TTC #1, Looking for iui Buddies for February!


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2016
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Hello! As my hubby and I have been trying for 3 years and have undiagnosed infertility, we are starting a 3 cycle IUI in January, with IVF set for April 2017. I am looking for some buddies :hugs:
We are looking at IUI for January or February. My husband is in the military and may be deployed any day. We are freezing some sperm to do IUI on the 19th December. If my husband doesn't get deployed then we will look at IUI in a few months. Good luck to you.
Hi mrsbertrand and sarah... i had my first iui 2 days ago. good luck to everyone!
This is my first post ever actually, but I am also supposed to get an IUI for now/January! Also my first cycle on femara.... but it looks like I am taking a couple days longer to get a positive OPK this cycle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

If it's not too late I'd love to be your buddy :) I hope this month works and you can avoid that IVF!

We have unexplained, except my husband has a morphology issue and our RE doesn't think its responsible because his count is high to compensate.

Anyways, I have an ultrasound scheduled Sunday to look for fibroids/polyps, if I don't ovulate by then they will see whats happening (I ovulate on my own though). I am hoping to convince them to trigger if I have not a positive OPK by then.

This post is kind of rambling, but I guess I'm just excited to finally be posting instead of just googling! haha
This is my first post ever actually, but I am also supposed to get an IUI for now/January! Also my first cycle on femara.... but it looks like I am taking a couple days longer to get a positive OPK this cycle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

If it's not too late I'd love to be your buddy :) I hope this month works and you can avoid that IVF!

We have unexplained, except my husband has a morphology issue and our RE doesn't think its responsible because his count is high to compensate.

Anyways, I have an ultrasound scheduled Sunday to look for fibroids/polyps, if I don't ovulate by then they will see whats happening (I ovulate on my own though). I am hoping to convince them to trigger if I have not a positive OPK by then.

This post is kind of rambling, but I guess I'm just excited to finally be posting instead of just googling! haha

Welcome swimming! Glad you finally have something to post about :). How long have you been ttc? And will this be your first iui?/Gl with the ultrasound and hope you get that positive soon. Keep us posted...
Hello all! Thank you for following this post, sorry I haven't been on in a while. Good luck to you reginald, I'm praying for your sticky bean!

Swimming, sounds like you're in the same boat i am! I would love to be buddies! Took my first OPK this morning, and am scheduled for ultrasound/bloodwork for tuesday if nothing by then. I really hope you get a positive soon, good luck on your ultrasound today!

In regards to the OPK, it says to test after 11am (first urine not the greatest blah blah) but We have a 45 minute drive just to get to the clinic and the process of washing and inseminating can take two hours which means we're gonna be gone for about 4 and that leaves no notice for my day job so I need to be testing at like 6 am! Do you think I will get the same results as if testing later?

CONGRATULATIONS Sarah! I am so excited for you!
Hello all! Thank you for following this post, sorry I haven't been on in a while. Good luck to you reginald, I'm praying for your sticky bean!

Swimming, sounds like you're in the same boat i am! I would love to be buddies! Took my first OPK this morning, and am scheduled for ultrasound/bloodwork for tuesday if nothing by then. I really hope you get a positive soon, good luck on your ultrasound today!

In regards to the OPK, it says to test after 11am (first urine not the greatest blah blah) but We have a 45 minute drive just to get to the clinic and the process of washing and inseminating can take two hours which means we're gonna be gone for about 4 and that leaves no notice for my day job so I need to be testing at like 6 am! Do you think I will get the same results as if testing later?

CONGRATULATIONS Sarah! I am so excited for you!

Hi mrsbertrand.... i asked the clinic what kind of washing they will do because one of the methods takes only 45 mins so i think it might help if you confirmed details with your clinic before going.
also, i had to travel by train for the iui so i took the clearblue digital opks, since they can be tested with fmu. not sure if you know how they work, but you can test for a longer window, and once i knew my time was approaching, i took the test morning and late afternoon to make sure i can plan. it turned positive one afternoon and the clinic said the best time is next day afternoon or evening (unless you are getting 2 iuis in one cycle, 36 hours is what many clinics aim for). then i could plan to travel early the next morning, dh went to the clinic before me so they could wash and be ready when i arrived. idk about the outcome yet so this doesnt have to be the best way to do it, but hopefully it helps you plan better. you are only 40 mins away so actually once you know when to go dh can go before and deposit and you can leave your job for a shorted time if you cant get time off.
i was really worried about the actual planning etc rather than the procedire itself, but it all went smoothly as im sure it will for you. fx and lots of :dust: to you.... keep us updated and hope this is your lucky month :)
Thank you Reg! All very good suggestions, hard to accomplish with only one vehicle though. Took my OPK first thing this morning, Seems positive for a surge. Will hear this afternoon about blood work and whether or not i need to take ovidrel. went for blood work and ultrasound, Two follicles over 2, with possibility of multiples. IUI scheduled for tomorrow!
Thank you Reg! All very good suggestions, hard to accomplish with only one vehicle though. Took my OPK first thing this morning, Seems positive for a surge. Will hear this afternoon about blood work and whether or not i need to take ovidrel. went for blood work and ultrasound, Two follicles over 2, with possibility of multiples. IUI scheduled for tomorrow!

Wow so exciting!! Fx for you :)
Thank you for the welcome! We have been trying for just over a year. This is my first iui and first time with a RE. I got a positive Friday night, went in for the iui Saturday morning (I'm worried this was too soon, but trying not to freak out). The Nurse said my cervix was wide open and super easy- hopefully it means I was right on time?:shrug: I will say this is the first month when I tested with OPK the test line was DARKER than the control line.

How is it going Ragnhild?? Joining you in the TWW at 3dpiui.

mrsbertrand GOOD LUCK!!! :) Those OPKs drove me crazy, I tested 3 x per day with internet cheapies because I don't want to waste them. I should use clearblue though.... I can't wait to hear how your iui went! It excites me you have a possibility of multiples. Are you on injections?

The TWW is extra long this time around - we moved to a different state several months ago and I still have not found something to occupy my time while looking for a job and/or waiting to be pregnant.

I hope we all get good news :baby:
Thank you for the welcome! We have been trying for just over a year. This is my first iui and first time with a RE. I got a positive Friday night, went in for the iui Saturday morning (I'm worried this was too soon, but trying not to freak out). The Nurse said my cervix was wide open and super easy- hopefully it means I was right on time?:shrug: I will say this is the first month when I tested with OPK the test line was DARKER than the control line.

How is it going Ragnhild?? Joining you in the TWW at 3dpiui.

mrsbertrand GOOD LUCK!!! :) Those OPKs drove me crazy, I tested 3 x per day with internet cheapies because I don't want to waste them. I should use clearblue though.... I can't wait to hear how your iui went! It excites me you have a possibility of multiples. Are you on injections?

The TWW is extra long this time around - we moved to a different state several months ago and I still have not found something to occupy my time while looking for a job and/or waiting to be pregnant.

I hope we all get good news :baby:

Hi swimming... the TWW is torture even with a job!! i cant help but symptom spot and then go online looking for distractions.. all of which amount to non productive work days of course lol!
I didn't have the option of having 2 iuis in one cycle as i live far away from the clinic, but if they didn't give you that option then they must have timed it properly so don't think you should worry. And it also depends on the SA... did you use donor/oh, and do you know the motility?
Fx for good news for everyone too!
Thank you for the welcome! We have been trying for just over a year. This is my first iui and first time with a RE. I got a positive Friday night, went in for the iui Saturday morning (I'm worried this was too soon, but trying not to freak out). The Nurse said my cervix was wide open and super easy- hopefully it means I was right on time?:shrug: I will say this is the first month when I tested with OPK the test line was DARKER than the control line.

How is it going Ragnhild?? Joining you in the TWW at 3dpiui.

mrsbertrand GOOD LUCK!!! :) Those OPKs drove me crazy, I tested 3 x per day with internet cheapies because I don't want to waste them. I should use clearblue though.... I can't wait to hear how your iui went! It excites me you have a possibility of multiples. Are you on injections?

The TWW is extra long this time around - we moved to a different state several months ago and I still have not found something to occupy my time while looking for a job and/or waiting to be pregnant.

I hope we all get good news :baby:

Hi swimming... the TWW is torture even with a job!! i cant help but symptom spot and then go online looking for distractions.. all of which amount to non productive work days of course lol!
I didn't have the option of having 2 iuis in one cycle as i live far away from the clinic, but if they didn't give you that option then they must have timed it properly so don't think you should worry. And it also depends on the SA... did you use donor/oh, and do you know the motility?
Fx for good news for everyone too!

My symptom spotting has already begun :dohh: I am a little disappointed because my boobs are big as per the usual. I am saying to myself, even my normal symptoms can be different because of the femara. What symptoms are you spotting? haha

I didn't have the 2iui option either. My RE said they do one IUI per cycle at his clinic :shrug:

As for my husbands sperm, our RE and Urologist say his morphology wont be a problem because his motility was 80% (with 70% being "rapid" swimmers), and count has been 120-220 million. Idk.

I missed if this was your first IUI or not? You must be getting close to testing right??
My symptom spotting has already begun :dohh: I am a little disappointed because my boobs are big as per the usual. I am saying to myself, even my normal symptoms can be different because of the femara. What symptoms are you spotting? haha

I didn't have the 2iui option either. My RE said they do one IUI per cycle at his clinic :shrug:

As for my husbands sperm, our RE and Urologist say his morphology wont be a problem because his motility was 80% (with 70% being "rapid" swimmers), and count has been 120-220 million. Idk.

I missed if this was your first IUI or not? You must be getting close to testing right??

The count and motility both sound good... do you know the washed count? Fresh can live upto 3 days even with iui so if the morphology is fine then really it gets down to catching the egg before it disintegrates rather than about the spermies... so im guessing they timed yours like that and you shouldnt worry.

Haha i joined all threads to avoid testing early and symptom spotting, but every twinge felt like a sign and i got hopeful. And then i felt another and got depressed thinking oh AF is on the way :(.. i have a 15 day LP so im not wasting money on testing early and going to wait (IF) until af is officially late, which will be friday. Ya my first cycle IUI and active TTC over a year now. But we will do home insem if this doesnt work as we will need to save up for another iui. Really hoping it doesn't come down to that though... the emotional and financial strain combined can be too much!
My symptom spotting has already begun :dohh: I am a little disappointed because my boobs are big as per the usual. I am saying to myself, even my normal symptoms can be different because of the femara. What symptoms are you spotting? haha

I didn't have the 2iui option either. My RE said they do one IUI per cycle at his clinic :shrug:

As for my husbands sperm, our RE and Urologist say his morphology wont be a problem because his motility was 80% (with 70% being "rapid" swimmers), and count has been 120-220 million. Idk.

I missed if this was your first IUI or not? You must be getting close to testing right??

The count and motility both sound good... do you know the washed count? Fresh can live upto 3 days even with iui so if the morphology is fine then really it gets down to catching the egg before it disintegrates rather than about the spermies... so im guessing they timed yours like that and you shouldnt worry.

Haha i joined all threads to avoid testing early and symptom spotting, but every twinge felt like a sign and i got hopeful. And then i felt another and got depressed thinking oh AF is on the way :(.. i have a 15 day LP so im not wasting money on testing early and going to wait (IF) until af is officially late, which will be friday. Ya my first cycle IUI and active TTC over a year now. But we will do home insem if this doesnt work as we will need to save up for another iui. Really hoping it doesn't come down to that though... the emotional and financial strain combined can be too much!

I hear ya on testing too early. The emotional strain is so consuming, and financial strain too (our insurance doesn't cover infertility). I hope it works this time, for both of us. Since here I am going to an RE, I wish they didn't tell us to wait a full year before coming in. With my personality type, I am already exhausted from the 13 months of trying to be positive but also doing everything I can to maximize chances and borderline diagnosing myself with problems to explain the lack of success. Are you having a similar experience?

I think, THINK I heard her say washed was 50 million.... but everything was kind of overwhelming so I could have misunderstood.
Can totally relate to you swimming... the strain is really what makes it so difficult for me. By your "personality type" idk if you mean controlling, but that's how i am, i like to control everything and that's actually made TTC worse (for both me and dh). Got some great help from these forums, and even though we had to go the private road (more expensive!) the midwife was so helpful and understanding that i dont regret it. It was like therapy.
The RE thing sucks.. sounds like here. IUI is covered by insurance here, but the queue is more than 1 year long. And to even get in, if you're "healthy" then you can't put yourself down before 12 months, which means you will eventually lose 2 years at least. So we decided the money wasn't as important as our sanity and went to a private clinic, and really really praying it works as we are out of options after this.
50 mil sounds perfect, anything about 5 is. Above 50 doesnt increase the odds so you should be fine :)
Yes I mean controlling haha. It is awful. Two years :( ugh. I think our system works differently than yours, but my husband and I agree we will do whatever we need to financially to get our family going.... sanity preserving and all!

While our count and motility are good, I still worry about our shotty morphology. Only time will tell. I hope January is the month for us.
Thank you for the welcome! We have been trying for just over a year. This is my first iui and first time with a RE. I got a positive Friday night, went in for the iui Saturday morning (I'm worried this was too soon, but trying not to freak out). The Nurse said my cervix was wide open and super easy- hopefully it means I was right on time?:shrug: I will say this is the first month when I tested with OPK the test line was DARKER than the control line.

How is it going Ragnhild?? Joining you in the TWW at 3dpiui.

mrsbertrand GOOD LUCK!!! :) Those OPKs drove me crazy, I tested 3 x per day with internet cheapies because I don't want to waste them. I should use clearblue though.... I can't wait to hear how your iui went! It excites me you have a possibility of multiples. Are you on injections?

The TWW is extra long this time around - we moved to a different state several months ago and I still have not found something to occupy my time while looking for a job and/or waiting to be pregnant.

I hope we all get good news :baby:

Hi swimming... the TWW is torture even with a job!! i cant help but symptom spot and then go online looking for distractions.. all of which amount to non productive work days of course lol!
I didn't have the option of having 2 iuis in one cycle as i live far away from the clinic, but if they didn't give you that option then they must have timed it properly so don't think you should worry. And it also depends on the SA... did you use donor/oh, and do you know the motility?
Fx for good news for everyone too!

thanks guys! Here in Ontario Canada, I was given the option for two washes and 3 cycles of it For a price. A portion is funded by the government, but even still is a strain financially, I can't imagine the financial strain of it not being covered.

Blood work came back, and I did surge so I don't need to use the trigger thank goodness (I hate needles lol).

I am not on injections, and am hoping this works on the first go!

Ragh, Swimming, will you each test at the clinic or are you just waiting for AF? In my experience they have tested for progesterone about 6dpo (I think) Raghinald I hear you on living far. Every city should have a fertility clinic :(

Thank you both for coming on this journey with me, I can't wait to hear your good news, and hope we all get our BFP this month :) :hugs:
Hey guys, I was hoping to join! I am a little far off, as I probably wont be doing IUI or IVF until April but I just wanted to learn as much as I can before going forward.
I have a surgery in March to remove some polyps that were found on a saline ultrasond as well as a uterine septum that I have. Then our next step from our RE was to try 3 rounds of IUI. However, where I live, there is no coverage for infertility so we pay everything out of pocket. I keep going back and forth between whether IUI is worth it or if we should just go straight o IVF so I wanted to join an IUI thread and see how it works out for you ladies!
Besides all the junk in my uterus I suspect I might have endo as I have quite a few symptoms, but my tubes were clear and there has never been any signs of adhesions or endometriomas on ultrasounds or MRIs, so I hope thats okay. DH has a lower sperm count. Only 12mil per mL, 32mil total. So he is low on the per mL side, but not too far off the total count of 40mil that they want you to have. Therefore, our RE doesn't think it would be much of a problem since motility and morphology were fine, however I worry about doing IUI and the washing getting rid of so many sperm that we may have quite a small post count number to do IUI anyway.

Anyways, that was long. Just here stalking. Wishing the best for you all!
mrsbertrand I am doing a progesterone 8 dpo :shrug: I don't know.

Out of pocket does suck, which is why I hope I can get my BFP this cycle or next.... my femara was covered, and my IUI is only 300, BUT if I move on to injections then my total coast will be about 600-1200 dollars - maybe more

i am so glad that you were able to surge as expected and avoid a needle!!!

mnelson815 I think you and I have different faces of the same coin :) We have super high count and great motility but poor morphology. I think it is great you're removing polyps, so if you do have to go IVF that part will be done. All you need is one sperm right? Our plan is to do two IUIs with Femara, two IUIs with injectables, and go from there. I am new to this whole thing myself so maybe we can learn together! :happydance:

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