Hey willow

can't believe your almost there! I've heard that those symptoms can mean its close hopefully baby comes soon! Same here I'm trying to go in open minded with labor. My doctor laughed when she asked me if I made a birth plan and I said "to get her out safe idc how, but I want drugs haha"
I'm also really starting to get nervous. there is so much to be nervous about, the delivery, bringing them home, life changes, just eeeekkkk! I did have my shower, the girls at work are throwing me another one on the 20th but honestly I can't even figure out what else I could need. There is so much stuff at my house already. Nursery is pretty much ready to go. I'm bad and still have not done my bag (whoops!) I'm going to start working on it promise lol. I think i'm avoiding it that just seem to real if i'm packing a bag. I still need to get nursing bra's (adding that to my list now lol)