
has arrived and I am thankful for it! No more slight hoping/wondering-feeling much more clear headed.
This month's plan:
No temping first 10 days-just chilling (and might lurk more and post less but I'll be back fully after that and definitely reading the thread for those

that I know are right around the corner!)
Pressed during fertile days (goopy experience here we come!?)
Dtd eod starting around cd12 (I usually ovulate around cd20), maybe every day day of and after +opk
Speaking of opk, ordered 40 wondfo opk and 10 hpt - no more spending small fortunes on drug store tests
Mucinex when +opk (<---- tribute to mrs
Soft Cups when +opk (<---- a little intimidated by this one)
Green tea
Raspberry leaf tea
Keep getting tons of exercise and good food in (this has been great this summer-keeps me feeling level headed)
Relax and have fun making love with my darling man and enjoying cocktails here and there with my besties too!
Pondering baby aspirin (supposed to help with bean sticking)
That is all-happy weekend, ladies!