Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

****Ready I just looked at your chart.. Looks like you BD at the right time. Maybe you will get a BFP in 4 or 5 more days. :)
Lisa- OMG sooo funny about the toy being in the toilet and your 3 yr old going in his pants. I know it must have been a headache but what a funny story.
I really don't feel like this is my month. I don't feel any different. I'm just waiting for AF and keeping my fingers crossed about getting prescribed clomid tomorrow.
:hi: Faith!!!!
I imagine my temps won't be up too much longer, I'm SOOOO emotional today:( IDK what it's I assume :wacko:
My belly pains PROBABLY are gas pains...Since I've gained that weight ~ and it all happened PRETTY quick~ I'm backed up..I've been kinda of constipated and so it probably IS gas ((sigh)) I'm just ready for AF to get here to cleanse me and then get started onto round 14...SIGH SIGH SIGH...If the GOoD Lord dOEs NOT bless us on THIS coming cycle, I'm quitting, taking a break ..... I'm just getting tired..getting weary...Everyone on here had TR just recently I'm working on's CRAZY, and I'm getting down about it...I don't mean to have a pity party for me, I just feel so tearful today....and it didn't start out this way...???
I DO love you girls....

Oh tater:hugs: I'm so sorry you're feeling so down:cry: I can only imagine what 13 months of TTC has been like:nope: I'm feeling so anxious after just 4 mo:( Your body has been through such a huge change this month with you quitting smoking! That's such an incredible achievement:happydance: If AF does show, don't give-up:hugs: you've got the slippery, cleaned out tubes that are *extra* fertile for a few cycles after the keep on moving forward:flower: I KNOW you will get your:baby::hugs:

Not to add more to the already HUGE amount of TTC info on the web, but I did just bookmark this site a few days's FULL of helpful ideas for TTC. (This may have been the site you linked to the other day regarding the royal jelly)

I'm feeling a LOT better today:thumbup: I THINK it's just that initial onset of the dreaded PMS...b/c was I was lil grumpy:shrug: for no reason too...praaaw-bly had to do w/ being emotional though:hugs:
ANYwho, my temps dropped A LOT...the 1st feeling of the af poo, ya know the feeling~~ hit me this morning...But it's OK,,,I'm SERIOUSLY learning A LOT about patience and what *I* need to be learning through this whole process...ALTHOUGH it's A frustrating, painful process it'll be all worth it...It's sweet to know when I DO feel sad :cry:or emotional you are all so willing to be uplifting and not condemning....
The Good Lord is NEVER late and I know this, There's a reason and "All good and perfect gifts come from above" James 1:17 and I KNOW this...Faith takes a lot more practice than anything else and although it's been a long suffering process it's worth it...I WILL be blessed, our family WILL grow and when it happens it'll be THE most perfect time!!!! I don't know WHAT we'll do this month..probably nothing....and maybe that's the best for now:winkwink:
I love ya girls and THANK you for your kindness:flower:

Ready you O'd girl AND looks like(according to your chart) that there was plenty of BD in the righ time frame?!?!!!!!!!

Faith, you are O'ing aren'tcha sweetie!!! YAY!!!! get that egg girl!! Rooting for ya!!!!!!!!!!how ya feeling?!

Dash, Ok, how's your FIRST 2WW going?!?!?!??!?! I wish we could see your chart!!!!:blush:I hope that you girls in O/2WW time get your bfp's SO fast!!! no waiting, not messing around, from surgery straight to BFP!!!!!!!:cloud9:

TTC, trusting you are doing FINE sweetie!!!! your lil bean is SOOOO cute!!!! love it!!!!!never thought something would be sooo beautiful!!!!!

Everyone else!!!! I LOVE YA!!!!!:kiss:
Good morning girls! Look like there's a few people O'ing right now- go catch that egg ladies!

SweetLissa- good job with the weight loss!

Tater- someday, at the right time, your patience and faith will pay off.

Thanks for thinking of me Tater! The dreaded 2ww...I'm just- waiting, right? Haha. Ive been keeping myself busy. We are doing some home renovations so I don't lack things to do. The days are hard because of the fact that ALL my friends are pregnant, so I keep myself busy and surrounded with people- but they are all pregnant people.
yes sir-ey bob!!! you are correcto dash and I'm (trying to)patiently await the day!!! and it's SOOOO super smart to stay busy...projects are GREAT to keep your mind off things that could possibly make you crazy :winkwink: I have a few pregger friends too...ahhhh I stay away!! :haha:

Ummm so hey Faith I HEARD(from a pretty intelligent source) that "dry" CM is when it's clear but has white specks in it..I was marking it as creamy ~ b/c it wasn't sticky, it wasn't flecky~well it WAS flecky/specky but not sporadic specks... but I guess it wasn't LOTIONY either....SO, anyway, I just wanted to say that~if it helps...I ended up changing it on my chart, but noted it in case later I wish I wouldn't have done's showing up on my skibbies, so I'm like would DRY really be coming out on my unders? doesn't make sense to me, but then again, not much IN the ttc process does
sweetlissa Im talking about your link for the products your selling lol
OMG what a night you had last night ugh!
Do you guys think I o'd?
I need to ask you guys a question about my sister she had an eptopic and they gave her a shot to dislodge it met something, anyways her number are down to 0 now and they said she can start trying as soon as she gets her next period well she is still bleeding so how will she know when she gets her period?
How long ago was her ectopic? The range for "normal" bleeding after that varies per person- usually as long as 4-6 weeks is considered normal after mc. But any longer and she needs to go back to her doc. the hormones from the shot stay in the system a long time. It will probably be quite a while before her next period.
Yep I agree with Dash. I am actually glad that I can TTC cause I didn't have the shot but then again if I had had the shot I would still have my tube..
sweetlissa: GREAT job on the wight loss:thumbup: What are you doing to help with the weight loss? I would LOVE to lose some weight. Darn thing is, I LOVE to eat!!!! I know I just need to eat less:wacko: Anyway, if you have any tips..I' love to hear them:hugs: Also, so glad you we're able to get some relief:flower: It's amazing how our intestinal health effects us! I finally connected the fact that I get HORRIBLE headaches when I'm backed up:blush:...I guess from the toxins.

Momma: your chart is a bit crazy this month...I know I've seen charts with preO temps like yours in the BFP chart gallery in DON'T be down about it:hugs: Have you done the "find charts like mine" on FF? I hope your sister's bleeding stops! How many days has it been. I just don't know enough about the effects of the shot to know. You could post on the other thread too as I know Josey has had a tubal.

Dash:Yep, stay focused on those renovations and the TWW will fly by! btw, what are you renovating? I AGREE on the probiotics for yeast infection and BV! I was having reaccuring problems (about 5yrs ago now)...I found if I inserted 1 or 2 capsules of probiotics into the vagina before bed (immediately following intercourse) it completely took care of the problem! It was a LIFE saver...BV is an awful affliction!

Tater: sorry your temp dropped:cry: You do have the right attitude God's perfect timing it WILL happen:hugs: Thanks for the info on "dry" CM...I guess they must have run short on descriptions, because to me, "dry" means wet anything:wacko:

Afm: having very painful O pains today on the left side:thumbup: all for the good, I *hope*
***Momma a few more days and we should be able to tell. Your temos have been so up and down I am just not sure yet
Just was curious:coffee:....assuming we can all get our fertile myrtles many more children do you hope/want to have? :flower:
*** Faith. I love to eat to and with my hubby being home I have been eating more it seems..LOL.. But I think alot of it is Gobstoppers. When I get a craving I will just eat a few of those and suck on them for a while and it seems to take the cravings away. Other then that I am not doing the treadmill right now. I plan to start up maybe next week if I feel up to it. I think alot of the weight gain that I had over the last month was becuase I was kinda backed up. I lost 3 LBS since yesterday. :)
Faith Good idea :) lets go O!!!! I would like to have one more then im not going to try or use protectiona and If god blesses me with another I will be happy and if not it's no big now if I could just get pregnant with the first lol what about you? oh and I have heard that some woman have alot of lh surges that give them the up and down so maybe that is me, i have never had issues before so im not sure why having surgury would make issues.
Sweetlissa you go girl with the will power im like faith I have problem working out and being active but when it comes to food I want it all!!! Thanks for the looking out :) i hope my numbers stay up so i know what im working with and all this temping was not for nothing
Hiya Faith! So you O today huh? Cant wait for you to be in the 2ww with me! Lol. We are renovating our basement- it was fully built and furnished until we had a flood in November. Since then its been the 4 of us in a tiny 2 bedroom :wacko: So we ripped everything out and are starting from scratch, making an extra room for the each of the 2 kids we have downstairs so there's a free room upstairs for what will hopefully turn into a nursery.

How many more kids we are having is still up for discussion :winkwink:

Im a snack-o-holic! I love love love food...and boy is it becoming obvious! Ive been using gum a lot to curb cravings.
You know I was just thinking. I am out on my own... No one is even close to me in cycles.. I am smack dab between everyone. We need to get some more girls on here so that I can have a buddy.. :_)
O BTW my sex drive came back.. The next 7 days is going to be horrible... The doc said nothing until he sees me... By then I will be CD14. Hum maybe the lil devil will come out in me and not listen... I usually O on CD16 so hmmmmm what to do... I feel like there is a lil devil on one shoulder saying do it do it... LMAO and on the other shoulder is one saying now now you know you have to listen to the doc.... OMG :)

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