over a year. I'm 25 and he's 30 and we half expected to get pregnant within three months of trying because of our ages (a stupid assumption). When that didn't happen we thought, "Okay, I bet by 6 months of TTC we'll be pregnant." Well, now we're going on month 14. I have a doctors appointment in exactly a week and I'm very nervous. Both my husband and I went to a doctor about 10 months of TTC in and the doctor didn't even physically examine me. He asked me a bunch of questions and determined from my answers that a physical examination wasn't needed at that point, which in my mind is ridiculous. If anything, being looked at and tested then would have made me at least relax. So now I'm, of course, assuming the worst: I'm infertile, my husband is infertile and I'll never get the honor and privilege of being a mommy. I'm praying to God that that's not the case, but it's hard not to let those types of thoughts flood your mind when you're so desperately trying to have a baby. And, like it seems like a lot of people are going through, EVERYONE around me is pregnant. No, seriously, EVERYONE. My best friend, her sister, my husbands best friends wives, their friends...I know at least five pregnant people right now who all say "it was an accident/big surprise" to find out they were pregnant. GRRR! As much as I try to talk to my husband about my frustrations, he just doesn't seem to understand what I'm feeling. We've tried it all: k-cups, preseed, every position in the book, eating organic and exercising, cutting out caffeine...I'm at a loss at what to do now. I suppose the doctors will give me some insight, but until then, I just needed to VENT and hopefully get some feedback, maybe even success stories from women who have been TTC for a while? I'm sorry this was so long...I just wanted to tell my whole story! Sending out baby dust and positivity to everyone TTC!