Hi Ladies,
It's been quite a while since I've been on here. Back in July I decided that I was focusing too much on getting pregnant, what with temping, OPKing and symptom spotting, so I stopped using Fertility Friend, stopped temping, stopped everything but BDing and hoping to get pregnant that way.
Since then I have had a plethora of tests done (Hormones, Sono-hystogram, blood work, etc) and have been diagnosed Unidentified Infertility. Basically there is no reason, either from myself or my husband that we are not conceiving. We have had two chemical pregnancies (the last one was in January) and nothing since.
I am now taking progesterone suppositories starting 3DPO each month (this is the second month). But something funny happened and I wondered if it happened to anyone else...sorry for the loooooooong introduction.
I was told to take the progesterone until my period arrived or I was pregnant. Well...5 days after my period was due and two negative preg. tests later (including a blood test) AF still didn't show. The nurse at my fertility clinic told me to stop the prog. and AF would likely arrive within a day...which it did.
That was about a week ago, so I wasn't really expecting to ovulate until late this week, but thought I would OPK to make sure of my ovulation date because of the mix up with the start of AF and the test had a smiley face today. (Which, if my period had started on time last month, would be cycle day 14). In addition, hubby and I BD'd this morning, and when I went to the washroom there was red blood in the mucus (whether hubby or myself) when I wiped. Anyone ever had that before?
Anyway - this was a seriously long message...so sorry about that. I just don't really understand what's happening here? I didn't expect to ovulate today because of the mix up with AF starting last cycle, nor was I expecting red streaks when I wiped this morning. Anyone have any ideas?
Team Stanlick