TTC #1, Looking for iui Buddies for February!

Thanks for the babydust Mrsb! I don't think I will be that lucky...I bet the witch will be here in the next 24 hours.

Swimming, those are the same drugs I'm going to be using for my cycle! Can I ask what dose of gonal-f you were on and for how many days? How much time between trigger and IUI? (Sorry if you already mentioned this in a previous post!)

Gonal-f was 75.... starting on day 5 to day 9. Triggered with three follicles like 38/40 hours later? The day I triggered was a Wednesday.... we did it at 7:00. We had nothing on Thursday, and Friday morning I went in for the IUI at 11:30. So quite a while.
Well I just had some brown spotting like i'm about to get my AF, and mild cramping similar to AF so i think i'm out. I have read that this could also be normal in early pregnancy? I wasn't expecting AF until Tuesday but my cycle varies from 28-34 days. Guess if i don't get my AF by tomorrow morning based on these symptoms, I will still test tomorrow? I don't know.
Well I just had some brown spotting like i'm about to get my AF, and mild cramping similar to AF so i think i'm out. I have read that this could also be normal in early pregnancy? I wasn't expecting AF until Tuesday but my cycle varies from 28-34 days. Guess if i don't get my AF by tomorrow morning based on these symptoms, I will still test tomorrow? I don't know.

Hmm I wish I could be of help. Spotting can happen. Cramps can happen. Cramps happened to me. I didn't test until my beta, but my doctor didn't schedule beta like to the day of missed period, he waited a couple days I think.

I hope AF stays away for you! I'm a big fan of injections.
MrsB- Until AF isn't here there's still hope! Is your Dr not doing a beta? I don't trust HPTs! Some are just not too sensitive.. A friend of mine didn't get a positive HPT until she was almost 8 weeks pregnant! And she is now preg with a healthy baby. How many dpiui are you?

Update, went to my RE today and no sight of cysts :) I start on Menopur & Gonal F injections tomorrow night. Yay!
Way to go melissa, that's great news! Baby dust to you, fx this is your cycle!

My RE wanted to do a beta at 12dpiui, but i've been working and had decided to wait out AF as i have to drive 45 minutes to my clinic. yesterday was 14dpiui

Haven't taken an HPT, but I don't need to, the witch definitely showed up yesterday, so we're gonna put this on hold for a while. Hubby got a new job and because we won't know what days he needs off until the day before potential IUI we want to wait until after the 3 month probabtionary period.

On our next round in a few months I might request injections, though.

I will still be following this thread and praying for some more BFP's! I hope Swimming and Ragnhild will stick around and keep us posted on their awesome pregnancy journey xoxo
I'm afraid I have bad news. I woke up today, and all the bloating and sore boobs has completely just stopped.

Like my boobs literally went up a cup size, and now..... back to normal.

Ugh. After ALLLLLLLLLL that. I had my second beta today, but I already know in my gut its bad news :(

Msb I hope this AF is quick for you, and after the probationary period I hope a BFP comes your way!

Melissa, congrats on the no cysts and good luck with the gonal :D :D
Mrsb, I'm really sorry that AF came...hey maybe you will be surprised by a natural BFP while you wait to start treatments again!

Swimming, I really hope everything comes back ok and your bean sticks. Early pregnancy symptoms can come and go and change. As hard as it is, try not to worry...just tell yourself "today I am pregnant" and try to enjoy it as much as you can!

My IUI is being delayed since the clinic ran out of provincial funding for this fiscal year, so we'll do it in April instead. I was so ready and psyched myself up to do the injections and then nope, sorry, not happening unless we were willing to pay for everything out of pocket (we're not). More waiting...story of my TTC life!
Thanks lovelies, Keep your chin up Swimming, we already know our bodies can't be trusted, praying for your sticky bean, and anxiously awaiting the news with you!

Wish, sorry it's been delayed! I totally understand your position though, it's only one month and though the wait seems long it will be here before you know it!
Swimming - Try to relax! I had absolutely NO pregnancy symptoms when I was pregnant early last year. All my symptoms practically disappeared after the 2ww. My hcg was going up normally and everything. Apparently its because our bodies kinda get used to the hcg hormone, when the hcg increases you might start getting symptoms again.
(My pregnancy was a healthy one but unfortunately my baby no longer had a heart beat after a few weeks. I had a car accident around that time and I feel like the stress my body underwent possibly had to do)
Swimming, any news?

So now i'm trying to determine if I am miscarrying at 4 weeks. AF started Friday, and usually by day 3 I don't have to change my tampon very often, but today I bled through twice in 3 hours, bright bright red. I've been on and off crampy, though not sever since Friday, so i took an hpt and it says negative. Could I be miscarrying? It's hard to know because i didn't take any blood tests or hpt since IUI until today. Should I go for a blood test tomorrow to see? I hate not knowing.

Mum said probably just side effects from HCG trigger. I think that's a possibility.
MrsB - I'm so sorry about AF! In the chance this was a chemical pregnancy (super early miscarriage) I dont think the amount of blood would change at all from a normal period. It's usually very heavy once there was a sac and other tissues..which is after 6weeks preg.
My 1st IUI was a chemical pregnancy and my period was just as all the others.. Sometimes our periods change for soo many different reasons. Stress being the main one! And, didn't you just start acupuncture recently? Acupuncture helps by increasing bloodflow to the uterus. I wonder if that could cause it to change too?
Try not to worry unless you have other symptoms too. I don't think it's likely to have been a miscarriage though.
Chin up and try again. Don't give up!

Keep us updated Swimming!
MrsB it could be a chemical pregnancy, but without a positive hpt I would lean towards just a heavy period. It's probably not worth going in for a blood test. Even if it was a CP by day 3-4 of bleeding your blood hcg would likely come back negative, so you would never really know. Maybe on femara you had a strong O, thicker lining, more progesterone, etc which resulted in a heavier period? Either way, I hope the witch leaves town soon for you.
So, just goes to show how clueless we can be... I just got my positive beta at 299! felt like I was going to start my period the entire tww. Still feels like I could start.

I had serious cramps so mrsbertrand, you may be on to something. I held out testing because if I saw another negative like, FML. Today was harsh though, I was waiting to get off work to check the voicemail so I wouldn't be sobbing at work haha.

I'm hoping that this one sticks, cautiously so excited though. I can't wait to see what happens with you girls!

OmG!!! Congratulations Swimming!!! :-) Sorry been MIA again. Hubs started working again (after 11 months of not working).

Excited to see the BFPs!
Swimming, any news?

So now i'm trying to determine if I am miscarrying at 4 weeks. AF started Friday, and usually by day 3 I don't have to change my tampon very often, but today I bled through twice in 3 hours, bright bright red. I've been on and off crampy, though not sever since Friday, so i took an hpt and it says negative. Could I be miscarrying? It's hard to know because i didn't take any blood tests or hpt since IUI until today. Should I go for a blood test tomorrow to see? I hate not knowing.

Mum said probably just side effects from HCG trigger. I think that's a possibility.

Sorry the witch showed up. :-( AF was heavier with my 2nd IUI too.
My beta doubled, now just waiting for my third beta on Wednesday. Thank you everyone for your congrats!

THat is interesting about getting used to HcG. I hope Wednesday I have good news!

MsB isn't trying to figure out whats going on with our bodies exhausting? I don't know how quickly HcG exits the body, I wish I could advise more :(
Sorry I have been MIA.
Congrats Swimming! That is so great!

I am currently on #2 IUI, in TWW. We had a much better response this time (almost too good) with 4 follicles and 23 million on the semen. I did not require a shot for ovulation, surged on my own. We are hoping this is a recipe for success!

Good luck to everyone! It's nice to know there are others out there :)
Good luck to everyone on their IUI this month, I hope to see some BFP's!!!

Swimming, I am so excited for you! You WILL have good news on Wednesday!

I don't think it was a MC, probably just a result of the HCG trigger. We aren't doing acupuncture yet but now that Hubby is working again, we are going to save up for some naturopathic treatments like that. This month we're just taking it easy :)

Congrats on hubby's job Arctic! :dust:
That's great news Swimming, good luck today!

Kk, wow 4 follicles! That's exciting! When will you test?
Just wanted to update that my third beta more than doubled. :)

I wish everyone so much luck this cycle!

4 follicles, Wow!
Yes! 4 is a lot, and they actually gave us the option of not doing it due to higher chance of multiples. We decided to go ahead with it anyway, as we feel the chance of getting 4 again is probably high and we do not want to waste another month.

I test on the 14th with an at home pregnancy test. I'm trying to stay hopeful and not worried. I'm sure you all feel similar, but at this point worrying doesn't help and negative emotions make it so much worse. I am happy with whatever comes our way!

Good luck to everyone and I'll keep you all updated!

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