ttc#1 new looking for buddy!

One thing I can say about ttc is that it really tests patience! I am usually a really patient person, I couldn't do my line of work if I wasn't but knowing this is all out of my control is the worst. lol I am totally ok with you guys announcing bfp's on here! I wanna know! I also wouldn't mind if anyone wanted to stick around or at least update us afterwards. This is the buddy section and there is only really 3 of us so I don't think someone should be kicked out because they got a bfp..we are here to support each other, but I will be respectful if someone else doesn't feel that way.

Funny story of the day: Soooo I got to the gas station on my way to work and looked down...totally wore my slippers. Thank goodness I noticed and had an extra pair of shoes in my car! lol Though if I could get away with it I would have worn them all day, they are so comfortable.
Hahaha! So funny! I told hubby today I wish I could just wear sweat pants somedays to work! I'm sick of picking out what to where every day!... Just another reason to be a stay at home mom! I don't HAVE to dress nice for that job!

I agree Jules! And I would love for who ever gets a bfp to stick around and keep us up to date! Were all in this together regardless of the different stages!
Seriously, I work alone until 2:30 everyday...I have contempleted wearing comfy clothes until 2 then It would be my luck that my boss pops in and dress code is her thing to harp on.
I would absolutely love to be a stay at home mom, but it won't be an option for us finacially. We rent and are trying to pay off student loans so that we can save up for a house. If I were to stop working we would be ok, but it would be a few extra years of not buying a house and just staying afloat. The one thing we have discussed is me going back to teaching so I can have breaks and summer off at least. My college gave me a run around and kept giving me stories about why they wouldn't grant me my diploma , a few weeks ago I thought what the heck and tried again. I found out last week that everything has gone through so I can officially take my state test to be certified. :) I am terrified because it's been 3 years since I was in a classroom, but I know it will be worth it.
My degree is Elementary K-6, but in PA they break it up differently so I can either do pre k- 4th or 4th-6th. In a perfect world I would love to teach 1st grade, but I am open to 1st-4th. Not kindergarten unless it is my last They do half day here and it is awful to create a routine when they are only in the classroom for maybe an hour.
I don't mind the bfp announcements neither. If i got a bfp I would still stalk this thread lol. I'd also start a pregnancy journal and give you guys the link!! :-)

I am a stay at home mom for now. I'm wanting to go back to work tho. It gets pretty boring staying home all day lol. We only have 1 car too. I think teaching would be fun tho. I love kids.

Also, today I'm having some really bad cramps so now I know af is right around the corner. Most my apps say the 31st but they all say between the 30th- 2nd which sounds about right for the pain I'm having!
I loved teaching, I taught pre-school for 8 years then went to infants for 2 years. The only problem is that daycare staff are so underpaid. I miss the little hugs and smiles everyday though.

I was going to start a ttc journal, but I am not too good at journaling. I had a diary when I was younger and I always forgot to write in it...if I got pregnant I would consider doing a pregnancy journal though. lol

TTTTina- It may be boring now, but with two little ones you won't be bored at all. lol I hope af stays away and you get a would not be a nice halloween prank!

Well, I have no clue why but I am exhausted today. I slept through my alarms, rushed around (hence leaving with my slippers on), almost fell asleep twice at my desk, and have not accomplished anything at all. The struggle is real!
Hi all, Can I join you ladies?

I am new here so please be gentle.

My hubby and I have been married 11 years now and have been ttc for 10 years on and off. Around 6 years ago I went for some tests and was given Clomid and some injections to inject into my stomach which was meant to help me ov but when I went for the egg's were not mature enough to do anything with...this has happened a few times...

My periods are so irregular, tbh they have never been normal...sometimes I wont come on for a few months and then the bleed will be very heavy..

I have an under active thyroid and am taking a high dose of Thyroxine (150mg) I also have the PCOS symptoms (but not the actual thing)

We have been on a ttc break for 6 years, we just could not take it anymore and it was affecting my health in other ways so we decided to give it a rest for a while...until earlier this month...but I feel as I have forgotten how to calculate everything...I dont really know where to start...Obviously I know where to start...but you know what I mean!

Here's what my body has been upto...
We bd'ed on the 11th October
12th October I had really sore nipples, feeling emotional and bad headache
13th October same as day before but I had an ulcer on my tongue to add
14th October Bd'ed, same as day before but felt very tired and had a cold coming on
15th October - same as before but nipples very sore now and had runny nose
17th October - Started bleeding (very light) through to 23rd October
Started lightly but felt like a full on period

I still have sore nipples and some preg symptoms such as feeling very tired, burping, back ache, feeling very light headed and dizzy.

I am so worried about testing or anything as I have been here before and really dont think I can see the neg line again...

If anyone can make sense of this please let me know, I would be very grateful to get some support too

Thank you so much for reading xxxx
I loved teaching, I taught pre-school for 8 years then went to infants for 2 years. The only problem is that daycare staff are so underpaid. I miss the little hugs and smiles everyday though.

I was going to start a ttc journal, but I am not too good at journaling. I had a diary when I was younger and I always forgot to write in it...if I got pregnant I would consider doing a pregnancy journal though. lol

TTTTina- It may be boring now, but with two little ones you won't be bored at all. lol I hope af stays away and you get a would not be a nice halloween prank!

Well, I have no clue why but I am exhausted today. I slept through my alarms, rushed around (hence leaving with my slippers on), almost fell asleep twice at my desk, and have not accomplished anything at all. The struggle is real!

"the struggle is real!" lmfao! I feel like I have a case of the Mondays again today! im ready for this week to be over! I broke down and had some caffeine this afternoon.

TTTTina- Fx for you!

I really wish IF my AF was going to show, she would come now! I had my break down sunday and now im ready to move on!
I hear that!! C'mon Fridayyyy! I don't usually don't drink coffee, but I needed some - It had to happen. lol Venti iced coffee w/ 2 splenda's and worth it. I feel like I can actually focus a little.

Can we either get a bfp or be on cd1 already?! I need to know something! I know I said I wasn't going to obsess over that shadow, but it is driving me nuts because I never ever I mean never see anything on those tests. I just know it's playing tricks on me and its stupid!
Hope007- Welcome! I know it is super confusing, but I can kind of relate. I had super irregular af as a teenager so my obgyn suggested birth control..I stayed on that until about 4 years ago. Once I went off they were normal then went super duper wacky. Every two weeks for a bit then nothing for 2 months. I got testing and all that jazz but no answers. I was ntnp so I didn't stress out about it too much for about a year then started Vitex, that helped a lot with straightening them out but I stopped taking them once I ran out. I still have slightly irregular af..ranges 27-38 days. I have been temping and opk's all month..never got a positive. I am waiting for af and starting Vitex again next month along with Maca. If I still don't get a positive opk or my chart doesn't show anything by January I will be seeing a fertility specialist.

My suggestion is to take a test...(I know bfn's suck) but you need to be sure. I suggest trying the Vitex and Maca after your next suspected af (I am not sure if you can start in the middle of your cycle). I have heard really good things about both and you should educate yourself before jumping on my advice. If af doesn't show in 2 weeks and you get a negative test I would suggest calling your doctor to see if they can prescribe you something to jump start af. All of your signs seem good but without knowing when/if you ovulated I can't really analyze the info you gave me. If you have a hormonal imbalance then all of those signs could be due to that as well. Have you thought about opk's or temping?

I am sorry this is a lot, but I know irregular af makes this process way more difficult. I wish I had more advice for you!
Well, end of day and still no AF. I've been so gassy this afternoon... Come on AF! I expect she'll come tomorrow, a day late like last month.... Keeps pushing my cycle days, last cycle ended up being 28 days... And I'm at 28 now, tomorrow would be 29.
Good luck hope! I don't have any experience with irregular periods, mine range in the norm. I hope you get your bfp tho!

MH af needs to just show up for you already so you can get on with your next cycle.

The days just need to go by so It's time for my af day too
I agree!!! The TWW is bad enough! It's becoming a 2.5 week wait! Haha!
So I was just reading online (I know, that's not good!) but I read that implation could take up to 12dpo, which would have been yesterday for me. Also that some women have sharp pain in their breasts... Yesterday I had a pain that was like someone was inside my right breast squeezing like veins together, it was weird! I told my hubby it's what I'd imagine a heart attack feeling like, but it was on the wrong side, and more boob not chest.
Ugh! Sorry for my annoying posts but I'm really going insane now!!
Where is the fast forward button on TTW? Lol I just want to know one way or another!
I get very sharp pain on my boobs sometimes and have no idea why
Stalking you MH! I had sharp booby pains from my chemical, plus sharp cervix pains. I'm going to take it as a good sign for you!
Hope007- Welcome! I know it is super confusing, but I can kind of relate. I had super irregular af as a teenager so my obgyn suggested birth control..I stayed on that until about 4 years ago. Once I went off they were normal then went super duper wacky. Every two weeks for a bit then nothing for 2 months. I got testing and all that jazz but no answers. I was ntnp so I didn't stress out about it too much for about a year then started Vitex, that helped a lot with straightening them out but I stopped taking them once I ran out. I still have slightly irregular af..ranges 27-38 days. I have been temping and opk's all month..never got a positive. I am waiting for af and starting Vitex again next month along with Maca. If I still don't get a positive opk or my chart doesn't show anything by January I will be seeing a fertility specialist.

My suggestion is to take a test...(I know bfn's suck) but you need to be sure. I suggest trying the Vitex and Maca after your next suspected af (I am not sure if you can start in the middle of your cycle). I have heard really good things about both and you should educate yourself before jumping on my advice. If af doesn't show in 2 weeks and you get a negative test I would suggest calling your doctor to see if they can prescribe you something to jump start af. All of your signs seem good but without knowing when/if you ovulated I can't really analyze the info you gave me. If you have a hormonal imbalance then all of those signs could be due to that as well. Have you thought about opk's or temping?

I am sorry this is a lot, but I know irregular af makes this process way more difficult. I wish I had more advice for you!

Hi Jules, Thank you for your reply. I will have a look into the Vitex and Maca...I have temped before and again I didnt have any positives so kinda lost interest...
I am supposed to be OV tomorrow according to my charts but lets see...
I saw a few posts on here with some ladies taking Royal Jelly or you have any info on that?

Thanks once again and I will keep you posted xxx

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