TTC #1- Looking for buddies!

Dream, almost full term woohoo!! And just a few more days of work until your leave starts. You must be so excited. Regarding epidurals: I initially didn't want to get an epidural but changed my mind when I found out I needed to be induced. When I got it (after a couple hours of labor) I wondered why I didn't get it sooner lol.

Sarah, felt any kicks yet?
Good Morning Sunny- I have felt a few light kicks and some rolling. My hubby has felt light ones too but not strong ones. I am a little thicker this go round so I think that makes a difference. I have my anatomy scan tomorrow, a little nervous but can't wait to see our little boy. I did get a Doppler for the house and listen to his heartbeat every now and then. I just love hearing it. :)
I had my 36 week appointment today and final scan. My boy is weighing in at 5lbs 14oz and this is starting to all feel soooooo real!

I let my OB know my heartburn is getting outta control now she said to ditch the Tums and move onto Zantac so I'll pick that up after work today.

I also started back seeing my naturopath this week. I'm going to be seeing her weekly to prepare for labour doing acupuncture.

Weekly appointments now too with my OB - I can't believe it. Finally going to be a mom. Feels so unreal.
Oh Dream I'm so very excited for you!! Not much longer at all! I hope the zantac works for your heartburn!

Sarah- sweet baby kicks!! :cloud9: That is what I miss most, and makes me want to be pregnant again!!
How was the scan Sarah, any pics to share?:D

Dream, hope Zantac does the trick!! Enjoy those last couple of weeks, he'll be here before you know it! What's your birth plan like?
Dream that is so exciting!!! So close. Hope the heartburn dies down for you. Just a few more weeks and you will be holding your precious baby.

The scan didn't go as planned. We didn't get any new pics. I ate a donut before hand thinking maybe this will make him active. Well it did the reverse and put him into a sugar coma... He didn't move at all and was belly down. So far everything looks good but we go back Aug 5 for another ultrasound and MD appointment to try and get the facial features and heart chambers. Nothing to be concerned over and we get an extra scan. So that is good. I did talk to him about my feet swelling every day at work. I have an office job and constantly sitting. I will be ordering a nice footstool. He did write me a note to cover myself saying I can't work over 40 hours. They are having mandatory OT and I just can't work it. I am exhausted come 5.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I plan on being at the pool tomorrow and relaxing!
Dream- so close!! That baby boy will be in your arms before you know it! I’m so excited for you! Being a mom is the best!!

Sarah- I miss those baby kicks! I was laying in bed last night remembering them. I loved being pregnant. Too much sugar for him lol next time maybe just a shot of orange juice lol!

My time off is rapidly coming to an end and it’s so depressing. I love being with her everyday and I can’t fathom leaving her and only getting evenings with her :( also here is an update pic

Sarah- I had terrible leg swelling but not until the last month or so. Hopefully the stool will help. Good thing your doctor wrote you a note for work. I couldn't imagine working OT while pregnant! I bet it's frustrating you didn't get pictures/measurements but yay for getting a bonus scan!

Tb- She is soooooo adorable! It's so hard going back to work, but fortunately for me it wasn't quite as bad as I was anticipating.
TB she is so beautiful!!!!! I understand going back to work. I found out yesterday I will only get paid for 8 weeks. If I want the 12 it will be unpaid unless I have a medical condition. Might be something to discuss with my MD. He is pretty good about giving me time with the baby. With Briar I didn't go back to work but helped my mom at her restaurant. So this will be different for me.

Amber- I had a lot of swelling in the last of pregnancy with Briar but it was August so super hot. Trying to find some more comfortable shoes to see if that will help too. So far no luck finding any in my size. It is super hard being tall with big feet. I did tell hubby the other day I am glad I didn't have a girl so she wouldn't have this struggle. :)
Tb, she's an absolute doll. So cute!!! Do you have the possibility to work fewer hours? How many weeks until school starts?

Sarah, hope the doctor can help you out a bit to stretch those weeks to 12. You've now passed the 50% mark of your pregnancy, yay:D
When did your SO feel the baby? Lil Man was moving so much last night and kicking hard to me but hubs couldn't feel yet. I am almost 21 weeks . I want him to be able to feel it too. It has been 12 years so I don't remember when I felt with B, and when my ex felt it. Lil Man is getting more active during the day but he is still really low.
My DH could feel it the same week as I first started feeling movement (week 17) and you could visibly see the movements from the outside in week 22. Although it all depends on the position of the placenta/baby, as well as your body type, I don't think it will be much longer Sarah!
I think the hubby is getting a little sad that he can't feel him yet. He is so low and moves a lot at night but he isn't able to feel it. Maybe my tummy is to thick now. :(
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Sarah- it will be no time that those kicks will get stronger for him to feel!

Sunny- no I can’t teach part time. But I did a crazy thing.. I just saw an opening for my grade level in the district I live in and applied.. and got it all within 24 hours! This school is 10 min from my house (as opposed to almost 30) and they release over an hour earlier than my old school so that gives me more evening time with little lady!
Need your help... Trying to finish up the registry.. What car seat/stroller did you get and what other items do I HAVE to have. Is the Owlet worth it? Baby monitors? Everything is updated from the last time so I am a little overwhelmed. The mom group I am in on FB, can be a little to much. I am a simple person so I don't need the best of things. We already have the Halo Bassinet and the 4moms swing thingy. When it comes to breastfeeding what do I need? I have the Spectra 1 so storage bags and stuff, what is best? Thanks in advance!
We got the graco travel system for car seat and stroller. I wanted the owlet so bad but never got it (remember those Target gift cards?? :( ) then one night she started making this weird gasping noise and my husband got up and bought one lol I think I had some post partum anxiety because it’s only been until recently that I’ve stopped fearing that she wasn’t breathing while sleeping so even though it’s probably not a necessity, and it’s really expensive, it helped my mental health.

The nose frida is really great. My daughter didn’t really like the swaddle so the swaddle up sleep sack was wonderful! A white noise machine for sure. Our friends got us the Hatch Rest, which we love, but again just a white noise machine is what’s important. Also we got a video monitor- I wanted one that wasn’t an app because most of them didn’t play audio if you were doing something else on your phone- I also heard some horror stories of WiFi hackers.
Ohhh TB I remember your gift cards story! :( I think you sold me on the owlet. What monitor did you get. I don't want one with wifi just because we have a limited plan. I didn't think about a white noise machine. Will look into the sleep sacks and everything. I have a few on my list. You just never know what the baby will like and not like.
Congrats on the new job Tb!! The shorter commute alone would make it worth it, awesome!

Sarah, I wrote a post about baby movement detectors a couple of weeks ago if you want to check it out. We got a Snuza and I honestly think it was the best purchase we ever made regarding baby stuff. Like Tb said, get a video monitor that isn't an app. We use an old phone (airplane mode on, so no wifi/data signals) as a sound machine, plenty of apps out there to use. Breastfeeding: get a Haakaa (or something similar). You just put in on the side you're not nursing on and catch a couple of ounces without doing anything. Amazing little piece of plastic!!

I would also put something like this on your registry. It's nice to not have to run to the store to get gas drops/pain reliever when your baby needs it, just have it ready to go :)
Boring stuff: milk storage bags, bottles, bottle brushes, diaper pail+refills (we have the Dekor classic, no smells!), doggy poop bags to double bag, changing pad + cover, muslin blanket for swaddling.

Oh and pick up a copy of The Happiest Baby On The Block book (or check if your library has it), really changed a lot for us.
Thanks Sunny- I am nervous but excited about the change!

I agree with everything Sunny said lol the gas drops were a necessity daily for us for 2.5 months (poor girl!) so it would be good to have some just in case. we probably would have used an old phone for our white noise machine but like I said, it was purchased by our friends! But that alone was a life saver! We had it on rain but the night we switched it to actual “white noise” started her uninterrupted sleeping!

And yes it took me a while to order the haaka and I regret not doing it sooner, especially when my milk was still regulating!

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