Breezy - I'm happy to hear your friend is doing better

And I'm so excited for you to be testing soon!!! It's amazing how nervous I get for everyone on these boards since I've never even met any of you girls! I just love seeing

posts - gives me so much hope and encouragement!!! Like
snowflake said, it can still happen even if your prog is low so chin up and cross everything!!!!
MD1223 - you mentioned a.m. when you said you did your OPK. I was told to do the tests in the afternoon as you have a higher concentration of LH at that point. Maybe that will do the trick???
bakingbabe - looks like you've got all your bases covered!

Nice work and good job taking advantage of that 'working from home' aspect

Now you get to sit back and wait...
Veganlily - wow that's an impressive amount of x's on your chart!!!! I think my DH would pass out just from seeing your chart
Smimms - my DH is 41 and his sex drive isn't the highest either. Totally feel your pain! Tho I've convinced him into trying SMEP this cycle

It will be interesting to say the least
Lots of dust for all those testing soon. Keep us posted!!