Trying To Conceive #1+ Vent Thread

Waiting4PFT - The struggle is definitely real! No matter your timeline, I can totally understand that defeated feeling. It's been so helpful for me to discuss and share my personal story and hear (read) all of the other ladies on there going through the same types of things. It's also really helpful to read the other women going through different things than me and broadening sensitivity to the different circumstances surrounding fertility, conception and pregnancy. It feels so much better to discuss it. Sending lots of baby dust your way!
Hi all, I am so disappointed, I got a positive test yesterday followed by 3 negatives today.😢
Hi everyone. Long time stalker of the site, new to posting. I decided to finally post because I'm having an emotionally hard time with this whole process. I started TTCing almost a year ago and had two back to back chemical pregnancies in November and December. Since then, my cycles have been way out of whack (ranging from 50 to 60 days). Doctor put me on birth control in June to "restart" things and just started AF. My first pregnancy would've been due this month, so I'm having a tough time right now on this journey, especially thinking that I could've had a baby right now. I'm honestly just venting, but I was hoping you all can help me with ways you all deal with this stress. I've been super depressed lately and I can't stop thinking about it all.
I'm glad we have this little vent thread. Very much so needed. I think the thing that is stressing me out most about this entire process, is I miscarried back in Feb, due to a mold infestation in my old apartment that hospitalized me. I was 12 weeks along. I have been dealing with the miscarriage pretty well, up until my DH left, he blamed me for the miscarriage left and filed for separation. Now I've found someone to help me, a friend I went to high school with and all has been pretty okay thus far, but now all of my friends around me are getting pregnant. I was given the go ahead to start trying as of June. So I have been trying, all of my friends are getting pregnant easily, and I'm struggling. Like right now I am 7 days late for my period, but last hpt I did came back a BFN. So I don't know whats going on with my body and why it's all outta waco or whatever. But I want nothing more than to be a mom, and it feels like every force in the universe is against me right now.
Hey ladies,

Long time follower of this site, but a first time posting. We have been TTC for 7 months. I know in the grand scheme of things that is not terribly long. Honestly, I wasn't so worried about it until friends and family started to act like someone must be wrong. When I went to the OB in January she told me to come back after one year of trying and that most couples are pregnant within the first year. I was fine with that and really thought it would happen for us pretty quickly. Now that it hasn't happened, I am starting to become more aware of my body and over analyzing things. Even silly things like " Are we doing this right?". I track my ovulation and document everything. Still no luck. I am in the middle of my ovulation cycle and basically stood on my head for 30 minutes post dtd. The only thing I can think of is that I have a small complex cyst on my left ovary- it ruptures and returns . This has been around for about 8 months and my OB said its normal and that you can still get preg . I am starting to think WTF.. and is there some sort of secret to get pregnant that no one is sharing.
So sorry Keemae. Hang in there- I know it is really frustrating and emotionally draining. Sending hugs your way.
Hey Y'all ! I just read over MOST of the comments ! I have to say it's good being back ! I need this positive energy in my life ! My fiancé and I have been trying for our first baby since around November . For the past 2 months We've tried not to be so OBSESSED with specifc dates & when to get intimate etc so we can keep our minds off the stress of the entire thing ! When we first started we tried to stick with my app which is usually really close to being on point with my period , it's only like a few days off , so we would try and have sex during the predicted days , & got no luck , so then the next couple of months I decided to try a couple days later than predicted days because since my period comes a few days after the predicted date on the app I figured I may be ovulated later than I think . But still no luck . So then we started to just stop trying , and now that's basically what we're doing to see if when our mind is off of it , will it help ! So far the first 2 months haven't been any luck , so I'm wishing sometime soon we will get lucky with our first baby ! My predicted ovulation on the app was the 17th of July , but I'm not sure if we got intimate before then . I do know for a fact that we did have unprotected sex on the 20th though ! So with like I said with the app being a little off from my period .. maybe ovulation occurred ? I'm just gonna keep my fingers crossed and wish for the best !:)
Hey ladies,

Long time follower of this site, but a first time posting. We have been TTC for 7 months. I know in the grand scheme of things that is not terribly long. Honestly, I wasn't so worried about it until friends and family started to act like someone must be wrong. When I went to the OB in January she told me to come back after one year of trying and that most couples are pregnant within the first year. I was fine with that and really thought it would happen for us pretty quickly. Now that it hasn't happened, I am starting to become more aware of my body and over analyzing things. Even silly things like " Are we doing this right?". I track my ovulation and document everything. Still no luck. I am in the middle of my ovulation cycle and basically stood on my head for 30 minutes post dtd. The only thing I can think of is that I have a small complex cyst on my left ovary- it ruptures and returns . This has been around for about 8 months and my OB said its normal and that you can still get preg . I am starting to think WTF.. and is there some sort of secret to get pregnant that no one is sharing.

I totally agree with you ! I've been Ttc for the past 8 months with no luck !
We just have to remain positive !
I am 6 dpo, and am experiencing serious (really serious ) bloating. The bloating has lasted for 5 days now and does not look anywhere close to going down now. Everybody around me thinks am pregnant, when am actually waiting to test myself.
Has this been normal for anybody here, and what has the solution been?

I need help please.
Hey ! First time posting . Hi all been ttc for 2 years now with 2nd frozen cycle next Monday . Just feels like everyone in the world is pregnant right now and not me . Feeling happy starting next week but short tempered and wee bit down . Went out the other day with 3 pregnant women a women with a baby and one with a child and found out very close friend pregnant last week !!!!!! I'm so happy for them but ... you know what it's like xxxxx
Hey go back and tell the doctor your anxiety. I was fortunate to have a great doctor who put me in the fertility waiting list (uk) . Did a blood tes to make sure ovulating and check eggs . Sent me to gynocalogist to check for endremetosis.
I know how you guys feel. I have been trying for 8 years, on and off again due to work. I have seen countless friends becoming pregnant. I am really happy for them. At the same time I get upset at myself for not being able to conceive and bitter towards them because they are pregnant. I have also thought that there must be a Secret that no one is sharing. I have been to different fertility drs. They have done the regular tests on me and dh. Everything came back fine. I want to tell dh that I want to really start trying again, but I'm afraid that he will get emotionally crushed by BFN or AF. Sorry for this long post, but I needed to get it off my chest.
I know how you guys feel. I have been trying for 8 years, on and off again due to work. I have seen countless friends becoming pregnant. I am really happy for them. At the same time I get upset at myself for not being able to conceive and bitter towards them because they are pregnant. I have also thought that there must be a Secret that no one is sharing. I have been to different fertility drs. They have done the regular tests on me and dh. Everything came back fine. I want to tell dh that I want to really start trying again, but I'm afraid that he will get emotionally crushed by BFN or AF. Sorry for this long post, but I needed to get it off my chest.

I completely understand how you're feeling it's devastating when you get a BFN , but we just have to keep our spirits high ! Our times will come ! I'm currently waiting for ad , fx she doesn't show !
Thank you, I honestly thought what I am/was feeling was just me.

I will keep my fx for you and everyone else who is Ttc
I just got a BFN today. I really thought it was going to be a BFP, mostly due to the fact that my temps have been going up. Not even a little drop down. I started to temp 4 days ago, because I wanted to get use to waking up and temping at the same time every day. My temps are higher than normal(back when I was temping). I know I have already o this month. I guess it is now the waiting game for AF. I just can't believe I let my hopes get up due to 4days of temps rising.

Hopefully everyone else is doing better than I am.
I'm SUPER sorry to hear that , I haven't tested yet , I'm currently 4 days late but my period usually is about 4-6 days late idk what , so I'm just waiting for AF , and if she doesn't come this week then OMG I'll be super happy ! Just keep your spirit high , I have only been ttc for 8 months and it's been restless and very tiring ! Also it's been really emontional , but I just believe my GOD will bless us ��
Well AF just left me, so back to trying and waiting and hoping and praying! It's hard at the moment because my partner is on business in NYC. I'm going down to see him between the 20th and 23rd, but we will see if we get lucky this cycle or not I am hopeful!
Hey Ladies , so yesterday would mark me 5 days late , today (6) and last night before I went to bed I went to the restroom because I kept feeling like I was wet like I was
Gonna start my period , and when I came to the restroom & wiped , there was a little bit of blood , so I stuck a tampon in for safety lol & went to sleep . Woke up this morning and I didn't feel super wet like I probs Would on my period , so I went to the restroom to check the tampon & when I took it out , it barely had any blood on it , LIKE BARELY , and the little bit it did have looked a little old , so I'm thinking this may be spotting ? I've never been pregnant so I wouldn't know what implantation/spotting looks like ! What do you ladies think ? FX for all of us !
My husband has a very demanding job and comes home very tired on most days, if he is not away on business. Likewise I work too but compared to him I am trying very hard to prioritise the fact that we are ttc. I am 35 and he is 43 and besides really wanting children we are one of the only couples in our surrounding who don't have children yet and I keep being asked about it anywhere I go. My husband thinks it will come whenever it is meant to be but he is not really trying and some months we end up having sex just 2-3 times. Last night we had a huge fight as he felt like I am forcing him to 'do it' and he completely retreated. (Ovulation kit showed smiley face). I am so frustrated!!
TTC #2.

Just finished AF this will be 1st month TTC for #2 😍
We hope for a BFP on Christmas Day!

My name's Grace. We (DS 4yo & DP) live in Gippsland Victoria Australia. We have just become home owners and are looking to fill that 3rd bedroom with a lil pitter patter!
Expected to O from 1st-6th December! Will be DTD none stop to get that wonderful Christmas present!

Baby dust to all

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