TTC #1 on cd19 looking for buddies

I just saw this, but I swear I replied to you already :( i'm so sorry!!

Yes, it was real AF. We don't have a show like that, but if I have a light period, I always do a preg. Test afterwards, just in case ;)
This month we bd'd CD 6 8 11 13 14. Today is CD 16 and we have sex planned for tonight and tomorrow. So I have my fingers crossed!! I got a few frers in the post today and have two other types of tests on the way too. Desperate much?!

Good luck with your interview lice, i'm sure you'll ace it!!

As for honeymoon, it's really tough, but I say go with your instincts. If you wanna pay Cinderella visit, imagine how much more special it will be to do it on honeymoon! Let me know what you decide :)

dinner is ready now, so I'll let you know how tww goes. So sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I could have sworn I did :(

Take care and good luck again!!
So in the end, we bd'd cd 6 8 11 13 14 17. Overall, I feel OK about the frequency and pattern of the sex, but I feel like we screwed up a little missing two days instead of just one a couple of times (between days 8-11 and between 14-17).

Over the past couple of days, I have had some really mild, dull cramps in my right side and then middle, then left side the following day. It felt like the cramps I might get 1 or 2 days before spotting, but they didn't last very long and were just really mild.

This got me to thinking that could I have OV'd earlier in the month? I remember around cd9 getting a lot of wet cervical mucus and thinking it was weird and maybe just residual semen (kinda gross eh?) my temps don't suggest I OV'd that early and I am still not opking, so I guess it's just wishful thinking :\

Did you decide on your honeymoon destination yet?

We still haven't booked anything yet, it's getting closer and closer and I feel like we may not even go on honeymoon at this rate, which is pretty sad :(

I hope you're doing great :) xx
havent really done much else hoenymoon or wedding wise. I'll be checking to see if you get that bfp often! GL
Hey there, i'm still waiting for AF to arrive our to get a BFP. AF was due today cd30 and was a no show. I'm not that excited and just feel like it's going to be a long cycle and she'll be late. I've been having super light spotting for about 4 or 5 days now which also makes me feel out.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up and every test I've taken is negative, so i'm just going to wait it out as best I can :)

I'm away for the long weekend and only have my phone, so forgive my short reply, but its a Bitch to type on here :)
ah makes sense. Another month of light spotting for you too, how annoying! Still a chance its a breakthrough bleed so dont give up hope yet.
Ok, so whereas last month, the spotting gave into bleeding after two days (although it was really light compared to previous cycles), this spotting lasted for a total of 6 days and NEVER got red....

I figured it's got to be breakthrough bleeding right?

Nope. I've peed on sooooo many sticks, used 5 different brands. There is NO baby in my belly.

But this morning when I stood up to pee, I thought I'd peed myself! I went to the bathroom, and wiped (before peeing into a cup for more diagnostic testing) and had huge amounts of ewcm, cervix was really high and soft and open too. Since thursday I'd been taking opk and preg tests, because opk will pick up hcg as well as lh, so I figured with both tests on the go I'd have to find out something. Well, this morning I have a REALLY dark test line on the opk, almost positive, which coincides nicely with my huge amounts of ewcm.

CD34 with no period in between and I run upstairs and seduce the oh, which was no easy feat seeing as we had guests staying below us in a house that has no internal walls or doors apart from the bathrooms.

As always, I am so hopeful that we might catch the egg, but I feel like this is so weird and out of sorts that maybe it was 'meant to be'.

Pah, now I am being all gooey and rose tinted glasses and what not. OH wants to bd again tonight, but I'd rather wait till tomorrow so his sperm have some time to re-stock so to speak.

ANYWAY, we had a lovely long weekend away in the mountains with friends from out of town, it was super relaxing and rejuvinating and I am so excited that we have this chance to try and make a baby again so soon.

Such a weird cycle huh??

How are things across the pond? Did you do anything fun for halloween? Thanksgiving also happened recently right? (Forgive my ignorance, I don't really have a clue when it happens, except it's during Autumn... Sorry!)

I hope wedding and honeymoon plans are underway! And there is always xmas to start planning for too! What are you guys doing for the holiday season this year?

I hope you're well xx
That is strange but dont give up hope yet, lots of women dont get positive HPTs til 2-3 mos. And that EWCM does seem promising.

Halloween wasnt so good, we had really bad weather from Hurricane Sandy and I only bought a small amount of candy because we assumed we wouldnt get any kids, and I ran out... I had to turn away a small 3yrold spiderman. It was very upsetting. Thanksgiving isnt for a few weeks but we are having it at my house with my moms family so just been stocking up on food her and there.

Christmas planning is going pretty good we already have all of OH's sons presents on layaway which is wonderful because we know we wont miss anything. WE're also getting a new TV this season because ours has a speaker issue and certain movies and stuff crackle and we have to listen to very them quietly.

Nothing is happening with wedding stuff. we plan a little then it gets put on the backburner for something else. I still dont have a maid of honor and OH still hasnt asked anyone to stand for him so that is majorly what is stressing me out.

I also havent been feeling well lately I have a feeling I am going to have a very bad af this month I have been having sore boobs for like 10 days and just havent been feeling myself. Back to praying that symptoms like that arent me being pregnant after all those months of trying is making me feel even more sick :sick:

Still in the process of looking for another job, have an offer for an interview this week hoping they actually return my calls and such the last family kept calling me back, saying they couldn't get me in right now and they'd call me in a few days and then never calling me.. very annoying.

Anyway really hoping you end up pregnant, that would be such a great little prechristmas blessing:xmas12:!
Hey, I saw you got AF a few days back, that blows! Been wondering how you are doing... that was a shorter cycle for you right? Not even sure... seems like the months go by faster and faster every month, feel like I just updated you and here we are 20 days later... Crazy.

I got a new job, same money about but its fulltime so that helps. Not much else to report, thanksgiving here went pretty well, now just getting ready for Christmas.
Hey, I've not really been on here regularly. I read a lot of posts from my phone, but posting from my phone is a pain in the ass.

I'm home sick from work for the whole week which blows. It blows because this is my pre OV week and I have to take antibiotics and the doctor specifically said don't try this month because of the antibiotics.

I am going to do a little research into why not right now. I'm basically suffering from constant dizziness and I find it hard to concentrate, listen and talk in person. Right now typing is pretty easy and when I spoke to DH on the phone I had no problems, but speaking to people in person is so difficult, I have to physically concentrate my whole being on what is going on in front of me.

The doc has no idea what is wrong. Could be sinus related as have had some sticky goo stuck in my nose for the past week, a little pain between my eyes, but nothing else. She's given me the antibiotics just in case, but I feel like she's clutching at straws. If I still have the symptoms I go back on Friday to get signed off work again then go to see the ear, nose and throat doctor.

I asked her about ttc while I was there (she is also a reproductive specialist) and she said that if we haven't conceived by february we should go back and get the ball rolling for tests and what not. I feel really mixed about this as I know there have been months when we definitely haven't bd'd at the right times (considering the right time is a frikking 3 day window, no wonder we don't always get it right!!!), so I feel like those months shouldn't count.... but I also feel that if there is something wrong with either or both of us, it's better to find out sooner rather than later no?

Ugh. I feel really bummed out and just want to lay in bed and cry today.

Sorry for being a moaning minnie. It's just tough right now. Having a spinning head doesn't help either, I'm sure!

It's awesome that you got a new job!

My last cycle was super long with some random spotting in the middle and then a REAL period... i.e. more than two days of red blood WOOT! I feel really up and down about ttc. I feel that getting stressed out and trying too hard is only setting myself up for failure, but I also feel like trying to be relaxed and positive just isn't doing enough.

I'm all mixed up right now!

Ok, enough babbling, I am going to do my research about the antibiotics and then get some more rest. Speak soon xx
FOr sure think if the doctor recommends testing in February you should do it. Get that off the list, there is probably nothing medically stopping you guys but the answers would be some stress relief.

SOrry you arent feeling well. Wish I could put more but I have to go to work. Hope you are well soon!
Hey, how is work going?

I feel almost back to normal! I've just been really tired this past week. Luckily it was a 4 day week for us, so an extra day to rest was welcomed.

You're probably right about the testing thing, I was feeling pretty shitty that day, what with being ill and scared because no one knew what was wrong with me. As it turns out, my dizziness gave way to some weird ear sensations after 3 days of antibiotics and now is completley cleared up, as it the ear stuff.

I bought some cd digi opks, so I could feel more confident in opking, as it's not about interpretation but a sure fire yes or no for fertile days. I was sad that after cd19 I was STILL seeing that bleak empty circle, but when I got a smiley face yesterday (also my birthday) I was SOOOOOO happy.

It says that after 1 simley ace you don't have to test again, but I tested today anyway to see what it said and another smiley face means I'll be seducing dh again tonight.

I am really hopeful about this cycle, but that is probably due to impending OV and all the loveliness it makes you feel. Darn hormones ;)

I hope you are doing well and are looking forward to xmas! It's creeping up fast now!!! xx
Ugh, I wrote you this long message back then my works iPad lost Internet so here's the sum up

Job is going really good love it and the kids are really well behaved.

Christmas got a little screwed up because I am getting a week off that I wasn't planning for so Dave and I aren't getting gifts for each other... Thankfully we are already pretty much done buying for his son and for the kids on our family.

Hope you're well... Wish my last post woulD have postedit was a lot more detailed...
I'm glad that your job is going well. When a huge thing like that is sorted, it's a load of yur mind, to be sure :)

I'm 7dpo or so, waiting for AF to turn up this weekend. Am feeling a little under the weather, so not sure if some of my weird symptoms are related to that or ttc... even tho it's super early for symptoms, so it's probably just not being 100%

I am feeling ever hopeful for this cycle, will just have to wait and see. Trying not to test early as it always leads to disappointment!

Enjoy your xmas run up xx
If you end up with a positive dont tell me until Christmas. That would be the best Christmas present!
I would love to tell you on christmas, but sadly, no bfp. I got AF instead and managed to soak my mum's sheets in blood last night, oops!

I was really upset about it this month, but I've picked myself up and dusted myself off and armed myself with lots of happy, positive thoughts. A baby is for life, I can wait a little longer to have one of my own :)

I hope you have a lovely xmas. I am here in London with my whole family and it's the first xmas I've spent here in 3 years, so I'm really happy! There are presents under the tree and I've got last minute shopping to do today, in fact I think my sister has just pulled up outside to pick me up.

Again, have a lovely, lovely day! Hugs xx
Sorry about AF.

Merry Christmas though, glad your spending time with family.

I'm just getting over a really bad cold and have felt just awful and been running a temp. for the last few days, so honestly, all I really want to do is lay in bed, but we are going to do family stuff today and tomorrow. OH got my this really nice Samsung Galaxy tablet for christmas which I absolutely love so I have just been cuddling up with that right on the couch up until I got ready to go out for Christmas Eve.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday!
Happy New Year!

I had a lovely time seeing my family, but it's getting harder and harder to say goodbye each time :\ Christmas was great, I must admit that I drank a little too much, but I was kind of planning to! Unfortunately I didn't get to see ANY friends because I caught a bug and ended up running a 39C fever for a couple of days and spent the rest of my time in London in bed! Oh, I lie, I managed to go to the cinema and watch The Hobbit with dh which was fab. I love going to the cinema in English :)

I was really bummed about not getting to see friends, especially as my friend gave birth to a crummy little baby boy on the 29th and I would have gotten newborn cuddles if I wasn't so stupidly ill :( But what is done is done, I must stop complaining and move on.

Right now I am cd15, hoping to OV next week and have had little bits of ewcm in the mornings, so hoping this is a good sign and as OV approaches it'll continue and help those little guys get to where they need to be!

Have you made any resolutions or plans for the coming year? I'm working on my eating habits. I've been eating really badly, unhealthily and huge portions since going back to work in September and I really want to change that. I know it will take a fair amount of planning and work on my part, but it will be worth feeling better in myself :)

I hope you are going great and that wedding planning is going smoothly xx
Happy New Year to you also!

Honestly I am just hoping to make it through this year with a husband and one that Im not in jail for murdering at this point.

Wedding planning.. whats that? We've basically not even talked about it all week... unless one of us make a comment about saving money. Its getting miserable because each day I know it just get closer and closer and we need to make desicions and I really just dont want anything to do with any of it anymore... Im sure im just typing this in a bad mood right now but I really wish it would just plan itself and be over with...
So just realize 2 things this week.

1. I have been keeping track of my cycles for a whole year none stop without missing any months now. Thinking im starting to see a patern with my cycles which is good, I'm hoping I'll be able to better predictmy lp

2. People who were posting on the testing boards as positives when I first started trying have babies already... little depressing.

Thinking I should start tempting again since with my new job I have to get up at the same time m-f want to get a more accurate idea of when I might be o'ing each month. Hoping to star trying again in either may or June since I have lost about 12lbs since I bought my wedding dress figuring if I do fall pregnant it will still fit if I gain a few.

It looks like we've decided not to take a honeymoon... semidissappointed but hoping wel'l still go away somewhere close just to be together alone. Tried convincing him we should visit you and your oh but he wasn't having any of that lol.

Having trouble sleeping tonight because I'm hungry but I don't want to eat in the middle of the night.... it's already 345am and I have to be up at 8. Ugh. Goodnight!.

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