Hey Ladies! Mind if I join?
I have taken a bit of a BnB break, I find it stresses me out if I read too much, so I may come and go.
I am 32, my husband is 43 and we have been TTC for just over 6 months. I got pregnant in June of last year after NTNP for about 10 months. I ended up having a blighted ovum and MC'ed at 11 weeks, which happened to be the day after our wedding, ugh! We decided we would wait a year before even thinking about babies or TTC but by the end of November we changed our minds! So I went off the pill (I was taking it rather sporadically, TBH) and and we have been TTC ever since.
I was having a very tough time emotionally for a while

I am a massage therapist and I had to do a prenatal massage to a girl who had the same due date I would have had, March 6. She asked to have some light massage on her tummy too, it was so sad! I also have a co-worker who I can't stand, who got pregnant a couple of weeks after me, MC'ed a couple of weeks before me, and got pregnant again the very next cycle. I feel like a crazy woman saying this but I always felt like she was trying to rub it in my face that she is pregnant! She has been gone since April, thankfully!
For a couple of months I was getting a little bit (ok, a lot) obsessed with TTC. I was tracking my cycle on 2 different iPhone apps, doing OPK's, checking BnB constantly (especially the damn BFP section - I'm such a masochist) buying Preseed and thermometers. It was starting to take all of the fun out of

and my husband was starting to feel "pressured" (ugh, men and their silly, fragile egos!). I was really dreading the "due date" and the closer it got the more desperate to conceive I became! When AF came 1 day late on March 1 I was pretty crushed. I spent March 6 moping around the house in my pajamas, crying, eating chips and watching garbage on tv. My best friend dragged me out of the house for a walk, and I'm so glad she did. It was a gorgeous night, the moon was out early and the ocean breeze was very fragrant. My friend and I talked about things and I realized that I needed to stop stressing about TTC and just get on with life, and that is what I have done
So for me at the moment, TTC consists of my one iPhone app and observing my CM, just what appears on the tissue (TMI), nothing else. I have a stockpile of OPK's that MAY bust out for June, July, August and September as I would fancy a spring baby, but otherwise I have not been using them. I have also weaned myself down to POAS only 2 times before AF shows. My goal is to not POAS until she is late!
I am currently trying to shed about 35 lbs. Two years ago I was around 140!!
So really trying to get back there. I seemed to gain about 12 lbs (!!) from week 9 to 11 when I was pregnant! My wedding dress did not fit well, to say the least! I figured when i MC'ed that the weight would come off pretty quick, but alas, it is still here!!

But I am back at the gym, and ready to rock. My goal is to compete in Figure competition some day! I am also working towards getting my personal trainer certification - I went from 220lbs to 140lbs all on my own a few years ago, and learned a thing or two!
My cycles tend to be quite short, from 23-25 days, usually 24 days. I seem to ovulate around CD 13 or 14, so not really worrying about a LPD. I got a

before with this cycle, so I'm assuming it's "normal", no point worrying about it, I say!
Anyway, sorry this got so long-winded! I'm looking forward to getting to know you nice ladies and wishing lots of

to you all!!