TTC # 1 irregular cycle currently on 7DPO



Hi Girls,

If anyone has stupidly long cycles and is currently in a similiar position I'd love to buddy up, I feel pretty alone in this TWW.
I have irregular cycles. I'm 11dpo having a few twinges etc. Also feeling very alone in this horrid 2WW. I'm very new to all this. :)
Have you been feeling anything?
Yesterday I had a horrible pain in my right hand side, it wasn't low in my crotch but it was in the general area. I'm not as spotty as I usually am. Also suffering from super sore boobs.

How about yourself? have you been using fertility friend?
No havent been using fertility friend but I will check it out.
I have had a few twinges - like sharpish pains in my sides too, Ive had some very dull cramps, No spotting. Boobs are aching and feel full and heavy. Last night I was lying in bed and they felt as though they were burning. been feeling a little nauseous for a few days.
I was really silly today, i caved in and tested... BFN :-( I knew that was going to be the result but I had to find out. It's so hard isnt it!!
Aww shame on the test results, keep happy though, it could just be too early for you yet. When is AF due?

Fertility Friend has advised me to test on 21st January - it feels such a long way away!

When it comes to spotting I'm not entirely sure if it occurs to me, after hearing all the facts about semen after intercourse I think I get easily confused between the 2!
Trying to work out Fertility Friend atm... quite confusing! I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.
I am supposidly due AF on the 13th Jan so Not too long to go. But then again saying that AF was 6 days later than I expected last month so I can never be sure. Ugh!
Im hopeless at this waiting game! But I am glad that i'm not alone! x
Feel free to ask for help on FF, it took my ages. If you have a thorough click around you'll stumble across some free VIP days, I just went into the feedback action and got another 5 free days.

If you get any vip days you ideally need to look at the calendar section, it's through here where FF will advise on potential AF starts, test dates.

Just got a question, have you been to the doctor about your irregular cycles? if so what have they said?
No havent been to the Doctor. havent really payed much attention to them until a few months ago when we decided to TTC when I started to pay more attention to them.
Ahh I will try it out. will have a good old play around.
So do you know where you are in your cycle etc. Hows it all going?
well as for predicting AF, it's not super exact but it's said any time between 17th Jan 1st Feb - so not accurate but hey it's given be a ball park estimate.

with regards to the doctor thing, I'm exactly the same. Me and hubby have been ttc since august, at that moment in time I hadn't had a period since June so I was unsure of what was happening down below. I've heard a lot of women on here get prescribed medication to encourage AF. I went to the nurse a while ago for a blood test and they said my quantity of white blood cells are slightly less than normal but not to be alarmed.

I've decided to take action though I'm going to the doctors this week to ask for help with my daft irregular cycle :D

Hows FF coming along?
Well that's something worth thinking about. I'll give it another month or so as we have only been trying for 2months so just starting ro get to know my body etc.
I am going to have another play around with FF later as had to go to my parents for dinner. It does seem pretty confusing but I'll figure it out. Right now I'm feeling a bit... Umm I don't really know what the word is. Just uncomfortable in my tummy. Boobs are hurting and feel like I'm going to snap at my poor mum as she keeps asking me to do things. Bluh!!
Sorry for my moaning.
No worries about the moaning - I spend a lot of time moaning on here myself! Personally I like to see it as a theraputic session posting on BnB!

Keep me updated with any news :D
It's really nice to see other going through the same thing. But obviously it's bot nice to actually be going through it if that makes any sense at all. I know I've only been trying for 2 months but I sure am tired of this 2ww. Maybe I'm just having 'one of those days'.
How are you feeling tonight? X
I keep saying this to people and I can't believe how true it is. Getting pregnant is not how they make it out to be in Films and TV. It's so much more harder in real life. the 2 www is a nightmare, I'm so tired of ttc but it has to be done so me and hubby are exhausted but we're not trying to not let it rule our lives.

I'm feeling alright tonight, just tired mainly. I really can't stand my job and I feel the stress of it may take its toll. Boobs are still sore, I'm not sure if I have any pains down below or if it's my mind playing tricks on me.
What do you do fr your job? I'm a nanny and I m getting very tire of it. Not wanting to do it any more, so I can totally get how you feel with that!
I so agree with what you're saying about movies compared to the real world. Itd be so nice for it to be so easy. It'll be SO worth it in the end, I shouldn't be so doubtful and down about it all. I guess when you want something so bad you just want it NOW.
I worry too that it's my mind playing tricks on me. It's awful! I feel as though I should know when and if I was pregnant!
Keep me posted with how your getting on :) xx
Hi MummyP2b - I work in IT, in Security to be precise. It's so petty and because of the nature of the job you can't say something half heartedly, you have to say something with facts\evidence and because of that you end up big headed. The second I realised this I stopped talking at work, I will sit there literally silent all day. It's bad I know but I don't know what else to do.

I do wonder though if I maybe should have TTC when my hubby suggested, but looking back like that won't get me anywhere!

I've had a temperature dip today, not sure if that's a good thing or bad.

I'd love it if a signal was sent to our brains to tell us when were pregnant!

Any updates with you?
That would be brill wouldnt it, if we had a signal that somehow told us for definite whether we were pregnant or not.
Ive had a bit of a stressful evening tonight, came home to find a letter from our landlady to say we need to move out of the property we are in by the 4th march! :(
Oh well not ideal at times like these but there isnt anything we can do about it. We were looking into moving house soon as the place we are in isnt really suitable for a young. Not when they start walking any way.
So as far as symptoms go- Have an itchy left nipple (sorry) and pains etc They are also quite sensitive atm. Twinges in lower abdomen area still. Not too sure if its my mind playing tricks on me again... I hope not... but only time will tell.
Hows things going with you? xx
Ooo your symptoms sound promising, keeping my fingers crossed.

It's tough when renting, as my dad says it's dead money, but if you've got to do it you have to. We're hoping to look for a house of our own soon, we've thrown £1000's away in this flat.

I'm in a pickle though because for a mortgage I can't go into temp work but I can't stay in the hell hole that I'm currently in *wishes to just magically land into some money*

I had a sore right boob today at work, it felt as though it was a stabbing sort of pain. I also had a lot of watery CM and I think there was creamy cm too
Its a tough old world isnt it! Had a real horrid day at work today but home now with hubby and it makes me feel better :) I was really frustrated with my employer today as (because I'm a nanny working in their home) he works from home on a tuesday which puts me under a bit of pressure, like any old work place when the boss is around! But also he just sleeps until the kids wake up, so I went in at 8 this morning and there was silence.... 8;30 they finally come downstairs! Its just not great.... feel rather uncomfortable.
any way away from work as it seems to be stressful subject at the mo. Hubby has booked us in to view 3 house on friday so im quite looking forward to that! I guess it would be nice to know if I need to be carful about lifting boxes ;-)
Well, if im having a well behaved cycle this month, AF should come tomorrow... Not feeling as tho tomorrow is the day tho.
Today, boobs are still sore, especially under arms and down the sides. My nipples have white tips (sorry) I dont know if thats to do with anything but I sure havent seen that before. I've also had a lot of creamy CM in my panties today too (sorry again)... Not too sure what that is all about either! Apart from the usual itchy left boob and cramps oooh and lower back pain... that is all! :)
Sounds promising with you too. Where are you at now in cycle?
You are brave to do the work you do, it must be hard because if you get on the wrong side of your employer they could go accusing all sorts of things.

It's tough working in general I find, I've worked in tonnes of jobs and about 5 months ago I finally had an epiphany about what I wanted to do as a career...nothing! I've come to realise that the higher the career ladder you climb the harder people want you to fall (which I've experienced in my current job) - so I'd love to be a lady of leisure and have tonnes of kids to chase after.

I'm on CD 68. The longest I have gone (to my knowledge) is 87 days which was pure hell. I can't help but wonder if maybe I had miscarried the month before that happened as I found it weird I went from having monthly periods to a big gap. I guess I'll never know. I've tried getting in at the doctors for 2 days but it's a University one so they aren't really that reliable, I plan to register with another doctors this week.

I had white tips on my nipples too, I thought I was cracking up when I first saw it!

I hope either way you get a BFP or AF, it's better having at least one of those than none of them. What sypmtoms do you normally get before AF turns up?
It is really tough as the dad works from home on Tuesdays so I do feel like I'm being watched and it's always a tough day with the kids cos they know I'm not as firm and don't have as many boundaries for them. I have another nanny job on thursday which I love, it's really easy, the kids are well behaved and the parents are out. So I donlook forward to Thursdays. I intend to do the same, I'd love to be a lady of leisure and have lots of kids to run after. I figured that going to work for 1 day per week (the thursday one) , at least I'm getting out for a day and bringing in a little extra each month. Not too sure whether that will happen tho.
I only normally get cramps the night before and gloating the week before. But then I've been paying attention to symptoms this month and last so I'm not sure if my body is playing tricks on me.
So I'm wither due on today or tomorrow and this morning when I wiped there was brown Cm on the tissue. Quite wet. But that was the only bit I've had. It's weird also cos at the start of my period I always get pink coloured stuff first followed by full flow. So now I'm a bit confused.
I'd like to think that it's my month this month but I can't help thinking that it's not.
Your cycles are so long!! That would drive me insane. I would have suggested going to the doctors too. Good luck with that. I know what university doctors are like too... Useless.
Do you have any feelings before AF arrives? Or could she turn up any day? Fingers crossed for you. :)

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