Trying, waiting, hoping


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
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I'm new here so forgive me for not knowing the lingo much.
We've been trying to conceive baby number 1 for a few years now, however my cycles are crazily irregular! They vary from 29-47 days, and I had one cycle that was over 60 days! I've been tested for various things and the doctor doesn't seem to know why my cycles are so irregular. Anyway, my partner and I are both in our 30's so we're worried about running out of time - my mother went through menopause at 35!
Up until this month I've always relied on 4 or 5 period apps but none of them can ever agree on when my next period will be let alone when I'm fertile! This month we started using the Clearblue digital ovulation tests. I've avoided ovulation tests until now because I didn't understand them - the lines never looked any different to me! For some reason I never knew you could get digital ovulation tests!! Anyway, according to the tests I'm at high fertility right now but the one I'm using has a flashing face for high fertility and a still face for peak fertility. I haven't seen that yet and was wondering how many flashing faces I should expect to see before (if?) I get the still face? I'm trying not to stress too much but I've never used these before!
One of the biggest things that bugs me about trying for so long is everyone else asking "when are you having children?" I know they mean well, but it's so frustrating when we've been trying for so long and got nowhere!
I wanted to add, I've not tried the temperature thing because I don't fully understand how that helps with tracking your fertility and ovulation?
And finally, is there anything else I can do to try and help with this process of trying to conceive?
Not exactly sure when to test ... Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I first got the "high fertility" on the digital ovulation test, but I don't know which day I ovulated - I think that Thirsday or Friday, but I just don't know! Because my cycles are so irregular, is the 2 weeks long enough to wait? Should I wait another week to see if my period comes before testing, or will tomorrow be ok to test? Or later this week maybe?
Not exactly sure when to test ... Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I first got the "high fertility" on the digital ovulation test, but I don't know which day I ovulated - I think that Thirsday or Friday, but I just don't know! Because my cycles are so irregular, is the 2 weeks long enough to wait? Should I wait another week to see if my period comes before testing, or will tomorrow be ok to test? Or later this week maybe?
I'm impatient so would test Haha I'm a test addict. So I'm going to say test. If its negative test again in a few days xx
Tested this morning. Negative. I know it might be too early, but I'm a little disappointed :( I also don't have any symptoms! I know not every women gets symptoms but I still can't help but think it's a bad sign ....
Tested this morning. Negative. I know it might be too early, but I'm a little disappointed :( I also don't have any symptoms! I know not every women gets symptoms but I still can't help but think it's a bad sign ....
I'm sorry :( definitely try again in a day or 2. As lots say you aren't out until Af shows up xx
Thank you both!
I really need to stop Googling questions, because I'm getting more and more confused, but today my cervix is low, very hard and closed. I know that it's not a reliable way to tell, but I don't remember it feeling this hard before my period before - although I'm not even sure when that's due! One of my period apps says 6 days, another says 8 and the others are all as confused as I am! One thing I have noticed is more of that cervical mucus - not a lot, just on the toilet paper. It's kind of like when you blow your nose after it's a bit stuffy, but not like when you have a cold. Kind of clear. I'm not very good at explaining this! However, this is unusual for me at this part of the cycle. From day 17 of my cycle I've had cramps on and off most days, which stopped 2 days ago I think it was. This is also very unusual for me! They started out quite painful, and then went to barely noticeable. I've had backache those days too, which again is unusual for me. I also feel warmer than usual. It's pretty cold at the moment, and I'm wearing shorts and a tshirt in the house! Whilst the heating is on, it's on low, and my partner said he's not feeling this warm. I haven't actually taken my temperature. Usually I'm the coldest person on the planet, and never wear shorts at this time of year! Maybe I'm coming down with something ... I don't know. Is it possible these could be good signs? I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much ...

Sorry, I guess I'm feeling down from the test this morning. I'll definitely test again in a few days. I feel like I'm letting my partner, D, down again. I didn't tell him the result this morning because I don't want him to be disappointed again until I know for certain. We've wanted this for so so long ...
They could all be signs for you. Everyone is different so I wouldn't like to say for sure.
I have long cycles in comparison to some and I didn't get a positive on a first response until 4 days before af was due xx
Last night I was sure I was out. Had period type cramps, backache and aches in my legs. The aches in my legs I do get now and then generally, but they're usually worse around my period. Woke up this morning and nothing!!! Keeping my fingers crossed, although 2 of my period apps say my period is due either Monday or Wednesday. The other apps I use have no clue! Anyway, I'm trying to hold of testing for a few more days. Think I'll try testing again in Friday if I can hold out that long!
Tested again this morning. Negative. :( I don't know whether to try testing again next week if my period doesn't show, or whether I'm out ...
Today is cycle day 35. One of my period apps says my period was due today, another says Wednesday. The rest say end of this week or beginning of next week.
No period today! I must admit I don't feel crampy like I would normally a few days before my period, so either the other apps are correct and my period is due somewhere between Friday and next Monday, I'm pregnant or I'm going to have a very light period - I don't usually get cramps for very light periods! I do, however, have backache, but it's possible I slept in a weird position!
I haven't tested today. I'm going wait a few more days. My thinking is that if the other apps are correct and my period isn't due until Friday, or even next Monday, it might not show up yet??
This cycle has been very unusual. I've had cramps I don't normally have, weird discharge I don't normally have, I've had horrendous headaches (worse and more frequent than usual) and my sleep cycle has gone totally out of whack. I'm also much warmer than usual, and am unsure if I'm coming down with something!
Trying not to get my hopes up too much, whilst also keeping my fingers crossed!
Wednesday is here! It's cycle day 37, and period app number 2 says my period was due today. It's not here yet (however I do often get it in the afternoon or even the evening!) and I don't have any of my regular signs that it's coming. Usually I get cramps that start a day or two before and end 1-2 days after my period starts.
This morning I had more of the weird cervical mucus. Looked like a blob of snot (sorry for the tmi), but was what I can only describe as sticky. It has a slight stretch to it but not much, but mostly it was sticky. This is NOT normal for me at this point in my cycle! I never get any kind of cervical mucus before my period!
I also had a weird thing this morning. I was still half asleep and a couple of times my tummy did this weird pushing thing - kind of like it would if you're being sick, only I was still lying down so it felt a bit strange! I didn't feel sick, and went back to sleep!
The past few days I've also woken up with a stuffy nose, which I've read can be a good sign, however we do often sleep with the windows open, and around this time of year my hayfever starts kicking in, so it could be either of those things too! Although last night I had quite a stuffy nose before going to bed! Was also a little dizzy in the evening, and more hungry yesterday than usual!
D suggested that I test tomorrow. My other period apps seem to think my period is either coming this weekend or on Monday, so hopefully tomorrow will be a good day to test! My GP has said if my period doesn't come by Monday then they will do a blood test next week, just to see if there's anything else going on.
One of D's sisters told me that in all her pregnancies she never got a positive test until weeks after her period was due, by which time it had already been confirmed by a blood test! I'm wondering if this is normal, and so something I should consider??

I've just realised this thread has turned almost into a diary type thing! Oops, that wasn't my intention at all, although it does make me feel betetr venting on here!
The test on Thursday was negative :( There's still no sign of my period though! Today is cycle day 40. I'm going to retest on Monday ...
Still no period, and had a negative pregnancy test this morning ](*,) All my period apps now say that my period is late! There's no signs of my period coming at all. No cramps, nothing. I have had backache today, with no real cause, and have been so tired lately, but have put that down to the weather!
Still have very watery discharge, with the odd bit of snot-like cervical mucus. I'm so confused! Tomorrow I'm having a blood test, so the doctor can check if there's anything else going on, and will be able to confirm either way ...
This evening my cervix was medium high, and soft. Don't remember if it was open or closed, but just last week it was low, closed and firm. However, I don't know whether it changes at different times of day? I'm worried about checking it too often if I'm honest!

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