Allergy meds absolutely reduce cm! I have been completely off all meds for my allergies for a while thanks to yoga, neti and zero dairyHi ladies,
This is my first post but I've been reading the thread for about a month and it's helping so much see that other women have the same questions and paranoia that I have while TTC'ing after 30. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here!
Ok, so I have a question. I read online that seasonal allergy meds can reduce CM and thus not contribute to fertilization. I stopped taking mine right away! That was about 3 weeks ago but now I can't stop sneezing and blowing my nose. It's too inconvenient so I'm considering going back on them.
So, I wanted so ask if any of you have experienced this correlation of allergy meds and low/no CM. I'd help me decide if I go back on them or not.
Thanks so much!
Allergy meds absolutely reduce cm! I have been completely off all meds for my allergies for a while thanks to yoga, neti and zero dairy![]()
Auca-welcome! I also usually have longer cycles - ovulating in the mid to late 20's. this cycle is a rare exception. Looks like you're charting so that's good - that combined with the opks should give you a good sense of what is happening with you.
Well girls, we were so excited and before I woke up my man went out and got digitals! Not surprisingly bfn. So then we took a frer - her swears he sees a skinny pink squinter. I'm not sure. He's in the "lets test every morning" camp so that's the plan-will keep you posted of course! My temps have never been so high, boobs so tender and full and a multitude of other stuff. I also think its possible that I'm 11dpo and not 12dpo. We shall see...
Happy weekend and lots of
I'll update tomorrow.