well at least I'm not the only one!
Doctor appointment went as well as it could have I suppose. Hubby couldn't make it but I have a definitely yes that he will go if I make him an appointment during his time off in November. Today I gave him the "it's not about me it's about us" talk which I think really got him on board. I got a requisition form for cd 3 and 21 as well as a bunch of other blood work which makes me happy that she isn't just focusing on the basic stuff.
Unfortunately she said I can't go today for my cd 3 blood so unless I have another 24 day cycle we will be away on my next cd 3 so I won't be able to get it done until December

When I go for my cd 21 I will make sure the lab does everything else at the same time so I will have most of my results soon.
She said if my blood and hubby's SA are all normal she will send me for a hsg which makes me happy because I thought I would need a referral to a fertility specialist to get one done. Of course because of having to wait for some of my blood the earliest I would be going would be in January but I guess that's ok. She said if everything is fine then she will send us off to a specialist which I'm guessing takes a few months to get in so we will be well over a year by then and I will probably be ok trying meds at that point.
Of course maybe I can just finally get a freaking bfp in the meantime and not have to do any of it!