TTC #1 and over 30

My temp spiked today. Do you ladies still think it's worth :sex: one more time? My poor hubby is worn out lol.

I say go for it!!! My hubby gets like that too. :haha:

One more time can't hurt! My man should be tired (check out my chart!) but it's having the opposite effect on him! Guess that's good!

We dtd twice and he was overwhelmed. He's only 33 and his sex drive is kind of shotty. :dohh: I just hope 2 times is enough unless I can seduce him into one more lol
Looks like you've been taking advantage of that positive opk ;) Good luck!!
Hi ladies, how is everyone? Well, looks like I am 2dpo today. I plan to test on May 14th and am hoping the next 12 days won't drag. DH and I :sex: last night just to be sure we covered our bases. I think the poor thing is worn out though. I feel like I've been treating him like a sperm bank :rofl:. He's been very supportive of the cause so I can't complain.

Breezy...I just read about your friend. I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to her, but am so glad to hear that she is doing a lot better. I will be sure to keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Smims...I say go for it one more time just to be sure. I know it gets tiring, but it's totally worth it :thumbup:

Sending :hugs: and :dust: to all! Let's get those BFPs rolling!!!
I definitely find it weird to not use protection, almost like I'm doing something wrong.. After being so careful for so long it's weird to just let it fly. It's also weird feeling to think that you could be pregnant and just not knowing. I'm already writing when we need to dtd on the calender next cycle.
Thanks. If no BFP I will start temping next month. I thought I could skip it by just BDing a lot to cover my bases whenever O happens. I completely forgot that I'd need to know when O happened to know when to test. I wont make that mistake again - the 2 ww is hard enough without not knowing if you're in it yet.

Welcome ZeeZ! :hi:
Hope first time's the charm for you!!!! FX
Breezy - I'm happy to hear your friend is doing better :hugs: And I'm so excited for you to be testing soon!!! It's amazing how nervous I get for everyone on these boards since I've never even met any of you girls! I just love seeing :bfp: posts - gives me so much hope and encouragement!!! Like snowflake said, it can still happen even if your prog is low so chin up and cross everything!!!!

MD1223 - you mentioned a.m. when you said you did your OPK. I was told to do the tests in the afternoon as you have a higher concentration of LH at that point. Maybe that will do the trick???

bakingbabe - looks like you've got all your bases covered! :sex: Nice work and good job taking advantage of that 'working from home' aspect :winkwink: Now you get to sit back and wait... :coffee:

Veganlily - wow that's an impressive amount of x's on your chart!!!! I think my DH would pass out just from seeing your chart :haha:

Smimms - my DH is 41 and his sex drive isn't the highest either. Totally feel your pain! Tho I've convinced him into trying SMEP this cycle :dohh: It will be interesting to say the least :winkwink:

Lots of dust for all those testing soon. Keep us posted!!
:dust: :baby: :dust:
Hi ladies, how is everyone? Well, looks like I am 2dpo today. I plan to test on May 14th and am hoping the next 12 days won't drag. DH and I :sex: last night just to be sure we covered our bases. I think the poor thing is worn out though. I feel like I've been treating him like a sperm bank :rofl:. He's been very supportive of the cause so I can't complain.

Breezy...I just read about your friend. I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to her, but am so glad to hear that she is doing a lot better. I will be sure to keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Smims...I say go for it one more time just to be sure. I know it gets tiring, but it's totally worth it :thumbup:

Sending :hugs: and :dust: to all! Let's get those BFPs rolling!!!

Thanks so much! Everyone's prayers have worked wonders.
Breezy - I'm happy to hear your friend is doing better :hugs: And I'm so excited for you to be testing soon!!! It's amazing how nervous I get for everyone on these boards since I've never even met any of you girls! I just love seeing :bfp: posts - gives me so much hope and encouragement!!! Like snowflake said, it can still happen even if your prog is low so chin up and cross everything!!!!

MD1223 - you mentioned a.m. when you said you did your OPK. I was told to do the tests in the afternoon as you have a higher concentration of LH at that point. Maybe that will do the trick???

bakingbabe - looks like you've got all your bases covered! :sex: Nice work and good job taking advantage of that 'working from home' aspect :winkwink: Now you get to sit back and wait... :coffee:

Veganlily - wow that's an impressive amount of x's on your chart!!!! I think my DH would pass out just from seeing your chart :haha:

Smimms - my DH is 41 and his sex drive isn't the highest either. Totally feel your pain! Tho I've convinced him into trying SMEP this cycle :dohh: It will be interesting to say the least :winkwink:

Lots of dust for all those testing soon. Keep us posted!!
:dust: :baby: :dust:

I'm staying hopeful. I'm just wanting to test already so bad but seeing a negative makes me so upset I'm waiting it out. If spotting yesterday was IB then it would take a few days to show up anyhow.
And I know what you mean about being nervous for everyone else, I get that way too! It will happen when the time is right with lots of :sex:
bakingbabe - looks like you've got all your bases covered! :sex: Nice work and good job taking advantage of that 'working from home' aspect :winkwink: Now you get to sit back and wait... :coffee:

Lots of dust for all those testing soon. Keep us posted!!
:dust: :baby: :dust:[/QUOTE]

I hope so! Although, I wasn't entirely successful at pulling hubby away this afternoon. Tonight for sure! After that, I'm taking a break!! :)
I love this thread. Baby making is so new and strange to me it's great to have others that know what I'm going through.

DH understands the mechanics but aside feom extra BD sessions not much will change for hin till the BFP and I think he is starting to worry about me obsessing.

also everyone is so lovely and supportive I really wish that I could magically give everyone their BFP

fx for all of us!
I love this thread. Baby making is so new and strange to me it's great to have others that know what I'm going through.

DH understands the mechanics but aside feom extra BD sessions not much will change for hin till the BFP and I think he is starting to worry about me obsessing.

also everyone is so lovely and supportive I really wish that I could magically give everyone their BFP

fx for all of us!

It definitely is new and strange. I actually thought I would be a lot more stressed out. I think waiting until we could TTC was stressful because I waffled a lot on whether we should wait longer, but now there just seems like less to worry about (is that weird?). Like all you can do is have sex and hope for the best, and it's reassuring to not having any big decisions to make. Also, I really thought having sex for the first time off my birth control would be weird, but it actually wasn't. It was just like it always is (thankfully, we gave up the condoms years ago - which definitely was weird at the time - so I think that helped!). Now, I'm not really starting my fertile period just yet (maybe today or tomorrow), so I was pretty aware that I couldn't have actually gotten pregnant, so maybe this will all feel different in a few days!

ZeeZ, where in South Africa are you from? I studied at the University of Pretoria for a term, and I worked in Cape Town for a bit too, though I haven't been back in years.
Breezy-really think your signs are looking awesome for a bfp!

Zee-I totally agree; so happy to have found these boards for support.

Smimms and Utopia-I also feel like making love when you know it might result in a baby is a totally cool and differ thing. It's actually been awesome for our sex life.

Baking babe-I hear yu on the break-I am getting tired myself!

Mimi-think I am 1DPO myself so we'll be in similar spots in the tww! I'm hoping we'll also get BFP's together. I think I may follow your lead and dtd again today to cover bases. And then I really do need a day off! My oh would be just fine without any days off...phew...
It definitely is new and strange. I actually thought I would be a lot more stressed out. I think waiting until we could TTC was stressful because I waffled a lot on whether we should wait longer, but now there just seems like less to worry about (is that weird?). Like all you can do is have sex and hope for the best, and it's reassuring to not having any big decisions to make. Also, I really thought having sex for the first time off my birth control would be weird, but it actually wasn't. It was just like it always is (thankfully, we gave up the condoms years ago - which definitely was weird at the time - so I think that helped!). Now, I'm not really starting my fertile period just yet (maybe today or tomorrow), so I was pretty aware that I couldn't have actually gotten pregnant, so maybe this will all feel different in a few days!

ZeeZ, where in South Africa are you from? I studied at the University of Pretoria for a term, and I worked in Cape Town for a bit too, though I haven't been back in years.
MindUtopia - I'm in Johannesburg so not too far from Pretoria and I have family in Cape Town :-)

It sounds like you got to travel a bit which is always great if you can. DH and I try to get away some place new as often as we can (even if its close) just to remind ourselves that the world is bigger than what we see every day and not get stuck in a mind set.

A BFP may put a hold on that for a bit but it would be so worth it
Breezy-really think your signs are looking awesome for a bfp!

Zee-I totally agree; so happy to have found these boards for support.

Smimms and Utopia-I also feel like making love when you know it might result in a baby is a totally cool and differ thing. It's actually been awesome for our sex life.

Baking babe-I hear yu on the break-I am getting tired myself!

Mimi-think I am 1DPO myself so we'll be in similar spots in the tww! I'm hoping we'll also get BFP's together. I think I may follow your lead and dtd again today to cover bases. And then I really do need a day off! My oh would be just fine without any days off...phew...

I am surprised at myself. I feel like I need a break yet I want to keep going! :) I really really want that bfp for our 10 yr anniversary this month.

This thread is so great. I love reading your stories and not feeling so alone with ttc.
Still holding off on testing.......My my I've been having some crazy dreams but I think my mind is playing tricks on me. :wacko:
I do have some cramps this morning maybe AF is coming early :dohh: Still no more spotting
I'll just sit, wait and drive myself cazy :coffee:
It definitely is new and strange. I actually thought I would be a lot more stressed out. I think waiting until we could TTC was stressful because I waffled a lot on whether we should wait longer, but now there just seems like less to worry about (is that weird?). Like all you can do is have sex and hope for the best, and it's reassuring to not having any big decisions to make. Also, I really thought having sex for the first time off my birth control would be weird, but it actually wasn't. It was just like it always is (thankfully, we gave up the condoms years ago - which definitely was weird at the time - so I think that helped!). Now, I'm not really starting my fertile period just yet (maybe today or tomorrow), so I was pretty aware that I couldn't have actually gotten pregnant, so maybe this will all feel different in a few days!

ZeeZ, where in South Africa are you from? I studied at the University of Pretoria for a term, and I worked in Cape Town for a bit too, though I haven't been back in years.
MindUtopia - I'm in Johannesburg so not too far from Pretoria and I have family in Cape Town :-)

It sounds like you got to travel a bit which is always great if you can. DH and I try to get away some place new as often as we can (even if its close) just to remind ourselves that the world is bigger than what we see every day and not get stuck in a mind set.

A BFP may put a hold on that for a bit but it would be so worth it

I love this thread. Baby making is so new and strange to me it's great to have others that know what I'm going through.

DH understands the mechanics but aside feom extra BD sessions not much will change for hin till the BFP and I think he is starting to worry about me obsessing.

also everyone is so lovely and supportive I really wish that I could magically give everyone their BFP

fx for all of us!

Ladies -- I completely understand where you are coming from regarding actually TRYING to become pregnant, rather than preventing it! I felt the same way when we starting trying a year ago. But after a few months, that feeling went away. And I think the DH relaxed quite a bit during BDing...although I'm always trying to find different ways to seduce him around the big O!:sex:

I'm currently CD26 9DPO and I'm really doing well holding off on testing. I had some AF like cramps yesterday morning that lasted all of 3 minutes, but i've never had sxs like that in cycles past. AF is due on May 6th, so I'm going to hold out to test on May 5th. Anyone else testing this weekend??

Here's hoping for lots of :bfp: and keeping the witch away!

Here's to some :bfp:s this weekend!!! FX for Breezy and grkprn!!!

Anyone else testing soon???

Zeez - we travel a lot too and we started to book on shorter notice since a :bfp: would put a damper on trips. But we're still fitting it in!!! :thumbup:
It definitely is new and strange. I actually thought I would be a lot more stressed out. I think waiting until we could TTC was stressful because I waffled a lot on whether we should wait longer, but now there just seems like less to worry about (is that weird?). Like all you can do is have sex and hope for the best, and it's reassuring to not having any big decisions to make. Also, I really thought having sex for the first time off my birth control would be weird, but it actually wasn't. It was just like it always is (thankfully, we gave up the condoms years ago - which definitely was weird at the time - so I think that helped!). Now, I'm not really starting my fertile period just yet (maybe today or tomorrow), so I was pretty aware that I couldn't have actually gotten pregnant, so maybe this will all feel different in a few days!

ZeeZ, where in South Africa are you from? I studied at the University of Pretoria for a term, and I worked in Cape Town for a bit too, though I haven't been back in years.
MindUtopia - I'm in Johannesburg so not too far from Pretoria and I have family in Cape Town :-)

It sounds like you got to travel a bit which is always great if you can. DH and I try to get away some place new as often as we can (even if its close) just to remind ourselves that the world is bigger than what we see every day and not get stuck in a mind set.

A BFP may put a hold on that for a bit but it would be so worth it

I love this thread. Baby making is so new and strange to me it's great to have others that know what I'm going through.

DH understands the mechanics but aside feom extra BD sessions not much will change for hin till the BFP and I think he is starting to worry about me obsessing.

also everyone is so lovely and supportive I really wish that I could magically give everyone their BFP

fx for all of us!

Ladies -- I completely understand where you are coming from regarding actually TRYING to become pregnant, rather than preventing it! I felt the same way when we starting trying a year ago. But after a few months, that feeling went away. And I think the DH relaxed quite a bit during BDing...although I'm always trying to find different ways to seduce him around the big O!:sex:

I'm currently CD26 9DPO and I'm really doing well holding off on testing. I had some AF like cramps yesterday morning that lasted all of 3 minutes, but i've never had sxs like that in cycles past. AF is due on May 6th, so I'm going to hold out to test on May 5th. Anyone else testing this weekend??

Here's hoping for lots of :bfp: and keeping the witch away!


I am on CD26 today too! I have a long cycle though so the :witch: is due to arrive May 8.
Hope we get our :bfp: together.

It definitely is new and strange. I actually thought I would be a lot more stressed out. I think waiting until we could TTC was stressful because I waffled a lot on whether we should wait longer, but now there just seems like less to worry about (is that weird?). Like all you can do is have sex and hope for the best, and it's reassuring to not having any big decisions to make. Also, I really thought having sex for the first time off my birth control would be weird, but it actually wasn't. It was just like it always is (thankfully, we gave up the condoms years ago - which definitely was weird at the time - so I think that helped!). Now, I'm not really starting my fertile period just yet (maybe today or tomorrow), so I was pretty aware that I couldn't have actually gotten pregnant, so maybe this will all feel different in a few days!

ZeeZ, where in South Africa are you from? I studied at the University of Pretoria for a term, and I worked in Cape Town for a bit too, though I haven't been back in years.
MindUtopia - I'm in Johannesburg so not too far from Pretoria and I have family in Cape Town :-)

It sounds like you got to travel a bit which is always great if you can. DH and I try to get away some place new as often as we can (even if its close) just to remind ourselves that the world is bigger than what we see every day and not get stuck in a mind set.

A BFP may put a hold on that for a bit but it would be so worth it

Oh, awesome. I don't know Joburg as well as Pretoria or Cape Town, but I spent a bit of time there when I was studying. I've worked for a number of universities - at research centres and when I was in Cape Town, running an overseas programme for U.S. public health students - so I've been lucky in that they have paid for me to go lots of neat places. I also love to travel when I'm not working, but I only really started traveling just for the sake of traveling when I met my husband. We actually met when we were both working in India, which is how I've ended up in the UK (I'm American). I have friend in Burundi now (I know that's not exactly close to South Africa) but I'd love to visit her one of these days (though baby making is probably going to put that on hold for a few years!).
Good Luck to all those testing on the weekend! I'm still early on and going to try and hold out till next weekend (... maybe...) but hope that you all get your BFP!

MrsChezek - We're definately trying to squeeze in as much as we can while we have the chance! but like you said trips are more last minute and the kind that's closer to home and not to difficult to handle if I happen to be pregnant at the time.

MindUtopia - that sounds amazing beeing able to travel like that and even more so that you met your husband that way. I also only got the traveling bug when I met my husband. Now I wish I'started sooner and done so much more but I spent my early 20's too scared to go anywhere alone. I'll definately be encouraging my kids from an early age.
I've been totally slacking on testing dates ladies. Let me know what day you're testing if you would like me to post it.

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