Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

so so sorry hunni:cry::cry:
look after each other and take care :cry:
i too lost my lil man at 19 weeks on 1/1/11 so really know the pain your going through right now:cry:
LADIES! i miss you guys, get to talking again!
HI ladies. I have been MIA because I have been out of town. MY Aunt came who I had never met. We took off looking for long lost family members that have passed away. We found tons of family and at the same time we got to know each other. It was an amazing trip. I took my daughter with us. So we had girl time. We ended up in St. Louis on Thursday night. We went to the arch. Walked all over St. Louis it was fun. We then went to Southern Missouri. We had a family reunion and then came home. My wonderful husband drove the boys down there Friday night. And ladies I have to say I think that was the best idea. Becuase we missed each other and it was O time. So We did lots of bding. Came home last night. The whole time my fibromyalgia was acting up. So I came home and took some pain meds and passed out. I love my heating pad when it happens. So I got a ++ test yesterday and on Saturday I had tons of eggwhite with a twinge of red in it. I haven't had that since last summer. So I know it was a strong O. I really think that I O'd Saturday but it was so hot out that I kept drinking water so my test was dark but still not dark enough to say it was +++ on Saturday. Yesterday I was dry. Then my test this morning was -- So we shall see.
TTC I am so sorry for your loss.
As for Tater I am not sure if she will be coming back. I know she has been very busy. And she has been enjoying the warm weather.
My hubby is supposed to leave on Friday so I am sure these days are going to go fast. How is everyone?
I have been busy adn sick lately sorry I havent been on to much. This weekend were going camping so today im going to do some shopping to get ready :) then monday morning is my 12 week us I was going to bring the kids but I had a dream that I did bring them and the dr. saw that the baby wasnt moving and I was totally freaked out and had al the kids and it was just a mess soooo I decided not to bring them and i will let them come when i find out the sex :) im sure everything is fine with the baby I just let that dream get the best of me!!! damn crazy preggo deams!
Dash is your ms gone yet? you must have a nice bump going on I cant wait to have a real bump that looks like im preggo and not a fat ass!
Faith and sweets how do ou guys feel about this cycle?
cdn how are you doing lady?
herbie how is your pregnancy going?
Momma- there is hope, my MS isnt GONE but it has subsided a lot. I usually only get to feeling bad later in the day. Ive noticed for me tired=sick.

My muscles are SHOT. I feel like Ive got baby falling out of everywhere! I never toned back up my core before getting pregnant (from the TR distention) and everything is just...falling out of places. Lol. Not to mention I had some extra cushion on my tummy anyways. I look way more pregnant than I am. Its almost embarrassing sometimes to say I'm due in November because I look so big! I also noticed my pelvic floor is weaker- Im feeling the baby LOW down in there, sometimes so low it scares the shit out of me.

Lissa glad you had an awesome time! Im envious, a vacation sounds SO nice right now!
Hi Ladies:)

Much like the rest of ya, I've been really busy, too:wacko:

I'm waiting to O...neg test yest. which means I won't be Oing on CD16 like last cycle...but probably back to my usual CD18 or 19..boooo:( Anyway, I've had lots of CM...some tinged with pink or brown...yest was EW so I KNOW O time is right around the corner. I plan to test again this afternoon. I usually alternate sides and this cycle I *should* be Oing on the right BUT I've been having strong pains on the left again. :shrug:

Maca is going well:) I've been taking 2000mg daily (2 w/breakfast, 2/w lunch) and so far, no insomnia issues. I know this is a common side effect of Maca. Dh is taking the same amount as well. I *hope* this gives us the boost we need:winkwink: not sure how much affect it will have for this cycle since I didn't start it at the beginning. Time will tell:flower:

We're having BEAUTIFUL weather:happydance: and for some reason, the days seem busier when the weather is so nice:shrug: strange.

CDN: How are you doing? Where are you in your cycle?

Lissa: Sounds like you had a memorable trip:thumbup: I hope you and DH caught the egg before he takes off:hugs:
Dash you will have to post a pic I would love to see your big baby bumP :) im glad your feeling better hopefully it doesnt last the whole pregnancy, ]
Faith macca root what does that do again? lots of cm thats a great sign Ihope you guys catch that egg this month im reall routing for you!!!!!!
:happydance:wow Momma it feels like you were just finding out you were prego. Now you are 10 weeks. I can't believe it.
I am feeling pretty positive about us catching it this month only because my hubby and I hadn't seen each other in 3 days and when we saw each other it wasn't about TTC it was about how much we missed each other. I can only imagine afte 3 months of not seeing each other. That will be so hard but amazing the night he gets home.. :):sex: lol Hoping we will get it this month so I am not so down. As we have talked about not trying anymore after August. He has actually said he has thought about getting tied when he comes home if we haven't gotten pg yet. As our youngest starts school in August. So we will see. I am hoping he gets placed somewhere close so that I can go and see him. Our 10 yr wedding anniversary is July 3rd. I told him if he is within 10 hours I will drive there.
sweets I really hope you caught it there is nothing like bding when your in it for love and not just baby making I really think it makes a difference :) wow your willing to drive 10 hours you go girl thats dedication!!! you did not go through all this stress to end in him getting fixed you have had such a journey I need you to end it with a baby lol and you can tell him I said "I need " im sure he will thnk im nuts lmao I will keep my fx for your bfp this month
I agree- you did all this for a reason! It would suck to make a big decision like that again and end up regretting it.
Yes it would. I really hope we got it. If not I will be Oing the day before my anniversary. Also we were informed yesterday evening that they are not sure now if he is going to be getting this job. It is very frusterating. We were ready to close it up say we were done, and the same day we went to sell we got this call. Now it has been a month at first it was supposed to be the end of May then the first week in June then the 13th now maybe July. We have a family to feed and a house to pay for. What killed me was I called this lady yesterday about 10. and she said she was so busy. Then when she called me back she said she didn't have anything. And all she works on is walmart projects.. So to me it makes no sense. So Kevin and I talked and starting monday he is going to go and look for a job here in Columbus. If this lady wasn't in California I would kick her in the butt. Anyway thanks for letting me vent.
Hi ladies. Wow, feels like I've been gone forever. Looks like there is some sad news and some good news all around. I will have to take some time to go back and read the posts thoroughly and respond. It's been pretty crazy here with the end of the year recitals, musicals and fine arts concerts. Something everynight, it's nuts! I've been kind of avoiding the whole ttc discussions because I am feeling so lost. My m/c was 3.5 weeks ago. My last beta was last week and it was 97 so that was surprising. My bbs are on fire! Huge, swollen and soooooo sore. Went to my RE yesterday as he wanted to see if I still had tissue in my uterus. Uterus was all clear but he said I had a cyst on both ovaries. He said "that's weird, I don't remember seeing these on your last u/s report". I know they didn't see a cyst on the last u/s because I specfically asked because I had tenderness that almost felt like it must be a cyst. This was at the hospital so I can't be 100% sure they didn't see one and just didn't include it on the report but I'm pretty sure. He said typically the cysts are indicitive of ovulation but that would be unlikely with hcg in my body. I really feel like I o'd about 10 days ago but he says doubtful. I only have been randomly temping but keep giving up because my heart just isn't in it. Though, my temps do appear to be higher and similar to my after O temps. He suggested I could take these vaginal suppositories that would bring on my period and he prescribed them for me. I asked him if there was any chance I could have conceived again and that's why my symptoms are so strong. He said it's possible but unlikely but if I wanted to wait to take the meds, he's ok with that, just in case. I know I'm just grasping here but what could be going on? I read the care sheet for the meds and they are specifically for bringing on a m/c in early pregnancy. Why would I take these if I already miscarried and there is no residual tissue in my uterus? I do want to stop feeling pregnant but am scared to take anything. I did take an ic yesterday and it was still positive. I just don't know what to do.....
I thought I would stop by and let you ladies know that I lost my baby girl last Monday at 20 weeks and 4 days. She was healthy but the hemmorage that I had hide behide the placenta and formed blood clots. The clots made the placenta erupt.Making no oxygen,blood and nutrience getting to my angel baby. I miss and love her so much.

Oh sweetie, how totally and utterly devestating. I am so sorry for the loss of your baby girl. Hugs and prayers to you and your family.
Yes it would. I really hope we got it. If not I will be Oing the day before my anniversary. Also we were informed yesterday evening that they are not sure now if he is going to be getting this job. It is very frusterating. We were ready to close it up say we were done, and the same day we went to sell we got this call. Now it has been a month at first it was supposed to be the end of May then the first week in June then the 13th now maybe July. We have a family to feed and a house to pay for. What killed me was I called this lady yesterday about 10. and she said she was so busy. Then when she called me back she said she didn't have anything. And all she works on is walmart projects.. So to me it makes no sense. So Kevin and I talked and starting monday he is going to go and look for a job here in Columbus. If this lady wasn't in California I would kick her in the butt. Anyway thanks for letting me vent.
Muffin, self employment sucks! My dh owns his own business and it's always feast or famine. Things have been pretty slow for him too and I feel like I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Fingers crossed that this job pans out.
I have been busy adn sick lately sorry I havent been on to much. This weekend were going camping so today im going to do some shopping to get ready :) then monday morning is my 12 week us I was going to bring the kids but I had a dream that I did bring them and the dr. saw that the baby wasnt moving and I was totally freaked out and had al the kids and it was just a mess soooo I decided not to bring them and i will let them come when i find out the sex :) im sure everything is fine with the baby I just let that dream get the best of me!!! damn crazy preggo deams!
Dash is your ms gone yet? you must have a nice bump going on I cant wait to have a real bump that looks like im preggo and not a fat ass!
Faith and sweets how do ou guys feel about this cycle?
cdn how are you doing lady?
herbie how is your pregnancy going?
12 weeks? OMG, the time is really flying Momma! I'm so excited to hear about your scan. It will be awesome. Pictures please!
Momma- there is hope, my MS isnt GONE but it has subsided a lot. I usually only get to feeling bad later in the day. Ive noticed for me tired=sick.

My muscles are SHOT. I feel like Ive got baby falling out of everywhere! I never toned back up my core before getting pregnant (from the TR distention) and everything is just...falling out of places. Lol. Not to mention I had some extra cushion on my tummy anyways. I look way more pregnant than I am. Its almost embarrassing sometimes to say I'm due in November because I look so big! I also noticed my pelvic floor is weaker- Im feeling the baby LOW down in there, sometimes so low it scares the shit out of me.

Lissa glad you had an awesome time! Im envious, a vacation sounds SO nice right now!
I bet you look adorable with your baby bump. Just throw on a sundress and let it all hang out. I would love to see pics of your tummy. I love pregnant bumps! Hugs:)
Hi Ladies:)

Much like the rest of ya, I've been really busy, too:wacko:

I'm waiting to O...neg test yest. which means I won't be Oing on CD16 like last cycle...but probably back to my usual CD18 or 19..boooo:( Anyway, I've had lots of CM...some tinged with pink or brown...yest was EW so I KNOW O time is right around the corner. I plan to test again this afternoon. I usually alternate sides and this cycle I *should* be Oing on the right BUT I've been having strong pains on the left again. :shrug:

Maca is going well:) I've been taking 2000mg daily (2 w/breakfast, 2/w lunch) and so far, no insomnia issues. I know this is a common side effect of Maca. Dh is taking the same amount as well. I *hope* this gives us the boost we need:winkwink: not sure how much affect it will have for this cycle since I didn't start it at the beginning. Time will tell:flower:

We're having BEAUTIFUL weather:happydance: and for some reason, the days seem busier when the weather is so nice:shrug: strange.

CDN: How are you doing? Where are you in your cycle?

Lissa: Sounds like you had a memorable trip:thumbup: I hope you and DH caught the egg before he takes off:hugs:

Hi Faith. Waiting to O seems to be harder and harder each month. I hate that you have to wait so long but I bet you will get a nice juicy egg and it will all be worth it! Fingers crossed!
CDN sorry your still having struggles :( Sometimes it takes over a month for the hormones to go down after a MC- I sure hope it works itself out for you.
CDN: It's good to see you back:hugs: I can completely understand your hesitancy in taking the meds. There's probably no harm in waiting a little longer to take them and see what happens in the meantime. I'm sorry things are upside down for you right now:cry:

Lissa: This whole situation could end up being a blessing in disguise. How maddning that these people would string you along and then drop the ball. It would seem ideal if your hubby could get work locally so you could be together as a family rather than having him on the road. I hope you get some firm answers ASAP so you can have closure one way or another:hugs:

Afm, I got a smiley on the opk this am:happydance: we skipped bd'ing last night..dh wonders if we should do a *nap* time today, but I know if we do that, we won't likely bd tonight. What do you suppose? I did an opk last night before going to bed (11:45pm) and it was negative, but looking really close, so my surge obviously started sometime between midnight and 6:30am this morning. How long does it actaully take those swimmers to get in there? I hate to ovulate and not have those little guys waiting:haha: but I would rather bd tonight and have 7 or 8 hours to keep everything in there. Not sure what to do. Too bad opks can't tell us the EXACT time the egg will be released:dohh:
Faith- just think about the fact that some people have sex ONCE and get pg. Just do it when you can, lol. Im sure if its meant to be it will happen!

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