Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

I'm going to put the kids to bed and then get on the treadmill...I was so busy that I didn't have a chance to run today...but I will talk to you ladies in the morning. I don't have a THING in the world to do tomorrow...WHEW! And I am excited about THAT!

Sag, SO great to have your pretty lil face back on here now!!!!!! It IS good to be busy...i like it when it comes in spurts too...not ALWAYS busy but NOT always bored...
We also did NOT try this cycle and it was SOOO great and refreshing!!!! LOVE NOT trying although probably WON'T last forever...:nope: but off and on is better than stressing ALL days....

If I was close to bootie bootcamp I'd be there.....And, by now that 8 HAS to have turned into 12...I'm ridiculous I mean FO REAL...:wacko:I HOPE Tate IS right about baby sister b/c at least THEN I will have a reason to be fat :holly:
I look 5 mo preggers..if *I* took a pic of MY "bump" you would CRACK's's ugly and I CAN'T stop~need like FA Food anonymous... anyway...Dh is gone this whole week and I told him tonight I'm so large..he won't recognize me :(
Glad your back sweetie!!!!
Saga! :hugs: Love having you around, glad you popped in! Sounds like you and tate are having stress free months. Its good to do every once in a while, especially if you have been trying for a while- nothing sucks the fun out of life like planning around ovulation.

Tate- I'm sure you look great- relax about your body, don't let it get to have made some AMAZING changes this last few weeks, be proud!
Wow! what a busy, busy thread today:) I wish I could reply/comment on everyone's happenings tonight but it's almost 11pm and dh is waiting patiently for me:haha:...I have now entered the DREADED tax season and have lots of paperwork to do:cry: I will be back tomorrow to catch up:thumbup:

Welcome Ready:hi: so happy you found our fabulous group! I couldn't manage without these gals:hugs: I feel like we all know each other and yet, we aren't even on first name basis :rofl: Oh how I love the world wide web:) It keeps my hubby from going craaazy...he just doesn't understand all we have to do to get our BFPs:)

Good night:sleep:

Btw, I bought a NEW battery today for my thermo...can't wait to see what the temp says tomorrow:wacko:...
I was reading back into what others were saying.

Mamma it's such a good thing that your tubes are open. I've read too that right after a HSG you may have a better chance. The word scar tissue just enrages me! I was told that on my left tube he was able to reconnect it in a better spot but with the right tube it was reconnected high up. I don't know the location though. The whole thing is frustrating. Are you in a position that you can do IVF? We aren't really and it breaks my heart.

Dash - My staph infection. Well it happened about 5 weeks after the surgery. I don't think it was because of the doctor. I feel happy about the doctor I chose but he had a doctor that helped him during the surgery and I actually met him during my follow up. I didn't like him at all. As for my staph infection it was the strangest thing. All the way on the left side of my scar a tiny bit of suture was sticking out and would stick on my underwear or clothing. This is about 2 weeks after by the way. So I went to my regular OB and she tried to clip it. That's where everything went bad. When she pulled up onto it the edge of the incision became furious. It didn't get worse but it didn't get better either. Then 5 weeks in or 3 weeks after the first attempt at trying to clip the little poking suture the middle of my incision got this huge red bump on it. It kept getting worse and worse. My regular OB had me do heat packs to draw the infection towards the surface then they cut it open again right over the red bump. While I was numbed up they also opened the left side suture where the orgional irritation began and found that the little surgical knot was causing the irritation and also caused the irritation where the big red infected bump in the middle began. I hope all of that makes sence. But right after I was cut open and my incision healed right away. It actually looks the same which amazed me because after they opened it they left it open to drain and clean. I don't think I have a problem with the suture material neccessarly either. You see I had a tummy tuck 3 years ago so I literally do not have any body fat on my stomach. As a result when they sewed me up the sutures were directly under the surface (most people have some body fat to cover up the material putting them back together) and having the left end open because of the irritating knot probably left the entire incision at risk. It's been a mess but it's fine now. My incision looks normal and feels fairly soft.

Here is my chart. Last month we were unable to BD because DH was out of town. This month has been a disaster. Look at all of those +opks! I usually have 30-35 day cycles. I don't like this unknown actual O time though. I have an appointment with my OB in a few weeks and I'm going to ask about clomid. Let me know what you think...
Whoops I forgot how to post my chart. I'll copy/paste it in a min after I reread how to do it.
What a strange week. I've been getting so up set. All I do is pee in a cup!
Oh and more about my surgery. I had my tubes cauterized in Oct 2007 and then like I said my TR was in Nov 2010. I have 6cm left on both sides. I'm also totally convinced that I've done something to mess up the surgery. We waited to BD for 1 month and it was really painful in an around the abdominal area of the surgery. I also had a cold during/after the surgery and am worried coughing ripped my tubes apart. In addition I was probably moving around too much or maybe lifting too many things after the surgery too. I googled everywhere if I could rip the tubes apart or not...didn't find anything. In many ways I wish I could have an HSG and just know what's going on in there. I'm very impatient I know and I'm also going a little nuts. I've O'ed 3 times on one side too! This month was the most painful. In many ways I wish AF would just show up so I could start over. I bought the smiley face CB opk's and that fertility book everyone recommends. I'm spending so much money on pee sticks and gadgets.
REady im not chart expert but yours looks alot like mine and this is my second month charting. the first month I was like wth all the other girls temps are not so nuts I must be doing something wrong but I really dont think so I think thats just how we roll! Maybe seeet lissa will weigh in later :)
Also many of us have alot of pain around O on one specific side since surgury its not actually us oing from that side it just seems to be a new tr pain in the butt! I asked my gyno if it was possible that I was oing 5 times in a row on the same side and he said no! it is possible to o from the same side but not every month so perhaps you are having the same pain some of us have to suffer with :( Mine actually starts around o and lasts about a week to 2 weeks and for the first few months it had me convinced I was preggo.
Saga ugh! what a pain I bet you were so excited to see the delivery guy with your headboard! At least you had a confidence boost out of it:) make sure you look super hot when he comes back maybe he will let you know how skinny you are lol any lil boost to keep us feeling young and hot :)
What a strange week. I've been getting so up set. All I do is pee in a cup!

Ok so I looked at your chart that is kinda crazy. But what can happen is you get a lil surge of LH and then it goes away. Comes back again and that is when you O. It doesn't happen every month. Hardly ever happens infact. Your Bding looks good. I would start temping around CD10 just so you have something to go off of. Hope this helps. Baby dust to you. Also you can O only twice from the same side in a row. As far as the HSG you can have it done at any time. And you can not rip your tubes. I know we all worry about it. But I asked 2 different docs and they both told me that they are so far inside your body that there is no chance of that happening. I would give it another month of charting and also some people use FMU for OPK's and some don't. I am one of those that never has FMU because I am up atleast once at night to go Pee. So I take them in the morning. Sometimes when I see it is getting closer I will take one about 4p.m. that way there is no more than 10 hours inbetween.
:cry:Well its offical, I woke up at 3 this morning and was spotting. And this morning it is very light. I am actually releaved that my body is taking care of this on its own. So now onto TTC again. I am not sure if we will try this month or not. I guess we will see how I am feeling when it gets to be that time. Again thank you ladies for listening to me. I am going to the doc today and I will let you know what the new doc says. :angel:
:cry:Well its offical, I woke up at 3 this morning and was spotting. And this morning it is very light. I am actually releaved that my body is taking care of this on its own. So now onto TTC again. I am not sure if we will try this month or not. I guess we will see how I am feeling when it gets to be that time. Again thank you ladies for listening to me. I am going to the doc today and I will let you know what the new doc says. :angel:

:cry:so sorry for you and your family:hugs: it's good that your body is doing this naturally sis had a d&c and it was really hard for her to go through...

Take the time you need to rest and mourn the loss:cry: I know everyone is different, but I will say, I had a M/C (before TL) at 9 weeks...and got pg again the next cycle...the dr. suggested waiting 2-3 months before trying again and although we weren't REALLY trying, we weren't preventing. We have our sweet dd as a result:flower:

I'll be praying for you:hugs:
What a strange week. I've been getting so up set. All I do is pee in a cup!

I just looked at your chart and saw all your +opks. Are you using a digital? Just curious...but besides that...did you know that opks can also detect pregnancy and that if you are getting multiple positives throughout the month, it is recommended that you take a pregnancy test? Have you tested lately?
:cry:Well its offical, I woke up at 3 this morning and was spotting. And this morning it is very light. I am actually releaved that my body is taking care of this on its own. So now onto TTC again. I am not sure if we will try this month or not. I guess we will see how I am feeling when it gets to be that time. Again thank you ladies for listening to me. I am going to the doc today and I will let you know what the new doc says. :angel:

I am so sorry, Sweetlissa. I hate it that you are having to go through this. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers...:hugs:
REady im not chart expert but yours looks alot like mine and this is my second month charting. the first month I was like wth all the other girls temps are not so nuts I must be doing something wrong but I really dont think so I think thats just how we roll! Maybe seeet lissa will weigh in later :)
Also many of us have alot of pain around O on one specific side since surgury its not actually us oing from that side it just seems to be a new tr pain in the butt! I asked my gyno if it was possible that I was oing 5 times in a row on the same side and he said no! it is possible to o from the same side but not every month so perhaps you are having the same pain some of us have to suffer with :( Mine actually starts around o and lasts about a week to 2 weeks and for the first few months it had me convinced I was preggo.
Saga ugh! what a pain I bet you were so excited to see the delivery guy with your headboard! At least you had a confidence boost out of it:) make sure you look super hot when he comes back maybe he will let you know how skinny you are lol any lil boost to keep us feeling young and hot :)

HAHAHA! You crack me up! The guy was older, so I am thinking maybe he could not see me clearly because of his cataracts or something...haha...but I am still taking it anyway! He sure brightened my day! And my new bed will be here in 4-6 weeks...I attached a picture of it...can you IMAGINE it coming in celery GREEN? It was supposed to be just like the picture...and I don't mind waiting for it...I have wanted this bed FOREVER and it we will have it for the next 20 I was not about to settle for it in the wrong color...True love waits, eh? And I TRULY love this bed!


  • Vanguard Cleo Bed.jpg
    Vanguard Cleo Bed.jpg
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Saga, my DH is also 42 so that is why we only TTC for a year after TR before we turned to fertility treatments. He was afraid to be 55 yrs old with a 10yr old:haha: We had only planned on having one baby but now that she is here we decided we wanted one more:dohh:
That looks awsome !! Hopefully the finally get it right !

lissa, :cry: so sorry sweetie:hugs: I think everyone has diferent advice on when to start TTC again so you do what is best for you !

Ready, I can be so hard not to look at every little pain and twitch as something could be wrong after the surgery. I had gone to the grocery store about one week after the TR and I was convinced I had torn the internal stitches on the tubes because I sneezed:dohh:
I only have one tube and it is only 4cm long but we have Emily !!!
We can drive ourselves crazy:wacko:

tater, Good for you for staying smoke free:hugs: a couple of extra pounds is still better than one ciggy ! I found when I quit that day 5 was the worst after that it was more breaking the habit of WHEN I smoked ! You can do it, girly !

Faith, Are you an Accountant ? My oldest daughter is in her thrid year of University majoring in Accounting with a minor in Arts.

Dash, :hugs: you always have the nicest things to say to everbody:hugs:

:kiss: to everyone else

We are off to get a family portrait done today. We have never had them done together with DH and myself it has always been just Emily or all the kids it should be fun !
We live pretty far outside of a major city so we try to get everything we want done while we are in the area so Emily is going for her one year jab / check-up later in the day so expecting a grumpy gal tonight !!
Oh and more about my surgery. I had my tubes cauterized in Oct 2007 and then like I said my TR was in Nov 2010. I have 6cm left on both sides. I'm also totally convinced that I've done something to mess up the surgery. We waited to BD for 1 month and it was really painful in an around the abdominal area of the surgery. I also had a cold during/after the surgery and am worried coughing ripped my tubes apart. In addition I was probably moving around too much or maybe lifting too many things after the surgery too. I googled everywhere if I could rip the tubes apart or not...didn't find anything. In many ways I wish I could have an HSG and just know what's going on in there. I'm very impatient I know and I'm also going a little nuts. I've O'ed 3 times on one side too! This month was the most painful. In many ways I wish AF would just show up so I could start over. I bought the smiley face CB opk's and that fertility book everyone recommends. I'm spending so much money on pee sticks and gadgets.

You said the doctor who did your TR was a long way away, right? Would it be possible for you to find a fertility doctor in your area? I think it might be helpful if you made an appointment, tell him/her everything about your complications after TR and your concerns about your open tubes, and I just bet you they will do an HSG if you are not already preggers...I don't blame you, I'd want to know too, just for peace of mind. I bet your tubes ARE open though...but it would make you feel better just to know.:hugs:
Saga, my DH is also 42 so that is why we only TTC for a year after TR before we turned to fertility treatments. He was afraid to be 55 yrs old with a 10yr old:haha: We had only planned on having one baby but now that she is here we decided we wanted one more:dohh:
That looks awsome !! Hopefully the finally get it right !

lissa, :cry: so sorry sweetie:hugs: I think everyone has diferent advice on when to start TTC again so you do what is best for you !

Ready, I can be so hard not to look at every little pain and twitch as something could be wrong after the surgery. I had gone to the grocery store about one week after the TR and I was convinced I had torn the internal stitches on the tubes because I sneezed:dohh:
I only have one tube and it is only 4cm long but we have Emily !!!
We can drive ourselves crazy:wacko:

tater, Good for you for staying smoke free:hugs: a couple of extra pounds is still better than one ciggy ! I found when I quit that day 5 was the worst after that it was more breaking the habit of WHEN I smoked ! You can do it, girly !

Faith, Are you an Accountant ? My oldest daughter is in her thrid year of University majoring in Accounting with a minor in Arts.

Dash, :hugs: you always have the nicest things to say to everbody:hugs:

:kiss: to everyone else

We are off to get a family portrait done today. We have never had them done together with DH and myself it has always been just Emily or all the kids it should be fun !
We live pretty far outside of a major city so we try to get everything we want done while we are in the area so Emily is going for her one year jab / check-up later in the day so expecting a grumpy gal tonight !!

Oh no! I always hated having to take the kids for their shots! Poor Emily! And a family portrait sounds wonderful! We haven't had one done either...I hope Emily is not grumpy tonight...
Wow! what a busy, busy thread today:) I wish I could reply/comment on everyone's happenings tonight but it's almost 11pm and dh is waiting patiently for me:haha:...I have now entered the DREADED tax season and have lots of paperwork to do:cry: I will be back tomorrow to catch up:thumbup:

Welcome Ready:hi: so happy you found our fabulous group! I couldn't manage without these gals:hugs: I feel like we all know each other and yet, we aren't even on first name basis :rofl: Oh how I love the world wide web:) It keeps my hubby from going craaazy...he just doesn't understand all we have to do to get our BFPs:)

Good night:sleep:

Btw, I bought a NEW battery today for my thermo...can't wait to see what the temp says tomorrow:wacko:...

Yaaay for a new battery! I can't wait to see your temps too. What kind of battery does it take? Is it like a watch battery?
Can somebody check out my chart to please :) I have been so good about taking it at the same time every morning and still its all up and down
Good Morning girls! Ok, maybe its not morning for some of you its afternoon...but its morning here.

Ready- relax, girl! I asked about tearing the tubes too- and the docs exact words are "tearing is for muscles, your tubes are not muscular tissue". It makes total sense too, we cant flex or stretch our tubes because of their placement. Its impossible! That is one thing I for sure wouldn't worry about. For those who got pg so easily before TR its hard not to panic when its not the same way after- and these girls know, lol...there has been a fair share of monthly freak outs, which I am currently having (haha), and there's nothing but support here.

AFM, I wish I never would have peed on those stupid OPK's. Yeah, I said it! I had those faint + a few days ago before I thought I should be O'ing, some EWCM yesterday which made me think O time was near, and NOTHING today....nothing at all. Anybody have any suggestions or ideas? Does BDing effect the way CM will show? It usually lasts for days for me. I was trying to BD every other day until O time but now :wacko: I guess I will wait out the next few days and see what happens...
hi :hi: girls
Phew I missed a lot~ slept:sleep: in this morning!!!!:happydance:
So, Saga, LOVE your bed. I LIKE celery green...But that's ME!!! and it's NOT MY bed!!!!:nope: how ya feeling anyway? NOOOO early testing right!?!??!?!!/ Did you have any spotting this cycle?!?!

Can someone look at MY chart too!!! I can't know..WHY is it doing what it's doing..I intentionally didn't use prog cream last night again...I don't get it....

Momma, I do NOT know about your chart?!?! Do you have a membership w/ FF? b/c you can ask the ppl them and they'll get back to you..I DO it ALL the time..they love me over there:wacko:

Ready, you are a freak out just like me!!!! hahahahha:haha:no really, I go for a while and am really good, then I just get crazy and freak out about everything....It's really not worth it....I mean, really it isn't...There too much to get crazy I like to try to focus on what I'm thankful for and what I *HAVE* been blessed with rather than dwelling on what I DON"T have yet and what I want....changing your thinking through the ttc process leads to A WHOLE lot more fun, enjoyment of life and sanity in relationships...mostly w/ kids and DH:thumbup:
I get to thinking in to things waaay too much...I even asked if 5 zits was a break out...I mean at the time it seemed like a good question but NOW, i'm like WHY:shrug:was I that re*a*de* ANY of these girls now the answer...:haha:
It's good to get everything out though..If I hadn't found this group and went through the last 3 cycles ALONE...I don't know what life would be like:shrug:
Where are you in your cycle? Ready to O??? I am confused about all those + OPKs....I confuse easily..haha, that's one thing I'm not sure I told you!

Future, have a GREAT time w/ your family today!!!! I always dreaded pic makes me sweat...but always worth it!!!!

Soo love to the rest of your rocking dolls!!!!!!

Ughhhhh dreaded tax season...SOMEHOW we got WAAAY less than last year and we were NOT planning on that...not sure how it happened....?:shrug:

love, peace and blessings to you all today!!!!!!!!!!!!

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