Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

First off, Lissa:hugs: I am so sorry this is such a tough time for you !

tater, :yipee: for you staying smoke free:yipee: and that bill was insane:huh: Here in Canada we have free health care[-o< and that was covered for me.

Ready:wave: Welcome sweetie. It can be so frustrating living month to month with the worries of conceiving:hugs2:

Saga, miss ya, girl:friends:

TTC, :cake: Happy Birthday to your lil' big guy...time just flys doesn't it !!

Dash, I think you and I are close in our cycles, I am due to OV in the next day or two I think...thank goodness for OPK

Faith, did you get to the drugstore today ?
lissa..i was looking at your you said 6DPO you had implant dip...BUT I was looking at the chart before..and 10DPO you had a drastic, what I'm wondering is why you didn't consider THAT to be implant...??
Oh and just curious...why did you have the NOT solid circles 5 n 6DPO last cycle?
First off, Lissa:hugs: I am so sorry this is such a tough time for you !

tater, :yipee: for you staying smoke free:yipee: and that bill was insane:huh: Here in Canada we have free health care[-o< and that was covered for me.

Ready:wave: Welcome sweetie. It can be so frustrating living month to month with the worries of conceiving:hugs2:

Saga, miss ya, girl:friends:

TTC, :cake: Happy Birthday to your lil' big guy...time just flys doesn't it !!

Dash, I think you and I are close in our cycles, I am due to OV in the next day or two I think...thank goodness for OPK

Faith, did you get to the drugstore today ?

FREE health do I sign up for THAT!!??
I know~ a bit ridiculous:wacko:but Insurance DID pay for it, so we didn't have too. PTL b/c it wouldn't have ever happened if we did....
I forget are you temping..hooked in w/ FF at all?
No, tater I don't temp.. with Emily teething and being up several times a night I don't find I get a proper reading !
No, tater I don't temp.. with Emily teething and being up several times a night I don't find I get a proper reading !

True, that probably WOULD be more frustrating...trying to temp and having it not work out...did she just turn 1?!?!?!?!
She's SO cute:kiss:
Yeah future, I would say our cycles are pretty close! Faith is right before me, and Momma right after I believe?

I should O soon. Lots of EWCM today :thumbup: Since I chucked the old OPK's I have had any + yet.
Okay, I have missed all you ladies! We are trying to sell a house we rent and between wrangling with our rental management company to get them to repair damages by the tenant and getting them to actually bill the tenant's deposit and then meeting with our home inspector, contractors, (we had the house inspected on the front end to go ahead and make any repairs the house needs and price it to sell so that it moves QUICKLY) roofers, painters,'s taken up every spare moment of my time! AGHHH!

But I am going back to read now to see what I missed and respond to all you back when I am finished reading!

Saga nice to hear from you!!! :hugs:
Hi everyone!!! I've been searching and searching for days on this site for this forum. I'm so happy. I had my TR in Nov. I'm so depressed about not getting my bfp. I'm thinking about requesting clomid because although I chart...opk...check cm...etc etc I can't seem to get my OV day. Sometimes I will go with out a true + opk then this month I had +'s on week and then again on another week! It's a mess. DH hates ttc now and I"m ready to request my HSg in May at my 6 month mark. I live 3000 miles from North Carolina where the best TR Dr. is supposed to be and had my procedure done by someone with the exact same qualifications, years in training, and accrediation but am doubting the outcome. I also got a staph infection in my incission 5 weeks after the surgery so that has me convinced that everything inside me is a mess too. I worry about every little twinge and pain and am more or less losing my mind over all of this. I keep thinking darn it I should have just done stupid IVF!

:hi: and welcome ready!!!
Tater i am so proud of you. I know its not easy. I have been watching my hubby over the last month trying to quit. He was smoking 2 packs a day and is down to 3 or 4 smokes. He says he can tell a big difference. He is using Sunflower seeds to help him so he isn't eating everything in sight. It seems to help him.
TTC I am so happy for you. Hopefully you do get to see your lil one again soon.
I have never heard of giving an HCG shot to help with the pregnancy. I have heard of getting them to help with O time.
I am going to go and get my blood drawn again this morning. Just for piece of mind. Only because I still don't see any signs of a MC and the pain is getting better. As I think the vast magority was the KS, and now that they are gone I feel better. I still have some pain on the left front side. But it isn't as bad as it was. I just keep praying that maybe I had more then 1 baby in there cause I was taking clomid and that possibly if that was the case it can still turn itself around. Anyway I will let you girls know. Yes I am sure at this point I sound crazy and desperate.. :)

Lissa you don't sound crazy or desperate.:hugs:
ready welcome! i agree with tater we are always riding the rollercoaster of emotions on this journey :( I had my reversal in october and still have not gotten a Bfp :( I know the feeling all to well of wishing i did ivf instead nobody ever told me how hard this would be.
you will feel such relief being on this thread everyone here knows exactly what you are feeling and nothing is off limits here.
AFM holy im an eating machine today I really have eaten everything in site today and for my millionth thing after dinner i had a brownie sunday yum yum!!!! good god let me get preggo soon so I dont have to work off this gut before summer
Tater if anything could'nt that be implantation dip? and if not sweetlissa says its all good and we know she is the bomb at temps!
TTC Happy birthday to your son, Its so sad that they grow so fast I find myself getting really emotional around bday time. I use to be tough now im just a cry baby
I am soooo excited for you 9 weeks preggo what a great milestone for a TR girl!!!!
Sweet lissa i know its sad that your losing your baby but now you know you CAN get pregnant and they say your more fertile after a mc and the fact that your body is doing it on its own is really great. keep your focus and the finish line in site :)
faith how you doin? Have you o'd yet?
Hi to dash future and saga!!!!!
afm I feel alot better im sure by tomorrow I will be ready to get it on!!! saturday starts our bding week I hope we get er done this month I hate sex now!!!! The fun is gone lol

Good luck this weekend I hope you catch the eggie! Tons of :dust:!! :hugs:
ready welcome! i agree with tater we are always riding the rollercoaster of emotions on this journey :( I had my reversal in october and still have not gotten a Bfp :( I know the feeling all to well of wishing i did ivf instead nobody ever told me how hard this would be.
you will feel such relief being on this thread everyone here knows exactly what you are feeling and nothing is off limits here.
AFM holy im an eating machine today I really have eaten everything in site today and for my millionth thing after dinner i had a brownie sunday yum yum!!!! good god let me get preggo soon so I dont have to work off this gut before summer

mmmm a brownie suday that sounds yummy!!
:hi: Dash, Faith and Future! I hope all is going well ladies!! :hugs:
OK girls I just thought I'd share this with ya!!!
it BLEW my and thank GOODNESS that insurance covered it...But we got our Insurance "explanation of benefits" from the HSG and WOWZA...
OK the X-ray w/ 1 service was $236.00
Operating room service w/1 service was $297.00
and Pharmacy Service w/ 10 services was $1420.00
ID even KNOW what the Pharmacy service would have been for $1420.00....this was all for the HSG which totaled $1,953.00.... we got a separate one for the SA...
That is just craziness and any of you girls that haven't had the HSG OR have ins and WANT the HSG...just a FYI....
you get charged for being IN the operating room and also for the X-ray you have taken IN the operating room..blows my mind....

Thats crazy! Thank goodness for your insurance Tater!! :hugs:
Thank you so much I already feel better having found all of you. I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling insane once in a while. My dh is so tired of talking about pee sticks and BDing. It's really draining us. I just can't help to think oh my we have spent so much on something that may not work. Everywhere I go there's pregnant women, baby items, women talking about their babies etc etc. We couldn't even escape it at dinner last week during our little date night. The couple next to us were talking all about birth centers and what they wanted to do. I just sat there thinking why me?! I've had symptoms and then nothing and my chart...what a disaster. I have one on fertility friend but I don't know how to post it on here. I also don't know how to send private messages to others. I'm having such a melt down.
Thank you so much I already feel better having found all of you. I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling insane once in a while. My dh is so tired of talking about pee sticks and BDing. It's really draining us. I just can't help to think oh my we have spent so much on something that may not work. Everywhere I go there's pregnant women, baby items, women talking about their babies etc etc. We couldn't even escape it at dinner last week during our little date night. The couple next to us were talking all about birth centers and what they wanted to do. I just sat there thinking why me?! I've had symptoms and then nothing and my chart...what a disaster. I have one on fertility friend but I don't know how to post it on here. I also don't know how to send private messages to others. I'm having such a melt down.

Like I said we have all felt that way I know the feeling all to well my best friend and other friend are both 5 months preggo the plan was for us ll to be preggo together but I droped the ball on that one lol and they both just found out the sex and im very happy for them but soooo jelous:blush: We all have low moments but you will pull yourself togehter and keep on plugging through :hugs: In fertility friend click on chart and in the left hand column it says sharing click on that then it says ticker click on that and if you go into bnbs quick links and go into your signiture thats whrere you post it, I hope that helps as far as temping sweetlissa is the go to girl here im very new and shitty at it :dohh: sending messages you click on who you want to send a message to it will take you to there profile then in there it will say private message. I hope this helps and dont worry we all freak out if you read back into older posts you will see:blush: good luck hun and if you have any questions or concerns dont be bashfull im sure someone here can help to some extent
Tater if anything could'nt that be implantation dip? and if not sweetlissa says its all good and we know she is the bomb at temps!
TTC Happy birthday to your son, Its so sad that they grow so fast I find myself getting really emotional around bday time. I use to be tough now im just a cry baby
I am soooo excited for you 9 weeks preggo what a great milestone for a TR girl!!!!
Sweet lissa i know its sad that your losing your baby but now you know you CAN get pregnant and they say your more fertile after a mc and the fact that your body is doing it on its own is really great. keep your focus and the finish line in site :)
faith how you doin? Have you o'd yet?
Hi to dash future and saga!!!!!
afm I feel alot better im sure by tomorrow I will be ready to get it on!!! saturday starts our bding week I hope we get er done this month I hate sex now!!!! The fun is gone lol

Good luck this weekend I hope you catch the eggie! Tons of :dust:!! :hugs:

Thanks sooo much I hope that dust helps :)
It's been a crazy couple of days and I miss you ALL so much!

Future: Emily is absolutely adorable! And I cannot imagine having free health care! You said if nothing has happened by June, then you would be going back to the fertility specialist...ME TOO. It'll be May or June for me too...not because I don't think it will happen, but because of our hubby is 42 this year and he said he was horrified to think he'd be 52, at least, when our child is'll be getting some assistance if it hasn't happened by then...

Ready: Hello and welcome! This has definitely been an emotional journey for all of us...I don't know what I would do without the girls on this board. We are all here for each other and manage to keep everyone's heads on helps to be able to come vent and know there is no judgment. It'll help you too. I am really glad you found us.

Faith: I still think it is very cool that you get to travel with your hubby. And GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! My hubby just told me he is bringing some home tonight! AGHHHH! My weakness! Especially the peanut butter patties!

Momma: I cannot believe your doctor so callously told you to basically get over it because TL is permanent! And I am so happy to hear that your tubes are open! How wonderful! And I agree with Dash...most likely, we ALL have a little scar tissue...but as long as the tubes are open, they will try and push that egg down...:hugs:

Sweetlissa: I am so sorry for your loss...I wish there was something I could say or do to make it all better for you. I am so glad that you have such a wonderful support system. Your hubby sounds so sweet and are so lucky. And your mother-in-law and kids sound fantastic too! And you are NOT crazy, nor do you sound crazy, for hoping for a miracle.

Dash: I did have signs of O. But my temps were so screwed up from not sleeping that I really had to rely on CM and other body signs. Everything was just weird this month...usually when I get the LH surge, my boobs get tender and stay that way until AF. BUT, not this time...nothing. I do think I O'd though...I just don't know what day...I think on day 12, but not sure. And you know what? I hope all YOUR wishing pays off too...and SOON!

Tater: So glad you are still smoke free! Woohoo, Girl! How awesome! :happydance: And if you are worried about the extra pounds, come to "Booty Bootcamp", otherwise known as MY HOUSE! Hahaha! I can help you lose those 8! I loved what your son told you about his dream...that was just the sweetest thing...and I hope you really do have a girl. That would be so wonderful. And I saw the bill for the HSG! Holy Moly! Thank God for insurance!!!

TTCbaby: NINE WEEKS! Yaaayyy! So glad for your normal levels and so happy for you. And I loved seeing your cute bump! Happy happy birthday to your son!

I hope I didn't miss anyone...

As for me...things have just been nuts around here. But I am glad because it gives me other things to think about...I don't have time to think about TTC...and that's good because I didn't even try this month...I really didn't even notate any BDing except for when I thought I might have was nice this month to take a break...and if we wanted to BD it was because we wanted to...not because we had to...and it has been nice.

Other than dealing with trying to sell a house...and all the craziness that goes along with it...I got a new bed delivered on Friday. I ordered this bed back in was my DREAM's an upholstered bed...headboard, footboard, and rails all upholstered...the headboard is tufted...and 2 inches taller than BEAUTIFUL! It was supposed to be a light, creamy beige...very light...and I waited for WEEKS for them to make it....and so I got it in on Friday...and when it got to my house, it was a CELERY GREEN! AGHHH! So, they had to come pick it up today...and it will be another 4 to 6 weeks before I get the right one...oh well, eh? It was worth it because when the delivery guys were here, one was talking to me about his kids and he asked me how many I had. I said three and then I told him their ages and he said, "YOU have a 12 year old???" I said yep, I sure do. And then he said he would not have guessed that because he thought I was 25 or 26. I don't know if he meant it...he was probably just being nice...but I'll take it! He's my new best friend...haha...kidding!
I'm going to put the kids to bed and then get on the treadmill...I was so busy that I didn't have a chance to run today...but I will talk to you ladies in the morning. I don't have a THING in the world to do tomorrow...WHEW! And I am excited about THAT!

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