TTC #1, Looking for iui Buddies for February!

Melissa- I started AF this morning and actually felt relief from all the progesterone symptoms and after my 1st workout in months I felt like I was on cloud 9!! My husband and I decided we can afford one more IUI then a break for the spring to try naturally and do some traveling. This is so stressful and expensive, but if we caneed make a baby out of it totally worth it!! Gota keep a balance to keep my sanity :-) I hope we both make a baby next month!! I'm going to keep up my workout throughout, and just go lighter on the 2ww.

Thanks everyone! I'm better than expected. I'm ready for round 2!
Hi Everyone!

Is anyone still doing IUI? I did mine #1 IUI at the very end of January, awaiting for the 2 week mark tomorrow. Has anyone had success with IUI? Is anyone using progesterone as well? Just wanted to see where everyone else was in this process.

My Husband and I have been TTC for 3.5 years, with a diagnosis of unexplained infertility.
Hi Everyone!

Is anyone still doing IUI? I did mine #1 IUI at the very end of January, awaiting for the 2 week mark tomorrow. Has anyone had success with IUI? Is anyone using progesterone as well? Just wanted to see where everyone else was in this process.

My Husband and I have been TTC for 3.5 years, with a diagnosis of unexplained infertility.

Welcome Kk! fx for your BFP! How many follies did you have at Insemination?

I am on my second round of IUI, likely tomorrow and Thursday. My blood work yesterday showed elevated LH, and I had a faint positive on LH strip this morning so am in my way for blood work. Yesterday I had 3 follies at 1.3, 1.5, 1.7.

Swimming, how are your injections going? How many Follies?

TIA, welcome to round two! Positivity goes a long way, and you're on the right track!
Yes, kk welcome! Hope you get your BFP!

Sorry I have been MIA, just super busy prepping for new job and these fertility things.

I am so sorry to read about the BFNs. I guess we just need to keep on keepin on.

The injections were great until AFTER I did the IUI and triggered. I had 3 mature follicles (MrsB, I think the unit of measurement is different on my end, mine were 19mm). When I went in for the IUI post washed sperm was only 30 mil this time, with 60% motility (significantly less than last time- since our issue is morphology & they dont test for that for IUI, I am not hopeful). AND there were white blood cells in the sample so they have to culture it. I'm grateful they didn't cancel the cycle. Still, if it didn't work last time with super high count and motility with no white blood cells, how the hell is it going to work this time?

After the IUI, then next day my pelvis was AWFUL sore. I could barely walk. I almost regret taking this job because I can't imagine going to work like this. When I called the RE, she said ovulating 3 is different than ovulating 1, that my estrogen wasn't high enough to overstimulate... and its just a very uncomfortable side effect from injections. I also had leg pain, which is apparently large ovaries sitting on nerves in the hip that impact legs.

I feel better today.

OH, and I am getting a "booster" trigger Wednesday, which I am PETRIFIED is going to make me feel like I felt for the last two days.

Side note, I SURE AS HELL HOPE next cycle works because if I feel like this on a low dose of gonal & ovidrel, IVF scares me. Like I seriously can't imagine anything worse than the last two days.

MrsB!!!!! I love how you have 3 follicles with femara!!!! Fingers crossed this month is THE month! Please update after bloodwork today!
Hi All! Thanks for the welcome!

It's nice to see others going through this. I did get my BFN today, but that's ok! Onward to #2. Luckily, taking progesterone tends to mask any of those "crazy person" symptoms I usually get at the end of the TWW. I actually found that it is much nicer to be on the progesterone, even though it is annoying, because I'm much less sad and anxious as I normally am at the end of my cycle.

Tia-I still workout during all my fertility stuff (but that will change with IVF). I don't do any high impact (jumping, etc.) during my TWW after IUI but my fertility doc actually encouraged me to keep going. I feel as long as I have been TTC, I need to keep in shape and feeling good. Working out is a great stress reliever, and in my opinion, stress is worse than a little movement on a workout. But you have to do what makes you comfortable!!

Mrs-When I did have the IUI on 31 Jan, I had x3 dominate follicles using letrozole (femara): I believe 22mm, 19mm, and 15mm. (I think they must measure yours slightly different) We did not do a trigger shot, my LH was high enough to trigger on it's own. We did have a lower washed sperm count (5.1million) than we have in the past . They had recommended coitus the day before the IUI (so it ended up being 12 hours before due to work schedules). Did anyone else do this? We wonder if that is why we had a lower sperm count.

Swimming-I understand your concern with the pelvic pressure. It is a little annoying. I had to stop doing some of my higher impact workout routine, it felt like I had dumbbells in my body!! I know IVF is a scary thing, but I just had a friend who did it, and she had success the first time! She said it was easier than she thought and not really painful compared to the HSG (which for me was not very pleasant at all). It was nice to hear that someone had a good experience and success.

Good luck everyone for your upcoming cycles!
I'll use someone elses words here and say welcome to #2 kk!!

Will you be doing femara again?

P.S, It is Valentines Day in the states. I'd like to say happy valentines day to everyone!
Welcome kk! Sorry about your BFN. Good luck on the next cycle!

Stay positive Swimming! I had a BFP with only a 5 million count!!! Unfortunately it ended in miscarriage at 6 weeks.. but it worked! So you never know! It just takes 1!

I went in for my baseline ultrasound yesterday afternoon and turns out I have 4 cysts on my ovaries so they can't start me on medications because the cysts will "absorb" all the medication. So they put me on birth control pills x 2 weeks. This had never happened to me before! And this is my 5th IUI... I was a little disappointed since I'm going back to work soon and this process just doesn't work with my work schedule but oh well... just hoping these cysts shrink in the next 2 weeks!

Happy Valentines Day 😊❤
Yes, kk welcome! Hope you get your BFP!

Sorry I have been MIA, just super busy prepping for new job and these fertility things.

I am so sorry to read about the BFNs. I guess we just need to keep on keepin on.

The injections were great until AFTER I did the IUI and triggered. I had 3 mature follicles (MrsB, I think the unit of measurement is different on my end, mine were 19mm). When I went in for the IUI post washed sperm was only 30 mil this time, with 60% motility (significantly less than last time- since our issue is morphology & they dont test for that for IUI, I am not hopeful). AND there were white blood cells in the sample so they have to culture it. I'm grateful they didn't cancel the cycle. Still, if it didn't work last time with super high count and motility with no white blood cells, how the hell is it going to work this time?

After the IUI, then next day my pelvis was AWFUL sore. I could barely walk. I almost regret taking this job because I can't imagine going to work like this. When I called the RE, she said ovulating 3 is different than ovulating 1, that my estrogen wasn't high enough to overstimulate... and its just a very uncomfortable side effect from injections. I also had leg pain, which is apparently large ovaries sitting on nerves in the hip that impact legs.

I feel better today.

OH, and I am getting a "booster" trigger Wednesday, which I am PETRIFIED is going to make me feel like I felt for the last two days.

Side note, I SURE AS HELL HOPE next cycle works because if I feel like this on a low dose of gonal & ovidrel, IVF scares me. Like I seriously can't imagine anything worse than the last two days.

MrsB!!!!! I love how you have 3 follicles with femara!!!! Fingers crossed this month is THE month! Please update after bloodwork today!

swimming, so good to hear from you! Sorry the injections are making you feel awful, and that your count is less :(

What is tomorrow's trigger supposed to do for you?

Yes our units are different, Today i have two that are mature, 17mm and 19mm, bloodwork and ultrasound AGAIN tomorrow and likely a trigger tomorrow eve and IUI thursday and friday. the follicle at 13mm seems to be staying there lol.

Hi All! Thanks for the welcome!

It's nice to see others going through this. I did get my BFN today, but that's ok! Onward to #2. Luckily, taking progesterone tends to mask any of those "crazy person" symptoms I usually get at the end of the TWW. I actually found that it is much nicer to be on the progesterone, even though it is annoying, because I'm much less sad and anxious as I normally am at the end of my cycle.

Tia-I still workout during all my fertility stuff (but that will change with IVF). I don't do any high impact (jumping, etc.) during my TWW after IUI but my fertility doc actually encouraged me to keep going. I feel as long as I have been TTC, I need to keep in shape and feeling good. Working out is a great stress reliever, and in my opinion, stress is worse than a little movement on a workout. But you have to do what makes you comfortable!!

Mrs-When I did have the IUI on 31 Jan, I had x3 dominate follicles using letrozole (femara): I believe 22mm, 19mm, and 15mm. (I think they must measure yours slightly different) We did not do a trigger shot, my LH was high enough to trigger on it's own. We did have a lower washed sperm count (5.1million) than we have in the past . They had recommended coitus the day before the IUI (so it ended up being 12 hours before due to work schedules). Did anyone else do this? We wonder if that is why we had a lower sperm count.

Swimming-I understand your concern with the pelvic pressure. It is a little annoying. I had to stop doing some of my higher impact workout routine, it felt like I had dumbbells in my body!! I know IVF is a scary thing, but I just had a friend who did it, and she had success the first time! She said it was easier than she thought and not really painful compared to the HSG (which for me was not very pleasant at all). It was nice to hear that someone had a good experience and success.

Good luck everyone for your upcoming cycles!

We are told to abstain for 2-5 days before IUI, interesting that you are told to go for it! Sorry about your BFN :(
Welcome kk! Sorry about your BFN. Good luck on the next cycle!

Stay positive Swimming! I had a BFP with only a 5 million count!!! Unfortunately it ended in miscarriage at 6 weeks.. but it worked! So you never know! It just takes 1!

I went in for my baseline ultrasound yesterday afternoon and turns out I have 4 cysts on my ovaries so they can't start me on medications because the cysts will "absorb" all the medication. So they put me on birth control pills x 2 weeks. This had never happened to me before! And this is my 5th IUI... I was a little disappointed since I'm going back to work soon and this process just doesn't work with my work schedule but oh well... just hoping these cysts shrink in the next 2 weeks!

Happy Valentines Day 😊❤

Sorry about your Cysts! I can only imagine how hard that must have been to hear, having to take birth control when trying to have a baby, ugh!

Here's hoping they go away quickly and you can get back on track without ok much stress from your work schedule. FX and babydust!

Happy Valentine's day everyone, hoping we are all successful on our next cycles! 😍😘💗
Yes, kk welcome! Hope you get your BFP!

Sorry I have been MIA, just super busy prepping for new job and these fertility things.

I am so sorry to read about the BFNs. I guess we just need to keep on keepin on.

The injections were great until AFTER I did the IUI and triggered. I had 3 mature follicles (MrsB, I think the unit of measurement is different on my end, mine were 19mm). When I went in for the IUI post washed sperm was only 30 mil this time, with 60% motility (significantly less than last time- since our issue is morphology & they dont test for that for IUI, I am not hopeful). AND there were white blood cells in the sample so they have to culture it. I'm grateful they didn't cancel the cycle. Still, if it didn't work last time with super high count and motility with no white blood cells, how the hell is it going to work this time?

After the IUI, then next day my pelvis was AWFUL sore. I could barely walk. I almost regret taking this job because I can't imagine going to work like this. When I called the RE, she said ovulating 3 is different than ovulating 1, that my estrogen wasn't high enough to overstimulate... and its just a very uncomfortable side effect from injections. I also had leg pain, which is apparently large ovaries sitting on nerves in the hip that impact legs.

I feel better today.

OH, and I am getting a "booster" trigger Wednesday, which I am PETRIFIED is going to make me feel like I felt for the last two days.

Side note, I SURE AS HELL HOPE next cycle works because if I feel like this on a low dose of gonal & ovidrel, IVF scares me. Like I seriously can't imagine anything worse than the last two days.

MrsB!!!!! I love how you have 3 follicles with femara!!!! Fingers crossed this month is THE month! Please update after bloodwork today!

Swimming - 30 million is still great I would say! That's pretty much my Dh's whole sample haha. I have read that the chance of conception only really goes down below 5 million. Anything above that and there is a regular chance it will work. Especially with all your follicles! Don't worry about it!

Mrs B- So excited that you are doing so well with follicles, and that trigger will likely produce two! Also, let me know wha tyou think of back to back IUIs. I was thinking that would be what I wanted to do. Although, some clinics say it makes no difference. I wonder how different the count will be from IUI 1 to IUI 2 one day apart?
Hello! As my hubby and I have been trying for 3 years and have undiagnosed , we are starting a 3 cycle IUI in January, with IVF set for April 2017. I am looking for some buddies :hugs:

hello!!!:flower: I am new to this page .My husband and I have been trying for 2 years .I have PCOS and anovulation that makes it hard to get pregnant. We have done two TI cycles with (femara+follistim+ovidrel)combination and one iui with same meds. Currently had an iui this month(feb) and now am in the TWW. Waiting for a positive outcome.
ALL THE BEST TO YOU!!!:thumbup:
MrsB- I don't know what the trigger booster is supposed to do except maintain high progesterone. Like I have no idea and its weird. After research I guess a handful of REs do it. I AM SUPER excited about your two follicles!!!!! So grown and mature and ready to be fertilized!!!! I love that feeling right before ovulation, like the possibilities are so real!

Melissa- thanks so much for the encouragement! Also, the cysts.... ugh. Maybe this cycle will be an okay reset, though I know it doesnt make it suck any less. I hope they go away as fast as possible for you.
mnelson thank you so much for the further encouragement! I just worry because the morphology, but positive thinking is always helpful. I saw what you were thinking about back to back IUIs, with lack of consensus as to if one IUI or two IUIs are more effective. I had the thought the other day that it can be hard to know which hour a women ovulates from, specifically, and since washed sperm can't survive like real sperm it makes sense to me to do it twice (though its not even an option for my clinic haha). But then I saw a study that said IUI before trigger was the way to go (what in the world), peer reviewed and all! Crazy right?

Welcome agirlfromind! Hope this month is it for all of us <3
mnelson thank you so much for the further encouragement! I just worry because the morphology, but positive thinking is always helpful. I saw what you were thinking about back to back IUIs, with lack of consensus as to if one IUI or two IUIs are more effective. I had the thought the other day that it can be hard to know which hour a women ovulates from, specifically, and since washed sperm can't survive like real sperm it makes sense to me to do it twice (though its not even an option for my clinic haha). But then I saw a study that said IUI before trigger was the way to go (what in the world), peer reviewed and all! Crazy right?

Welcome agirlfromind! Hope this month is it for all of us <3

Welcome agirlfromind! Baby dust to you, and the rest of us, when do you test???

Swimming, I can't imagine IUI before trigger, if washed sperm only live up to 3 days post wash? My nurse this morning said they survive up to 5 :/

Had first IUI today, Mnelson I think when doing the double wash they cover both the24/36/48 hour window, am hoping that will increase my chances but I've heard it could go either way in terms of effectiveness.

This was my first time with a trigger, and I did it myself! took me forever to buck up and stick it but it was an achievement, I hate needles!

Today post wash Count was 16 mil, 80% motility ad 7% morphology. This is the second time she has told me it's a promising cycle, so while I am going into it thinking "This is our cycle" (the power o positive thought right?) I'm not going to take her word for it haha. Definite pain and cramping this time, that i didn't experience during my first cycle. Though I did have an abdominal massage last saturday and that could also be contributing?

How is everyone else doing?
mnelson thank you so much for the further encouragement! I just worry because the morphology, but positive thinking is always helpful. I saw what you were thinking about back to back IUIs, with lack of consensus as to if one IUI or two IUIs are more effective. I had the thought the other day that it can be hard to know which hour a women ovulates from, specifically, and since washed sperm can't survive like real sperm it makes sense to me to do it twice (though its not even an option for my clinic haha). But then I saw a study that said IUI before trigger was the way to go (what in the world), peer reviewed and all! Crazy right?

Welcome agirlfromind! Hope this month is it for all of us <3

Welcome agirlfromind! Baby dust to you, and the rest of us, when do you test???

Swimming, I can't imagine IUI before trigger, if washed sperm only live up to 3 days post wash? My nurse this morning said they survive up to 5 :/

Had first IUI today, Mnelson I think when doing the double wash they cover both the24/36/48 hour window, am hoping that will increase my chances but I've heard it could go either way in terms of effectiveness.

This was my first time with a trigger, and I did it myself! took me forever to buck up and stick it but it was an achievement, I hate needles!

Today post wash Count was 16 mil, 80% motility ad 7% morphology. This is the second time she has told me it's a promising cycle, so while I am going into it thinking "This is our cycle" (the power o positive thought right?) I'm not going to take her word for it haha. Definite pain and cramping this time, that i didn't experience during my first cycle. Though I did have an abdominal massage last saturday and that could also be contributing?

How is everyone else doing?

Yeah man! I def dont agree with the article, I just stumbled upon it. So weird!

Your numbers sound amazing! They don't do morphology at my clinic when we do IUIs. :nope: I wish they did!

Great work with the trigger- my husband does all the poking for me... but maybe one day I will get to feel like a total badass like you and do it myself haha!

I'm not hopeful. My boobs hurt right on cue. I've had all the cramps I normally get. Whatever lol I think when I stop caring maybe it will happen, and even though the power of positive attitudes is real..... it may be necessary for me to feel discouraged enough not to care . If that makes sense. That's what happened when I met my husband haha maybe its the same thing.
mnelson thank you so much for the further encouragement! I just worry because the morphology, but positive thinking is always helpful. I saw what you were thinking about back to back IUIs, with lack of consensus as to if one IUI or two IUIs are more effective. I had the thought the other day that it can be hard to know which hour a women ovulates from, specifically, and since washed sperm can't survive like real sperm it makes sense to me to do it twice (though its not even an option for my clinic haha). But then I saw a study that said IUI before trigger was the way to go (what in the world), peer reviewed and all! Crazy right?

Welcome agirlfromind! Hope this month is it for all of us <3

Welcome agirlfromind! Baby dust to you, and the rest of us, when do you test???

Swimming, I can't imagine IUI before trigger, if washed sperm only live up to 3 days post wash? My nurse this morning said they survive up to 5 :/

Had first IUI today, Mnelson I think when doing the double wash they cover both the24/36/48 hour window, am hoping that will increase my chances but I've heard it could go either way in terms of effectiveness.

This was my first time with a trigger, and I did it myself! took me forever to buck up and stick it but it was an achievement, I hate needles!

Today post wash Count was 16 mil, 80% motility ad 7% morphology. This is the second time she has told me it's a promising cycle, so while I am going into it thinking "This is our cycle" (the power o positive thought right?) I'm not going to take her word for it haha. Definite pain and cramping this time, that i didn't experience during my first cycle. Though I did have an abdominal massage last saturday and that could also be contributing?

How is everyone else doing?

Yeah man! I def dont agree with the article, I just stumbled upon it. So weird!

Your numbers sound amazing! They don't do morphology at my clinic when we do IUIs. :nope: I wish they did!

Great work with the trigger- my husband does all the poking for me... but maybe one day I will get to feel like a total badass like you and do it myself haha!

I'm not hopeful. My boobs hurt right on cue. I've had all the cramps I normally get. Whatever lol I think when I stop caring maybe it will happen, and even though the power of positive attitudes is real..... it may be necessary for me to feel discouraged enough not to care . If that makes sense. That's what happened when I met my husband haha maybe its the same thing.

Swimming, I know exactly what you mean! Even though I have one more cycle of IUI already paid for, I desperately don't want to go again next month, I'm so tired of the whole thing :(

I wish someone would just say "you can't get pregnant because" so I can give up and finally get pregnant lol, because you're right, it's always when people don't care or give up that it finally happens.

Turns out they don't actually measure morphology for IUI, I've had three different nurses perform it in the last two months and this morning a different nurse said they don't measure it, they simply look to see if the number is greater than 7%. Post wash today was 19 million and 88% motility up from 30%!

You're not out yet! Our bodies can't be trusted! When do you test?
I don't even get to test, because I did a "booster" trigger shot. I'll get my period probably next Friday or Saturday. The 27th if I don't get it then I "call to schedule a beta" but I never even get to that point.

I hate to be the debby downor, I just feel like. Why bother lol. My husband said he's going to quit drinking but I doubt that will make a difference, I've seen such conflicting info. I wish adoption were a more probably option (the one infant to 36 parents ratio scares us), because this is getting too hard!!!

Your post wash counts sound fantastic!!! Excellent chance in my book!
My past 3 IUIs have been with injectables... and the last one took extra long to finally get 3 mature follies.. over 2 weeks of injecting myself every night! Horrible! But so worth it as long as this works! ..After a few times you kinda get used to seeing a needle in your belly. Lol.

So btw. I had been reading about using castor oil. Have any of you girls used it? So many infertility success stories I figured it's worth a try.. also read it's used to dissolve ovarian cysts.
*hugs* This is such a hard road to travel, I definitely understand how you are feeling Swimming :(

Well, maybe if you don't get to test, it's better. I don't think i'll be testing unless my period is late. Just start enjoying your life and doing the things you would do if you weren't ttc. I realize that sounds like everything we hate to be told about just relax and let it happen, but it really does seem to be the thing that works :/ unfortunate of course, and nearly impossible to do. Have you looked into naturopathy and acupuncture? are you considering IVF? (Can't remember if you mentioned previously)

Melissa, your a champ! I haven't heard anything about castor oil though.

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