Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Faith, 25 was hard for me..I was TOTALLY screwed up ATM in my life~before Jesus came into it and wrecked my world :winkwink:
All I could think on my 25th was I was NOW half of 50 and that IS TOO crazy!!
I freaked out and bawled pretty much the whole day/night!!
30 was fine..I do seem to get moody each b-day..I LOVE to celebrate b-days but for some reason NOT my own..I just get annoyed feeling, like I wanna cry and there's really NO reason for it..Just get agitated and feel emotional...
ugh..but glad it's over!!!!!
Dash :haha:, I know!!!!! I'm wondering if we all need to turn nut-so TTC ladies again and get some action in here:ninja::huh:

Anyway, so MS is getting better for you, huh? VERY GOOD:thumbup:

My cycle is out of whack this go I figured it might be, due to the cleanse pushing the hormones and toxins from the liver, into the blood stream and out of my I got a + opk the evening of CD16 (neg when tested twice earlier that day) and by 11am was a def. neg!...super quick surge..anyway, my temp FINALLY went up today..CD20..I was really beginning to think I wouldn't O this month due to the cleanse. But, now it's looking like I have, so I'll see:wacko: we weren't *trying* this month, but I'm still observing my cycles....I did read that this cleanse can make you O late while doing the actual cleanse...and YEP, they're right! I'll be anxious to see if AF is late too:dohh: not really the month I wanted a late AF as we leave the 23rd for a week of FAMILY CAMP:)..NOT wanting AF to come along:(

Anywho! I hope everyone is doing well and the silence is a GOOD sign?!?!
Good morning ladies, Sorry I haven't been in. Life has been crazy busy and well crazy. My BFF is currently staying with us and so is her son. On top of that moving. Well.. Lets just say I am glad we are not TTC right now. I did do OPK's just because I was curious. And it seems that my cycle might actually be off a little. No biggie. Anyway. We are almost all moved the other house is almost cleaned. Got the carpets and windows cleaned. It is hard trying to keep up on 2 different houses..LOL.. I clean one to come home to the new one and it is dirty. I am like OMG is this every going to end.
Today we are taking kinda a day off from the old house and just foucsing here. I also plan to take my youngest to the park. As it is very nice here. And we have no grass right now for him to play in. So the park it is.
Anyway. I have missed you all. Hope everyone is doing great.
Faith at least you were prepared for your cycle to be off, and thats awsome you did o anyways!! maybe being so chill this month will get you your bfp :)
sweets sounds like alot of stuff going on but you must be loving the mental ttc break, im sure you dont really have much time to think about it and the happiness of being in your new home must be filling your brain :)
AFM I have a fs appointment in may it costs $275 and then my hubby and I need tests that are like another $300 and the IUI cycle is 1200.00 not including meds!!!! im totally pooping my pants and wonder if im doing the right thing?!?! I was hoping i would be preggo this month so i dont have to follow through lol but Im def. doubting it :( the only weird thing different then other months is i dont have sore bbs like i get around 7dpo and im like 9 or 10 not keeping track so not sure. some cramping but not much and I always have cramps starting a 7dpo anyways ugh!!!! i wish the money or baby fairy would stop by my house this week!!!
Ok girls we need another BFP! this month it sucks everyone is disapearing and I think its the lack of excitement in here lol speaking of excitment dash how you feeling?
:hi:HI girls!!

WHAT a beautiful day in PA!!! YAY!!! I've not been on the computer too often and as the weather gets better and better my time spent on line will diminish quite a bit :( it makes me sad because I miss you, but It's GREAT b/c I feel like a LOT of the time I spend TOO much time on the internet...I sometimes put it first and then feel guilty about it but all I can do is lessen my time and when the sun is shining it makes it a WHOLE lot easier :thumbup:
LISSA: I'm still so excited for you and your move, house, life, business!!! It's so awesome!!! I honestly think that I want a new house more than I want a bfp...I mean, I HAVE been blessed w/ a WONDERFUL family..I really couldn't ask for any better of one..My kids love are AWESOME, my DH was like created EXACTLY for ME!! and the love we all share is PRICELESS! HOWEVER, I've NEVER had a new house and now we live in a OLD ghetto fab trailer and I'm tired of it..Blessed that it's our own, our 22acres is ours,,we don't owe anyone ANYTHING, but I'm ready to have a house...I REALLY wanna see pix~see where your heart is and how it's all going!!! I'm just super psyched out that after all you've been through that you are FINALLY moving in and it's REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!! FOR YOU!!!

DASH~ how ARE YOU sweet mama!?!!?! How's that MS~?slacking off?!!! When is your next appt w/ the doc? I've been praying for you, that you do NOT have any bleeding and that your hemorrhage just dissipates and is gone and there's no concern about it from now until delivery!!! If there's not one thing, there's another :shrug: errgg

MOMMA~I read a while back that you are building/opening a daycare in your basement? how is that all going?? That's crazy patient of you!! LOL..I for a long time wanted to open my own daycare~and then I worked at one and was like WHOA...NEVERmind :haha:
go you!!!
So, holy crap you gotta few expenses coming up w/ the FS...?!! Were you prepared for that, or it's just something that's coming up? I can't believe how DIFFERENT rates for things are in different states..I mean it's a HUGE diff...A friend of mine lives in FL and her IUI's are $300 and meds are like $60..I mean she could have 4 for the price of your one~I just hate costs of things..I don't think ANYTHING needs to cost that much~and Saga's IVF~$12,000 I mean C'MON..thats NUTS...what kind of chance do they say you have for conceiving w/ an IUI? Just curious~we haven't discussed anything further w/ our doc since the HSG...I hope you get your bfp and DON'T end up having to go through w/ everything else...:hugs:

FAITH!!!!!! HI!!! How is it being back home? Do ya miss the beach or glad to be home..Usually~there's no place like home!!!! :winkwink:
I also had a messed up cycle this time, BUT you have something to blame it on!! I blame mine on sheer wackiness..I HAVE NO idea what the deal is and I'm doing my best to blow it off :thumbup:
I sure hope you get your miracle next cycle!! how SUPER sweet of a review could you write about that fertility cleanse!!!!!! :) So, what did you and DH do this cycle since you weren't to try? I was just curious if you refrained from :sex: during fertile time or just went w/ when you felt like it.....

AFM~I'm just enjoying each day..I don't think about yesterday and don't get excited for tomorrow..I find that if I don't focus on today~the PRESENT~then I don't treat it as that~ a TRUE gift, and I'm tired of not being grateful...It's like even when I say I'm/we're NOT TTC I still find myself thinking about it, or trying to work out a plan in my head...But I REALLY want to STOP it...I WAS going to OPK b/c of my whack cycle, but I'm NOT..that's the NEW plan:haha:
I feel good~so much relief just BEING and enjoying life!! rather than stressing and wondering all the time...The weather is starting to get GREAT and I've been watching A LOT of the "SUPERNANNY"~I know noBODY young or old are perfect, BUT when I watch that show I'm amazed at how AWESOME my kids are...However, I have learned things and she's given me LOTS of ideas on spending time/games/discipline etc...SO, I'm excited to just dig in and enjoy and be thankful for EVERYTHING in the NOW!!! I guess I've been a LOT lazier than I'd like to think BUT there's no better time to change that than NOW!!!
Love you girls!! still praying for the fruit of our wombs and can't wait to hear GOOD BFP NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Momma- sounds like you guys are really going for it! Did DH previously have any testing done that would tell why you guys are having such a hard time TTC? Mine did not, and I was worried because he works around a lot of radiation and in hot areas with PPE all the time. I thought his swimmers might be deformed. Haha. Did your RE suggest IUI?

Tater- You are one lucky girl! Your and Lissa both I guess, with your nice weather! We had 2 sunny days and now back to rain. Enjoy, both of you!

Im just exhausted and nauseated here. To a certain point, I don't mind, lol. BUT I do feel bad that Ive been slacking so much on the things I usually do- my DH has been doing a lot of cleaning, and Ive been giving the kids more chores. Now, I think its good for the kids because they didn't really have chores before, and on a farm....well, theres no reason for it. My next appt is on the 21st, and I bet I will be able to see the baby that day, since they will probably check the hemorrhage. Ive had no bleeding so far (externally) and Im very thankful for that! Im hoping it will resolve itself like it did with my last pregnancy, without any really scary stuff happening.
Tater what a great outlook on things i love it!!!! i know the prices are nuts!!! i think they know they have us by the balls when it comes to wanting a baby we will pay almost anything!!! Yeah im opening a preschool with my bf its only 3 hours a day so I think i can handle it lol her hubby is doing all the labor and were paying for it so he came over yesterday t measure we shall see what this is going to cost! Im really not ready to drop a bunch of money but I told hubby that I want to do this and he said what ever it takes thank god they have payment plans lol im just about paid up on the TR so i guess this will just be taking its place in my bill pile :)
Dash im sorry your sick but im sure in the back of your head your thankfull :) I really hope you get to see your baby on the 21st that will at least mae the appointment exciting and not so focused on the bad. my gyno did say that I can go ahead and talk to the fs since its been 7 cycles and nadda! im hoping when we go in for the new patient appointment he says that we can go the cheapest way possible lol
That's awesome Momma, B/c I don't think my doc DOES payment plans..the TR was paid in full and sooo was everything else..well I guess there wasn't much else...Just co-pays and what not b/c THANKFULLY the HSG was covered by ins..

3 hours a day would be PERFECT I think!! that's really awesome!!! it's JUST enough but not too much!!!
Will it be like a babysitting thing, like call and come, or will it be a weekly set schedule kind of thing...that's really awesome!! Hope you are blessed w/ it!

Yeah, it's the MOST relaxed outlook I can come up with!! HAHA!! sooo, this is what it is...
I have NO idea even what CD I'm's SOOO great!!!!!!
Momma: I hope your new preschool venture is a success:thumbup: And WOW! pressing forward with the IUI, huh? Did the dr. say what kind of statistics they see with this? Ooooh, I hope it brings you a miracle:hugs:...better yet, I hope you get preggers BEFORE you even have to do the IUI:happydance:

Tater: I see you are now 60 SMOKE FREE DAYS!!!!!!:happydance: WAY TO GO!!!! I love your outlook on TTC. You WILL get your babies, I really believe that:hugs:

As for your question on how we covered the *not TTC* part of our cleanse... we just BD when we felt like it...which was actually quite often as Dh has always had a high sex drive:winkwink: anyway, I'm not really certain what to expect around AF time:shrug: so far, I'm not having the heavy, crampy feeling I usually get from 1dpo until I'm hoping the cleanse has helped with that. I'm anxious to see if AF is any lighter as a result of this cleanse. Anyway, following all of this, I'll be taking royal jelly and few other items recommended on the site where I purchased the cleanse. Dh will also be taking some different herbs which are suppose to help make good quality sperm:winkwink: I debated on the maca, but decided to wait another month or so and see what happens.

Well, trying to get paperwork I better get off BnB...

goodnight my TR sisters:hugs:
TTC: do you have another scan this week?:hugs:

Spuggle: I hope you're having a fabulous holiday:happydance:

Ready: How are you?

Yep, I had it today. The hemorrhage is gone!!!!!!! Praise God!!!!!!!! I'm still having a little bleeding but my OB doc said it because the placenta is over my cervix a little. He said it sould clear up by 20 weeks.The baby is doing wonderful with a HB of 158. My OB doc tryed to see the gender but the legs were crossed. We did get a smile from her or him. Which was cute!!!!

Here is the ultrasound pic today(15 weeks and 1 day) weeks and 1 day/100_1355.jpg
Here is my baby bump(15 weeks and 1 day) weeks and 1 day/100_1360.jpg

Have a blessed weekend ladies and all of you take care!!! :hug: and :dust: to the ones ttc and to the ones who are expecting take care of yourselfs and your little TR miracles!!! BTW thanks for your prayers ladies!!!!
TTC: do you have another scan this week?:hugs:

Spuggle: I hope you're having a fabulous holiday:happydance:

Ready: How are you?

Yep, I had it today. The hemorrhage is gone!!!!!!! Praise God!!!!!!!! I'm still having a little bleeding but my OB doc said it because the placenta is over my cervix a little. He said it sould clear up by 20 weeks.The baby is doing wonderful with a HB of 158. My OB doc tryed to see the gender but the legs were crossed. We did get a smile from her or him. Which was cute!!!!

Here is the ultrasound pic today(15 weeks and 1 day) weeks and 1 day/100_1355.jpg
Here is my baby bump(15 weeks and 1 day) weeks and 1 day/100_1360.jpg

Have a blessed weekend ladies and all of you take care!!! :hug: and :dust: to the ones ttc and to the ones who are expecting take care of yourselfs and your little TR miracles!!! BTW thanks for your prayers ladies!!!!

:happydance:Wonderful news!!!!! I'm so happy for you and dh:) I love the pictures! Your belly shot is so cute:) And a smile from baby sounds precious:hugs: I'm so glad everything is working out:flower: Prayer makes all the difference!
Momma: I hope your new preschool venture is a success:thumbup: And WOW! pressing forward with the IUI, huh? Did the dr. say what kind of statistics they see with this? Ooooh, I hope it brings you a miracle:hugs:...better yet, I hope you get preggers BEFORE you even have to do the IUI:happydance:

Tater: I see you are now 60 SMOKE FREE DAYS!!!!!!:happydance: WAY TO GO!!!! I love your outlook on TTC. You WILL get your babies, I really believe that:hugs:

As for your question on how we covered the *not TTC* part of our cleanse... we just BD when we felt like it...which was actually quite often as Dh has always had a high sex drive:winkwink: anyway, I'm not really certain what to expect around AF time:shrug: so far, I'm not having the heavy, crampy feeling I usually get from 1dpo until I'm hoping the cleanse has helped with that. I'm anxious to see if AF is any lighter as a result of this cleanse. Anyway, following all of this, I'll be taking royal jelly and few other items recommended on the site where I purchased the cleanse. Dh will also be taking some different herbs which are suppose to help make good quality sperm:winkwink: I debated on the maca, but decided to wait another month or so and see what happens.

Well, trying to get paperwork I better get off BnB...

goodnight my TR sisters:hugs:

THAAANX!!!!! it DOES feel great to be smoke free!! FOR SURE!! I DO still occasionally think about having one, but it's VERY far and few in between and it's been THIS long..WHY would I ever do it!?!?!? I wouldn't!!!!!
It ALSO feels SO great to NOT be trying..FOR REAL~Not TRYING!!!!
I actually got in the cupboard to get a stick out and was like, hmm, I really don't care and put it back..I figure there WILL be a cycle that I'm "dying" to POAS so I may as well save them
WE JUST had our TV shut off but not too long before I got CRAZY about watching SUPERNANNY.and I've learned SOOO much from her..
I FINALLY had to admit that I'm lazy and NEED to change, it's just a matter of CHOOSING to make the change(which BTW WILL be a pretty drastic change)
I started thinking, WHY do I want another baby(right now) and I started to praise God that I DON'T have another ATM...I need to make MAJOR changes w/ ME 1st and the 2 that I have before I add another and another and another into the mix...I'm acutally pretty psyched out about the changes and am excited to view each day differently...It ALWAYS helps too when the sun shines!!!!
We went out and bought a dry erase board, and I got a piece of cardboard designed as a scroll that is for house rules..we are doing allowances, chore's a VERY drastic kids are REALLY wonderful kids~great listeners, helpers, sharers and so much more...BUT there's SOOO much MORE room to grow!!!!
OF course I want more babies, woulnd't have spent 11K to get them, BUT right now I'm really starting to see is NOT the time..and I thank God for being in control even when I have NO idea WHAT He's doing!!:haha:it DOES ALWAYS prove to be best which is EXACTLY what His Word Says!!!!!
hope your cleanse brings along a big bright beautiful BFP!!!!
you deserve it Faith and i can't wait to do the happy dance w/ you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tater, change is GOOD:thumbup: We don't have TV either. We found it to be a time waster for our family...I could spend the whole day watching food network, TLC and the kids like Discovery. We do however, have Netflix (the cheapest plan) and we rent Myth Busters from time to time, particularly if we're traveling or we'll rent something good for the family...if there's one to be found:winkwink:. I've watched supernanny before, too, and she has some great's really inspiring!

I'll be anxious to hear how your family begins to adapt to the changes...sounds like you have a great plan:thumbup:

I totally agree on the whole TTC, I feel really OKAY with getting preggers or not ATM. You certainly have a bit more breathing room since you're just a young chick:haha: I feel a *bit* more anxiety about being 36...not overthetop worried though:) I know it will happen when it's time. My FF expires in 9 days and then I'm done. I do have to say, I plan to still temp...not necessarily ever morning...but write the temp on my calender, so I can watch for a temp rise...not obsessivly, mind you, but just out of curiosity. This is my 4th month of temping and every month's O day and LP has been different..I'm just curious as to whether or not I'll ever have something consistent..month to month:shrug: not that it really matters though:flower:

I'm looking forward to what's ahead for all of us:hugs: Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday:flower:
Hi everyone, had a quick read through what's been going on over the last 10 days.

Tate sorry af got you.

Dash sorry you're feeing ill but it will be so worth it.

Lissa how are you settling in ?

Momma so you're going to try IUI. Good luck hun.

Faith how's the cleanse going ?

TTC glad all is well and pregnancy is doing well.

We had a lovely holiday, weather wasn't too bad, only one day of rain. Hubby goes back to work tomorrow :cry: back to reality, oh i will miss him so much.
OMG im preggo!!!!!! I took 2 test an Ic and a frer and its positive 2 days before af is due :) im soooo excited and now praying everything is perfect and my bean is in the right spot !!
WOOOOOOHOOOOOO! I got expecting no new posts! I'M SO GLAD I DID!

I will be praying everything is in the right spot! CONGRATS!
thanks dash im really nervous, i cant wait to get all my levels done
OMG, OMG!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT..WOOHOO:happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm so, so , so happy for you:hugs: I'm praying your little one is just where he/she should be:) Yeah! I have a huge grin on my face:) I can't imagine how YOU must be feeling:)

Believe it or not, i was just getting on BnB to inquire about your DPO!:haha:

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