How's everyone doing? Any testing going on soon?
I'm having one of those it's never going to happen for me days
How's everyone doing? Any testing going on soon?
I'm having one of those it's never going to happen for me days
Hi Simms - How have you been?
Viewing this on my phone so can't see much but hoping that's what I think it is!
Hi Simms - How have you been?
Viewing this on my phone so can't see much but hoping that's what I think it is!
I've been good. I had to take a break from here because I was driving myself bananas lol. Doesn't mean I didn't stalk the thread though lol. How have you been? I think I got my BFP this morning Didn't do anything differently just relaxed this month, no opks or anything and boom.
Thanks ZeeZ I'm glad this thread has turned into something so positive!! Hang in there my dear ttc is tough and I definitely had to step back, take a month off and just relax and not think about when to test or BD and I think it was for the best. After that I was ready to start again with a different attitude (which I needed). Fx crossed for you ZeeZ it will happen when you least expect itHi Simms - How have you been?
Viewing this on my phone so can't see much but hoping that's what I think it is!
I've been good. I had to take a break from here because I was driving myself bananas lol. Doesn't mean I didn't stalk the thread though lol. How have you been? I think I got my BFP this morning Didn't do anything differently just relaxed this month, no opks or anything and boom.
Congrats that's such great news! I'm so happy for you happy and healthy 9 months to you. A bunch of us got hit with AF at the same time so a BFP was desperately needed around here and I'm glad it was you.
I've been mostly good too. You know the ups and downs that come with ttc but been getting lots of support on this thread - so glad you started it.