Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Well, girls...I've got to get caught up here:hugs: I helped dh again this weekend with a show...such good exercise unloading and reloading his booth display and bronze sculptures:bodyb: I would actually be quite trim and toned if it weren't for the yummy food we tend to eat while there. Yesterday the Girl Scouts set-up their booth just 30 ft. you know what that means!!!! Samoas, Thin Mints and Tagalongs, of course:dohh: there goes all the calories I burned helping set-up our booth:haha: Anyway, I'm finding it a wonderful distraction from TTC. Like some of you have expressed, I'm feeling soooo much more relaxed about this cycle:thumbup:

Sweetlissa, it sounds like your husband is a *10*...what a wonderful guy:flower: you're very blessed to have his support and understanding.:hugs: When one of my sisters had a MC, she took it especially hard as her dh's way of dealing with it was to take off and go hunting. She felt very alone in her are hard to figure out when it comes to emotional pain. Your dh is a keeper:thumbup: I do hope you'll be able to MC naturally and not have to endure anything further like the D&C. Although it's hard to voice it, I have to agree with Momma. It DOES seem to be a right of passage for us TR gals to MC before having a healthy little one. I hate to say that as several of us here have not gotten our first post-TR BFP, I'm really worried about our odds of MC. I've prepared dh...always updating him on our little group here, the harsh reality of MC and ectopic PG...If/when we get our BFP, I will certainly feel blessed, but very, very cautious for the first 12 weeks. In my earlier childbearing days, I had a MC at 9 wks and was taken back at how deeply it hurt to lose that baby even so early. I also had a stillborn baby boy (due to placental abruption) happened just about 3 weeks before my due date..very, very hard loss:cry: I do think we become stronger from going through these tragic times and good things, although hard to see right now, can come from it:hugs:

On a happier note, how WONDERFUL that you're having a home built! When will it be complete?

Momma: I'm so sorry to read that your sister has lost her baby:cry: After so many years of trying, that it absolutely devistating for heart breaks for her:cry:

Dash: Today is CD7 for me. I'm a late O'er and probably won't get a + opk until CD 17. I o'd on CD18 last cycle and CD19 the cycle before. We'll see..10 days seems so far away:wacko: I thought I read that you O'd late last cycle too...are you seeing a darkening line already? It's hard to tell what your *new* normal is until you've had a few cycles:wacko: it's a little crazy

Tater: How are you holding up being smoke-free? How many days has it been now?:happydance: Great job:thumbup:
Looks like d-day isn't too far off for you:happydance: But NOOOOO early testing, right:haha:

TTC: Are you feeling?

Saga: Getting new furniture is fun, fun, fun! Sounds like a great company to do business with! No early testing for you either, right:winkwink:

Well ladies, I'm exhausted and need to get to bed AND dh is waiting for me:winkwink: hope you all have sweet dreams and peaceful sleep:sleep:
Faith- it sounds like you had a nice adventurous weekend!

I have O'ed late since TR, but usually O'ed around CD 12-14 before surgery with a perfect 28 day cycle. I would LOVE to get back to THOSE predictable cycles! Actually, I would love to have no cycles, if you know what I mean :winkwink:. I am thinking it will be earlier this month...or maybe its just wishful thinking...

I sure hope all my waiting pays off.
I've been smoke TOTALLY and COMPLETELY free for 14days, 15~when ya'll read this...but 14 as I type PTL!!!!!!!!! BIG TIME!!!

NO early testing AT ALL..not even a cheat..sneak one in JFF~I'm not...I'm going to even tr hard to NOT look at my temps..I mean, yeah, I'll enter them in and mark my specifics, but other than that...they are what they are....
I'm so relaxed RIGHT now~it's a good feeling...I think back to the crazy person I was 3 cycles ago...wowza...

P.s. I just downed a sleeve of trefoils~:blush: I've gained 8lbs since I stopped smoking..alllllll I want is gut is huge, ugh..I'm going to have to take up exercising. :shrug:
:happydance: Way to go! Be proud! BE VERY PROUD! And ease up on yourself a bit with the weight gain- your body will readjust.
Well, girls...I've got to get caught up here:hugs: I helped dh again this weekend with a show...such good exercise unloading and reloading his booth display and bronze sculptures:bodyb: I would actually be quite trim and toned if it weren't for the yummy food we tend to eat while there. Yesterday the Girl Scouts set-up their booth just 30 ft. you know what that means!!!! Samoas, Thin Mints and Tagalongs, of course:dohh: there goes all the calories I burned helping set-up our booth:haha: Anyway, I'm finding it a wonderful distraction from TTC. Like some of you have expressed, I'm feeling soooo much more relaxed about this cycle:thumbup:

Sweetlissa, it sounds like your husband is a *10*...what a wonderful guy:flower: you're very blessed to have his support and understanding.:hugs: When one of my sisters had a MC, she took it especially hard as her dh's way of dealing with it was to take off and go hunting. She felt very alone in her are hard to figure out when it comes to emotional pain. Your dh is a keeper:thumbup: I do hope you'll be able to MC naturally and not have to endure anything further like the D&C. Although it's hard to voice it, I have to agree with Momma. It DOES seem to be a right of passage for us TR gals to MC before having a healthy little one. I hate to say that as several of us here have not gotten our first post-TR BFP, I'm really worried about our odds of MC. I've prepared dh...always updating him on our little group here, the harsh reality of MC and ectopic PG...If/when we get our BFP, I will certainly feel blessed, but very, very cautious for the first 12 weeks. In my earlier childbearing days, I had a MC at 9 wks and was taken back at how deeply it hurt to lose that baby even so early. I also had a stillborn baby boy (due to placental abruption) happened just about 3 weeks before my due date..very, very hard loss:cry: I do think we become stronger from going through these tragic times and good things, although hard to see right now, can come from it:hugs:

On a happier note, how WONDERFUL that you're having a home built! When will it be complete?

Momma: I'm so sorry to read that your sister has lost her baby:cry: After so many years of trying, that it absolutely devistating for heart breaks for her:cry:

Dash: Today is CD7 for me. I'm a late O'er and probably won't get a + opk until CD 17. I o'd on CD18 last cycle and CD19 the cycle before. We'll see..10 days seems so far away:wacko: I thought I read that you O'd late last cycle too...are you seeing a darkening line already? It's hard to tell what your *new* normal is until you've had a few cycles:wacko: it's a little crazy

Tater: How are you holding up being smoke-free? How many days has it been now?:happydance: Great job:thumbup:
Looks like d-day isn't too far off for you:happydance: But NOOOOO early testing, right:haha:

TTC: Are you feeling?

Saga: Getting new furniture is fun, fun, fun! Sounds like a great company to do business with! No early testing for you either, right:winkwink:

Well ladies, I'm exhausted and need to get to bed AND dh is waiting for me:winkwink: hope you all have sweet dreams and peaceful sleep:sleep:

Thank you for your kind words. My hubby has been great. I am trying to remain calm. I woke up this morning and was angry when I woke up. Not sure if it is Morphine wearing off or me just dealing with it. My cramps feel better this morning. So far. My hubby and I talked and agree that next time we are not spilling the beans to our kids until we see a heartbeat. You girls will probably be the only ones to know. I do believe we aren't going to start really trying for a few months. maybe in May.
Our house is going to be done in about 45 days. I am counting them down as I am so ready to get out of this old farm house we are in. It is about 120 yrs old. It has been kept up but old houses are And I am very ready for my big tub. I am hoping once we get into the house and all the bedrooms are on the same floor that my youngest will start to sleep in his bed. As of right now he doesn't want to be that far away from me.
Tater congrats you should be proud! who cares about the weight it will come off when your ready :) my mother in law quite and she packed on the lbs and once she felt good with not smoking anymore she lost the weight :)
Faith I to have fallen prey to the girl scout cookies they are just too good :)
sweetlissa once your house is done you will have so much going on to keep you busy which is a great thing when you need distraction
TTC and future where are you ladies ?
hi dash and saga i hope I did'nt forget anyone
Im headed out to my hsg soon and im a little worried I really hope my tubes are open !!!!
Momma: Just said a prayer for you!!!! Can't wait to hear the good news :thumbup: :happydance:
Sweetlissa: I'm glad that you have a loving husband to take care of you. I'm praying that over time your pain will heal and that when you do concieve again it will be your with your sticky bean miracle baby! :hugs:
Momma: Good luck on your HSG! I'm praying to hear wonderful news like Tater's!! :hugs:
Tater: I'm so proud of you for being smoke free for over two weeks! Way to go girl!!! :hugs:
Faith: Glad to hear that you are relaxed this cycle. You never now that might help bring you your miracle baby!! :hugs:
Saga and Dash: How are you girls holding up? I hope all is well!!! :hugs:

Tons of :dust: to my TR Girls!!!

I'm feeling good. My MS really picked up yesterday,which is good! I went today for more blood work. I'll know results tomorrow I hope. My TR doc has me going for blood work until 3/24 every week. To make sure my levels stay were they are suppose to which is fine with me.
Thaaaanx girls!!!! I'm pretty amazed by it still...I was a heavy smoker and just figured I'd be smoking until I was stiff....I thought I'd be at my boys soccer games when I'm like 40 w/ my oxygen tank :blush: thank GOD that's NOT going to happen ~or if it DOES, won't be from cigs!!!!
I DO certainly HOPE big time that I DO stop feeling the want for sweets..I've always heard that things taste better, that's NOT the case but I just WANT sweets...It's not even b/c I go to the fridge when I have a craving..I've had like 2 cravings since I quit..and that's awesome!!!!!! anyway, it'll be ok..rather be a lil chunky and healthy than unhealthy and hacking up hockers all the time!!!

Momma, CANNOT WAIT to hear about your HSG!!!!! let us know ASAP!!!!!! I'm sure they are open!!!!!!!!!!!!! yaay!!!

Dash, what are you OPK's looking like today?? How's you mom, your F-I-L? you are on my heart a lot:hugs:

Sagapo...Where are ya girl and HOW did we get so far (not that it's really THAT far)from each other in cycles...we WERE only 1 day apart now we are like 3 or 4 or something.....???:shrug:

TTC this is Such great news from you!!!! SO super glad you feel so good/bad:winkwink: ya know!! Are you starting to show yet?? You HAVE to post pix of your bump!!!!!!!:kiss:

Where's future ????? Hope you are good girl.........

Lissa, what's happening w/ the kidney stones???

Faith do you just do ummm, your work on the weekends? have the week to enjoy FL and your fam? that sounds so AWESOME!!!!!
I'm relaxed this cycle to~figured out some revelation stuff and life is sooo much better for ALL of us:winkwink:

welp, love ya girls!!! oodles..can't imagine a day w/out hearing from ya and talking w/ ya!!!!
Tater i passed the kidney stones saturday night. Sunday morning which is why I was in so much pain about 3 a.m. sunday morning. Ob called me this morning.. I think that it is great that the doc takes time out from his busy day to call me himself and tell me that it was a MC and that he is sorry for my loss. He wants to see me Wednesday. Not U/S will be needed but he will do blood work. He said that it is odd that I am not bleeding yet but that it should be starting as my numbers get lower. He said that if need be he will give me the shot to make me start to bleed. He says he wont do a D&C unless I start to bleed heavily. So we are still waiting. I think that waiting and knowing that it is dead is the hardest part. He said it could have been in my tube but that with the numbers dropping so quickly that it wouldn't be attached anymore. But that he feels at the point where it shead its our layer is when it stopped growing. (not sure what that means). He said to wait until the next cycle before we even think of doing TTC. He said body and mind need time to heal. I bought a plant today and named it Ava. As I have been told by several people to do so that I will have some sort of closer. Anyway
Tater your chart looks good. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Tater- your heart is so big, I love it :hugs: My mom is full recovered, and as far as my FIL its just more waiting until a treatment plan is established, I guess.

Lissa- I will be praying for peace for you today :hugs:

TTC- 8 weeks! Thats so exciting!

AFM, I'm really feeling like my O will be soon. OPK was nearly pos this AM. My OPK's this cycle seem to be showing a lot more- the one I got this AM was as dark as the one I got during O time last cycle. So BD tonight :thumbup: and likely for the next few days. No EWCM I know I'm not quit there yet.

Ive been praying that if its not meant to happen, it just doesn't...I don't think my family can take any more sadness right now. Every month it doesn't happen I'm just chalking it up to God's plan- so somebody remind me of that in a few weeks :winkwink:
ok so im back from my hsg my tubes are open but they said there was scar tissue where they reattached the tubes I was really emotional for some reason so I did'nt ask any questions in fear that I was gonna start crying, he said that I should continue to ttc and that its still early yet as far as worrying goes. what do you guys think is the scar tissue really a big problem is this normal for us tr girls?
Yay open tubes!

From what I understand, the natural movement of the body is to get the egg OUT of the fallopian tube. We have little follicles called fimbriae that help the egg through the tube and into the uterus. Spots of scar tissue can "disrupt" how the fimbriae work and make it harder for the egg to make it into the uterus. This is why ALL TR women have a higher risk of EP. I wouldn't even say scar tissue is abnormal- we all have external scars from our surgeries, why would we think there was no internal scarring? I would be interested to hear what your doc says about it...

One of my tubes was cut way up by the ovary, where the most crucial fimbriae are- it was something my doc mentioned at my post-op.
Yay open tubes!

From what I understand, the natural movement of the body is to get the egg OUT of the fallopian tube. We have little follicles called fimbriae that help the egg through the tube and into the uterus. Spots of scar tissue can "disrupt" how the fimbriae work and make it harder for the egg to make it into the uterus. This is why ALL TR women have a higher risk of EP. I wouldn't even say scar tissue is abnormal- we all have external scars from our surgeries, why would we think there was no internal scarring? I would be interested to hear what your doc says about it...

One of my tubes was cut way up by the ovary, where the most crucial fimbriae are- it was something my doc mentioned at my post-op.

you know i really assume we all would have the scaring just like you said we have it on the outside why would'nt we on the inside?!?! My gyno is the one looking into all this for me so im not sure what to think im assuming a fertility dr. looks at these things differently then a gyno who would naturally look at scar tissue as bad but a fertility dr. is probably oh ok they are open thats great! my brain is scatterd right not lol very emotional and painfull day :cry: why did they cut you so close to your ovaries? this whole thing sucks I just want us all to get knocked up now!!!!
Thaaaanx girls!!!! I'm pretty amazed by it still...I was a heavy smoker and just figured I'd be smoking until I was stiff....I thought I'd be at my boys soccer games when I'm like 40 w/ my oxygen tank :blush: thank GOD that's NOT going to happen ~or if it DOES, won't be from cigs!!!!
I DO certainly HOPE big time that I DO stop feeling the want for sweets..I've always heard that things taste better, that's NOT the case but I just WANT sweets...It's not even b/c I go to the fridge when I have a craving..I've had like 2 cravings since I quit..and that's awesome!!!!!! anyway, it'll be ok..rather be a lil chunky and healthy than unhealthy and hacking up hockers all the time!!!

Momma, CANNOT WAIT to hear about your HSG!!!!! let us know ASAP!!!!!! I'm sure they are open!!!!!!!!!!!!! yaay!!!

Dash, what are you OPK's looking like today?? How's you mom, your F-I-L? you are on my heart a lot:hugs:

Sagapo...Where are ya girl and HOW did we get so far (not that it's really THAT far)from each other in cycles...we WERE only 1 day apart now we are like 3 or 4 or something.....???:shrug:

TTC this is Such great news from you!!!! SO super glad you feel so good/bad:winkwink: ya know!! Are you starting to show yet?? You HAVE to post pix of your bump!!!!!!!:kiss:

Where's future ????? Hope you are good girl.........

Lissa, what's happening w/ the kidney stones???

Faith do you just do ummm, your work on the weekends? have the week to enjoy FL and your fam? that sounds so AWESOME!!!!!
I'm relaxed this cycle to~figured out some revelation stuff and life is sooo much better for ALL of us:winkwink:

welp, love ya girls!!! oodles..can't imagine a day w/out hearing from ya and talking w/ ya!!!!

:wave: I'm here, I'm here !!
Looks like I have alot of catching up to do:wacko:
I am the same as you ,Tater. I was a heavy smoker for years and after the TR I decided to quit. I now ( even almost two years later) crave sweets esp. after eatting or driving or whenever I used to smoke. I have put on about 30lbs between having Emily and quitting:blush:
I am ashamed to say that I miss smoking:shy: sometimes still even though I have never had the urge to start again...if that makes sense !!
I am going the NTNP route for a while.. I am tired of being stressed about conceiving and needed a break already !!
Since we used IUI to have Emily our plan is to wait and if we don't get a :bfp: by June or so we will return to the fertility clinc.
How is everyone else ???
Momma: YEA for open tubes:happydance: Like Dash said, I think all of us TR gals have scar tissue...this why we have the high ectopic rate..don't stress about it:hugs:

I'm soooo with you on the deep regret of having the TL:cry: It truly is such a major decision, I don't feel that 99% of women are in the position to make such a HUGE decision during that really messed up hormonal phase of pregnancy and early post pregnancy stage. I *think* most all TL women have it done immediately after giving birth or very soon after. It should be required that women wait a period of one year after giving birth to make the decision.

Anyway, so how did the procedure feel? Was it really painful or just like a few sec. of a contraction like Tater thought. I'm so glad it's over and you can move forward:hugs:

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