Goldfish-there was a pretty long break in there but yeah I started temping to avoid in 2002 because bcp made me so sick, I was in a totally monogamous relationship and I thought there must be a better way. Did that until 2006 and then took a break until 2011 - again to avoid - then switched to ttc in 2012 - so not ten total years of temping but several solid years in there. Frankly I figured I'd get pg on month 1 of trying because I know my body so well buuuuut as I age things are changing. I also work out and am a good deal leaner than I was in the early 2000s and I think that also has changed and lengthened my cycles. I find the 2ww obsession by FAR the worst part - particularly like 7-12 DPO, in terms of raw emotions but also how I feel physically. I think if I don't chart during that time it might chill me out. But not charting at all, which we did for a few months this fall, didn't get it done either. We will see - hopefully this approach works for us! Oh and I'm gonna try to do smep as well-I think we have not consistently been getting enough bd in during the fertile window. And dh has a bit of a motility (speed) issue so I think I need to stay laying down after and try soft cups again!
If all that doesn't work this time, yesterday took the bulls by the horn and made our first fertility specialist appointment for late January. Will be almost a year trying by then and it felt like time.
to all!