This is my first post ever actually, but I am also supposed to get an IUI for now/January! Also my first cycle on femara.... but it looks like I am taking a couple days longer to get a positive OPK this cycle ¯\_(ツ

_/¯ .
If it's not too late I'd love to be your buddy

I hope this month works and you can avoid that IVF!
We have unexplained, except my husband has a morphology issue and our RE doesn't think its responsible because his count is high to compensate.
Anyways, I have an ultrasound scheduled Sunday to look for fibroids/polyps, if I don't ovulate by then they will see whats happening (I ovulate on my own though). I am hoping to convince them to trigger if I have not a positive OPK by then.
This post is kind of rambling, but I guess I'm just excited to finally be posting instead of just googling! haha