Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Hey girls!!! Ugh stinking internet was down all day..DH TOLD me to go brush off the satellite and that would fix it but it's crazy wintery here and I don't smoke, so I wasn't needing to go outside...

I DID start to type a thing this morning and then it shut down...anywho...

Lissa...sorry this is getting ya down:( My ma also had KS's and said she'd rather give birth a zillion times in a row rather than have 1 KS :( yikes, so I can't imagine...labor is PRETTY painful...Super glad your doc's are on top of EVERYTHING for you though..that HAS to be a relief..What doc are you thinking about switching? Your OB?

Awww Dash~:sick:sorry you feeling BAD girl...I've had lots of those nights...took A LOT of times to feel like death to STOP!! NOT IS, but then it's NOT!!:dohh: SO, how much DOES it cost to get a cab?!?!:shrug:

Will someone look at my chart and see what they think~I'm THINKING I should have my cover line tomorrow right? Really doesn't matter, I just like to "practice" to see if I'm getting smarter!!!!! Prooooobably NOT...
Dash, are you temping? I KNOW I've asked, just can't remember.....

sag, did you put your coverline in?
What was FF saying your O date was...I know it wasn't accurate, was just curious b/c your line is blue..?

how's FL Faith....I THOUGHT spring was coming to PA, but woke up today and we ended up getting like 5in of snow and it's still snowing...I hate these days...would rather NOT have the nice days until it was ready to actually BE nice....anyway, I'm a lil jealous...wish I could blink myself to the beach!!!!

love ya girls!!!!!


It looks like you O'd on the cd12 am I right ? lol I like trying to figure it out too its all a learning process
Hey girls!!! Ugh stinking internet was down all day..DH TOLD me to go brush off the satellite and that would fix it but it's crazy wintery here and I don't smoke, so I wasn't needing to go outside...

I DID start to type a thing this morning and then it shut down...anywho...

Lissa...sorry this is getting ya down:( My ma also had KS's and said she'd rather give birth a zillion times in a row rather than have 1 KS :( yikes, so I can't imagine...labor is PRETTY painful...Super glad your doc's are on top of EVERYTHING for you though..that HAS to be a relief..What doc are you thinking about switching? Your OB?

Awww Dash~:sick:sorry you feeling BAD girl...I've had lots of those nights...took A LOT of times to feel like death to STOP!! NOT IS, but then it's NOT!!:dohh: SO, how much DOES it cost to get a cab?!?!:shrug:

Will someone look at my chart and see what they think~I'm THINKING I should have my cover line tomorrow right? Really doesn't matter, I just like to "practice" to see if I'm getting smarter!!!!! Prooooobably NOT...
Dash, are you temping? I KNOW I've asked, just can't remember.....

sag, did you put your coverline in?
What was FF saying your O date was...I know it wasn't accurate, was just curious b/c your line is blue..?

how's FL Faith....I THOUGHT spring was coming to PA, but woke up today and we ended up getting like 5in of snow and it's still snowing...I hate these days...would rather NOT have the nice days until it was ready to actually BE nice....anyway, I'm a lil jealous...wish I could blink myself to the beach!!!!

love ya girls!!!!!


I am thinking of switching my OB doc just because of his outlook on TR's and his outlook on this pregnancy.. But that could just be the hormones..LOl.. and being scared.
As for you Oing I think with the temp jump today I would say you O'd yesterday. And it takes 3 days of higher temps to get your lines. I will keep checking on you. You OPK's don't seem to give you much warning. So for you when the line starts to get dark.. Where you can see it.. I would start bding. Hope that helps.
SweetLissa- I started to type a message last night then accidentally deleted it...but you should look at reference Beta level charts. Your HCG levels really don't look bad- is the doc questioning them? It looks a lot like maybe your O date is off by 1 or 2 days, because the doubling between 16 and 18 DPO looks really my completely unprofessional and not a doctor opinion. Lol.

I hope you feel better soon!

Thank you. and I have been using to chart my beta's. And each time the time gets better and better. I can't imagine them getting any better then what they are as far as doubling time. at 31 hours. I agree because we were on a weekend getaway it could have effected my temps and I could have O'd monday or tuesday. Which is why they are talking about changing my date again.. I have another U/S on wednesday and by then I should be above 1,500 so I am hoping to see something. Funny cause I typed something last night but it didn't post..LOL.. I will be praying that my numbers are close to the 600's tomorrow. And I am praying that these stones pass soon.
My kids have been wonderful, very helpful... They all sat down and watched a movie. I sat in the chair and cat napped for a while. I can't wait for bedtime
Hey girls!!! Ugh stinking internet was down all day..DH TOLD me to go brush off the satellite and that would fix it but it's crazy wintery here and I don't smoke, so I wasn't needing to go outside...

I DID start to type a thing this morning and then it shut down...anywho...

Lissa...sorry this is getting ya down:( My ma also had KS's and said she'd rather give birth a zillion times in a row rather than have 1 KS :( yikes, so I can't imagine...labor is PRETTY painful...Super glad your doc's are on top of EVERYTHING for you though..that HAS to be a relief..What doc are you thinking about switching? Your OB?

Awww Dash~:sick:sorry you feeling BAD girl...I've had lots of those nights...took A LOT of times to feel like death to STOP!! NOT IS, but then it's NOT!!:dohh: SO, how much DOES it cost to get a cab?!?!:shrug:

Will someone look at my chart and see what they think~I'm THINKING I should have my cover line tomorrow right? Really doesn't matter, I just like to "practice" to see if I'm getting smarter!!!!! Prooooobably NOT...
Dash, are you temping? I KNOW I've asked, just can't remember.....

sag, did you put your coverline in?
What was FF saying your O date was...I know it wasn't accurate, was just curious b/c your line is blue..?

how's FL Faith....I THOUGHT spring was coming to PA, but woke up today and we ended up getting like 5in of snow and it's still snowing...I hate these days...would rather NOT have the nice days until it was ready to actually BE nice....anyway, I'm a lil jealous...wish I could blink myself to the beach!!!!

love ya girls!!!!!


It looks like you O'd on the cd12 am I right ? lol I like trying to figure it out too its all a learning process

IDK,, I'm thinking either yesterday or today?? not real sure though..
Apparently my surge of LH is SUUUPER short..? Last cycle I had a +OPK late ish morning and then a neg by early after noon, this time I got a + late last night and was neg w/ FMU... and neg up until now, and it was REAL negative so yeah, the OPK's are going to get WAY to expensive for me to keep getting, I'd probably need to do like 5 a day to figure it all out...which I'm NOT going to do....just trusting my body more and more and def love FF!!!!
and I swear I'm having O pains of both sides, neither of which is as extreme as a normal one sided O pain..does that even happen?
sweetlissa I changed my gyno/ob early on because when I talked to them about being really depressed about not being able to have anymore babies they just looked at me and said i will just have to get over it because the Tubal was permanent! BITCH! I then went home and googled and found out i could have a TR, why would'nt she tell me that so when I had issues with my fertility dr I did some research and asked friends who there gyno was and started to see one they all reccomended and now after seeing my new gyno/ob Im soooo happy and have so much trust in him :) He has been so on top of things for me and has even said that once I am preggo that they will closely monitor me :) It's the world of difference when you trust you dr. and know that they are looking out for your best intrest. Good luck with your decision :)
sweetlissa I changed my gyno/ob early on because when I talked to them about being really depressed about not being able to have anymore babies they just looked at me and said i will just have to get over it because the Tubal was permanent! BITCH! I then went home and googled and found out i could have a TR, why would'nt she tell me that so when I had issues with my fertility dr I did some research and asked friends who there gyno was and started to see one they all reccomended and now after seeing my new gyno/ob Im soooo happy and have so much trust in him :) He has been so on top of things for me and has even said that once I am preggo that they will closely monitor me :) It's the world of difference when you trust you dr. and know that they are looking out for your best intrest. Good luck with your decision :)

I'm butting in on this, but what I wanna know is WHAT stinking doctor, OB especially tells you TOO bad, your TL is permanent? I mean *I* didn't know it, until a friend told me she had one, but wouldn't ya think a freaking Female doc WOULD be aware??? geeeez...anyway, just needed to vent that!:blush:
tater I totally know! I was crying my eyes out while I was telling her how sad I was and she just looked at me so serious and said that there is nothing I can do and basicly I needed to get over it! I really hate them there!!!
Wow momma that is horrible. My doc is a great doc as far as watching me and he is very helpful. Has a wonderful bedside manner (usually). I think he is just worried about me getting my heart broke. I know he doesn't want me to get my hopes up just yet. But when your pregnant.. Your pregnant.
On another note.. Hubby got home late last night. Drove all the way from Lousiana. What a guy. And then took wonderful care of me last night. He was trying his best to find a comfortable position for me. He took all the pillows off of the couch and brought them to our bed and used them to take the pressure off of my back. He is such a great guy. He is taking me for my blood work this morning about 9. I will have the results about an hour after that. So I will let you girls know when I get back home.
Hi girls, sorry to give the news but my numbers dropped to 101. Looks like a M/C for me.. I will keep you all updated.
:cry:Oh, sweetlissa, I'm so truly sorry:hugs: This journey is so, so hard:cry: I will be praying for you and your family. I'm glad your dh is home to be with you and the kids:hugs:
Ohhhh Lissa :(
Mountain tops and Valleys....I'm praying for ya girl,, really am, and HAVE been...My friend Faith said, MIRACLES DO happen~praying for this to turn around....and that there will be peace however life plays out...
Thank you ladies for all the prayers. I can't sleep tonight. I never knew how hard something like this could be. My husband took me for a ride in the car tonight to look at our new house being built. He said" you know there are several different worries, but my thought right now is I don't wanna see you go through this again." He said he wants to go straight to IVF. I looked at him and said.. : Honey do you know how much that would cost" as our insurance covers no part of it. He told me that tomorrow I am to stay in bed. And not to lift a finger. Which being a mom is so hard to do.
Thank you ladies for all the prayers. I can't sleep tonight. I never knew how hard something like this could be. My husband took me for a ride in the car tonight to look at our new house being built. He said" you know there are several different worries, but my thought right now is I don't wanna see you go through this again." He said he wants to go straight to IVF. I looked at him and said.. : Honey do you know how much that would cost" as our insurance covers no part of it. He told me that tomorrow I am to stay in bed. And not to lift a finger. Which being a mom is so hard to do.

I am so sorry for your loss and it truly breaks my heart that you have to go through a mc :cry: It seems almost like the right of passage for us TR girls. My sister foound out she was preggo after years of trying with a FS and friday I had to take her to the hospital so she could get a shot that got rid of her baby because it was growing in her tube :cry: It's amazing when your young you just get preggo and then thats it you dont worry or think of all the things that could go wrong now it seems thats all we do is worry :cry: I have to say Im soooo happy that your dh is so wonderful to you and really is trying to help you through this my dh has no clue and says im stressing to much and if i just stop stressing i will get preggo :dohh: MEN! Sorry for my rant :hugs: time will heal then you will get back on the tcc wagon and after a mc im sure your next lil bean will be sticky
Thank you ladies for all the prayers. I can't sleep tonight. I never knew how hard something like this could be. My husband took me for a ride in the car tonight to look at our new house being built. He said" you know there are several different worries, but my thought right now is I don't wanna see you go through this again." He said he wants to go straight to IVF. I looked at him and said.. : Honey do you know how much that would cost" as our insurance covers no part of it. He told me that tomorrow I am to stay in bed. And not to lift a finger. Which being a mom is so hard to do.

I am so sorry for your loss and it truly breaks my heart that you have to go through a mc :cry: It seems almost like the right of passage for us TR girls. My sister foound out she was preggo after years of trying with a FS and friday I had to take her to the hospital so she could get a shot that got rid of her baby because it was growing in her tube :cry: It's amazing when your young you just get preggo and then thats it you dont worry or think of all the things that could go wrong now it seems thats all we do is worry :cry: I have to say Im soooo happy that your dh is so wonderful to you and really is trying to help you through this my dh has no clue and says im stressing to much and if i just stop stressing i will get preggo :dohh: MEN! Sorry for my rant :hugs: time will heal then you will get back on the tcc wagon and after a mc im sure your next lil bean will be sticky

Thank you... I am hoping and praying that the next one will stick. Went to ER this morning at my hubbys request. Becuase he says the pain has gone on to long. My numbers this morning were 90. Ob doc was called by ER doc and again said if I am not bleeding by wednesday they will do a D&C. I want my body to take care of it. I don't wanna have to go through that. Also the doc told us that it is helpful if we name it. He said it helps with closeure. So after 3 doses of morphine and some stomach meds I am home. And my hubby picked the name Ava for a girl. :cry::cry: seems to be all i do right now.
** Tater I did look at your chart... Looks good. The reason you got the dotted lines is because of your OPK. maybe next month I will have you take pics and send them to me. Because I think you might be getting one the day before. If you line is almost as dark it is a +++ OPK .. So if it is close I would call it a ++++
:hugs: Lissa. The journey is different for everyone. I'm really sorry your having to go through this- I just couldn't imagine.

I'm terrified of having a MC. Its almost making me question whether or nor right now is the right time to TTC. DH just found out his Dad has cancer, and its been pretty hard on him...if I get pg and it doesn't stick, I really don't know what it could do to him. I acknowledge it as a reality, while he like to go on through life thinking everything is going to be just fine- which I think effects a lot of the feelings he is having about his Dad.

Tater and Saga- any definite signs of O having come and gone? How are your temps doing?

Faith- you should be just about to O time, right? Just a few days!

Mama- your just a few days behind me and Faith.

I started OPK's today because of some CM I noticed...and the line was looking pretty dark, so no real O yet but it is coming, and coming earlier than I expected. Just a few more days, I think.
I to am terrified of having a mc but it seems to be what TR woman have to deal with, I just dont get it it was our tubes that were messed with not our uterus and yet somehow so many mc?!?! Thats cool dash that you faith and myself are close together :) I hope one of us gets a bfp soon we need some good news
:hugs: Lissa. The journey is different for everyone. I'm really sorry your having to go through this- I just couldn't imagine.

I'm terrified of having a MC. Its almost making me question whether or nor right now is the right time to TTC. DH just found out his Dad has cancer, and its been pretty hard on him...if I get pg and it doesn't stick, I really don't know what it could do to him. I acknowledge it as a reality, while he like to go on through life thinking everything is going to be just fine- which I think effects a lot of the feelings he is having about his Dad.

Tater and Saga- any definite signs of O having come and gone? How are your temps doing?

Faith- you should be just about to O time, right? Just a few days!

Mama- your just a few days behind me and Faith.

I started OPK's today because of some CM I noticed...and the line was looking pretty dark, so no real O yet but it is coming, and coming earlier than I expected. Just a few more days, I think.

MC isn't even something that I ever considered until it happened and when I was TOLD it WAS going to happen I didn't believe it~I know it's not rare, but everyone? it just seems extreme~and I'm really interested as to WHY it SEEMS to be more likely after a TR? my doc pretty much told me that the ONE 'big' risk was the ectopic...he didn't mention a ton of MC's....I hope that none of us have to go through it AT all:flower: or again for us that have already experienced it :flower:

I have O'd and it's really crazy bc I swear I could feel my self getting warmer..??:haha: I KNOW I know, sounds totally crazy, but I made a note of it~going to def be looking for that again next cycle....since O my temp has gone higher each morning...I'm expecting it to level off tomorrow..or maybe one more rise and then taper off...we'll see...

How ya feeling Dash...maybe NTNP is a better route to go? I need to change my profile, b/c that's where I's just less obsession, less stress...maybe you won't be a "crazy" lady like I've made myself...but just being "natural" about it so much MORE peaceful!!! and w/ other things going on in life, peace is welcomed big time!!!!!
Thank you ladies for all the prayers. I can't sleep tonight. I never knew how hard something like this could be. My husband took me for a ride in the car tonight to look at our new house being built. He said" you know there are several different worries, but my thought right now is I don't wanna see you go through this again." He said he wants to go straight to IVF. I looked at him and said.. : Honey do you know how much that would cost" as our insurance covers no part of it. He told me that tomorrow I am to stay in bed. And not to lift a finger. Which being a mom is so hard to do.

I am so sorry for your loss and it truly breaks my heart that you have to go through a mc :cry: It seems almost like the right of passage for us TR girls. My sister foound out she was preggo after years of trying with a FS and friday I had to take her to the hospital so she could get a shot that got rid of her baby because it was growing in her tube :cry: It's amazing when your young you just get preggo and then thats it you dont worry or think of all the things that could go wrong now it seems thats all we do is worry :cry: I have to say Im soooo happy that your dh is so wonderful to you and really is trying to help you through this my dh has no clue and says im stressing to much and if i just stop stressing i will get preggo :dohh: MEN! Sorry for my rant :hugs: time will heal then you will get back on the tcc wagon and after a mc im sure your next lil bean will be sticky

Thank you... I am hoping and praying that the next one will stick. Went to ER this morning at my hubbys request. Becuase he says the pain has gone on to long. My numbers this morning were 90. Ob doc was called by ER doc and again said if I am not bleeding by wednesday they will do a D&C. I want my body to take care of it. I don't wanna have to go through that. Also the doc told us that it is helpful if we name it. He said it helps with closeure. So after 3 doses of morphine and some stomach meds I am home. And my hubby picked the name Ava for a girl. :cry::cry: seems to be all i do right now.
** Tater I did look at your chart... Looks good. The reason you got the dotted lines is because of your OPK. maybe next month I will have you take pics and send them to me. Because I think you might be getting one the day before. If you line is almost as dark it is a +++ OPK .. So if it is close I would call it a ++++

you think the reason I have the dotted and not solid line is b/c I charted the + OPK on the day FF is saying I O'd? It wasn't even close to being as dark on CD12~i obviously have a super short LH surge b/c it was completely neg~barely there or faint~and then BAM, totally positive and then totally negative again....but it didn't happen until late~like 9pm ish on CD13...IDK?

:flow:Hope you are resting and feeling at peace tonight sweetie..thinking and praying for you:flow:

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