Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Oh, have you guys ever watched "FISH HOOKS" It's on Disney..

Anyway, it CA-RACKS me UP !!!!! SERIOUSLY I'd recommend it to you~for a GREAT laugh!!!
There isn't ONE episode that WOULDN'T make you LOL Me and DH watch it after the kids go to bed(the new episodes he missed through the day!)My sweet Tate has it on for him and his bro! He's gotten them juice, a banana and a funny show while mommy doesn't realize she exists...OOPS!!!!
Anyway, Fish hooks on disney! :thumbup:
Spuggle- where ya goin?

Oh yes I love love love Fish Hooks! There are quite a few Disney shows that I really don't mind watching- Ive been known to watch Wizards of Waverly Place by myself, or just me and DH. I also like Good Luck Charlie.

I think Im 6 weeks...5 days? I should get a ticker!

I started Zofran today, and it doesn't make me feel normal, but it makes me able to make a PB&J sandwich for the kids without throwing up on the counter. Im waiting to hear from my OB about my ultra sound, but I imagine they are in no hurry since there was not really anything abnormal on it.
1 more night in the old house. I am beat. I bet I sleep good tonight. But I bet I sleep even better tomorrow. WHY O WHY do we have so much stuff. Stuff we never use. I am getting rid of so much. I had no idea I had so much food put up in my cuboards. So I am taking it to the food pantry. IT HAS TO GO and I have taken 9 bags of clothes to the Salvation Army. And I am still not done. Moving Company will be here at 9 A.M. I can't believe it. I think I am still in shock..
Today my mother in law came over ( she is not a very supporative person) Said that she didn't like our house. Isn't she nice.. And my sister in Law said she didn't like the color I picked for the walls. Good thing they are my walls I wanted to say.. Jealousy is not a good thing. And I know that is all that it is.
Tater i would be very cautious. My tests were dark very dark and I still had an ectopic. So please be very careful. I hope this is a sticky bean
yay sweets its moving day you must be sooo excited!!!
tater Im so stoked for you girl cant wait for you to test again, your pma really worked :)
dash congrats on everything being wonderful :)
hi to everyone else it seems its very quiet in here these days
Faith, Dash i'm going a place called devon, it's still in uk but south of england so should be a bit warmer.

We go on Saturday for 7 days. xx
Hurray for moving day Lissa:happydance: Be sure to take photos of your first night in the new house:thumbup: It's too bad that you MIL and SIL couldn't have been happy for you and share in the joy. You're right! Jealousy is an ugly, ugly thing:nope: DON'T let it get you down!

Spuggle, I'll have to google Devon:) I've never heard of it. What do you do while you're there? I hope you have a WONDERFUL time!!! Take pictures that you can post for us:happydance:

Momma, it really has gotten quiet in here:cry:...I hope this thread doesn't totally die's really hard to find other TR gals. Do you have any big plans for the weekend?

Tater, how are you feeling? Still so tired? Are you taking your pollen? I could back and look, but I'm too lazy;) I'll ask again, WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY? :hugs:

Saga...if you read this anymore....COOOOMMMMEEEEE BAAAAAACK! Update us on how you're doing! Do you have a set date for the IVF?:hugs:
Spuggle- where ya goin?

Oh yes I love love love Fish Hooks! There are quite a few Disney shows that I really don't mind watching- Ive been known to watch Wizards of Waverly Place by myself, or just me and DH. I also like Good Luck Charlie.

I think Im 6 weeks...5 days? I should get a ticker!

I started Zofran today, and it doesn't make me feel normal, but it makes me able to make a PB&J sandwich for the kids without throwing up on the counter. Im waiting to hear from my OB about my ultra sound, but I imagine they are in no hurry since there was not really anything abnormal on it.

hahaha THIS kills me!!!:haha: I'm NOT sure what it is, but I LOL~I LOL so spontaneously that I scared DH right outta his seat!!!!:haha:

Love this girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:kiss:
Hurray for moving day Lissa:happydance: Be sure to take photos of your first night in the new house:thumbup: It's too bad that you MIL and SIL couldn't have been happy for you and share in the joy. You're right! Jealousy is an ugly, ugly thing:nope: DON'T let it get you down!

Spuggle, I'll have to google Devon:) I've never heard of it. What do you do while you're there? I hope you have a WONDERFUL time!!! Take pictures that you can post for us:happydance:

Momma, it really has gotten quiet in here:cry:...I hope this thread doesn't totally die's really hard to find other TR gals. Do you have any big plans for the weekend?

Tater, how are you feeling? Still so tired? Are you taking your pollen? I could back and look, but I'm too lazy;) I'll ask again, WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY? :hugs:

Saga...if you read this anymore....COOOOMMMMEEEEE BAAAAAACK! Update us on how you're doing! Do you have a set date for the IVF?:hugs:

Hi Faith:flower:
Yep, I AM still taking pollen, but it's beginning to gag me:nope: UGH, it's been a few days now, but I've been into smoothies and milkshakes~we make our own and I add the pollen in..IT STILL taints the flavor, but it's WAY more bearable than in tea or ANYTHING else for that matter. I think Tahelon will grow up liking it, b/c he's sooo tiny and I mix it in his stuff and he doesn't throw a fuss, but TATE KNOWS~I'll put like 3 grains in his shake and he's like I smell pollen :haha::haha: I MEAN, the Kid SMELLS it before he drinks it..? REALLY, THREE grains and he can SMELL it?? so he's not been taking it....
my 30th is mon, the 11th...I will test again on the 9th:winkwink:
YES, I"M SOOOO tired, I hate it..I feel like I don't exist and my kids are doing their kid thing...AHhhh, tate is REALLY awesome, he should be 7, or 8 and is only 4, but still NOT fair to them that I'm drowling all over myself and can't open my eyes..It'll pass and I know it and I vowed to enjoy EVERY part of pregnancy from here on out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How's your cleanse going? do you feel CLEAN?!!!!!
Looking for a BFP next cycle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which really isn't THAT far away:happydance:
Faith, Dash i'm going a place called devon, it's still in uk but south of england so should be a bit warmer.

We go on Saturday for 7 days. xx

Have FUN in Devon Spuggle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warm sounds good to ME!!!!!!!!
I hope you can relax and have a great time w/ your family for the FULL 7 days!!! We'll miss you and be glad to hear all about it when you get back!!!!!!
Do you still have an appt on the 21st?
spuggle have lots of fun :) it will be so nice to get away and just enjoy your family
Faith we have alot of stuff to do outside to get our house where it needs to be when we put our home up last year we lost all our grass and its just a hot mess out there from all the rain, soooo we have to plant more seed,do our walkway and get a load of mulch for the landscaping not to mention my hubby is putting up a fence for our garden and were getting some farm animals so he needs to get that all set umm what else lol 2 garages are yet to be built and did I mention my best friend and I are opening a preschool in my basement and all the sheetrock flooring and bathroom need to get done!!!! aaahhhh so much work I will never have fun time lol I cant say it bothers me though I like staying busy and by the end of the summer everything will be perfect!!!
Tater so you are preggo? im confused lol im a little slow sometime hehehe did you go to the dr? im sure you answered these questions sorry
dash girl are you feeling any better today?
SoooOOooo. I just got call about my ultrasound, and apparently I have a subchorionic hematoma (I believe the same thing TTC has). I also had one with my last pregnancy, and it reabsorbed and everything was just fine by 12 weeks- its just frustrating, that its happening again, and I get to worry AGAIN about something that seems scary but will probably end up being nothing.
Dash, oh my goodness! It just doesn't end with getting preggers does it:nope: We'll keep the prayers coming for you and little one:hugs: did you say that you babysit someone's kiddos during the day? Will this condition require bed rest? Take really good care of yourself:thumbup:
No bed rest, but no exercise. Unless i start to bleed i really think that this will probably just fix itself like it did for me last time- I didn't even have bleeding last time, it just reabsorbed back into my uterus.

HOWEVER, if Congress doesn't approve the military spending bill...I might be screwed for health care. And that would make me one very unhappy pregnant US citizen!
Faith devon is on the south coast of the uk, as i live inland we don't see the sea side very often so that will be nice, there is also lots for the kids to do there, kids clubs, swimming etc, it will be lovely.

Dash sorry about the set back but as you've had it before with no problems i'm sure all will be fine :hugs:

Lissa i can't believe what your MIL and SIL said to you, how rude !!!!

Momma it is a bit quiet on here and i too am guily of not being around as much but i have been sorting what to pack for our hols.

Tate, hope when you test you get a nice dark :bfp: xx
oh dash faith is right it just doesnt seem to end with getting preggo! I hope it goes just the way it did with your last pregnancy and I too will keep you in my prayers
We stayed our first night in the house last night. I sleept like a baby. I haven't sleept that good in weeks. Now to the lil things at the old house and unpacking at the new house. I love my new home.
We stayed our first night in the house last night. I sleept like a baby. I haven't sleept that good in weeks. Now to the lil things at the old house and unpacking at the new house. I love my new home.

:happydance: so exciting i know the feeling of all the small things though enjoy your busy day
spuggle have lots of fun :) it will be so nice to get away and just enjoy your family
Faith we have alot of stuff to do outside to get our house where it needs to be when we put our home up last year we lost all our grass and its just a hot mess out there from all the rain, soooo we have to plant more seed,do our walkway and get a load of mulch for the landscaping not to mention my hubby is putting up a fence for our garden and were getting some farm animals so he needs to get that all set umm what else lol 2 garages are yet to be built and did I mention my best friend and I are opening a preschool in my basement and all the sheetrock flooring and bathroom need to get done!!!! aaahhhh so much work I will never have fun time lol I cant say it bothers me though I like staying busy and by the end of the summer everything will be perfect!!!
Tater so you are preggo? im confused lol im a little slow sometime hehehe did you go to the dr? im sure you answered these questions sorry
dash girl are you feeling any better today?

Wow! You are a BUSY girl! Landscaping is so much work and yet so rewarding:) What kind of farm animals are you getting? That sounds like so much fun! (and work;)) I'm sure your kids are going to LOVE it! It's so good for kids to have those responsibilities of taking care of animals and outside chores...keeps them from vegging out on the TV or video games! We would love to have some animals and land..we live in town:( I have the book Backyard Homestead and we have all loved reading through it:)

And wow! a preschool!!!! that's a huge undertaking! Will you be teaching as well or just providing the facility? Sounds like a busy next few months for you and your family:thumbup:
Tater, praying for your BFP tomorrow:happydance: and know that whatever the day holds is in God's hands:hugs:

Spuggle, have a super, duper fun and relaxing trip:hugs: I can't wait to hear about it when you return!!!

Good night to all my TR sisters:hugs: I hope the sun shines for everyone tomorrow:thumbup:
Well suuper faint bfp turned into A SUPER heavy af :(
EARLY to boot..
Guess it was not yesterday, the day before...(my puter was down yesterday)at like 4am I woke up w/ CRAZY belly pains and realized I had bled ALL over. I had to change bed, pants, Ahhh, was a mess...I ended up just laying on the couch ALL day yesterday..was a super rainy day(i love the rain) and I could feel blood running out just laying~standing up it was gushing...
IDK what the deal is/was...but it is what it is..I wish I NEVER would have POAS the day I did to see that faint bfp~maybe it wasn't even there...? IT WAS super faint..

So, I'm out for a 2011 baby..but it's OK...I know that in and through all of this I am growing....long suffering WILL be rewarded...Of course I wonder WHAT the heck He's waiting on but I know it's best~whatever it is...
I'm choosing to keep my PMA and give thanks to the Lord for He is good and just and true...I will not allow myself to fall into a 6pk and cigarette slump(which is what I've done before)

I AM totally FULLY done TTC..No more temping, charting, tracking, OPK'ing, remembering and scheduling sex around a certain time....i was like 1.5 days early so I doubt I'll even remember when I started...

I will continue to focus on what I have and be thankful and grateful for it ALL ~rather than what I DON'T have YET~I've been through just about EVERY emotion on this journey and I'm tired of being emotional...:haha:

I love you all my TR sisters!! I continue to pray for us and believe in the power of it!!!

:hug: :friends: :dust:

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