TTC #1- Looking for buddies!

Congratulations!! Glad the party went well. You're niece's face is too funny!
Aww Sarah! Congrats! I’m not doing so well with my guesses. Lol I was wrong about Sunny, wrong about you, and I think I was right with Dream and Amber lol 2 for 4! Your niece lol
What a fun party!

Dream sooo glad to hear his kidneys caught up! What a relief! A friend of mine had her baby with a FULL head of hair! I wonder if yours will be that much??

LO turned 4 months last week! I can’t believe it! Sunny, are you starting foods? BLW or purées? amber what did you guys start with?

I’m trying really hard to not go back to work this school year so I’ve started teaching English to Chinese kids online. It’s decent pay and with tome difference it’s while she’s still asleep. We will see if it works out!
Sarah, I bet your puppy senses something is up haha. Sounds like you had a great party!

Tb, we haven't done a lot yet, but do a bit of both BLW & purees. We let her chomp down on banana pieces and scrambled eggs by herself for example, but offer purees as well. She's not a fan of any solids just yet (except peanut butter) and I call it a success when she manages to eat the equivalent of half a teaspoon ;)

Are you doing something like VIPkid, or DaDa? I've looked into that in the past. Let me know how you like it!
Awww Congrats Sarah! Yay for team boy.

My niece was exactly the same way. She's much younger though, only 6. When we did our reveal she was visibly upset. She kept her distance the rest of the party. When we asked her about it she said she needed some 'alone time'. lol I think she was very mature about it. heeehee We made sure she understood that it was God's choice and not her auntie and uncle choosing the 'wrong' side.

tb - that seems like a really cool teaching alternative. Hope that works out for you.

It's a busy week for us, DH has football games Tues and Thurs night (I usually attend), pre-natal class on Wednesday night, and MonsterJam on Friday night. So all my evenings are spoken for except today and my supervisor just called and asked if I could meet someone for a quick meeting at 4pm. Grrrr I'm usually gone by 3pm. I feel the exhaustion setting in already.
Sunny- I am doing VIPKID now and scheduling interview with DaDa. So far so good- I’ll keep you posted!

Dream- that’s cute about your nieces response about alone time lol very mature of her! My niece was a little upset that Kaydence was a girl but she is happy now ha! Yes the exhaustion returns! I hope you can find tome in that busy week for rest!!
Tb- At 6 months and once he was able to sit up unassisted we started out with softer foods like banana, avocado, sweet potato. Mostly BLW with some purees as well. I got grabease utensils and encouraged him to feed himself. He pretty much eats everything we eat now! I would recommend everyone take an infant CPR class, no matter which route you go!
If you do choose BLW there is a good Facebook group called BLW for beginners, it was a lot of help to me when starting out! How nice to be able to teach online!

Dream- wow busy week for sure! H
Monster jam sounds fun!! Hope you are able to get some rest over the weekend!

Leon is army crawling pretty good now and getting into everything! I can't believe time is going by so fast!

I'm still working full time at this point so DH works mon-thurs and I work fri-sun. Once a month I can work a Tuesday so we get a day off together. I'm really hoping a part-time position opens up soon!
Do any of you guys recommend a carrier? I have heard a lot about Tula... but they are so expensive.
We started with K'tans (both had one) which was absolutely perfect for a newborn and I used mine all the time when we were out, but even more so at home just to have your hands free. Inexpensive and soft, love it! I also have a ring sling but the K'tan was just so much easier to use that I barely used it. She's sorta grown out of the K'tan's so we sold them.

When the baby was 4 months or so, we started using an Infantino carrier. Super cheap and pretty decent. It's in our car as a backup for when we're out and about and didn't bring anything else.

I recently got a Tula that I love. Bought it second hand and she gave me the infant insert for free, otherwise that would be another $40 if you were to buy it new (so keep that in mind if you want to use if for a newborn). I really like it! Super comfortable and I love the different styles. We're planning on getting a Tula explorer next (the one you can use forward facing) when we see a good deal on Ebay/Facebook Marketplace/Craigslist. If you're not opposed to buying stuff second hand, you can easily buy things and sell them when you're done with it for almost the same price. That's my thinking with expensive items like this. I'm not buying a $179 Tula Explorer new, but if I can buy one that's gently used for $80 and sell it for $60 next year, it's only $20 to "rent" it for a year ;)
Hi. Me and my boyfriend are in our 3rd month of trying to conceive. I have had a sore boobs for well over a week and I’ve been feeling tired. Af is due at some point this week but I decided to test at 2pm this afternoon and this came up within 1 minute. Could it be positive?

Sunny def don't mind buying second hand. I bought a Halo bassinet for $100 and its the newer version. So I will check into the one you suggested and the Tula. Thank you for you input.

Congrats Emmylou that is most certainly a positive!
I had my last period May 9-15, the Flo app told me it was scheduled to come on June 9 and it didn’t. I had my nexaplanon removed June 11, I had sex June 12-19..everyday unprotected and now my period is 17 days late. Should i be worried because my period is usually on time and very regular? I was already a couple days late prior to birth control implant removal however. I’ve had two days where i felt a little nauseous, nothing i rule abnormal, my bestfriend keeps telling me I’m pregnant because the way her baby is attached to me and how he won’t go to anyone else in his sleep..besides me since I’ve been here. I kinda don’t wanna spend money on a test if I’m overthinking
I used Dollar Tree test and they were very accurate. I would pick up some of those because they are cheap. Best thing is make an appointment and see if you can have some blood work done. Good Luck to you! :)
Nice to see some new faces around here. Welcome!

I had my 34 week appt yesterday. All looks well, 150bpm and baby is still head down. I'll have what will likely be my last scan at my 36 week appt on July 11, also doing the Hep B swab on that day. yippee. After that I'll be having weekly appts with my OB. Ahhhhh. So real.
Ohhhhh Dream so close!!!! I also go the 11th for my 20 week scan so I'll be half way there! You are so close!! So excited for you! :)
Definitely positive Emmylou, congratulations!

Euraja- I agree with getting the dollar store tests or I found the wondfro tests off Amazon to be very accurate as well and cheap!

Dream- getting so close now!!

Sarah- I used a moby type wrap a lot in the first 4 months or so, that thing was a lifesaver! It takes a little bit to figure out how to wrap it comfortably, I watched some you tube videos but I became a pro at doing it. Then we switched to the infantino carrier, although I didn't find it very comfortable for long periods of time. I bought a lilliebaby one and don't find it very comfortable either. I think I need to watch some videos and get a better fit on that one. I think back carry would be more comfortable, but he doesn't like the back carry yet. I'm hoping one day he will!
For carriers I used a Moby for a while. Like Amber said, I had to watch YouTube videos at first but then it was fine! Boba was having a sale on their structured carriers and I got a good one for $40. I think they are normally $80 or $90 and we love it!
Happy 18 weeks Sarah - almost half way!

I've been having a bit a sciatica pain on one side. It's manageable though, more of a bother than anything else.

I'm back to work today after an amazing 4 day weekend. Friday I did all baby's laundry and cleaned the house. Saturday DH started our Anniversary Babymoon Staycation. Got a nice hotel downtown, had dinner on a rooftop patio in the heart of the city, went to a late night comedy show then out for dessert after. On Sunday (our actual anniversary) we went for an amazing brunch then to the spa for massages. It was awesome. Then yesterday (Canada Day Holiday) we binged a little Netflix and cleaned out the garage. Well needed rest time - away from work.

Since I'm not working Mon-Fri anymore I've only got 10 days left of work! woohoo last day is July 19th. Can't wait!

How do you ladies feel about epidurals? I can't remember if any of you had them. I don't know how I feel about them yet one way or the other.
Dream that sound soo nice! We went out to eat and do things way more than we normally would before baby came and I’m glad we did because I still feel like we don’t do as much haha!

I wanted to avoid epidural just because I wanted to be able to labor however I wanted. That’s being said, I know a lot of people who either had to be induced (which can intensify they already intense contractions) or their body was so worn out from labor that they stopped progressing and once they got the epidural, progress was made! So I’m not anti-epidural. I did not get one (no time anyway!) and if you’re considering going that route.. it wasn’t bad!
Dream your babymoon sounds amazing. We are planning ours at the first of November. Not sure what yet but we have to do something before little one gets here.

I did have an epidural. It wasn't bad at all. I got it around 11 when contractions were a little intense. Around 1 I started feeling a little pain on the right side and they checked and I was ready to push. At 1:19 baby was born. So I am all for the epidural. I do have a high pain tolerance but I really enjoyed not feeling much. :)

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