TTC # 1 irregular cycle currently on 7DPO

Hey Non, hope you're well. It's been a while since posting on here :)
Hey hey!!
I kept meaning to find this thread and just bump it back up again! I feel quite out of touch! And that's my fault for not replying back to your last message AGES ago!! oopps! I'm so bad!

So any signs of ovulation for you?
Have you had any news back from the hospital about your cyst or what is next for you?

I am really excited to start using opks. I have no idea what I'm doing!! When do I need to start testing and what kinda lines do I need to look for on the test?? aaggghhhhh!!

Are you working from home today?

I have my fostering assessment on monday but Joe is working so I'm gonna have to change it!! But don't know when to change it to or whether I should just cancel it! I was really hoping I would get pregnant and then that would be my excuse for having to cancel it!! I still would like to go through with it but I kinda feel like I can't now leave my thursday job cos she is pregnant again. Her trust has really built up in me and it must then be awful for me to leave and for her to have to find a new nanny for her 2 lively boys and a newborn!!

I think I'll go into childminding though! At least then I can still look after her 2 boys and keep thursdays free for her or take the 2 boys for her whilst she looks after the baby! I don't know!

I'm just worried about ringing the fostering people and cancelling on them, feels like a waste of their time either way!

How's work going?
I'm not sure if I'm close to ovulation. I have mucus but it varies from sticky to creamy. We haven't dtd since before AF was here...mainly because the hospital advised not to cause of the hycosy. I must admit since being told there's a cyst there I'm afraid to be intimate and keep thinking if it hurts it means my cyst is under pressure so I'm already panicking :(

It does answer some questions though, there's some positions we used to try which caused me discomfort and I now realise it's cause of the new discovery...:(

I've not heard anything back yet from the hospital, I figure if was extremely important and vital they would have been in touch by now.

Ok so OPK's. The rules are very easy, test at the same time every day. In the afternoon is ideal mainly because the general rule is that the egg is released at night so testing first thing will not give you as strong results. If I was you, if you have loads of tests, I'd start using them a week before Ovulation so you can get a feel for the changes to the sticks. Sometimes it's recommended to test twice a day and its up to you if you want to do that.

You have the main control line which always appearsif you've dipped it into the urine properly. The test line needs to be as dark as the control line to indicate the lh surge (expect ovulation in the next 12-36 hrs) but a lot of women don't get this. The window in which the results are reliable is something like 10 minutes, so make sure to check back a few minutes after you've tested.

I've only used OPK's for one cycle and the stick was at it's strongest about 2 days before my temp dip (I wish I had tested 1 day before I would have had an awesome result). My stick though was no where near as dark as the control line but I wasn't bothered, I could see from my other sticks ovulation was coming. There's tonnes of images on BnB ovulation gallery and on fertility friend with their results :D

Yeah I worked from home today, it felt like such a wasted day, my laptop had an update and I couldn't get back on the messaging service so I was also logged into the blackberry and thats really fidgety for typing long messages! Ahh, well the weekend is here so time to forget about the hustle and bustle of the office life for a couple of days :)

What have you been up to today, had fun off work?

The fostering appointment will be good for you though, even if you aren't sure about doing it, it will be really informative and open your eyes to the responsibilities so thats always a bonus right?

How did you get started off in your work, I was thinking the other day I'd love to do it myself, like you said it's future thinking :)
Hiya, How was your day? get up to much?
I went to a birthday party with all the kids and the mummies I work with! The birthday girl turned 1 on thursday! She is very sweet! So I was invited to that whether the kids I look after go or not. So I figured i should go! It turned out to be really nice! All the kids played really nicely, there was no problems or screaming going on! Which was nice! The kids I look after did go too with the mum and dad! It was funny cos the kids kept coming up to me forgetting their mum was sat right next to me! bless them! It must be confusing for them, poor things!!

When I left the party, finally, I went to the shops to get some face cream and stuff. I have these pimples on my forhead that really bug me cos they are not going away, even with face wash! So I went into boots and asked one of the ladies on the counter what she thought and she recommended toner as well then moisturiser (that is suppose to help oily skin) and then some liquid foundation. So I spent loads in the 'make up' section (luckily the products were on 3 for 2 which helped. Then I bought a new toiletry bag and a foundation brush, new eyebrow pluckers (lol), and a compact mirror. It's like the generation game!! haha!! I then went into next to take top back I bought the other day in the sale that was too big and exchanged it for a cheaper top and a new bag (which I had to pay an extra £7 for, but is worth it) :) So had a bit of a shopping spree but a good one!
I do love a bit of shopping!! :)

I might poaos tomorrow to see what the lines are like! I think I have about 30+ (ish) cheapy ov sticks and about 13/14 FR sticks! :) so plenty to be getting on with!

So I'm looking for the test line to be as dark or darker than the control line for it to be a positive?
And it's better if I test later on in the day (like the afternoon) or early evening??

WOW about Amy Whinehouse! I had no idea until I got back from the shops at about 7 and it was pasted all across facebook!! Everyone seems to have it written in some way as their status!!

Did I tell you about Joe's cousin who is pregnant with her 2nd baby? Her first has only just turned 1!! Well she is due the same time as I was would have been due. I think we would have had about a week inbetween our due dates! Well On facebook yesterday she put 'Can't quite believe we only have 15 weeks to go until we meet our baby boy'. I thought SHIT is that all, that's gone quick (I know 15 weeks is still awhile but it doesn;t sound it really) It then hit me that I could be due in 14 weeks!!!! Little things keep creeping up on me like that! It just reminds me everytime..... And I find myself thinking, I could be in the position!! and 5 months later I'm still here trying my damned hardest to get another bfp!!

We'll get there Tan, One day we WILL get there!!!

How are you feeling now? Are you in any discomfort with your cyst or not?

Because I didn't have many gcse grades I wasn't able to do much in college, so I decided the one thing I could do and actually enjoy would be to do childcare. so I did level 3 which was 2 years (Ithink you can do a short course in childcare to be able to become a childcarER) I then went to uni, didn't get on well with that. Came home back to bournemouth, tried to find a job and figured I could be a nanny so applied and got a job! simples!! :)

With Childminding, I will have to do a short part time course (evening I think) do get a certain qualification for childminding! Which I'll do! I really feel I don't want to leave my main mon-wed job but at the same time I do want to leave because of the stress it causes etc. I guess if the mum and dad both went to work like they should I'd be happier. But that still doesn't give me as much money as we need really! Luckily I'll be getting more money as of next month cos they have FINALLY figured out my 2 jobs and worked out how much tax I should be paying! hurrah! so I will get a bit more money but not enough for me really!

Anyway! What are you up to??
Aww, sounds like you had a really good time at the party, kids can be so cute when they are confused.

Good for you for treating yourself to some girly products, I think if I ever became a house wife that's what I'd love to 3 times a week, meet up with with friends and just have some fun. What are the shops like in your area, are there any boutiques? There's not much in Preston, it's quite standard really. It's got all the major stores and thats about it.

How are you getting on with POAS? I tend to find I'm not peeing at the same time of day but with working I drink more water and I always end up going before my shift ends then I get back home and realise the mistake! Oh well.

Yes you are right, test line to be the same as the control, test in the afternoon , preferably don't go to the loo 3 hours before.

It's a shame about Amy, I wasn't a fan but I've seen some really nasty comments on facebook from people who are older than me and just seem to think it's ok to laugh and joke about it, when at the end of the day she had a problem but no one was really able to get to her in the end to help.

Hope Joe's cousin is doing well, I know what you mean with the "anniversary" thing, it's hard not to think of things that could have been. I still haven't seen my friend who recently had a baby, I think I prefer it that way for now, I'm just not able to be mature about it so I should really just walk away.

I'm not in any discomfort with the cyst, I still get moments when I think about it though. I'm more worried if I need to have an operation because I've used all my holiday time up at work and I don't really want to start asking to take medical time off as it'll raise further questions which I'd rather avoid right now.

I think I'll take a look into child minding, thanks for the info, it sounds right up my street (Staring at computers for 8 hours a day is frazzling my brain and I just have no passion for it).

How have you been this week?
Sorry I have only just come on here! Didn't think to check whether you had written or not! silly me!! It's been quite a hectic week.

Today I had to take my car to the garage cos it continued (long story) to make a grinding sound which has been going on for a while. 2 weeks ago when the car had it's mot I did mention this noise and they said they would take a look. When I went to pick it up they told me they had looked 'visually' and couldn't see any problems so told me to come back to get it looked at if it gets worse.

When I left work today it was fine, it only grinds every now and again so I pick it down to dirt or something. But when I went back out to the gym (only an hour after I came home) everytime I braked it grinded :( So When I got to the gym I rang the garage who then wanted me to bring it in for them to look at. I grinded all the way there the whole 7 miles!! he then told me after taking it for a 'test drive' himself and told me the brake pads and the disc had gone completely!!!! aaghhh!!

So the manager came to see me and apologised for not picking it up at the mot! which is nice and told me because it's their bad they won't charge labour for the work that needs to be done, we just need to pay for the parts!! I wasn't looking to complain or anything just told them what I had been told to do!!! ha!! but ended up getting this!! I will def go back!! :)

So luckily mum was with me and drove up after I did to the garage. I have had to leave it there over night and it'll be ready in the morning. We then drove back to the gym (fridays is gym, spa and coffee day) We decided we now couldn't be bothered for the gym so decided to just go for the relaxing spa, for me then to realise I hadn't bought my costume!!!!! nooooo!!!! sO we just went for 'coffee' anyway!

Ended up talking to my mum all about ttc etc (even though she knows already) she really is routing for us!!!! It's so sweet! I said that it would be perfect if I got pregnant this month because of bla bla bla and she said well YES it would be perfect anyway!!! bless her! It's really nice to have her on side now fully!! She also asked me how the opk's were going (cos she was with me when I went to the post office to pick them up so had to explain). I guess being 9 months downthe road and nothing, she is started to feel and understand the heart ache I go through and how much I want a baby!


So I had to go to work today!! Only up until 1 but I was shattered!! The 4 year old had a massive tantrum. If he could win a place in the guiness book of records for the wildest tantrum, he would have got it!!! I was walking to the park with him and he was screaming cos he didn't want to go, but he had to cos the mum had got me to work today so she could clean the house. So we had left the house (still screaming) got round the cornor and the neighbour cam out and asked what was going on. So I told him, He then told Charlie to shhhh cos he had disturbed him (he was harshly joking) and told me he honestly thought a little boy was being killed!!!!! That's how bad it was!! I felt awful I had to deal with this and it was makign me look really bad!!!! :( It took 20 mins to stop but once he stopped he was like a totally different boy!!!! kids!!!!

So it's our anniversary this weekend and we've already had to cancel thorpe park tomorrow cos of the car! So hopefully the weather is nice and we can go for a nice walk. and then sunday (our actual anniversary)we are going to weymouth and just going to spend the day there! busy weekend

Have you got any plans for the weekend?

How are you? Have you heard back from the hospital yet?

I know exactly what you mean about annual leave! It's completeley understandable. I hope you don't have to have an op either!!

How's work been this week?
Ooo it's bad about your car but I hope you get it back quick enough. You sound like you're really close with your mum going to spa's and the gym, I bet it's good talking to her about babies cause she'll give you good honest advice.

That tantrum made me laugh, just think what it'll be like when you have your own kids, they will have such random days as kids always do.

James dad is down tomorrow with his kids, they've not been to the flat before so it'll be nice to show them.

My next appointment is 25th August at the hospital!

Work's been ok, it's the same old same old really. Sat in front of 2 screens every day which is slowly but surely mashing my head!

How have you been?
How are you hun? I feel bad you felt had to leave. I hope that you will be able to come back when you are feeling better about things.

So how is it now on Clomid. I know this might sound like a really stupid question but what is it exactly, Like what is it suppose to help with? Becoming more fertile? I've heard of so many people on it but just never stopped to think what exactly is it!

What CD are you on now? I'm nearing the end of my 10th cycle now :( Hopefully it's my last ttc cycle for now! I think I'm out though, I'm just not feeling positive at all about it. I have been quite stressed at work and I don't think that would be helping. This cycle I have really tried hard at relaxing (not necessarily i general but with ttc) We have gone all out with dtd but had no idea where I was in my cycle. We have dtd every other night from cd5/6 (I can't remember) right thru until the other night.

I only just worked out when I'm due on, purely cos everyone was asking me. So I found out that I could be due on anytime from tomorrow until sunday. If I am having a 28 day cycle I will be due tomorrow (which I doubt it) but who knws whats happening with my cycles!! They have been in a bit of a muddle every since that mc!!

My boobs hurt like hell (which they kinda hurt anyway when I'm passed ov - but I can never tell if they hurt more than the month before). I am really wet down below, I am really restless at night (which I was when I was pregnant the last time) I am really struggling to get to sleep, which is so unlike me! I am feeling very gassy up above (which I never am) I am kinda dismissing all of these things as symptoms and just putting them down to pre AF symptoms.

I really really hope this is my month, I have had enough bad news and stress etc, Elinor (Ellie - the new baby in our family :D) is the one good thing that has happened lately!

I really dont know what I'd do if AF showed this month (even though I'm expecting her!) I am just feeling tired of the whole thing but wont ever feel like giving up! It's too much of a big deal to give up. Trying to make a baby isnt worth giving up on, I just feel so tired of all the heart ache!

Any way on a happier note, Ellie (our niece) Is just perfect!! I absolutely adore her!!!! I am so proud of her and my SIL and BIL for producing this gorgeous baby!! :) Of course I am 'slightly' jealous!!! Have you seen the photos?

So, how is work going? How's things? How's James?
Fill me in...
Lots of hugs sent your way Tan
I'm alright I guess, just a bit mopey these days. I'll be alright though.

Clomid has done a couple of weird things, my spots are really bad, been having hot flushes but more excitingly I've been having ovulation type symptoms over the past couple of days so here's to hoping something good happens.

The tablet itself when taken just tricks the brain into producing more oestrogen at the start of the cycle which then in turn stimulates the follicle stimulating hormone and the growth of mature eggs hence earlier ovulation. It's a bit like Soy or Vitex, works for some, doesn't work for others...but it's more concentrated from what I gather.

I'm cd18, once again it's just flown by. Wow you sure have done a lot of bding lately, don't know about you but if I could offer my crotch to medical science into figuring out why it takes some women longer at TTC than others I so would.

oo so you could be due any day now, try and do something to completely forget about TTC (an impossible thing though right) over the next few days, something different to the norm perhaps?

your symptoms sound promising but like you said it's the same old thing every month so it's hard to definately know what means BFP and what means trouble is on the way.

One of things I'm doing with myself lately is putting all my TTC, techie and charting knowledge into helping others on the forum, it's quite theraputic and helps with dealing with LTTC, it's been over a year now.

I know I get frustrated with never having a BFP but I bet it's even more frustrating to be in your situation where you have had it but can't get it back again. Hope you get it back this cycle, you looked very much the mother with little Ellie in your arms on the FB pics.

Have you tried sex at different times of the day perhaps? one thing I've said to James is that this time I want it midnightly and very early morning just on the off chance my egg doesn't last that long and I ovulate in the dead of the night.

Yeah the heartache is the worst part, I hate to admit it and I hope I don't offend you in anyway but I find it completely crushing when there's a bfp announcement. When I first started trying I think it was a jealous thing but now it's nothing like that at all...with every one it just reminds me that I'm not pregnant and it hurts more than anything.

Works going alright, quite busy actually. hate to admit it but once we've bought a house I'll be looking for a new job, this one is a bit too techie for me and I have no passion for it. The team are ace though, that will be the hardest part in leaving I think! I got an email from BBC North the other day about vacancies, they said they'll be in touch when something comes up - so at least it's not a no or "never will happen" type response.

Have you been spending a lot of time with your niece recently? Yes the photos are lovely, she looks so delicate and fragile I bet she'll be spoilt rotten on her first christmas!

James is good, he's had a bad migraine today so he finished early and I've been nursing him as best as possible. my OPK's are getting darker so Clomid looks like it's the magic ingredient for me. Hope I've not spoken too soon.

How's your job going, have you been hunting for a new one? you should offer to become a nanny for your niece, paid work of course but it would mean spending even more time with her. It's such a lovely name too.

Not long til Florida holiday, 68 days and counting. The insurance needs to be sorted out but I'm a bit dubious and getting it just yet just incase I'm pregnant while travelling and it'll effect the policy. I want to wait nearer the time :)

even though I didn't get a BFP I was sort of pleased that I had an August period straight after July (it was still 50+ days though). Not much else has happened with me, thankfully my dad is going to pay for the damage done to the car so thats a weight off the shoulders.

How's Joe getting on with driving and his job and in general?

Nice to hear from you and congrats once again to your BIL and SIL
Joe.... well.... Xbox freak!! Currently, as we speak, he is killing zombies and the sound effects are disgusting! Sickening! So I'm gonna quickly type this and ask if we can watch a film or something so I can give my poor ears a rest!

his job is going well, thank you. He is enjoying it. Same old, same old, nothing new to report!

I have only taken Joe out once and he seemed to do quite well. It was when we left his mums house at about 11pm!!! He drove down the end of their road, turned around came back the other way and went to the next road we had to go on before the main road! He did well, I think it was me that was making it a worse experience than what it needed to be! I just kept saying just go as far as you want, pull over when you're ready! lol
I'll take him out again at the weekend I think. Or he can drive home form work tomorrow. ;)

So what actually happened to your car, was it just the key scratch?? That's nice of your dad to pay though. I mean no-one should have to apart from the dick who did it.

I can imagine you are pretty excited for Florida! I would be!! That's not much longer to go either!! :)

Job is going a bit shit to be honest with you. (the Mon, tues and wed one) I am really enjoying the thursday job with the 2 boys!! I SO want out of the main one! I think I might join back up with the agency I was with before I started thursday job and just do bank cover nursery work and then I can be flexible for the other mummy (my thursday job). She is expecting her 3rd (gonna be a girl) in january and she will need extra help for a while around that time and I want to be able to help her, so I kinda need to find a very fllexble job for me that I can say when I am free to work and work just fits around me, so then I can be available for the mum if she needs my help. I have told her this and she is happy, I just dont know how to tell the other family! I am a very big chicken and have ever had to tell a nannying family I'm leaving. My first nanny job I walked out of and then the others were all temps anyway! eeeeek!!!

My SIL wants to become a childminder and she did want me to help her do it so we could have more children and work together. but she lives an hour away, so unless we moved closer together I don;t think that'd work. I would LOVE to look after my new niece! I probably will do any way, as you do. I have only seen her once, the day after she was born, and I miss her so much! I keep looking at photos and wishing I could pick her up and gives her lots of auntie non hugs!! She is adorable!! We are hopefully going up on sunday to see them again, so I can;t wait!! :)

I do feel very jealous tho now she is born cos it makes me want a baby even more, which isnt good, cos i didnt think that was possible! but hopefully my dreams can come true and hopefully a little cousin for Ellie isn't too far behind!!

I know EXACTLY what you mean about the BFPs on the group. I feel the same, I kinda say my bit and then skip. I guess it's all a big learning curve when a group like this is set up. My bad. I'm not offended in any way, you can tell me anything, like I'm over weight and need to lose a few pounds and I'd respect you for telling me!! lol (I actually do need to lose a few lbs, so feel free.... ;) lol)

Clomid sounds fab, apart from the spot thing! I wouldn't like that!! I really really hope it works for you first time round!!! your bfp is waiting right around the corner! my fingers are tightly crossed especially for you!

You know what I figured out today?...
That the day I would have been due a baby (18th November 2011) is the day we started TTC (18th November 2010)!!! What a coincidence!! So if I'm not pregnant by that date I think I'll struggle even more knowing not only is it the day we would have had a due date but it's a year from starting TTC! I really was a bit silly for thinking that. But I was a little bored at work this afternoon!

ah also, I went to the doc a couple of weeks ago about the pain I had in my ovary area and I then got a uti, well I had asked the doctor after how long would it be classed as appropriate to go to the docs when ttc and no success (I hope that makes sense). He just said oh well cos you have been pregnant before you will need to wait until a year after that (so march) before I go see them for doctors tests and if it went to hospital tests we have to have been trying for 2 years but it would go from the pregnancy!!! How lame is that!! It just makes the whole journey worse!! ugh!

Well, I best be off cos the noise that it coming from the tv is enough to drive anyone mad!!

Are you working from home tomorrow?
I hope James' migraine goes away! And he feels better really soon!
Ah men and computers, will they ever part from one another? probably not.

Joe's driving sounds fun, do you think he'll go in for his theory soon?

Someone (I'm convinced it was the thug upstairs) wrote "DIKED" in big letter over the bonnet with a key or something very sharp, I'll see if I can upload some pics on here actually. We think they must have been meaning "dick head" though. The right hand side doors had a long scratch over them too which isn't as noticable but still there. The gits!

Yeah Florida can't come quick enough, I keep having a lot of dreams about it where things go wrong, the weather is horrific and borderline terrifying (it was a huge black tornado like in the twister film the other night), it's probably just nerves. I don't know what I'm nervous about cause I'm fine with flying :S

Aww sorry to hear you're having a bad time with the Mon - wed job, if it's making you unhappy you should grab the bull by the horns and just go back with the agency honey. It might be a bit daunting moving jobs but in the long run you'll look back and will hopefully be glad you did it :)

Oh yes I remember you said about your SIL location now, what a bummer. Hope you have a good day with them all on Sunday.

As for babymaking I've told James that as soon as baby number 1 is here we'll be trying for baby number 2, no break, no age gap nonsense it'll be straight into the next one as soon as AF comes back. Will you be like that?

The FB group is a good idea, don't knock it woman! I find it a more concentrated version of BnB which in some ways it's good cause you can follow everyone's stories easier but then it means there's high chances of everyone coming along at once going "yay a bfp" August must have been some sort of guiness world record :) I don't think I've ever seen so many bfp announcments in my life ever!

I was meant to say I hope the docs I created on there haven't been deleted when I left, I was concerned if I did that it would wipe everything I've done on there previously. Sorry if thats happened!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you too honey, you only have to sit tight for a few more days then you'll know if 10 is your lucky number.

That is a strange connection you made with your TTC and EDD - maybe thats the "platt family extension secret" - anniversary markers. It would be very interesting and exciting if you get a BFP on 18th Nov any year. Have you got any anniversary's this month (eg when you first got together, moved in together) - bit of a long shot but stranger things have happened right?

do you know what you should do about what the docs said, just go in and ask to be reffered to a gyn. Go in with a plan and just say it's stressful on you both as it is which isn't helping and that you've tried natural cycles, cycles with supplements, charting cycles and you feel you're at wits end. I really wouldn't wait. Remember me telling you I lied to my doc and told him at 9 months it had been a year? well I worked it out the other day that if I had waited a whole year I'd be clueless to this very day about my blood blister (I'd be waiting for my hycosy right about now) and I'd be a further 2 months away from getting the Clomid.

One of the things that swayed my doc into referring me to the Gyn was that I told him everything we'd tried, the herbs & supplements, all the blood tests, told him I chart, stopped drinking caffiene. Basically a massive sob story (laced with lots of truth though). Give it a shot, sod what they recommend!

Yeah I'm working from home tomorrow, Yay. Gives me a chance to sit on FB and BnB and post the odd sneaky thing every now and again. The new FB feature is really clever you can hide people from seeing your status so you could essentially post to your TTC girls right underneath everyone's noses if you wanted, hehe. sneaky!

Hope you've had a fun evening.

Ah HA!!! Found ya!!! :)

Not really up to much this weekend.
I can't remember if I have told you, I've looked back at our inbox messages but can't see if I have told you, So i'll tell you (forgive me if you have heard it before - lol)
I am now at Jamie at Home party Consultant. I did my first ever party last night and I really really enjoyed it! I want to do it again and again! so hopefully I can keep those parties increasing in my diary!! It's really great fun, flexible and obviously gets me some extra pennies before christmas!

So I'm not entirely sure when I ovulated which is really annoying cos i was really hping this cycle I would know exactly where i am! We went away for the weekend last weekend and didn't get the chance to test cos we did a lot of walking etc. So I know I ovulated somewhere between friday and monday because I tested thursday and got a good line, a good surge but wasnt positive. and then I tested on tuesday when we got back and it was negative 100%. On the saturday I had a massive clump of CM so I either ovulated on friday or saturday. Which means I should be 8 or 9DPO.

My boobs really hurt, they are huuuuge! But this is normal so I don't really know. I feel I have felt a bit of cramping, but can't really be sure! To be honest I'm not feeling like this is my month but I really want it to be for lots of reasons.

I want to tell people at christmas - what lovely christmas news that would be!
I want to be your bump buddy!!!
And because I went to see the Kinesiologist she said she had removed a mental block which was stopping me from getting pregnant - I want to prove she was right!!! I want to shock my mum as she doesn't quite believe in the kinesiologist!!!

Not long til your holiday! Have you started packing??
How are you feeling today? xxx
Oh hey, there you are!

It sounds good the party thing, I think you put something on FB a while ago about it, I would have thought it doesn't even feel like a job cause of the party aspect.

Here's hoping you caught the egg this time round, it's annoying when you feel you've missed the fertile time but as you're using opk's you've got a good head start than the girls who don't use them. xx

So when are you going to test, what sort have you got? IC's or Frers?

here's hoping you don't have to see the Kinesiologist again (or if you do it's to go back and say it worked).

Yeah the holiday will soon be here, I started packing over a month ago and was hoping to have bought a lot of clothes but I've only bought a few, next week will be busy busy. Before finding out I was pregnant I did actually buy a maternity dress from, it's a lovely teal colour lace one - thats coming on holiday. Will probably wear it for the anniversary meal :)

I'm feeling good today, just been for a 2 hour walk with james and his mum and step dad so I'm now exhausted. I could probably sleep for britain right now. When need to pee I need to pee there's no holding it in like there used to be.

Hey hun!
How's baby butler doing? And you of course?
Any sickness kicked in yet? I'm loving how you still POAS!!! Even though those lines aren't going anywhere! I love those lines though! So strong!! :)
So I know you have told me over and over but remind me agin, When do you go away?

I am feeling rather down this evening. Something has got to me, I can't exactly pin point it but I got rather emotional at a poem someone posted on the group today. such a beautiful poem. It was like someone had plucked every single word from my mind and strung it together to make that amazing poem!

But these tears have led to my down'ness' Due date coming up on friday and I'm starting to feel it. I just don't feel this month is it for me. I had some real pail peachy coloured cm today so I think thats the start of whats to come. I really wanted to be pregnant before that day so i could at least have some happy news to remember on the day!!

Trying to look up though as AF isn't here yet. I'll be testing on friday if she doesn't show (fingers crossed she doesnt). The tests I have left are a tesco digi (going to be used for confirming) one hospital test and I just bought a pack of 2 strips from poundland today. So I am going to be holding out from testing as much as possible

Joe and I have a photo shoot tomorrow. (A groupon deal) I am quite nervous but equally excited!! I don't know what to wear!! But excited to be able to see the finished result!! We have NEVER had professional photos taken (Not even at our wedding!)

Will yoou be buying a lot of baby things in the states??

Could you PM me your address please? I would like to send you a christmas card if thats ok?

Hope you and baby B are doing ok
Hiya - both doing good thanks. Not had any sickness yet but been feeling nauseous from time to time :S

Hehe I don't mind saying it again, the holiday is 2 days after the scan, so 23rd November, a week today :D

Aww, I hope you're feeling better since the last post, sounds like you're emotional currently, which I don't blame you really, you should be close to one of the best days of your life but something decided it wasn't the right time yet...hugs, xxx

Really wish you get a BFP on Friday that would be so lovely for you and I'd have a bfp buddy :D

Did you choose the clothes for the photo shoot or did Joe get fed up and decide for you, hehe? You'll have to put the pics on facebook when you get them, I love seeing professional pics.

I want to buy lots of baby things in the states but I don't want a repeat incident of Iceland where we ended up paying £50 extra for the luggage cause we had gone mad and just bought everything!! Maybe a few things from disney and cape kennedy. One thing I'm really looking forward to is buying all the american hpt's like dollar store and wondfo sticks. Then I can say I've tried them, lol

Will send you my address on FB after posting this, you'll have to send me yours cause I'd love to send one your way :D
The photo shoot was great fun today! I loved it! I just can't wait to see the photos that she took!! :) They said it'd probably take around 30 days for them to sort through them and edit them etc and for them to be ready in the shop.
I did worry about what to wear but I took a whole load of things and the photographer helped me choose!!

Did I read some where that you were working from home sometime this week for 3 days?? or next week??

Wow that's really not long at all is it until your holiday!! Where are you flying from? What date do you get back!! I will miss you!!

Do you have a itinerary for whilst you're out there or will you just be taking it easy?

Much bumpage yet??

We haven't had many bfps in the group for a while!! I really hope I get mine on Friday. I think I might be wishful thinking but I have been getting a lot of little pinches in the lower abdomen area (like last time) but I think I'm maybe looking for the symptoms. I hope I'm wrong and I hope my extremely painful boobs are a good sign this time!!

you're baby is now the size of a sweet pea!!! :) yay!! GOD How amazing would it be for us to share this journey together!! How very strange too! (A good strange though)

Thats good the photographer helped choose the right clothes, you'll have to ask for the original copies so you can have a dabble at creating your own versions :)

Did the cake both your faces in makeup? At college I studied performing arts (lord knows why, I think I wanted to get into films just to earn lots of cash not because I love acting - saddo alert!) but anyway, I had a photoshoot done and they proper caked me face and I went round town afterwards with it still on. I didn't noticed until I walked past a shop window but my face looked like it had been tangoed! haha, never again!

My last day in the office is tomorrow, friday, monday and tuesday I'll be "working" from home...yeah right I will, I'm already in holiday mode!

More holiday info (I'll be quizzing you in 2 days time to make sure you remember ;))

flying from manchester at 10:25am, we've booked the vip lounge so james will get to drink and I'll have to mooch around on the soft drinks and fruit. I'm not fussed though I quite like water at the minute. we get back 3rd december about 7am ish and back to work on the 5th! gutted but there's not much else I can do about that!

I do want to post on here when I'm away but there's a voice in my head calling me a saddo for using the internet while on holiday. I can't bring myself to post updates on fb, some people can just go wayy over the top and spill too much info. Hmm not sure what I'll do, if I have a lazy day I think I will pop on here and say hi!

We've booked disney, universal studios and cape kennedy trips, james wants to go to the shooting range but I'm quite scared by that thought. I tend to go over board on holiday and take hundreds of pictures, no doubt I'll want to top the Reyjavik honeymoon where I filled up 2 3gb memory cards. hehe.

Not much bumpage yet, it's strange, in a way I want to start showing asap but then work and friends will get suspcious so for now I'm just wearing baggy clothes and avoiding all my tight pants.

I'd soo love it if you get your BFP this friday, avoid the internet cheapies if you can! I will be able to talk to you without feeling I'm asking a load of dumb questions all the time. xxxx
Hey I've just realise that yesterday was THE day for you and here's me asking whats wrong on FB...oops!

How have you been? have you tested? any plans for the weekend? xxx

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