Okay guys, complete rollercoaster ride over here... but baby is FINE!
So recap of events: went to get my blood drawn for NIPT last week (Tuesday) and midwife did a doppler. I was 10w5d. No heartbeat on doppler. Abdominal ultrasound didn't show anything either so she did a transvaginal and after 5 minutes of probing she found like a blob that was supposed to be the baby. It had a heartbeat of 110 (super low) and measured at 7 weeks. That blob didn't resemble the beautiful babe we saw the week prior at all, so she said it must have degraded quite heavily already. That heartbeat of 110 I felt was 100% my own heartbeat. My heart was racing and since she couldn't visualize the heartbeat on the scan (only saw it on t-waves) I'm really thinking it was my own. My own doctor just started her maternity leave, and the only other OBGYN was on call at the hospital. So it was just the midwife.
Anyway, because there was still a "heartbeat"... they wanted to wait a week for it to completely stop beating before proceeding. There wasn't any kind of hesitation; this was a miscarriage.
I got my hCG levels checked that day, and came back on Thursday for my redraw. They were supposed to call me on Friday with the results but didn't (and I actually had to call them on Monday afternoon to remind them that I still hadn't heard anything). I didn't care that much about the results since we all knew where it was headed anyway so I didn't bother calling them sooner.
Today was the confirmation ultrasound with the doctor to confirm that the heartbeat had completely stopped, and to schedule the D&C at the hospital for Thursday. Everyone asked if I started bleeding yet (nope, but on progesterone so that may be why) and after that, it was time to get probed.
Well as soon as the doctor inserted the wand, there was a jumping baby with a strong heartbeat of 171. It even measured a few days ahead (12w2d instead of 11w5d) and was super active and seemed just fine. I cried so hard. Just complete shock and disbelief. Like what the hell?! Seriously!!! How is this even possible.
The doctor got the midwife in the room and she said I must have a really retroverted uterus which led to her not being able to see anything. And maybe the placenta was covering the rest. I have no idea what the hell she measured that looked like that blob, but the doctor assured us that it couldn't have been the baby.
They then retook my bloods and my syphilis/HIV swab as they threw everything away that was done last week, since I was having a miscarriage anyway. That's how certain they were.
Obviously we're beyond happy and relieved... but we just had the most traumatizing week ever, so it's hard to completely shift back to being happy all of a sudden. Just in total shock still, can't believe it!
Here's our sweet little not-so-blob!