Welcome back Lily, hope you had an amazing trip!
GL Luna, Gypsy and Baking! I'm routing for you
We had a huge chance of twins as well, even going on clomid we just got 1 this time. I consider us lucky, 2 would be so much fun but the work and expense of it is a lot to take on.
Newbie I ditched everything but the digital ovulation test, made me much more relaxed, I enjoyed ttc a little bit more (I did still have my stressful moments but not nearly as often). GL catching that eggie.
GL Luna, Gypsy and Baking! I'm routing for you

We had a huge chance of twins as well, even going on clomid we just got 1 this time. I consider us lucky, 2 would be so much fun but the work and expense of it is a lot to take on.
Newbie I ditched everything but the digital ovulation test, made me much more relaxed, I enjoyed ttc a little bit more (I did still have my stressful moments but not nearly as often). GL catching that eggie.