TTC #1, Looking for iui Buddies for February!

thanks guys! Here in Ontario Canada, I was given the option for two washes and 3 cycles of it For a price. A portion is funded by the government, but even still is a strain financially, I can't imagine the financial strain of it not being covered.

Blood work came back, and I did surge so I don't need to use the trigger thank goodness (I hate needles lol).

I am not on injections, and am hoping this works on the first go!

Ragh, Swimming, will you each test at the clinic or are you just waiting for AF? In my experience they have tested for progesterone about 6dpo (I think) Raghinald I hear you on living far. Every city should have a fertility clinic :(

Thank you both for coming on this journey with me, I can't wait to hear your good news, and hope we all get our BFP this month :) :hugs:

Hi mrsbertrand.. good to know about the progesterone test. Not sure if they do it, but i guess they didn't even offer me as i live far away and of course wouldn't be able to go.

@mnelson: welcome. i am also new like swimming and learning along the way. However given all the conditions of your case and the question of whether to straightaway opt for IVF, i would consult with another specialist at least to hear their opinion and learn the pros and cons. You could also join the ltttc and IVF threads here to know how they compare, given that we are only 3 in the IUI thread and statistically won't really give you much of an answer. Gl with whatever you decide!

What does IUI with injectables mean btw?
After reading, I second Ragnhild - getting another opinion is always smart!

and Ragnhild IUI with injections is just using injection medications (I believe are FSH and LH/trigger) to develop more than one egg. That is when my clinic monitors... there is just a high chance of multiples.

The injections are really expensive though. I think, THINK the injections are about the same as IVF (with IVF they use higher dose to get as many eggs as possible), so thats when a lot of repeat costs come up as far as I can see.
Thanks swimming.. My case is different so i didn't need a trigger, and i guess the question of injectables never came up. But you never know, i might have to try these options in the future so always good to know more!
I've only been asked to control my TSH as it was normal range but high for optimal fertility, so trying to do that naturally. Even if it doesn't work, i'm trying to be positive and learn more about potential problems and options so that i can increase my chances next time.
Thanks swimming.. My case is different so i didn't need a trigger, and i guess the question of injectables never came up. But you never know, i might have to try these options in the future so always good to know more!
I've only been asked to control my TSH as it was normal range but high for optimal fertility, so trying to do that naturally. Even if it doesn't work, i'm trying to be positive and learn more about potential problems and options so that i can increase my chances next time.

It makes sense it wasn't mentioned yet, I've just deducted myself (being an unemployed recent research student and all) since my husband has low morphology, more targets (eggs) may be helpful in our case.

I like that even though you had a value that was "normal", the doctor paid attention to it being high. My doctors are not the best at doing that.
Thanks swimming.. My case is different so i didn't need a trigger, and i guess the question of injectables never came up. But you never know, i might have to try these options in the future so always good to know more!
I've only been asked to control my TSH as it was normal range but high for optimal fertility, so trying to do that naturally. Even if it doesn't work, i'm trying to be positive and learn more about potential problems and options so that i can increase my chances next time.

It makes sense it wasn't mentioned yet, I've just deducted myself (being an unemployed recent research student and all) since my husband has low morphology, more targets (eggs) may be helpful in our case.

I like that even though you had a value that was "normal", the doctor paid attention to it being high. My doctors are not the best at doing that.

Wow swimming! We have more than the IUI in common... i'm a research student too (and worried everyday about post-research unemployment given budget cuts etc lol ;)!)

Yes the clinic has been so kind and supportive, so i didn't mind the private route. i got such an impersonal and nonchalant attitude from the national health service that i just decided then and there to go private and not fall for their "get-in-line" standard response.. who knows how they would've acted after 1-2 yrs anyway! Even though one of the nurses at the private seems to be more money-minded (she suggested i get an AMH which no one so far had ever said!) on the whole i'm really happy with the experience. And from reading other blogs, i've realised that especially with national services, you have to be demanding and ask for things, so if that's what you've experienced i suggest you arm yourself with as much info as possible (perk of being umemployed lol) and demand answers to any doubts you have like morphology for instance.
Thanks swimming.. My case is different so i didn't need a trigger, and i guess the question of injectables never came up. But you never know, i might have to try these options in the future so always good to know more!
I've only been asked to control my TSH as it was normal range but high for optimal fertility, so trying to do that naturally. Even if it doesn't work, i'm trying to be positive and learn more about potential problems and options so that i can increase my chances next time.

It makes sense it wasn't mentioned yet, I've just deducted myself (being an unemployed recent research student and all) since my husband has low morphology, more targets (eggs) may be helpful in our case.

I like that even though you had a value that was "normal", the doctor paid attention to it being high. My doctors are not the best at doing that.

Wow swimming! We have more than the IUI in common... i'm a research student too (and worried everyday about post-research unemployment given budget cuts etc lol ;)!)

Yes the clinic has been so kind and supportive, so i didn't mind the private route. i got such an impersonal and nonchalant attitude from the national health service that i just decided then and there to go private and not fall for their "get-in-line" standard response.. who knows how they would've acted after 1-2 yrs anyway! Even though one of the nurses at the private seems to be more money-minded (she suggested i get an AMH which no one so far had ever said!) on the whole i'm really happy with the experience. And from reading other blogs, i've realised that especially with national services, you have to be demanding and ask for things, so if that's what you've experienced i suggest you arm yourself with as much info as possible (perk of being umemployed lol) and demand answers to any doubts you have like morphology for instance.

Ahh I feel that my research background is coming back to haunt my anxiety as I go through this process haha. I am trying to quit it! My masters is in social work, where I did LOTS of research and was a graduate assistant to professors conducting research. Now I am trying to network for work, but this fertility thing takes priority in my mind.

And I see you live in Sweden? We don't have national clinics where I live (Michigan, US) vs. private ones. We have, from my point of view, a bunch of clinics all around that are better/worse than others. My RE is so old. But what I love about him is he lets us do whatever we want. I just want to be super aggressive since I'm shelling out the dollars!

This is only my 4th day past IUI. Its moving at a snails pace.
thanks guys! Here in Ontario Canada, I was given the option for two washes and 3 cycles of it For a price. A portion is funded by the government, but even still is a strain financially, I can't imagine the financial strain of it not being covered.

Blood work came back, and I did surge so I don't need to use the trigger thank goodness (I hate needles lol).

I am not on injections, and am hoping this works on the first go!

Ragh, Swimming, will you each test at the clinic or are you just waiting for AF? In my experience they have tested for progesterone about 6dpo (I think) Raghinald I hear you on living far. Every city should have a fertility clinic :(

Thank you both for coming on this journey with me, I can't wait to hear your good news, and hope we all get our BFP this month :) :hugs:

Hi mrsbertrand.. good to know about the progesterone test. Not sure if they do it, but i guess they didn't even offer me as i live far away and of course wouldn't be able to go.

@mnelson: welcome. i am also new like swimming and learning along the way. However given all the conditions of your case and the question of whether to straightaway opt for IVF, i would consult with another specialist at least to hear their opinion and learn the pros and cons. You could also join the ltttc and IVF threads here to know how they compare, given that we are only 3 in the IUI thread and statistically won't really give you much of an answer. Gl with whatever you decide!

What does IUI with injectables mean btw?

After reading, I second Ragnhild - getting another opinion is always smart!

and Ragnhild IUI with injections is just using injection medications (I believe are FSH and LH/trigger) to develop more than one egg. That is when my clinic monitors... there is just a high chance of multiples.

The injections are really expensive though. I think, THINK the injections are about the same as IVF (with IVF they use higher dose to get as many eggs as possible), so thats when a lot of repeat costs come up as far as I can see.

Hey guys, thanks for the welcomes and insights. I have been following along with quite a few LTTTC ladies and their IVF journeys especially some with Endo, etc.
Unfortunately, a second opinion is hard to come by here. I live in Alberta, Canada so all IVF clinics are private, and there is only one in my area. I would have to travel at least 2.5-3 hours away to see another one plus pay the fees and join the 6 month wait list again.
I pretty much am not lurking to see if IUI works the first time for everyone (although definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you ladies!!), but more so looking at things like, how many eggs, post wash numbers, did you use a trigger, was it a successful attempt, etc. Just gaining experience so I can see if that would somewhat work in my world over here. So as long as you guys don't mind I would love to stay around. Hopefully, you guys aren't still here when I may take the plunge to IUI in April, but if so it might be nice to have a buddy.
Speaking of which, a few of you already had the IUI right? What did you think? The TWW is killer so I feel for you all!!

Also: IUI here is much cheaper - around 3-400 at my clinic with femara (my femara is covered under a drug plan), but doing IUI with Injectables is around 2600-3500 PLUS the injectable drugs, which are likely around 3,000 as well. So although I think IUI with injectables sounds great for me as well with the whole "more targets" thing, I am already half way to an IVF cycle if it didn't work.

Did anyone do injectables this round? Or just Clomid/Femara? Did anyone use a trigger?
I'd love having you stick around, even though it's not my thread haha! :)

I am probably repeating myself but more of a concise summary of my experience hahaha: This is my first IUI, used Femara 5 mg CD3-7. I surged naturally on CD 14, went in for IUI morning of CD 15. Now just waiting. What I liked about the femara is that this is the first time on OPKs that my test line was DARKER than control (usually it just ends up testing the same) so I am hoping my ovaries got the point and popped out an egg.

Saturday I go in for my progesterone test.

I need to keep myself busy in the TWW but it's so difficult!
Hey guys, thanks for the welcomes and insights. I have been following along with quite a few LTTTC ladies and their IVF journeys especially some with Endo, etc.
Unfortunately, a second opinion is hard to come by here. I live in Alberta, Canada so all IVF clinics are private, and there is only one in my area. I would have to travel at least 2.5-3 hours away to see another one plus pay the fees and join the 6 month wait list again.
I pretty much am not lurking to see if IUI works the first time for everyone (although definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you ladies!!), but more so looking at things like, how many eggs, post wash numbers, did you use a trigger, was it a successful attempt, etc. Just gaining experience so I can see if that would somewhat work in my world over here. So as long as you guys don't mind I would love to stay around. Hopefully, you guys aren't still here when I may take the plunge to IUI in April, but if so it might be nice to have a buddy.
Speaking of which, a few of you already had the IUI right? What did you think? The TWW is killer so I feel for you all!!

Also: IUI here is much cheaper - around 3-400 at my clinic with femara (my femara is covered under a drug plan), but doing IUI with Injectables is around 2600-3500 PLUS the injectable drugs, which are likely around 3,000 as well. So although I think IUI with injectables sounds great for me as well with the whole "more targets" thing, I am already half way to an IVF cycle if it didn't work.

Did anyone do injectables this round? Or just Clomid/Femara? Did anyone use a trigger?

Hi mnelson... it's not my thread either but you're very welcome lol! And in case you drive out simply to get a second opinion, will you still lose your place? I mean if the other one suggests IVF, you can ask your clinic to do that instead of IUI right? And if they also say IUI, then you can be sure. We end up spending so much on stupid fertility and TTC kits etc, i would at least not consider the money for a drive wasted.
And my case is extreme too... Sweden is still, in many ways, a welfare state and the private clinic around was closed during dec-jan first week, when i expected to O. So i actually went all the way to denmark for the IUI, definitely longer than your 2-3 hr drive. And before that we went once to check the clinics there, have consultations and be sure of our selection. At that time we had no samples, analysis etc. So you're actually better off in that case as you have your case laid out and simply want an opinion. On the plus side, it proved helpful to travel as the clinic knew we can't come again and again and tested me for TSH which turned out to be high. So in the end the distance was difficult to manage but not a wasted effort.

Sorry it's not to tell you what to do, but just that given all the different parameters we struggle with during "normal" TTC anyway, i would prefer to have all my bases covered with any kind of treatment since it takes so much more out of you physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. I know people say normal BD gets to be boring, mechanical blah blah, but i can definitely say that that tension and stress can't even be compared with treatment. Haha apart from this rant i will not bore you again with my opinion!

@swimming: i hear ya... TWW is the worst. Luckily it's a friend's wedding this weekend so i have something to keep myself occupied but the weekend before was torture! GL and hope you find some distractions :)
The waitlist I mentioned would be for the new clinic as well. In alberta there are waitlists for all clinics and they rank you on priority. Since I am under 30, they don't put my as a high priority. I had to wait 4 months to even get a consult last time at our current clinic, so it would be at least that long to try to go and get a second opinion.

I definitely don't think the drive is too bad if everything worked out, but it is the waiting and waiting and waiting that is eventually driving me crazy!

You guys and your TWW are even making me anxious! I can't wait to hear whats going on.

Ragnhild - Do you mind summing up your IUI as well? Clomid/Femara? Trigger? Any idea on post wash numbers or anything?

Swimming - Do you remember your post wash number? The wash scares me since we don't have a great count to begin with. I am just wondering how much it usually drops by!

Thanks for your replies ladies! I cannot wait for your TWW to come to a hopefully HAPPY end!
mrsnelson I think our post wash count was 50 million (my husbands count is always high, its the morphology, which they dont test for before doing iui at our clinic, which is a problem). Motility was 80%, with 5% being barley moving, another 5% being moving kind of slow, and 70% rapid swimmers.

So it seems promising, but his morphology on urologist SAs is 1-2% strict criteria (with normal being above 4%). RE doesn't think a problem because he still has an acceptable NUMBER of "normal sperm" since his count is so high. But what if the abnormal sperm move faster than the normal sperm and they block the little guys? Sorry, rambling. I am just relieved to be able to talk about this with other TTCers... not just my friends who aren't trying to have a baby lol.
Definitely get what you are saying there. It is hard when one parameter is good, but another isn't. You never know which is really the most important one.
Although, I do think at some point we have to trust these RE's. I mean they see hundreds of samples and if they think that good factors can outweigh negative ones, then maybe they actually can!
Morphology would be a scary one though, but at least its still up to 2% at some times. I knew a couple where his morphology was 0% and he was still able to fertilize an egg using ICSI. So I guess there is eventually a way around all of those male problems!
Sorry about the waiting times mnelson... Sounds about as complex as the health care here! If i were you i would post the exact iui or ivf question here in one of the forums here explaining your history and concerns. Members who arent active in the threads but have gone through the same dilemma might have insights.
As for details, i havent been using bbt but opks seem to be pretty accurate and i had an ultrasound on cd2 before the iui to check the lining, position etc. For the actual iui, didnt need to trigger. The more complex part in my case was managing the actual trip etc living so far away. Also as i mentioned in one of the other posts was advised to bring tsh down, i opted for natural methods myself because it was borderline high and i really dont want to take too many medications. SA we had 50 mil washed count too.. Although im not really sure if they checked for morphology. Thanks swimming, ill look into that!
I agree that we should trust doctors, at some point, with the SA because they do look at a lot of them. My RE is super old. Like he was the first person to preform IVF in 1984 in Michigan (US). He has to have seen a BUNCH of outcomes with different SAs... so THANK YOU for pointing that out!

It turns out my ultrasound to check for fibroids is this upcoming weekend. The femara has made me pretty emotional, and I am so scared they are going to find some. ugh the anxiety
Swimming - They are doing the ultrasound for fibroids before you get your result from IUI?
I feel like they should have maybe done this before the IUI, no? Haha, oh well. Either way, fibroids (if you ever have them) can sometimes cause zero problems with TTC and pregnancy. I believe it all depends on placement and the type (which layer they are located in).
I am sure all will be fine! Will they tell you in the ultrasound what they see or will you have to go back for an appt to know?
mnelson haha this is actually to ease my paranoia. The RE didn't feel any and wasn't going to check with ultrasound, but on occasion I have brown spotting after my period until CD 9 (could also be hormones), and my father's mother had fibroids so big she had a hysterectomy (this was back in the day when they always took out your uterus) at 34.

So since we want more than 1, I'm currently 28, I need to know what time table I am dealing with. My mom had me at age 44, but incase I took after my dads side I want to be prepared!

They will tell me right there what they see. I am hoping they will be able to state whether it will impact me getting pregnant or not. I hope they dont take my blood pressure prior to the appointment! hahaha
Oh, well in that case! I am all about getting things done to ease my paranoia as well!
I am sure there wont be anything, so try not to worry! Especially if they didn't see anything.
I actually have brown spotting super often! I get it anywhere form 3-7 days before AF, and then around 3-4 days after. I tell every single doctor I ever see and they all brush it off as not a big deal. I do have the weird uterus and polyps though, so it could be those things. But once they are gone we will know for sure. But none have ever seemed concerned about it. Or my naturopath's and acupuncturists either. I hate when everyone tells you its normal..... This is not normal! haha
Welcome MNelson, please do stick around, i'm grateful for anyone who decides to participate :) I had two inseminations, one wednesday morning and one Thursday morning. Post wash wednesday was 9.5 million with a 95% motility (pre-wash motility 32%). Thursday was 21 million with 80% motility. I didn't need a trigger, and have been told this cycle looks promising, but am trying not to read to much into. 1Dpiui. How far is everyone in their TWW? I hope it goes by quickly, I go back in 12 days for Pregnancy test. FX for all of us!

Raghinald, I was annoyed at my 45 minute drive, but am suddenly very grateful! I can't imagine 2-3 hours!
mrsbertrand 95% motility sounds so promising!!!

I hear back to back IUIs are super successful as well!

My TWW is kind of bad, I feel a lot of my normal PMS symptoms. I am relying on the logic that progesterone rises regardless, and this cycle may have been different for me because it's my first on femara.

I hope everyone is doing well!
How is everyone doing? Waiting sucks but like you I am trying to keep busy. Am supposed to go back to clinic for pregnancy test at 12 dpiui but I might just take an HPT rather than drive 45 minutes. I have a feeling I will be one of those who doesn't get a strong enough reading, and will book blood work with my local doc first before driving to fertility clinic.

I've read a lot of posts on baby centre and others about successful first time IUI and am not holding my breath, but am hopeful.

I am the kind of person who isn't very private, so a good handful of my family and friends know that we are going through the process. Do any of you have a lot of people in your life following your journey or will it be a surprise?

Baby Dust to all xo

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