Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Sweetlissa: I had my TR on the SAME day as you! October 15th! How cool is that???

Tater: Thank you! I am glad to be back too! I missed you! I laughed so hard at your post. You showed your hubby your boobies! That's all it takes for my hubby...if I want to get lucky...I don't know what it is about boobs...but hey, all I have to do is flash my hubby like it's Mardi Gras (I ONLY do that at home...LOL!) and next thing you know it scrambles his brain, he can barely remember his name and he is practically drooling on himself like Pavlov's EVERY time! And YAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! OPEN TUBES! I KNEW IT! WOOHOO! Now I bet you get preggers within 3 months!!!

Dash: I could not agree more! I am a question's my nature...and I agree 100%...the end result to me was more important than the method of surgery. And on another that you are a nurse! Two of my best friends are works with diabetics and the other is a labor and delivery nurse at the very hospital where I want to deliver when I am finally preggers...but I don't know how I feel about her seeing me "nekkid" and not at my best after surgery...haha...I am the kind of person who does not like to be made a fuss over...and I don't know how I feel about having one of my best friends taking care of me when I'm like know? Who knows though...I might end up so thankful that she's there...we'll see...I still think it's easier to show a stranger your bare a$$ than someone close to you...especially when it is not in tip-top shape and "pretty"...hehe...I know that probably makes me a weirdo... What kind of nurse are you?

Momma: Yep, I have already done 1 1/2 hours today. I actually went jogging with a friend this morning and she kicked my booty! I thought I was hardcore!! Haha! When I am by myself on my treadmill, I push myself hard enough to get my heartrate up and make me sweat...but I may power walk, or I may jog...whatever I feel like...what's MOST important to me is getting my heartrate to stay up for an entire hour. When I am trying to lose weight, I eat very low cal/low fat in combination with the treadmilling. Once I lose the weight, I increase cals/fat, but still make healthy choices during the week...and on the weekends, I eat whatever I want...and I can maintain my weight that way, as long as I continue the treadmill as well. I am going to attempt sit-ups today...I am kind of afraid, because I tried them a few weeks ago...I didn't even do that many...I couldn't...but I was immediately someone had given me a roundhouse kick to the stomach...AND the worst part was it felt like my abs were "pulling apart"...AGHHHH! So, I am going to try again...I will let you know how that goes...eeeek! Oh, and I am throwing in push-ups too...both the sit-ups and push-ups were a part of my regular work out routine before surgery...I never had to do very many to get a big upper body and abs just naturally get toned and defined easily with little's my J-Lo booty that causes me problems...hahaha...

Chica: I also had the "open" surgery...the bikini cut. I had to have c-sections with both my pregnancies and my TR was exactly like a c-section to me. My incision is about 5 inches long...which is what it was after c-sections...they also cut out my old scar tissue...which was also a good deal to me...And you DO NOT bore anyone here by asking questions! Ask as many as you want...that's what we are here for! We all ask each other things. I LOVE this board and don't know what I would do without my fellow TR girls!

Faith: Thank you so much and I did have a wonderful birthday! My hubby threw me a wonderful party on Saturday night. He invited our friends and we had a very LARGE time...hahaha. The Ouzo was a-flowin'! And thanks on the weight loss as well! I just got sick of not being able to wear my jeans. I've worked hard all my adult life and I have been able to stay close to the same size as I was in high school...barring pregnancy, of course. I will never be rail thin...I am Greek and being rail thin is practically a sin (my Yia Grandma...would always give my skinny friends I brought home second and THIRD helpings! Hahaha)...haha...but I've always been fit and curvy...and I am determined to stay that way...Greek women have a tendency to get...ummm...MORE they get older...and I just am not ready for that to happen to me yet...but I was on my way because I could not fit in my jeans and I had no excuse! It's not like I had a baby or anything between October and February...haha...

TTCbaby: I've been thinking of you...I hope you are feeling well and I've been sending good vibes your way! I just know your bloodwork will come back A-Okay!
I don't work anymore- I much, much prefer to stay home with the kids. I worked in an Urgent Care while finishing school, and an ER after I graduated. I always pictured myself in the L&D ward, but a few years ago I came upon a crunchy lifestyle and started researching some more earthy beliefs. It made me think that maybe what I have seen doctors in hospitals do for so long was NOT actually best in some changed the way I viewed my job. I honestly don't see myself ever going back to work now.
I don't work anymore- I much, much prefer to stay home with the kids. I worked in an Urgent Care while finishing school, and an ER after I graduated. I always pictured myself in the L&D ward, but a few years ago I came upon a crunchy lifestyle and started researching some more earthy beliefs. It made me think that maybe what I have seen doctors in hospitals do for so long was NOT actually best in some changed the way I viewed my job. I honestly don't see myself ever going back to work now.

I stay home too now. And I LOVE it. I was divorced in 2003 and remarried in for the 6 years in between...I HAD to work and didn't have a choice. I worked hard at my career...and LOVED it...but I have to say, I love staying at home more and can't ever picture going back full time...I still do stuff for the firm I used to work for from time to time...but not even enough to consider me part time and I like it like that. So, I agree 100%...I can't ever see going back to work...

And Momma, I did my sit ups...and did them WITHOUT I guess my abs are ready...I will have to work back up to what I did before surgery...but I am encouraged that it didn't hurt! I also did my pushups and chair problems there either...I was worried that the pushup would hurt my that position you do hold in your core...but it didn't hurt at all it will just take time to build back up to where I was...but I'm on my way!
Sweetlissa: I had my TR on the SAME day as you! October 15th! How cool is that???

Tater: Thank you! I am glad to be back too! I missed you! I laughed so hard at your post. You showed your hubby your boobies! That's all it takes for my hubby...if I want to get lucky...I don't know what it is about boobs...but hey, all I have to do is flash my hubby like it's Mardi Gras (I ONLY do that at home...LOL!) and next thing you know it scrambles his brain, he can barely remember his name and he is practically drooling on himself like Pavlov's EVERY time! And YAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! OPEN TUBES! I KNEW IT! WOOHOO! Now I bet you get preggers within 3 months!!!

Dash: I could not agree more! I am a question's my nature...and I agree 100%...the end result to me was more important than the method of surgery. And on another that you are a nurse! Two of my best friends are works with diabetics and the other is a labor and delivery nurse at the very hospital where I want to deliver when I am finally preggers...but I don't know how I feel about her seeing me "nekkid" and not at my best after surgery...haha...I am the kind of person who does not like to be made a fuss over...and I don't know how I feel about having one of my best friends taking care of me when I'm like know? Who knows though...I might end up so thankful that she's there...we'll see...I still think it's easier to show a stranger your bare a$$ than someone close to you...especially when it is not in tip-top shape and "pretty"...hehe...I know that probably makes me a weirdo... What kind of nurse are you?

Momma: Yep, I have already done 1 1/2 hours today. I actually went jogging with a friend this morning and she kicked my booty! I thought I was hardcore!! Haha! When I am by myself on my treadmill, I push myself hard enough to get my heartrate up and make me sweat...but I may power walk, or I may jog...whatever I feel like...what's MOST important to me is getting my heartrate to stay up for an entire hour. When I am trying to lose weight, I eat very low cal/low fat in combination with the treadmilling. Once I lose the weight, I increase cals/fat, but still make healthy choices during the week...and on the weekends, I eat whatever I want...and I can maintain my weight that way, as long as I continue the treadmill as well. I am going to attempt sit-ups today...I am kind of afraid, because I tried them a few weeks ago...I didn't even do that many...I couldn't...but I was immediately someone had given me a roundhouse kick to the stomach...AND the worst part was it felt like my abs were "pulling apart"...AGHHHH! So, I am going to try again...I will let you know how that goes...eeeek! Oh, and I am throwing in push-ups too...both the sit-ups and push-ups were a part of my regular work out routine before surgery...I never had to do very many to get a big upper body and abs just naturally get toned and defined easily with little's my J-Lo booty that causes me problems...hahaha...

Chica: I also had the "open" surgery...the bikini cut. I had to have c-sections with both my pregnancies and my TR was exactly like a c-section to me. My incision is about 5 inches long...which is what it was after c-sections...they also cut out my old scar tissue...which was also a good deal to me...And you DO NOT bore anyone here by asking questions! Ask as many as you want...that's what we are here for! We all ask each other things. I LOVE this board and don't know what I would do without my fellow TR girls!

Faith: Thank you so much and I did have a wonderful birthday! My hubby threw me a wonderful party on Saturday night. He invited our friends and we had a very LARGE time...hahaha. The Ouzo was a-flowin'! And thanks on the weight loss as well! I just got sick of not being able to wear my jeans. I've worked hard all my adult life and I have been able to stay close to the same size as I was in high school...barring pregnancy, of course. I will never be rail thin...I am Greek and being rail thin is practically a sin (my Yia Grandma...would always give my skinny friends I brought home second and THIRD helpings! Hahaha)...haha...but I've always been fit and curvy...and I am determined to stay that way...Greek women have a tendency to get...ummm...MORE they get older...and I just am not ready for that to happen to me yet...but I was on my way because I could not fit in my jeans and I had no excuse! It's not like I had a baby or anything between October and February...haha...

TTCbaby: I've been thinking of you...I hope you are feeling well and I've been sending good vibes your way! I just know your bloodwork will come back A-Okay!

That is so cool that we had our TR the same day. Can I ask where you had yours done? I had mine done by Dr. Greene in Gainesville, Ga. I loved everyone there and love the job they did :thumbup::happydance: I know there are several doce that do it.
***Tater**** Alot of the girls I have talked to have gotten there BFP the month they do their HSG.. I will be watching you and praying that this is your month.

As for work.. I work from home. My husband had this great idea:rolleyes: to start a trucking business. So he drives and I work.. We now have 3 trucks and 6 trailers. And 2 employees who drive me crazy most of the day.. Common Sense just dosent seem to be a quality most truck drivers have.. I mean if Fuel is cheaper on the other side of the street. Do you really have to call and ask where you should get it.. :rolleyes: LOL.. But I do love being at home with the kids. I went to nursing school and was 16 weeks away from being done this past fall. When my grandmother was diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer. And my grandfather had a massive heart attack. So I had to go home to take care of them. And flew home during my fertile times.. (THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN)!!!!! Not to mention I missed my kids like crazy. Anyway.. I do like my job most days. My husband and I go down to southern Ohio when we want to get away from work.. As it is the only place we know of where there are no cel-phones no internet no work.. Just us and a hot tub and lots of board games and well we wont go there.. Well just say my husband like the bb's too... LOL.. Anyway that this where this lil peanut was concieved.. Needless to say we will be going back to celebrate very soon. We will just turn down the temp of the hot tub.. Just a lil bit.
Hi chicka I to had the surgury through my old c section scar :) I think if you have any questions no matter how silly you think they are you should ask us, we were all new to this at one time too :)
TTC your numbers are looking awsome girl :)
faith and dash Im expecting af to come tomorrow and im really hoping it does I dont want to be full on bleeding when im supposse to get my hsg monday
saga you go girl I need you here kicking my butt into gear!
Hey rocking TR girls!!!!!
You girls and your excersise haha I can't even spell it ~let alone participate in it....I Suppose it IS good for health and I SHOULD get into it, but I HATE it...there's NOTHING I wanna do LESS than run, walk, jog~basically anything that gets my heart rate up...I used to do that from smoking..felt like I was going to have a heart attack everytime I took a hit...wowza...
how do you get yourselves motivated to actually get up and dig it losing weight? I don't need to lose weight so that won't work for me, and I have such a lil bum bum ~ and If I wouldn't have gotten implants, I'd be the one your grammie was giving extra helpings to Sag!!!!!

Anyway, feeling great today....I'm freaking out ~ I cANNOT wait to announce this
I am having EWCM...I haven't had that~NATURALLY in I can't remember how long!!!!!!
How stinking awesome!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
I'm trusting my bfp will come when it's best and I'm NOT stressing about it ANYMORE~I KNOW, hard to believe but It's true!!!! I'm horned out but I don't even know what CD I'm on...and it's SO relaxing and I vow I"M NOT testing until af is late by a day or 2....SERIOUSLY....

Hey dash~what's a "crunchy lifestyle"?
love ya girls!!!!!!!!!
is this right, 1 waiting to have TR
2 preggers
2 just started af
1 waiting to start
2 almost to O?
did I miss anyone..?
wow, we have such a structured thread I LOVE it!!!!!! So freaking awesome!!!!
Sweetlissa: I had my TR on the SAME day as you! October 15th! How cool is that???

Tater: Thank you! I am glad to be back too! I missed you! I laughed so hard at your post. You showed your hubby your boobies! That's all it takes for my hubby...if I want to get lucky...I don't know what it is about boobs...but hey, all I have to do is flash my hubby like it's Mardi Gras (I ONLY do that at home...LOL!) and next thing you know it scrambles his brain, he can barely remember his name and he is practically drooling on himself like Pavlov's EVERY time! And YAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! OPEN TUBES! I KNEW IT! WOOHOO! Now I bet you get preggers within 3 months!!!

Dash: I could not agree more! I am a question's my nature...and I agree 100%...the end result to me was more important than the method of surgery. And on another that you are a nurse! Two of my best friends are works with diabetics and the other is a labor and delivery nurse at the very hospital where I want to deliver when I am finally preggers...but I don't know how I feel about her seeing me "nekkid" and not at my best after surgery...haha...I am the kind of person who does not like to be made a fuss over...and I don't know how I feel about having one of my best friends taking care of me when I'm like know? Who knows though...I might end up so thankful that she's there...we'll see...I still think it's easier to show a stranger your bare a$$ than someone close to you...especially when it is not in tip-top shape and "pretty"...hehe...I know that probably makes me a weirdo... What kind of nurse are you?

Momma: Yep, I have already done 1 1/2 hours today. I actually went jogging with a friend this morning and she kicked my booty! I thought I was hardcore!! Haha! When I am by myself on my treadmill, I push myself hard enough to get my heartrate up and make me sweat...but I may power walk, or I may jog...whatever I feel like...what's MOST important to me is getting my heartrate to stay up for an entire hour. When I am trying to lose weight, I eat very low cal/low fat in combination with the treadmilling. Once I lose the weight, I increase cals/fat, but still make healthy choices during the week...and on the weekends, I eat whatever I want...and I can maintain my weight that way, as long as I continue the treadmill as well. I am going to attempt sit-ups today...I am kind of afraid, because I tried them a few weeks ago...I didn't even do that many...I couldn't...but I was immediately someone had given me a roundhouse kick to the stomach...AND the worst part was it felt like my abs were "pulling apart"...AGHHHH! So, I am going to try again...I will let you know how that goes...eeeek! Oh, and I am throwing in push-ups too...both the sit-ups and push-ups were a part of my regular work out routine before surgery...I never had to do very many to get a big upper body and abs just naturally get toned and defined easily with little's my J-Lo booty that causes me problems...hahaha...

Chica: I also had the "open" surgery...the bikini cut. I had to have c-sections with both my pregnancies and my TR was exactly like a c-section to me. My incision is about 5 inches long...which is what it was after c-sections...they also cut out my old scar tissue...which was also a good deal to me...And you DO NOT bore anyone here by asking questions! Ask as many as you want...that's what we are here for! We all ask each other things. I LOVE this board and don't know what I would do without my fellow TR girls!

Faith: Thank you so much and I did have a wonderful birthday! My hubby threw me a wonderful party on Saturday night. He invited our friends and we had a very LARGE time...hahaha. The Ouzo was a-flowin'! And thanks on the weight loss as well! I just got sick of not being able to wear my jeans. I've worked hard all my adult life and I have been able to stay close to the same size as I was in high school...barring pregnancy, of course. I will never be rail thin...I am Greek and being rail thin is practically a sin (my Yia Grandma...would always give my skinny friends I brought home second and THIRD helpings! Hahaha)...haha...but I've always been fit and curvy...and I am determined to stay that way...Greek women have a tendency to get...ummm...MORE they get older...and I just am not ready for that to happen to me yet...but I was on my way because I could not fit in my jeans and I had no excuse! It's not like I had a baby or anything between October and February...haha...

TTCbaby: I've been thinking of you...I hope you are feeling well and I've been sending good vibes your way! I just know your bloodwork will come back A-Okay!

That is so cool that we had our TR the same day. Can I ask where you had yours done? I had mine done by Dr. Greene in Gainesville, Ga. I loved everyone there and love the job they did :thumbup::happydance: I know there are several doce that do it.
***Tater**** Alot of the girls I have talked to have gotten there BFP the month they do their HSG.. I will be watching you and praying that this is your month.

As for work.. I work from home. My husband had this great idea:rolleyes: to start a trucking business. So he drives and I work.. We now have 3 trucks and 6 trailers. And 2 employees who drive me crazy most of the day.. Common Sense just dosent seem to be a quality most truck drivers have.. I mean if Fuel is cheaper on the other side of the street. Do you really have to call and ask where you should get it.. :rolleyes: LOL.. But I do love being at home with the kids. I went to nursing school and was 16 weeks away from being done this past fall. When my grandmother was diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer. And my grandfather had a massive heart attack. So I had to go home to take care of them. And flew home during my fertile times.. (THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN)!!!!! Not to mention I missed my kids like crazy. Anyway.. I do like my job most days. My husband and I go down to southern Ohio when we want to get away from work.. As it is the only place we know of where there are no cel-phones no internet no work.. Just us and a hot tub and lots of board games and well we wont go there.. Well just say my husband like the bb's too... LOL.. Anyway that this where this lil peanut was concieved.. Needless to say we will be going back to celebrate very soon. We will just turn down the temp of the hot tub.. Just a lil bit.

I got my TR done at Piedmont Reproductive Endocrinology Group (PREG) right here in Greenville, SC. They are 10 minutes away from where I when I do get preggers, they will follow my pregnancy and deliver as well. I love them! If anyone in this area is ever considering a TR, I recommend them...
Hey rocking TR girls!!!!!
You girls and your excersise haha I can't even spell it ~let alone participate in it....I Suppose it IS good for health and I SHOULD get into it, but I HATE it...there's NOTHING I wanna do LESS than run, walk, jog~basically anything that gets my heart rate up...I used to do that from smoking..felt like I was going to have a heart attack everytime I took a hit...wowza...
how do you get yourselves motivated to actually get up and dig it losing weight? I don't need to lose weight so that won't work for me, and I have such a lil bum bum ~ and If I wouldn't have gotten implants, I'd be the one your grammie was giving extra helpings to Sag!!!!!

Anyway, feeling great today....I'm freaking out ~ I cANNOT wait to announce this
I am having EWCM...I haven't had that~NATURALLY in I can't remember how long!!!!!!
How stinking awesome!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
I'm trusting my bfp will come when it's best and I'm NOT stressing about it ANYMORE~I KNOW, hard to believe but It's true!!!! I'm horned out but I don't even know what CD I'm on...and it's SO relaxing and I vow I"M NOT testing until af is late by a day or 2....SERIOUSLY....

Hey dash~what's a "crunchy lifestyle"?
love ya girls!!!!!!!!!
is this right, 1 waiting to have TR
2 preggers
2 just started af
1 waiting to start
2 almost to O?
did I miss anyone..?
wow, we have such a structured thread I LOVE it!!!!!! So freaking awesome!!!!

Yaay, Tater! I know...I have not had EWCM in a loooong time, but I have had it 3 days in a row and took NOTHING for it this time...crazy.

I took my OPK today and it was negative...but when I ejected it (I use digital) I could see that the test line was almost as dark as the it will be positive tonight or tomorrow, I am sure...

And I love our thread too!

Oh, and Tater, I run because it feels GOOD! And because I have a history of heart disease in my family...but mostly because I am vain...I just turned 36 and I don't look it...and I do believe that it is largely due to taking care of myself...hahaha...Fortunately, I do not have lines or wrinkles yet...and all those years I complained about having oily skin as a teenager, I am now thankful I have oily skin...I think it helps stave off wrinkles...and then I have my own personal formula for a youthful appearance...(a) keep your weight down, (b) stay current...don't get stuck in a decade. Keep your clothing and hairstyle current, but age appropriate, (c) exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate, (d) wear sun screen and/or foundation makeup with sunscreen in it, and (e) dye the hair...don't go gray. Men look distinguished with gray hair and women just look...well, older...not fair...I know...haha.
Tater Im so on the same wave as you Im really not going to stress it anymore Im a firm believer that all this stress we put ourselves under will keep us from getting our bfp! I throwing all my energy into working out and eating healthy im totally with sag if I can not be preggo I will be skinny :)
Tater Im so on the same wave as you Im really not going to stress it anymore Im a firm believer that all this stress we put ourselves under will keep us from getting our bfp! I throwing all my energy into working out and eating healthy im totally with sag if I can not be preggo I will be skinny :)

Exactly! I am determined to look the best I can look this summer in a bathing suit...preggo or not!
I cant imagine ever wearing a swimsuit again! I got pg with my son when I was 17- I am 5'8" and at the time weighed 103 lbs, I was SERIOUSLY underweight. I ended up in the hospital for 3 months on bed rest and I gained 100 lbs! The stretch marks...oh poor poor skin. Lol. My stomach will never see the light of day again. I do someday plan on getting a giant but feminine tattoo over my mid-section. Right now Im at a pretty reasonable weight, but could stand to lose about 10 pounds.

Tater and Momma- good job not stressing! Keep it up. I really believe that stress effects fertility.

Tater- when I say "crunchy" I mean natural living. We are a chemical free, somewhat self sufficient family. I would live completely off my own land if I could manage to grow anything (but i cant, however I can kill plants at an amazing rate). We eat all organic, avoid medications that aren't herbs, only use what can be reused or preserved...just big crunchy hippies. Aside from the smoking. Lol.
Ok, well, I feel like DYING when I run so I'll continue to skip it for now or the rest of my life :haha:

Since quitting smoking I'm all gung ho--(is that an expression?)about my skin...I LOOOVE Mary Kay products..Grew up on that stuff, but stopped using it when my mom stopped paying for it:dohh:
but I treated myself to my FAVORITE set they have plus a few other lil things and feel GREAT about taking care of my face!!!!! I use whatever lotion on my body..mostly cocoa butter even though i HATE it b/c I know sooner or later I'll be preggers and I have to say I didn't get many stretch marks...which is crazy b/c I gained loooots of weight each time...72lbs 1st pregnancy, 69 2nd and 66ish w/ my 3rd...I did get most of mine on my side and have a memorial tat for my lil fella there since he caused the majority of them:flower:
I LOVE wearing a bikini b/c I can i guess:blush:but like some get stretch marks..I get moles..I KNOW how gross..I"M soooo moley...I'm freckly, but w/ every pregnancy I got MORE AND MORE moles...hate it sooo bad, not sure which is worse..they aren't like sticky outty ones, but just moles..ya know...The doc told me it was due to the melanin in my skin...UGH.....
I plan on not being so cute this summer at the beach though..may need a major cover up but that's OK I'd rather be full of baby:thumbup: instead of sporting my VS cheeky bikini bottom and tiny triangle top...

yeah, thanks for the encourangment~b/c I'm NOT stressing...I'm still freaking out...GOOD or bad, I'm a freaker, but ss and being a crazy lady is not for me anymore...

Ohhh yeah, I see~I think we are pretty crunchy too...wanna do whatever we can to preserve and take care of mother earth and give the govt as lil as possible....if we can grow it why buy it somewhere else, if we can raise it, kill it and eat it, why purchase from someone else...I like to know where my food comes from..I don't want my beef giving my boys boobs....:hugs:
Im so on board with you ladies as far as being self sufficiant Im really all about it :) have you ever watched meet your meat? that movie did it for me so we now will be buying a pig and chickens come spring and the hormones WOW!!!!! MY hubby thinks im alittle nuts but I really think that we will be going into a great depression sometime soon and there are soooo many people who are going to be screwed because they just dont know how to live off the earth and have no clue how to grow or can I refuse to be one of those people im stocking up on rice and what nots and we are armed and able to make booze haha so we are set and hey if it never happens at least i have peace of mind :) Ok so now yall will think im nutts but im sure I cant be the only one hehehe
I cant imagine ever wearing a swimsuit again! I got pg with my son when I was 17- I am 5'8" and at the time weighed 103 lbs, I was SERIOUSLY underweight. I ended up in the hospital for 3 months on bed rest and I gained 100 lbs! The stretch marks...oh poor poor skin. Lol. My stomach will never see the light of day again. I do someday plan on getting a giant but feminine tattoo over my mid-section. Right now Im at a pretty reasonable weight, but could stand to lose about 10 pounds.

Tater and Momma- good job not stressing! Keep it up. I really believe that stress effects fertility.

Tater- when I say "crunchy" I mean natural living. We are a chemical free, somewhat self sufficient family. I would live completely off my own land if I could manage to grow anything (but i cant, however I can kill plants at an amazing rate). We eat all organic, avoid medications that aren't herbs, only use what can be reused or preserved...just big crunchy hippies. Aside from the smoking. Lol.

I am 5 feet tall even...with my first pregnancy, I gained 25 lbs and was wearing my regular clothes about two or three weeks after delivery...but I was only 23 and my metabolism was still phenomenal...the second pregnancy was twins...and I was on bedrest from 20 to 30 weeks. They were born at 30 weeks. I could barely eat because they were laying all over my stomach and couldn't breathe because one was under my diaphram...but worst of all, I was pre-eclamptic...extraordinarily high blood pressure (which ended up being the reason they took them) and with that...a tremendous amount of fluid stomach truly was ENORMOUS, but I looked bigger everywhere else than I really was because of all the fluid retention...and you know, as big as my stomach was...and it was looked like a movie/camera just didn't look REAL...but as big as I was...not ONE stretch mark on my stomach...all the nurses when I was delivering were amazed at my was I...I figured I'd be riddled with them...I guess my super power would be being super elastic woman...but you know where I did get them??? MY thighs! WTH?

I went from 100lbs to 171lbs with the twins...but really I gained about 40lbs in genuine weight...the other 30 was water/fluid...and I was back to wearing my pre-baby clothes within 4 or 5 months...I was able to go back to wearing a bikini after that...I was so worried that I would have loose skin on my stomach after having two...but it all shrank back up...I am so thankful and still amazed at that...

I'm a little worried with this next pregnancy, it will all catch up with me and I will end up looking like a road map...haha. My husband has promised me that if my stomach ends up folded and wrinkly like a sharpei, that I can have a tummy tuck...the moment I find out I'm pregnant, I will be looking up surgeons in Atlanta and NY...JUST IN CASE...haha.
Im so on board with you ladies as far as being self sufficiant Im really all about it :) have you ever watched meet your meat? that movie did it for me so we now will be buying a pig and chickens come spring and the hormones WOW!!!!! MY hubby thinks im alittle nuts but I really think that we will be going into a great depression sometime soon and there are soooo many people who are going to be screwed because they just dont know how to live off the earth and have no clue how to grow or can I refuse to be one of those people im stocking up on rice and what nots and we are armed and able to make booze haha so we are set and hey if it never happens at least i have peace of mind :) Ok so now yall will think im nutts but im sure I cant be the only one hehehe

"Crunchy living" is the way I grew up. I grew up on a farm and our cash crop was tobacco and corn...but we grew our own food and had cows, pigs, and chickens for our own food...we also had every other kind of farm animal you can think of. I grew up riding a horse and I can shoot a gun better than any man I know...we had well water and solar panels...I remember my mom canning vegetables and making jam...I had to churn butter when I was little and my dad worked my sister and me like farm hands...I wasn't allowed to eat anything with preservatives...but I have to say this...I went HOG WILD on Debbie Snack Cakes, Cheetos, that cheese in a can stuff, and Spaghettios when I went to friends houses...we were never allowed to have that stuff at home and when I got it elsewhere, it was like I died and went to heaven! Hahahaha!

So, if the bottom falls out of the economy and people have to start living off the land again...I will pack up my car and my kids and head three hours south to my parent's house...hehe. I DO recycle everything now...I hope that counts...hahaha.
Oh sag your hubby must be so happy with you skinny, big boobs, savvy and smart!
Good morning ladies, With my first baby I went from 140 LBS to 230 LBS. I was on bedrest for most of my pregnancy. He was born with a birth defect and my water broke at 27 weeks. So they kept doing amnio infusions to keep him in there longer. I made it to 35 weeks. But the kicker was what my womb didn't need my body soaked up. I looked like a whale after the first one. With my daughter I went from 190 LBS to 240 LBS. I was miserable with her. I think I just ate as a comfort becuase I was so scared after having my son. With our youngest I went from 180 LBS to 210 LBS.. I was smart with that one. He was the only one I couldn't eat red meat with. I ate lots of Oatmeal, and PB&J sandwhichs...LOL.. With this one before the clomid I was at 205.. I am dreading putting on a whole bunch of weight... I having been walking on the treadmil and trying to eat right. We shall see. I know my face already looks swollen. I am sure I am retaining water. I just hope I don't gain more than 40 LBS.
sweetlissa good morning I would'nt worry to much about the weight gain it sounds like with your third you got the hang of being pregnant and did'nt use it as an excuse to eat :) I on the other hand love eating and will use any excuse to do so lol Soon spring will be here and you will be moving outside more I think thats the plus about being preggo in the summer plenty of stuff to keep you moving in the winter your pretty much stuck inside :(
Afm AF showed up right on time this am 27 day cycle :) not sure why she was 28 last month im sure it has something to do with me bing ******* about getting preggo! Super excited about my hsg monday and im really excited to see if tihs is your month tater :)
I also wanted to say im not sure if anyone else is experincing this but each period seems to be less painfull, like right after surgury it was bad then the next one was pretty bad and so on and so on today it's barely painfull almost like it was before :) Im really hoping this means my body is continuously healing and thats why its taking so long to concieve (my body just was'nt ready yet)
GOoD morning girls!!!!!!

Crunchy:haha:I've just never heard of that~learn something new EVERY day!!!

I really have nothing much to talk about but I'm coming up w/ stuff as I go!!!
I have MORE EW today~I'm AMAZED at this..I'm SOOO excited~just NOT what I was expecting~and it REALLY IS just like egg whites:loopy:!!!! imagine that!!!

Saga, It IS crazy how the belly just grows and grows and grows and it's like it CANNOT get ANY bigger then it does...and w/out marks..I was the same way...well didn't have twins, but got really big and was markless...And really, I truly believe that if you moisturize your skin~you're not going to get any stretch marks...anything significant anyway...I mean, you've been preggers, and been preg w/ Twins, you're not probably going to stretch anymore this time than you did last 2 x's!!!! and that's a great thing!!!!

Momma, I'm thinking the HSG has made me a lil gassy...and I'm usually not a real good pooper and I've been REAL regular the last couple of days...just somethings I'm noticing and wanted to let you gas the night of the HSG was ridiculous :shhh: *I* had to leave the room...yikes
just FYI~interested to see if we have any similarities w/ it!!!

I also use "I'm preg" for an excuse to eat..I LOVE to eat, but I get HUGE when I'm preg..ppl tell me they gain 20-25 lbs and I marvel at how they possibly could manage that...I guess as long as the doc doesn't say it's an's not...and Lissa, I looked enlarged pretty much right away too...face, neck, arms, legs..I may be 5wks preg but I usually look 4mo until about 5 mo and then I wake up one morning and i look like I swallowed 15 watermelons..:shrug:IDK how it happens

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