Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

I really think the same thing about the scar tissue i was just so emotional right after, I feel nuts some times lol i thought it hurt pretty bad but it was quick and im very sore and gasy now im totally going to get take out when i go get my antibiotics from the store :)
:yipee::yipee:mommax3:yipee::yipee: to having open tubes. The discomfort doesn't last longer than a day or so...
I found my test very painful but it was discovered that I had one blocked tube so maybe that added to the discomfort
I have heard that chances on conceiving increases after so maybe there is a :bfp: coming up soon[-o<
I also agree that women should have to wait a period of time before they get a TL. I was kinda forced into mine and remember lying on the operation table wondering if I got up and run would they try to stop me ??? BIG sign I didn't want to do it and would regret it too !!
MOMMA!!! HORRAY!!!!!!! Try to just focus on the THEY ARE OPEN PART and I 100% agree w/ Dash...w/ everything she said..It's best they are open ~so try your best to not dwell on the scar tissue..of course there's scar tissue...if there's a cut, there's tissue...
I got gassy afterward too...SERIOUSLY gassed out..I mean, everyone went to bed that night and *I* couldn't get outta MY own was gross:sick:
glad you got great news !! Phew!!! now on to the next step!!!!

HI :hi: future...gosh girl you had me wondering if you was OK!!!!Your lil one is sooooo cute :haha: LOVE the piggy!!!!!!!!!I wanna DD so I can do cute stuff like that!!!!!! My lil fella likes me to twirl his hair but won't let me do a piggy and he sooo could pull it off!!!!

I agree too, that we should NOT be allowed to make rash decisions about things such as TL......UGH, it was the biggest, most expensive wrong choice of my life....and much more emotional too....
I had emer c-sect w/ my 1st son and w/ Tate they couldn't get the spinal to work, so then when #3 came around I was like NO messing, just put me out ~ and they did, so I didn't have a sec to think ohhhh, maybe this is a mistake...I was out and it all happened w/out being questioned...
Life is ever changing and we as woman esp change out minds TOO much to make a commitment like that...I know my heart was TOTALLY diff when I chose the TL than where/what it is now...I HAD NO right to make a choice like that.....Cut off the life line..WHO AM I to make that decision..I'll never have them tied again...if God thinks I need a child when I'm 60~*I* won't understand but I WILL trust it....
I swear I feel hotter...??????? Goodness:wacko:
I can tell that now that I'm at the TTC part of this journey I'm going to have a LOT more questions... :wacko:

SO, how long does an LH surge last? I'm so confused by these damn strips I'm about to quit peeing on them and burn them! My surge the last 2 cycles was neg AM, pos noon, neg PM- real fast for both. So I looked up the sensitivity for the new tests Ive been using and according to the instructions Ive been having pos LH strips for over 48 hours? Either something is wrong with my body or something is wrong with these strips... here I'm trying to pick the least invasive, least stressful way to track ovulation and I still find it too complicated...
I can tell that now that I'm at the TTC part of this journey I'm going to have a LOT more questions... :wacko:

SO, how long does an LH surge last? I'm so confused by these damn strips I'm about to quit peeing on them and burn them! My surge the last 2 cycles was neg AM, pos noon, neg PM- real fast for both. So I looked up the sensitivity for the new tests Ive been using and according to the instructions Ive been having pos LH strips for over 48 hours? Either something is wrong with my body or something is wrong with these strips... here I'm trying to pick the least invasive, least stressful way to track ovulation and I still find it too complicated...

Dash I would take a OPK at 2pm and it would be negitive than another one at 10pm it would be postive the next day I would retest at 2pm and it would be negitive. I only got one positive OPK a month. I hope this helps.O:)
Thaaaanx girls!!!! I'm pretty amazed by it still...I was a heavy smoker and just figured I'd be smoking until I was stiff....I thought I'd be at my boys soccer games when I'm like 40 w/ my oxygen tank :blush: thank GOD that's NOT going to happen ~or if it DOES, won't be from cigs!!!!
I DO certainly HOPE big time that I DO stop feeling the want for sweets..I've always heard that things taste better, that's NOT the case but I just WANT sweets...It's not even b/c I go to the fridge when I have a craving..I've had like 2 cravings since I quit..and that's awesome!!!!!! anyway, it'll be ok..rather be a lil chunky and healthy than unhealthy and hacking up hockers all the time!!!

Momma, CANNOT WAIT to hear about your HSG!!!!! let us know ASAP!!!!!! I'm sure they are open!!!!!!!!!!!!! yaay!!!

Dash, what are you OPK's looking like today?? How's you mom, your F-I-L? you are on my heart a lot:hugs:

Sagapo...Where are ya girl and HOW did we get so far (not that it's really THAT far)from each other in cycles...we WERE only 1 day apart now we are like 3 or 4 or something.....???:shrug:

TTC this is Such great news from you!!!! SO super glad you feel so good/bad:winkwink: ya know!! Are you starting to show yet?? You HAVE to post pix of your bump!!!!!!!:kiss:

Where's future ????? Hope you are good girl.........

Lissa, what's happening w/ the kidney stones???

Faith do you just do ummm, your work on the weekends? have the week to enjoy FL and your fam? that sounds so AWESOME!!!!!
I'm relaxed this cycle to~figured out some revelation stuff and life is sooo much better for ALL of us:winkwink:

welp, love ya girls!!! oodles..can't imagine a day w/out hearing from ya and talking w/ ya!!!!

I'm get a little bigger but I think it still mostly still from being bloated. Here's a 4 weeek photo and a 8 week photo: (they are frist thing morning photos) bump/100_1131.jpg bump/100_1175.jpg
ok so im back from my hsg my tubes are open but they said there was scar tissue where they reattached the tubes I was really emotional for some reason so I did'nt ask any questions in fear that I was gonna start crying, he said that I should continue to ttc and that its still early yet as far as worrying goes. what do you guys think is the scar tissue really a big problem is this normal for us tr girls?

Glad to hear your tubes are open!! :wohoo:
I can tell that now that I'm at the TTC part of this journey I'm going to have a LOT more questions... :wacko:

SO, how long does an LH surge last? I'm so confused by these damn strips I'm about to quit peeing on them and burn them! My surge the last 2 cycles was neg AM, pos noon, neg PM- real fast for both. So I looked up the sensitivity for the new tests Ive been using and according to the instructions Ive been having pos LH strips for over 48 hours? Either something is wrong with my body or something is wrong with these strips... here I'm trying to pick the least invasive, least stressful way to track ovulation and I still find it too complicated...

Some Surges are suuuper short, others stay ++ for like days...a whole day or 2 days...Yeah,, it totally varies:wacko:imagine THAT....
My surges are just like YOURS..they are SUPER short...I HAVE To test 3 or 4 times a day to make SURE what's happening..This is how it worked my last 2 cycles:2 cycles ago I was POAS at 2pm and it varied b/w 6pm and 8pm...BUT for SOME reason on CD 12 I ended up doing one at 10:30 and it was +...but when I tested at my normal 2pm it was already NEGATIVE.. I wasn't sure that was accurate so I tested for 2 more days and by the mid 2nd day there wasn't even a line...
THIS cycle:I tested 10am ish, 2pm ish and 8pmish ...I ended up getting a +at like 8:30-9pm on CD13 (which is when FF says I O'd) and then by FMU the NEXT day it was already Negative...and by that next night (CD14) I didn't even have a line.....SO, your surge is short just like mine:thumbup:It's OK,, Actually it's a lil nicer to have the short surge *I* think just b.c if it's ++for 2 days it makes it a lot harder to pinpoint if you were + and already ARE negative O is going to happen REAL soon, or may already HAVE happened...Just make sure you DTD for the next couple of days:winkwink:Hope that helps a lil, I'm sure someone else will have some input for you's best to have a few opinions!!!!!
AHHHHHH TTC you are SOOOOO Cute already!!!!!!! I love your fun shirts covering your bump!!! it's adorable!!! LOVE it!!!
Thanks for sharing that gorgeousness :holly:
Momma that is wonderful that your tubes are open. My right tube was cut the same way as yours. The doc who did my tr said it looks dangerous but that he did what he could do.
I can tell that now that I'm at the TTC part of this journey I'm going to have a LOT more questions... :wacko:

SO, how long does an LH surge last? I'm so confused by these damn strips I'm about to quit peeing on them and burn them! My surge the last 2 cycles was neg AM, pos noon, neg PM- real fast for both. So I looked up the sensitivity for the new tests Ive been using and according to the instructions Ive been having pos LH strips for over 48 hours? Either something is wrong with my body or something is wrong with these strips... here I'm trying to pick the least invasive, least stressful way to track ovulation and I still find it too complicated...

ya know what..I read your post wrong I think according to what I replied to you...SO you AREN'T having short surges NOW, but you WERE??
I'd say that is not abnormal though(the longer surge)... I was thinking you were saying that they are short...IDK I'm a goof:wacko:
OPK's ARE NOT stressLESS if you ask me...I used IC's b/c I had them, but if you wanna spend the $$$ I'd say the smiley or no smiley digi's are the way to go...there's no guessing game w/ those...I personally haven't used them but will next cycle...that'll be 3 cycles charting so am planning on KNOWING when to expect O by then and STOP using OPK's altogether..
BUT sorry I was like NO help to you what so ever:dohh:
I just want to say thank you soooo much to all my tr girls!! You guys really are an amazing strength for me I really had myself all worked up yesterday and then last night I was soooo bloated it made me sick, my point though is you guys all made me feel better and made me able to look at it as MY TUBES ARE OPEN!! instead of focusing on the negative :) Thanks again so much I hope I can be here for you all too :)
TTC I love your pics what a cute lil bump already and who cares if its gas it's still cute :)
I just want to say thank you soooo much to all my tr girls!! You guys really are an amazing strength for me I really had myself all worked up yesterday and then last night I was soooo bloated it made me sick, my point though is you guys all made me feel better and made me able to look at it as MY TUBES ARE OPEN!! instead of focusing on the negative :) Thanks again so much I hope I can be here for you all too :)
TTC I love your pics what a cute lil bump already and who cares if its gas it's still cute :)

I really consider us all like a family..maybe that's silly or naive but I love ya girls!! REALLY and miss talking to you when I go all day w/out logging on...

So over all how would you rate an HSG? OK, neutral, or HORRIBLE? Just interested !!!!!!
Do you feel fine and normal today?!:hugs:
I just want to say thank you soooo much to all my tr girls!! You guys really are an amazing strength for me I really had myself all worked up yesterday and then last night I was soooo bloated it made me sick, my point though is you guys all made me feel better and made me able to look at it as MY TUBES ARE OPEN!! instead of focusing on the negative :) Thanks again so much I hope I can be here for you all too :)
TTC I love your pics what a cute lil bump already and who cares if its gas it's still cute :)

I really consider us all like a family..maybe that's silly or naive but I love ya girls!! REALLY and miss talking to you when I go all day w/out logging on...

So over all how would you rate an HSG? OK, neutral, or HORRIBLE? Just interested !!!!!!
Do you feel fine and normal today?!:hugs:

I right there with you tate I really love you ladies too and I think I talk about you just as much as my friends I see often i always find it funny when im telling my hubby something and im like yeah tate said or ttc lmao he thinks its hilarious and he loves are crazy abriveations for things :)
ok so as far as the hsg I think I would say during it was'nt to bad totally tolerable but I think my emotions got the best of me and my hubby is not very helpfull so i was doing alot instead of resting after the hsg so last night I was really sick super bloated and gasy holy crap you were right i wish I could have gotten away from myself! and being so bloated and gasy made me feel like I was gonna puke. So I would say it sucked lol and today my belly is still pretty sore and bloated. Is this how you felt? I assumed I would feel fine today but nope I took my lil man to school and i was wearing my sweats thank go he is not old enough to care :blush:
I just want to say thank you soooo much to all my tr girls!! You guys really are an amazing strength for me I really had myself all worked up yesterday and then last night I was soooo bloated it made me sick, my point though is you guys all made me feel better and made me able to look at it as MY TUBES ARE OPEN!! instead of focusing on the negative :) Thanks again so much I hope I can be here for you all too :)
TTC I love your pics what a cute lil bump already and who cares if its gas it's still cute :)

I really consider us all like a family..maybe that's silly or naive but I love ya girls!! REALLY and miss talking to you when I go all day w/out logging on...

So over all how would you rate an HSG? OK, neutral, or HORRIBLE? Just interested !!!!!!
Do you feel fine and normal today?!:hugs:

I right there with you tate I really love you ladies too and I think I talk about you just as much as my friends I see often i always find it funny when im telling my hubby something and im like yeah tate said or ttc lmao he thinks its hilarious and he loves are crazy abriveations for things :)
ok so as far as the hsg I think I would say during it was'nt to bad totally tolerable but I think my emotions got the best of me and my hubby is not very helpfull so i was doing alot instead of resting after the hsg so last night I was really sick super bloated and gasy holy crap you were right i wish I could have gotten away from myself! and being so bloated and gasy made me feel like I was gonna puke. So I would say it sucked lol and today my belly is still pretty sore and bloated. Is this how you felt? I assumed I would feel fine today but nope I took my lil man to school and i was wearing my sweats thank go he is not old enough to care :blush:

My DH too is that way...he is learning the abbrev's and makes up his own...
Now don't take this wrong..but I felt totally fine the day after, even the night of. I was super gassy but I think it actually did me a favor for the couple days following BECAUSE I usually have a hard time taking a poo:blush: but I was like SO regular after I was amazed!!!! I pooped like 3x's a day for like 3 I'm back to irregular:growlmad:and the sugar that I'm taking in IS NOT helping...I don't mind the weight ReALLY I Don't..I could use a few extra pounds, it's FINE, but too much of a good thing is NOT a good thing:nope:
I have this feeling in my right where af cramps would be and it just feels like a concrete block..I just wanna cut it open and pull that feeling out...UGH...HAte it...anyway....
Is that feeling becaue you need to poop? Im soo proud of you with the smoking thing believe me i know i still have a drag or 2 when im drinking and I wish i could cut that out but its real hard ugh! I hope your belly feels better :) I think mine might be a poop thing to im really not a regular girl either im not worried about it im just happy i dont feel like im going to die anymore :)
You guys need to take some Cal/Mag! Lol. I take it every morning...liquid form. Trust me, you will never have a problem being regular again.
dash My o day is like 3 or 4 behind yours :) fx we get to be bump buddies
Yay! Faith is within a few days of us too. I think she said she O's late so probably around yours?

I don't think I O'ed yet! I threw away the new tests I got and am sticking with Wondfo from now on. According to the Wondfo tests I havent O'ed yet, and knowing what I know about my body I would say I haven't either.

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