TTC #1 and over 30

Still no AF for me. I spotted for about an hour at 11 dpo, and nothing since then. I am very hopeful because the other night I got this horrid metal taste in my mouth and I almost got sick from it. I had to brush my teeth immediately to get rid of it. I have had it a couple times since then but not as bad. OH wanted me to have a drink with him 2 nights ago because he had a stressful day but I had to tell him I couldn't until I tested. 4 days till I test, as long as :witch: stays away. If I had regular cycles I would be 5 days to a week late now, but because of my pcos I have no clue.

I am sorry :witch: got who she did, hopefully this is the last time you see her for the next 9 months! :dust: to everyone!
PS Kmae, Joey, Nikkih - are we still cycle buddies? Or was I too much of a bad luck charm???!!! :shy:

Of course still cycle buddies!!! Let's think positive for all the BFP this cycle!!! Enjoy your travels!! Maybe our paths will cross in Spain!! xx
Gypsy-sounds realllyyyy promising for you-how did you decide when to test? If I were you I don't think I could hold out!

cycle-ish Buddies (defined expansively!)-baking, md, Luna, smimms, rmsh, gpkrn, zee and anyone I've missed-sounds like y'all are doing well and having fun waiting to o/just o'd. Baking-nice spike! Not sure what's happening with me-having egg white earlier than normal so we shall see! I usually ovulate closer to cd20 but I have a sense based on lots of symptoms that o is imminent-we haven't dtd quite as much as possible, but I'll make sure we utilize all remaining time if in fact it happens early!

Enjoy the rest of this long weekend everyone in the states - I'm wishing all weekends could be 3 days long! Good luck everyone....
Yay Zeez, we can be almost cycle buddies too LOL Finding other people with 45 day cycles is very difficult!

:flower: yes please ! Though not sure what my cycles are up to but suspect they going to get longer. Hopefully this month we'll both get BFP together and wont have to worry about long cycles for 9 months
Are you really on CD15? I am CD18 and going by my last two long cycles, I ovulate around CD29, so got a while to go! LOL I am not using OPKs or anything yet, I wait til I see some watery and/or EW cm before I use OPKs
Gypsy-sounds realllyyyy promising for you-how did you decide when to test? If I were you I don't think I could hold out!

cycle-ish Buddies (defined expansively!)-baking, md, Luna, smimms, rmsh, gpkrn, zee and anyone I've missed-sounds like y'all are doing well and having fun waiting to o/just o'd. Baking-nice spike! Not sure what's happening with me-having egg white earlier than normal so we shall see! I usually ovulate closer to cd20 but I have a sense based on lots of symptoms that o is imminent-we haven't dtd quite as much as possible, but I'll make sure we utilize all remaining time if in fact it happens early!

Enjoy the rest of this long weekend everyone in the states - I'm wishing all weekends could be 3 days long! Good luck everyone....

thanks vegalily, it's the more relaxing part of my cycle for sure.

It never hurts to bd when there is egg white around. Last cycle I thought I O'd already and would have missed the real one if it weren't for EWCM. Good luck for this cycle!
Are you really on CD15? I am CD18 and going by my last two long cycles, I ovulate around CD29, so got a while to go! LOL I am not using OPKs or anything yet, I wait til I see some watery and/or EW cm before I use OPKs

Yes if you count cd1 as full flow. Had 2 days of spotting before that.

I had long and irregular cycles due to pcos before bcp so thats why i suspect that they'll land up like that again. Hopefully i get pregnant before then.

I also am relying on EWCN to spot O. Tried temping this cycle but got the flu and temps went completely off. Maybe i'll try again next cycle but for now i'm trying out the saliva microscope. Not as accurate as opks but cheap and easy and gives you a general idea.
I am not good friends with my fertilscope! LOL I tend to get ferns at all odd times, and I even check my saliva on a work microscope now (no idea why I bought a fertilscope when I have microscopes at work!) But I am going to use it over ovulation again this cycle just to see what happens
Gypsy-sounds realllyyyy promising for you-how did you decide when to test? If I were you I don't think I could hold out!

I based it on when my last cycle started and on when I thought I felt my O pains. It is not easy at all waiting, but I want to make sure that when I do test I have given myself plenty of time. If my estimation is correct, the spotting that I had on friday should have been implantation bleeding, and I want to make sure if that is true that there are plenty of hormones in my system for those tests to catch. I want to test now so badly, but I am scared to death that I am making everything up in my head and I am going to see yet another stark white :bfn: when I do, that is pretty much the only thing keeping me going right now.
I'm ovulating either today or tomorrow! Have to wait and see what my cervix does tomorrow to know for sure...oh and I completely give up on opk, they just plain don't work for me, oh well
Hey Ladies! Mind if I join?

I have taken a bit of a BnB break, I find it stresses me out if I read too much, so I may come and go.

I am 32, my husband is 43 and we have been TTC for just over 6 months. I got pregnant in June of last year after NTNP for about 10 months. I ended up having a blighted ovum and MC'ed at 11 weeks, which happened to be the day after our wedding, ugh! We decided we would wait a year before even thinking about babies or TTC but by the end of November we changed our minds! So I went off the pill (I was taking it rather sporadically, TBH) and and we have been TTC ever since.

I was having a very tough time emotionally for a while :cry: I am a massage therapist and I had to do a prenatal massage to a girl who had the same due date I would have had, March 6. She asked to have some light massage on her tummy too, it was so sad! I also have a co-worker who I can't stand, who got pregnant a couple of weeks after me, MC'ed a couple of weeks before me, and got pregnant again the very next cycle. I feel like a crazy woman saying this but I always felt like she was trying to rub it in my face that she is pregnant! She has been gone since April, thankfully!

For a couple of months I was getting a little bit (ok, a lot) obsessed with TTC. I was tracking my cycle on 2 different iPhone apps, doing OPK's, checking BnB constantly (especially the damn BFP section - I'm such a masochist) buying Preseed and thermometers. It was starting to take all of the fun out of :sex: and my husband was starting to feel "pressured" (ugh, men and their silly, fragile egos!). I was really dreading the "due date" and the closer it got the more desperate to conceive I became! When AF came 1 day late on March 1 I was pretty crushed. I spent March 6 moping around the house in my pajamas, crying, eating chips and watching garbage on tv. My best friend dragged me out of the house for a walk, and I'm so glad she did. It was a gorgeous night, the moon was out early and the ocean breeze was very fragrant. My friend and I talked about things and I realized that I needed to stop stressing about TTC and just get on with life, and that is what I have done :)

So for me at the moment, TTC consists of my one iPhone app and observing my CM, just what appears on the tissue (TMI), nothing else. I have a stockpile of OPK's that MAY bust out for June, July, August and September as I would fancy a spring baby, but otherwise I have not been using them. I have also weaned myself down to POAS only 2 times before AF shows. My goal is to not POAS until she is late!

I am currently trying to shed about 35 lbs. Two years ago I was around 140!!
So really trying to get back there. I seemed to gain about 12 lbs (!!) from week 9 to 11 when I was pregnant! My wedding dress did not fit well, to say the least! I figured when i MC'ed that the weight would come off pretty quick, but alas, it is still here!! :growlmad: But I am back at the gym, and ready to rock. My goal is to compete in Figure competition some day! I am also working towards getting my personal trainer certification - I went from 220lbs to 140lbs all on my own a few years ago, and learned a thing or two!

My cycles tend to be quite short, from 23-25 days, usually 24 days. I seem to ovulate around CD 13 or 14, so not really worrying about a LPD. I got a :bfp: before with this cycle, so I'm assuming it's "normal", no point worrying about it, I say! :thumbup:

Anyway, sorry this got so long-winded! I'm looking forward to getting to know you nice ladies and wishing lots of :dust: to you all!!

Hey Ladies! Mind if I join?

I have taken a bit of a BnB break, I find it stresses me out if I read too much, so I may come and go.

I am 32, my husband is 43 and we have been TTC for just over 6 months. I got pregnant in June of last year after NTNP for about 10 months. I ended up having a blighted ovum and MC'ed at 11 weeks, which happened to be the day after our wedding, ugh! We decided we would wait a year before even thinking about babies or TTC but by the end of November we changed our minds! So I went off the pill (I was taking it rather sporadically, TBH) and and we have been TTC ever since.

I was having a very tough time emotionally for a while :cry: I am a massage therapist and I had to do a prenatal massage to a girl who had the same due date I would have had, March 6. She asked to have some light massage on her tummy too, it was so sad! I also have a co-worker who I can't stand, who got pregnant a couple of weeks after me, MC'ed a couple of weeks before me, and got pregnant again the very next cycle. I feel like a crazy woman saying this but I always felt like she was trying to rub it in my face that she is pregnant! She has been gone since April, thankfully!

For a couple of months I was getting a little bit (ok, a lot) obsessed with TTC. I was tracking my cycle on 2 different iPhone apps, doing OPK's, checking BnB constantly (especially the damn BFP section - I'm such a masochist) buying Preseed and thermometers. It was starting to take all of the fun out of :sex: and my husband was starting to feel "pressured" (ugh, men and their silly, fragile egos!). I was really dreading the "due date" and the closer it got the more desperate to conceive I became! When AF came 1 day late on March 1 I was pretty crushed. I spent March 6 moping around the house in my pajamas, crying, eating chips and watching garbage on tv. My best friend dragged me out of the house for a walk, and I'm so glad she did. It was a gorgeous night, the moon was out early and the ocean breeze was very fragrant. My friend and I talked about things and I realized that I needed to stop stressing about TTC and just get on with life, and that is what I have done :)

So for me at the moment, TTC consists of my one iPhone app and observing my CM, just what appears on the tissue (TMI), nothing else. I have a stockpile of OPK's that MAY bust out for June, July, August and September as I would fancy a spring baby, but otherwise I have not been using them. I have also weaned myself down to POAS only 2 times before AF shows. My goal is to not POAS until she is late!

I am currently trying to shed about 35 lbs. Two years ago I was around 140!!
So really trying to get back there. I seemed to gain about 12 lbs (!!) from week 9 to 11 when I was pregnant! My wedding dress did not fit well, to say the least! I figured when i MC'ed that the weight would come off pretty quick, but alas, it is still here!! :growlmad: But I am back at the gym, and ready to rock. My goal is to compete in Figure competition some day! I am also working towards getting my personal trainer certification - I went from 220lbs to 140lbs all on my own a few years ago, and learned a thing or two!

My cycles tend to be quite short, from 23-25 days, usually 24 days. I seem to ovulate around CD 13 or 14, so not really worrying about a LPD. I got a :bfp: before with this cycle, so I'm assuming it's "normal", no point worrying about it, I say! :thumbup:

Anyway, sorry this got so long-winded! I'm looking forward to getting to know you nice ladies and wishing lots of :dust: to you all!!


Welcome! I can relate to the fitness/nutrition world part of your post, including your weight loss journey (I too self-directed a major weight loss after college-a very empowering experience). I've pondered competing in figure but just not there at the moment in terms of priorities. I think it could be a post-baby goal instead of pre-baby, for me. When my body fat dips too low, I plain old stop ovulating, so I'm actually purposely about 7-12 pounds more than I'd like ultimately to be as part of our ttc efforts!

Sorry about your blighted ovum-I don't know much about that but it sounds like it was pretty devastating and such hard timing. Glad you found this thread-it's often the only one I check (I like to avoid obsession as well). Good luck to you and keep us posted!
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this TTC business and see you have a great thread here.

I'm on CD2 today and would love to join the thread if thats ok?

I live in Australia, am 32 and my Hubby is 38. Last month was our first month actively TTC, however AF arrived three days early yesterday so clearly our first attempt wasnt very successful! (Not that I was expecting a miracle).

Im temping & using opk's (which last month were positive for about a week, even 5 days after my temp spiked) which was very confusing!

Anyways, I'd love to be involved on this thread if im welcome :-)
I am not good friends with my fertilscope! LOL I tend to get ferns at all odd times, and I even check my saliva on a work microscope now (no idea why I bought a fertilscope when I have microscopes at work!) But I am going to use it over ovulation again this cycle just to see what happens

Lol and i'm sure the ones at work are more powerful too. What do you do?

honestly my microscope was an impulse buy during my last 2ww. Retail therapy to deal with the stress. I'm sure i'd be wasting tons of opks because i am a POAS addict. I get plenty of partial ferning though. It's confirming what i suspected last month that my body tries to O around cd 13 but doesn't get it right immediately.
Good luck luna.

welcome roma and newbie. It really is a great thread so enjoy your stay. Hope it's short and sweet.
I am Senior Tech/Lab Manager in a research lab :) I really should not have bought the fertilscope and just used the slides at home and check at work LOL oh well!
I am having a very emotional night tonight. I feel absolutely terrified. I am terrified that I am going to buy a test and get a bfn and find out that this is all in my head, yet at the same time I am terrified that I am going to get my bfp. I want this more than anything else in the world but it still scares me to death. I think part of the reason I am so scared is because for the first time ever all my symptoms match up and this may actually be it. I have also been in an emotional roller coaster today which isn't helping things. Coupled with fighting nausea and this has been a rough day. If I find out in a few days, if I can hold out that long, that this is all because everything worked this month it will all be worth it. If I see another bfn, though, I don't know what I will do because that is a mean trick that my body has been playing in me.

I just needed to get all of that out there. These are probably completely normal feelings, but they are driving me crazy right now. Thanks for listening guys. :hugs:
I am having a very emotional night tonight. I feel absolutely terrified. I am terrified that I am going to buy a test and get a bfn and find out that this is all in my head, yet at the same time I am terrified that I am going to get my bfp. I want this more than anything else in the world but it still scares me to death. I think part of the reason I am so scared is because for the first time ever all my symptoms match up and this may actually be it. I have also been in an emotional roller coaster today which isn't helping things. Coupled with fighting nausea and this has been a rough day. If I find out in a few days, if I can hold out that long, that this is all because everything worked this month it will all be worth it. If I see another bfn, though, I don't know what I will do because that is a mean trick that my body has been playing in me.

I just needed to get all of that out there. These are probably completely normal feelings, but they are driving me crazy right now. Thanks for listening guys. :hugs:

FX for you my dear! :dust:

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