TTC #1 and over 30

I am not good friends with my fertilscope! LOL I tend to get ferns at all odd times, and I even check my saliva on a work microscope now (no idea why I bought a fertilscope when I have microscopes at work!) But I am going to use it over ovulation again this cycle just to see what happens

Lol and i'm sure the ones at work are more powerful too. What do you do?

honestly my microscope was an impulse buy during my last 2ww. Retail therapy to deal with the stress. I'm sure i'd be wasting tons of opks because i am a POAS addict. I get plenty of partial ferning though. It's confirming what i suspected last month that my body tries to O around cd 13 but doesn't get it right immediately.

Zee-I think the exact same thing may be happening with me as well. Through traditional signs and opk's that almost get positive but don't. My opk's were getting dark and are now almost white again-same happened last month.

Gypsy-hang in there. I think the last 3-4 dys of the tww is the hardest/worst part-you'll know very soon what's happening...:hugs:

Welcome newbie!
I'm staying here!!! I love this thread :hugs: Hope you stay too Nikkih! :thumbup:

So woke up to the :witch: in my face as predicted. AUGH. Alas, onto a new cycle...while traveling across 4 different time zones. ACK. Well, it will be interesting at least :winkwink: I'm not sure how much wifi I will have but if I have access I'll be popping in to say hi! I'm back in the US on June 12th...

Good luck to all my ladies here!!! I look forward to coming across some BFPs in the next group (it does seem we're nicely split into two groups that cycle together). I'll be lurking on my phone as much as I can!


:dust: :baby: :dust:

Hehe, 4 time zones? I wish... 7 for me last time ;) Only for a day though. :coffee:

I am having a very emotional night tonight. I feel absolutely terrified. I am terrified that I am going to buy a test and get a bfn and find out that this is all in my head, yet at the same time I am terrified that I am going to get my bfp. I want this more than anything else in the world but it still scares me to death. I think part of the reason I am so scared is because for the first time ever all my symptoms match up and this may actually be it. I have also been in an emotional roller coaster today which isn't helping things. Coupled with fighting nausea and this has been a rough day. If I find out in a few days, if I can hold out that long, that this is all because everything worked this month it will all be worth it. If I see another bfn, though, I don't know what I will do because that is a mean trick that my body has been playing in me.

I just needed to get all of that out there. These are probably completely normal feelings, but they are driving me crazy right now. Thanks for listening guys. :hugs:

Yea, I remember that emotional roller coaster. Afraid to believe, Afraid of getting a no...
Fingers crossed for you dearie :dust:
Ok, has anyone had this happen? I m very confused. I thought I had gotten struck by :witch: but...Here is what is going on sorry if TMI. Satrday I spotted light pink for maybe an hour. Sometime Saturday night I got what I thought was AF. I bled like a normal period from Sat night/Sun morning until Monday late afternoon/ early evening. The flow was normal for AF. Then, nothing. I have not bled since. I am so confused. I normally bleed for 3-6 days with :witch: . it has never dried up this quickly. I can't help but wonder could this have been implantation?I spotted Sat which was 13 dpo and the period type bleeding 14-15dpo.
@ Roma Tomato and Newbie32: Welcome! Welcome!

I'm going to my doctor tonight. today is my CD10. I don't know why she wnts me to visit her today. maybe she needs to check my follicle. I can't find BBT here in ABu Dhabu, so weird. I have to ask my sister iin Singapore to send me one. I guess I can't use it for this month.

how is everyone?
Thanks for the welcome ladies :-)

As I'm new to this your insights and support will be invaluable to me.

Here's hoping for bfp's in the very near future!
Rmsh1 - research sounds really interesting like you're always finding out something new that no one else knew before.

veganlily - I haven't done opks yet but it sound exactly the same. I blamed it on the pcos but if others are having the same thing happen then maybe i'm not so abnormal.

Nikkih - similar thing happened to me this cycle so I did some research on google. It's unlikely implantation bleeding that late but is possible. AF could just be light this month but also there are a bunch of other reasons you could bleed other than AF and might be and might be pregnancy related or not. I hate to recommend testing because of the way a BFN can break your heart especially since it could very well have been AF but since some reasons could mean a complication in pregnancy I couldn't figure a way around it for me. If you're temping maybe that could give you a clue. Good luck
Thanks ZeeZee I am going to test later today and then with fmu tomorrow. If both neg will move on and assume it was a light weird period.
Welcome Roma and newbie! :hi:

On CD22 7DPO with a temp drop this AM! :thumbup: No other symptoms, except for the same symptoms I get before testing until 12DPO, right? :winkwink:
:hugs: kmae, Mrs.Chez, Nikki, and Piya! Stupid :witch:

Nikki - that is strange. Something similar happened to me in January. I only bled for about a day and a half (normally it is 3-5 days) and it was very light, but it turned out to be normal AF for me. FX'd for you. If it does turn out to be AF (hopefully not), I am on that June thread too.

Welcome RomaT, Newbie, and Piya!

GL with all the test rmsh.

Gypsy - FX'd for you. All your symptoms sound promising. The last couple of days are definitely the hardest.

How are all my cycle buddies doing? I had a little bit of a melt down on Sunday. Such a random day for a breakdown but was feeling a little hopeless. I know it hasn't been that long but it just seems like we are all trying so hard and focus on this every month and I was tired of it, i.e., thinking about when we should BD and whether it will work this month. And, that if it doesn't we are going to have to think about it even more to figure out what is wrong, etc. I was just feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. Feeling better today. Sorry for being a downer - just thought I'd share.

Drinking green tea with honey and cinnamon today. :)

Sorry if I missed anyone specifically. Sending out lots of :dust: and :hugs: for our whole group!
:hugs: kmae, Mrs.Chez, Nikki, and Piya! Stupid :witch:

Nikki - that is strange. Something similar happened to me in January. I only bled for about a day and a half (normally it is 3-5 days) and it was very light, but it turned out to be normal AF for me. FX'd for you. If it does turn out to be AF (hopefully not), I am on that June thread too.

Welcome RomaT, Newbie, and Piya!

GL with all the test rmsh.

Gypsy - FX'd for you. All your symptoms sound promising. The last couple of days are definitely the hardest.

How are all my cycle buddies doing? I had a little bit of a melt down on Sunday. Such a random day for a breakdown but was feeling a little hopeless. I know it hasn't been that long but it just seems like we are all trying so hard and focus on this every month and I was tired of it, i.e., thinking about when we should BD and whether it will work this month. And, that if it doesn't we are going to have to think about it even more to figure out what is wrong, etc. I was just feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. Feeling better today. Sorry for being a downer - just thought I'd share.

Drinking green tea with honey and cinnamon today. :)

Sorry if I missed anyone specifically. Sending out lots of :dust: and :hugs: for our whole group!

I'm so sorry about the breakdown, MD. :hugs: I'm glad today is a little better. I had one two Sundays ago. I never realized how stressful ttc to conceive was. Adding on the other stresses of life and I just needed to cry it out. Sometimes, you just need to cry. This month, I just tried to bd every other day and not let it stress me. If I wanted a cocktail, I had one. I feel way more relaxed and I feel like my body will be more receptive to implant that little eggy!
On my tww now, FF says I'm 3dpo. I'm taking DHA supplements as well as my prenatal vitamins. We'll see if I helps. :)

:dust: and :hugs:
Thanks, lady! Yes, that's how it was - I just cried. My DH didn't know what to do with me. He tried to cheer me up, but sometimes they handle it wrong. Me too re cocktails. I think I geared up too much before - cutting out alcohol, etc. I just need to go back to my normal life and stop obsessing.

Yay! for being in the 2ww. I mean not yay for the waiting part but exciting that you could be preggo! I have everything crossed for you! Sending lots of :dust:

I have two more days until I ovulate, I think. Waiting for that positive opk. Expected to get it on Thursday.

Thanks, again! :)
Thanks, lady! Yes, that's how it was - I just cried. My DH didn't know what to do with me. He tried to cheer me up, but sometimes they handle it wrong. Me too re cocktails. I think I geared up too much before - cutting out alcohol, etc. I just need to go back to my normal life and stop obsessing.

Yay! for being in the 2ww. I mean not yay for the waiting part but exciting that you could be preggo! I have everything crossed for you! Sending lots of :dust:

I have two more days until I ovulate, I think. Waiting for that positive opk. Expected to get it on Thursday.

Thanks, again! :)

Hi - hope you are feeling more positive now! I am trying also to be more relaxed - I had been really strict about eating and drinking the right thing but I think you are right - just get back to normal life!!
I have ordered some preseed though and will be giving that a try around ov! Has anyone else used it??

Fingers crossed for everyone - let's hope June is a lucky month!!
Thanks, lady! Yes, that's how it was - I just cried. My DH didn't know what to do with me. He tried to cheer me up, but sometimes they handle it wrong. Me too re cocktails. I think I geared up too much before - cutting out alcohol, etc. I just need to go back to my normal life and stop obsessing.

Yay! for being in the 2ww. I mean not yay for the waiting part but exciting that you could be preggo! I have everything crossed for you! Sending lots of :dust:

I have two more days until I ovulate, I think. Waiting for that positive opk. Expected to get it on Thursday.

Thanks, again! :)

My DH tries too but sometimes you just got let it out. We compromise and he just holds me while I cry. I guess it helps him feel like he is helping. I was talking with one of my friends and she said that our body's chemistry (how stressed or relaxed we are) affects our repoductive system. She recommended that I do walking mediation: walking while taking deep breaths and just making your mind go blank for 5 min a day to help get your body get ready for baby. It certainly can't hurt and mediation is cheap!! ha

Although, I'm pretty clumsy so I just sit and relax so I don't bruise myself anymore than usual. :)

Thanks for the good thoughts and :dust: !
I am having a very emotional night tonight. I feel absolutely terrified. I am terrified that I am going to buy a test and get a bfn and find out that this is all in my head, yet at the same time I am terrified that I am going to get my bfp. I want this more than anything else in the world but it still scares me to death. I think part of the reason I am so scared is because for the first time ever all my symptoms match up and this may actually be it. I have also been in an emotional roller coaster today which isn't helping things. Coupled with fighting nausea and this has been a rough day. If I find out in a few days, if I can hold out that long, that this is all because everything worked this month it will all be worth it. If I see another bfn, though, I don't know what I will do because that is a mean trick that my body has been playing in me.

I just needed to get all of that out there. These are probably completely normal feelings, but they are driving me crazy right now. Thanks for listening guys. :hugs:

Gypsygirl -- I can relate to how you're feeling. They are completely normal feelings...hang in there girl! :hugs:

I've felt that way in the past and you'd probably be surprised how many ladies can relate. I am very excited for you -- crossing my fingers for a :bfp: :flower:
Thanks, lady! Yes, that's how it was - I just cried. My DH didn't know what to do with me. He tried to cheer me up, but sometimes they handle it wrong. Me too re cocktails. I think I geared up too much before - cutting out alcohol, etc. I just need to go back to my normal life and stop obsessing.

Yay! for being in the 2ww. I mean not yay for the waiting part but exciting that you could be preggo! I have everything crossed for you! Sending lots of :dust:

I have two more days until I ovulate, I think. Waiting for that positive opk. Expected to get it on Thursday.

Thanks, again! :)
Hello MD1223,

I am on the same boat, was very upset two weeks ago when AF came, then back on the trying phase again! I was also venting to DH how much stuff we use, from Preseed to prenatal and just want to make this work. I would walk around and see prego ladies but can't help to feel like a downer :( .. but once those thoughts are over, I just try to be optimistic and feel fortunate enough to be able to carry on trying.. I will ovulate later this week too, Baby Dust to all!
Joey1979 - Thanks! :) It is definitely hard to try to relax and not think about it because then if it doesnt happen I wonder if I could have done something differently. But I do think it will help to focus on normal life - I mean think about all the women who get pregnant by accident. And, it's just good for our sanity.

We have preseed, but I have only used it as a lubricant really - even with that my DH doesn't really like it. TMI - but he thinks it is too wet. I can't imagine what it would be like with the amount they say to use. Someone mentioned trying it (or conceive plus) after BD'ing. Smimms or Veganlily - was that one of you? I wonder if that may help.

Yes - FX'd June is our lucky month for this thread! :dust:
Thanks, lady! Yes, that's how it was - I just cried. My DH didn't know what to do with me. He tried to cheer me up, but sometimes they handle it wrong. Me too re cocktails. I think I geared up too much before - cutting out alcohol, etc. I just need to go back to my normal life and stop obsessing.

Yay! for being in the 2ww. I mean not yay for the waiting part but exciting that you could be preggo! I have everything crossed for you! Sending lots of :dust:

I have two more days until I ovulate, I think. Waiting for that positive opk. Expected to get it on Thursday.

Thanks, again! :)

My DH tries too but sometimes you just got let it out. We compromise and he just holds me while I cry. I guess it helps him feel like he is helping. I was talking with one of my friends and she said that our body's chemistry (how stressed or relaxed we are) affects our repoductive system. She recommended that I do walking mediation: walking while taking deep breaths and just making your mind go blank for 5 min a day to help get your body get ready for baby. It certainly can't hurt and mediation is cheap!! ha

Although, I'm pretty clumsy so I just sit and relax so I don't bruise myself anymore than usual. :)

Thanks for the good thoughts and :dust: !

:haha: I am sure you are not that clumsy. I like the walking meditation idea. I'll have to try that. :)
:hugs: gypsy

Well not sure if I oved late yesterday or early today but either way my testing days will be June 13, cd 28 (which I haven't made it to since starting ttc)

Good luck to all my cycle buddies, June is definitely going to be our lucky month :D

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