Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Tater don't stress about your chart it is still different. So just keep on chugging along. Different is good.

Actually, I'm nOt:winkwink:
I'm hoping it's TWINS!!!!!! :haha: but no for real, I am!!!! I don't know how twin implant works for ONE sec..but in my ~wada they call me~blind optimism~that's what I'm expecting:thumbup:

Funny how I'm STARTING to see a pattern which is making me wonder WHAT THE HECK...but on the nights I USE the Progesterone cream my temp is LOWER and when I SKIP nights~it's HIGHER...Strrrange~I thought it would be opposite of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????:shrug: I'm full of Joy!!!!! so it's ALL good!!!!
:hug: and :dust: :friends:

since there's NEVER TMI~I got some severe PB poops...Hooolllllyyyy
Finally I have found a forum for me! I had my tubal reversal in early Feb 2011. I had clamps removed and my tubes are 7cm each. I am 38 and feeling a bit panicked that Feb and March didn't work. I know it's early but I feel like I did everything right and I'm so scared that my age is going to make it difficult, if not impossible:( I know, bad attitude but DH and I want this so bad that it feels like a tremendous amount of pressure. Even my kids are asking me "are you pregnant yet?". Sigh....I have three children DS 20, DS 14 and DD 12. I should never have gotten my tubes tied but it took us a long time to take the plunge and get the reversal. I would be so interested in learning about your recovery. I can only find one forum (chapel hill) but you can only post if you had your surgery there. I can't seem to find anything about what I'm experiencing since the surgery. First issue is my puffy tummy. Does this EVER go down? I'm eight weeks post surgery and it's still looks like I have just had a c-section. My lower abdomen is still completely numb and I still have occasional pain twinges. My past ovualation was just awful. Very painful and crampy. Then, 7 dpo, very bad pains and cramps again for two days. I was hoping that I meant I was pregnant but alas, AF came on the 30th, right on time:( Also, after both previous cycles, I had sore nipples immediately after O. THat doesn't ever happen so again, thought I was pregnant. Maybe it's my mind messing with me now that I know I can get pregnant? My friends say I'm overthinking it but I'm not sure how to stop thinking about it? When you pay $5000 for the chance to have a baby, it's pretty much on your mind all the time. I am going to do things a bit differently this month. I will slow down on the bd'ing. Hubby and I were ever single day for a week around ovulation, so worried I would miss the egg. I have read that this is just too much. (thank goodness because it started to feel obligatory!) I will keep up with my pre-natal, fish oil and evening primrose oil but I have also ordered Pre-seed and hubby is taking Fertilaid vitamins. I will also head back to the gym which I have been avoiding since the surgery. Probably deep down hoping I will get pregnant and it won't matter if my pants are tight! Ha, ha, well now my pants are tight and I'm not pregnant so thwww.babyandbump.comambling so I hope I can join this group and offer up my support as well. Fingers crossed to us all!!

Welcome:hi: !!! Glad to have you apart of our lil TR family:hugs:

Honestly~you will DO whatever you are going to do...but I would say wait for a while...Dash waited and waited and her 1st mo got her bfp!!! and really, disappointed after 2 mo..don't let that get you down, I'd honestly think it's MORE of a blessing than you said, maybe your body is protecting you from it ATM...??!!
I got my bfp 1st cycle after TR and it didn't stick and neither did the 4 after it, so honestly, it's better to NOT see that bfp and lose than it is to SEE the bfp and go through the loss of MC...:hugs:
There's been MANY TR girls, some here and some on other threads that HAVE gotten their sticky miracles!!! so there's TONS of hope!!!!
This is the 14th mo of TTC, ALTHOUGH DH and I haven't actually TRIED for the last 2...Jan was HSG month and this is our BFP month!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!! My best advice(take it or leave it:winkwink:) is take some time away from TRYING and get to know your body~when you O, what your CM is like during your O, when do you BD during O..??.that kind of stuff....I WISH I would have gotten to know myself before trying to MAKE SOMEONE ELSE!!!!
I'm temping NOW, which is fine and dandy, but it would just be soooo much nicer to have already HAD that info/knowledge!!!
May you be blessed!! and glad to have you here where there's AS MUCH positivity as possible and NEVER TMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome cdnmom11:hugs:

It's great to have new TR sisters join the thread!!! Don't lose hope! The type of ligation you HAD, is one of the most successful to reverse! 7 cm of tube is fantastic, too:thumbup:

I think we all thought we would get preggers right away..since that's how we did it before:winkwink: but NOPE! It's a journey..but there are many success stories:) I had my TR 11/12/10, kinda started TTC in Dec, and then REALLY tried bfp though:(. This month Dh and I are doing a fertility cleanse, so we're *technically* not trying this month. I would certainly encourage you to temp, if that's not something you're doing already. is GREAT for this! Temping will help you see exactly when you're ovulating. I had to chuckle when you mentioned that your kids have already been asking..are you pregnant yet? Mine do the very same thing...expecially my 13 y.o....whenever I'm tired or hungry or just about ANYTHING..he'll say "mom, isn't that a sign of pregnancy??" They want another sibling so bad:) I've got a cheerleading squad coming along side of me:)

It will happen:thumbup: don't lose hope:)

Just as a bit of encouragement for ALL of TR dr. (Sanchez in Clearwater, FL) is currently caring for a TR lady who is well into her pregnancy..everything is going great and she is...get ready.....54!!!!!! WOW, huh? We've all got PLENTY of time in light of that women's story:)

Hope everyone else is having a great Sunday:hugs:
cdnmom11: I also wanted to mention that I had THE WORST AF..second cycle after the TR. I had such severe cramping and a deep, throbbing pain in my ovary area for 2 full was horrid!!! Like you, I was sure I must be PG since I was experiencing unusual pre-AF symptoms. But NOPE they were just getting me ready for a horrid visit from AF. The next cycle was just the same!! Terrible, terrible cycle was a little better and this last cycle I just finished was WAAAAYYY better. Even my usual heavy flow was not like normal. I didn't have the deep throbbing ovary pains and cramps. I hope the same thing will happen for must just take our bodies that long to adjust to the *new* us:hugs: (just wanted to let you're not alone:flower:)
Welcome:hi: !!! Glad to have you apart of our lil TR family:hugs:

Honestly~you will DO whatever you are going to do...but I would say wait for a while...Dash waited and waited and her 1st mo got her bfp!!! and really, disappointed after 2 mo..don't let that get you down, I'd honestly think it's MORE of a blessing than you said, maybe your body is protecting you from it ATM...??!!
I got my bfp 1st cycle after TR and it didn't stick and neither did the 4 after it, so honestly, it's better to NOT see that bfp and lose than it is to SEE the bfp and go through the loss of MC...:hugs:
There's been MANY TR girls, some here and some on other threads that HAVE gotten their sticky miracles!!! so there's TONS of hope!!!!
This is the 14th mo of TTC, ALTHOUGH DH and I haven't actually TRIED for the last 2...Jan was HSG month and this is our BFP month!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!! My best advice(take it or leave it:winkwink:) is take some time away from TRYING and get to know your body~when you O, what your CM is like during your O, when do you BD during O..??.that kind of stuff....I WISH I would have gotten to know myself before trying to MAKE SOMEONE ELSE!!!!
I'm temping NOW, which is fine and dandy, but it would just be soooo much nicer to have already HAD that info/knowledge!!!
May you be blessed!! and glad to have you here where there's AS MUCH positivity as possible and NEVER TMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks very much Tater, I appreciate the advice and after reading the welcome posts, I felt kind of ridiculous, complaining already. I guess it's just because we have been talking about it for so long and then finally starting the journey to get tested and have the surgery, it feels like I've been thinking about TTC forever. I will definitely chill out and let what is meant to happen, happen. I ordered a basal thermometer and will try temping though I must admit, it seems overwhelming. Maybe next month. I did use OPK's my last cycle and it was neat to have confirmation that I was ovulating. I may have missed it but did you say you got your BFP this month?? That's fantastic news and I wish you many blessings in your pregancy!
Welcome cdnmom11:hugs:

It's great to have new TR sisters join the thread!!! Don't lose hope! The type of ligation you HAD, is one of the most successful to reverse! 7 cm of tube is fantastic, too:thumbup:

I think we all thought we would get preggers right away..since that's how we did it before:winkwink: but NOPE! It's a journey..but there are many success stories:) I had my TR 11/12/10, kinda started TTC in Dec, and then REALLY tried bfp though:(. This month Dh and I are doing a fertility cleanse, so we're *technically* not trying this month. I would certainly encourage you to temp, if that's not something you're doing already. is GREAT for this! Temping will help you see exactly when you're ovulating. I had to chuckle when you mentioned that your kids have already been asking..are you pregnant yet? Mine do the very same thing...expecially my 13 y.o....whenever I'm tired or hungry or just about ANYTHING..he'll say "mom, isn't that a sign of pregnancy??" They want another sibling so bad:) I've got a cheerleading squad coming along side of me:)

It will happen:thumbup: don't lose hope:)

Just as a bit of encouragement for ALL of TR dr. (Sanchez in Clearwater, FL) is currently caring for a TR lady who is well into her pregnancy..everything is going great and she is...get ready.....54!!!!!! WOW, huh? We've all got PLENTY of time in light of that women's story:)

Hope everyone else is having a great Sunday:hugs:

Thank you Faith. Your fertility cleanse sounds very interesting! That's also unreal about the 54yr old. Geez, I don't think I will be wanting to have a baby that late but to each his own;) I have had to ask my daughter to stop reminding me when I'm fertile because it's weird! She's hilarious. She's so interested in the science of it all. Last week, I got home from work and she said "I'm sorry mom, I'm sure you're disappointed". I asked what she was talking about and she said " I looked at your calendar and I know you got your period". Sigh... Again, thanks for your note and good luck to you!
cdnmom11: I also wanted to mention that I had THE WORST AF..second cycle after the TR. I had such severe cramping and a deep, throbbing pain in my ovary area for 2 full was horrid!!! Like you, I was sure I must be PG since I was experiencing unusual pre-AF symptoms. But NOPE they were just getting me ready for a horrid visit from AF. The next cycle was just the same!! Terrible, terrible cycle was a little better and this last cycle I just finished was WAAAAYYY better. Even my usual heavy flow was not like normal. I didn't have the deep throbbing ovary pains and cramps. I hope the same thing will happen for must just take our bodies that long to adjust to the *new* us:hugs: (just wanted to let you're not alone:flower:)

THanks for this. I definitely have had two of the weirdest cycles. Ovulating and AF. Terrible:(
welcome to the group. If you have any ?'s feel free to ask
Thanks Lissa. I hope it doesn't sound creepy but I have read some of the previous posts and I'm so sorry for all you have gone through. I wish you all the best!
Well ladies moving day began yesterday. And can I just say it was wonderful. I am sore and very tired (even after sleeping for 9 hours). But yesterday my heart was broken. While moving we had to carry the baby crib in. And I know its been a month. But I couldn't help but think just for that moment about the what if's. I also realized that moving is for the birds and I am getting to old to be running up and down stairs with boxes. I would sit them at the top of the stairs and the guys would take them down. I feelt horrible for doing so. But I had a 3 yr old with me and I have to say my back is still hurting from the ectopic. So moving to our new house is great. But I can't wait to be done.
O and this month I am not temping OPKing or anything. We are avoiding this month all together. Vegas is next month LOL...
Welcome Mom11, i'm gonna call you that as it's easier to remember lol, these guys on here are great, they are a fantastic support network, it's all a bit scarey when you've had your reversal and you need someone who's in the same boat as you, well you have found us, every single one of us understands what you are going through. :hugs:

Faith the sun has gone for us, we are back to the dull cloudy cold weather :cry: How's that cleanse going are you feeling better for it already ??

Lissa, so you'll be on the move very soon. :thumbup:

Dash u/s is getting very close now, can't wait for pics. xx

Momma is all well ? you've been a bit quiet. :hugs:

Ready Hi hun hope you are well.

Hi to everyone i have missed too. xxx

Afm, AF got me today so here goes cycle 12, well at least until i get my results anyway, still no sign of that letter. :nope:
Hi girls, just to let you know i have just phoned about my results and they have given them to me over the phone.

Unfortunately the tube that could be reversed is blocked there was no dye passing through at all so I have come to the end of my ttc journey. xxx
SPUGGLE: THis is what *I* trust in and wanted to share w/ you :hugs:

"God is able to do infinitely MORE than all we ask of IMAGINE" Ephesians 3:20

NOW, don't take that from me, I DIDN'T say it~~
but I'm STILL praying for you and I will continue to do so. The sun will shine again just for YOU!
Well ladies moving day began yesterday. And can I just say it was wonderful. I am sore and very tired (even after sleeping for 9 hours). But yesterday my heart was broken. While moving we had to carry the baby crib in. And I know its been a month. But I couldn't help but think just for that moment about the what if's. I also realized that moving is for the birds and I am getting to old to be running up and down stairs with boxes. I would sit them at the top of the stairs and the guys would take them down. I feelt horrible for doing so. But I had a 3 yr old with me and I have to say my back is still hurting from the ectopic. So moving to our new house is great. But I can't wait to be done.
O and this month I am not temping OPKing or anything. We are avoiding this month all together. Vegas is next month LOL...

Awww Lissa:hugs:

And, I wanted to say that should this not turn out nicely, that I WAS going to finish up my membership w/ FF, BUt I'm NOT, I'm tossing my thermo out the window and OPK's will be a thing of the past and I WILL NOT insert my finger into my vagaygay EVER again~EVER~I think it's a fresh Idea for us~you've been temping for LONG time and I've been doing it enough to know I'm sick of it~:haha:
You just focus on the happyness of your move sweetie!!!!! there really IS so much MORE goodness than sadness isn't there~? I believe you'll fill that house and it won't take you long to do so!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, that's just MY opinion!!!!! Love to you sweets!!!!:kiss:
Spuggle :hugs: Im so sorry your are feeling what you must be feeling right now.

Tater- I will continue to wait patiently for you to get that BFP this month, LOL. But, its a hard wait. :winkwink:

I am heading to urgent care today to get some meds- I have 4 kids during the day, and I simply CANNOT function. My ultrasound is tomorrow :thumbup:
Hi girls, just to let you know i have just phoned about my results and they have given them to me over the phone.

Unfortunately the tube that could be reversed is blocked there was no dye passing through at all so I have come to the end of my ttc journey. xxx

Spuggle: I know I've mentioned it before..but read some of the info on this site about blocked tubes ...when the site comes up, look on the left column for "fertility solutions"..right below that is *blocked fellopian tubes*

:hugs:I'm so sorry for yet another set back:cry:
Spuggle :hugs: Im so sorry your are feeling what you must be feeling right now.

Tater- I will continue to wait patiently for you to get that BFP this month, LOL. But, its a hard wait. :winkwink:

I am heading to urgent care today to get some meds- I have 4 kids during the day, and I simply CANNOT function. My ultrasound is tomorrow :thumbup:

Oh Dash, I'm sorry you're struggling so badly:( I can't wait to hear how the US goes tomorrow!!!
Faith thank you, i will look at it but they will have healed back together after surgery, i think the only thing that would re-open them is surgery again and i'm not up for that. xx thank you again
Spuggle :hugs: Im so sorry your are feeling what you must be feeling right now.

Tater- I will continue to wait patiently for you to get that BFP this month, LOL. But, its a hard wait. :winkwink:

I am heading to urgent care today to get some meds- I have 4 kids during the day, and I simply CANNOT function. My ultrasound is tomorrow :thumbup:

:hugs:NON functionality is NOT good, and w/ 4 kids, REALLY suck-y :nope:

What kind of meds will they give you?

Thanks girl!!! it IS a hard wait!!!:haha:
hi guys I have been without my computer for a few days it had a virus and I could'nt even use it anymore, but im back now later I will have to read back to catch up :)
spuggle Im sooooo sorry hun lots and lots of hugs

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