TTC 18 months....

OMG, I feel and share your pain. Just got my period today. Needless to say, I'm going to have a glass of wine when I get home to drink my sorrows away.
:hugs: cryher :hugs:

it just sucks!!! :brat: so so sorry.

So tell us a bit about yourself? What do you do? How long have you been doing the baby dance :haha:

Hey CryHer, welcome!
How are you?

Lisa :hugs:

Thats crap they messed up your app, hopefully you wont have to wait to much longer.
You feeling anything different this month????

I'm fine, have my docs app this afternoon so i'll let you guys know how i get on.

How is work and studying going??

no sign of toots lately hope she's ok!!

must be working away!!

only got 2 shifts this week, grrrr i hate cut backs :growlmad:


hiya, I'm feeling absolutely nothing at all different this month, nothing that I haven't felt on previous months when I clearly wasn't pregnant :rofl:

yeah I hope toots is ok... "toootttssss... Wheeeerrreee aaarrreee youuuuuu??" :haha:

work & studying are going ok but I'm on 7-3 shifts this week so I don't usually get much done as I have to be in bed by 9 or I'm a :brat: the next day :haha:

sorry you don't have many shifts this week :hugs: how did the docs appt go??

Hey hun,

docs appt went well, could be up to a couple of months before lap appt which is disappointing but hey ho at least i'm on the way.

She also told me that she reckons my endo is mild due to the symptoms i've described so she said clomid is prob what they will offer me.
which i will take with open arms!!!!!

this ttc business is really getting to me at the mo and even though i'm supposed to be on a "break" i cant help myself from thinking about it.

If i was working more this week i wouldnt have had the time to stress!!!

On the upside i got 5 shifts for next week and one of the ladies there is going on maternity leave so that I should get more than usually for the next few months!!

sorry for the rant there!!

You must find it quite to difficult to get the time to study when your working hun, thank god i get the summer off or i would go into meltdown!!!

any plans for the weekend???

Will you be testing before af is due??
:wave: sbl

I'm helping my sister look after her little boy this weekend. He's 3 and a half. She had to leave his dad a couple of years back and so is a single mum, he doesn't contribute and only sees him about twice a year. I haven't really got the time to be doing this to be honest but she's my sis and she needs the help so what else can I do :shrug:

glad to hear the appt went well. It's a shame the waiting lists are so long, you feel like saying I'll only take up 5 minutes just squeeze me in :haha:

and yeay for getting more shifts :thumbup:

so even though you are on a 'break' it still won't hurt to :sex: a few times in your fertile period haha! When are you due to ovulate? I don't think I'm gonna test, af is due Wednesday and I just feel like she'll arrive as normal, I don't feel any different.. Will be expecting my :witch: cramps tomorrow night right on time :haha:

hey lisa!!

how was your weekend with your nephew??
I know its hard to say no isnt it?? My sis has 18 month old and a 4 year old ( she also has a 17 year old but he doesnt require babysitting anymore) and i find it next to impossible to say no! I love them to bits tho and my house always seems so empty when they leave!

I even looked after their 18 month old when he was just 2 weeks old for a week as she had a funny turn with her heart and had to go back to hosp for awhile.
it was so nerve racking looking after such a wee baby.

Thats awful that your nephew doesnt see his father that often.
MEN!!!! some of them are just awful!!!

Oh yes we will still be :sex: during ov! I had quite allot ewcm yesterday so here's hoping!!

Really hope af doesnt arrive hun and you get your BFP!!

Is your Oh back at work yet or has he still got more hols?

did you do anything nice for the weekend?
Hiya :wave:

my weekend was good thanks, very tiring with the nephew though, was teaching him how to play rugby haha. The :witch: arrived on Tuesday so onto cycle 25 now :haha:

still waiting on an appt for the Oh at the hospital for them to look at his :spermy: he has 1 week left off from work so I hope they bloody hurry up!!

So how many dpo are you now? & big pat on the back to you looking after a :baby: I have no idea how I'll ever cope with a tiny baby, I won't have a clue what to do I'm sure.. They'll probably take it off me for it's own good :rofl:

sorry it took so long to reply too, once the :witch: arrives I have to steer clear of this site for a day or 2, just till I feel a bit better.

Have you had any more docs appts or tests?

Hi lisa,

so sorry to hear af came, chin up tho hun!

Sure you'll be well able for a new born and you'll be a brill mother!

I'm not too sure how many dpo i am, i thought i was 4 or 5 but i did a test today and had a very very faint positive so if i am i must ovd earlier.
but i think it's just evap.

its up on hpt gallery if you want to have a look.

Oh and where the hell is toots i hope she is ok!!

Have you heard anything about :spermy: analysis yet???

I had a little look at the thread you posted... I'm really sorry but I don't see anything where the test line usually is, I see something a little further down right near the join but I'm not sure if thats the right place?

Did you test again this morning, if it was a faint positive yesterday it should be darker today?

We are just waiting on an appt still for OH... It's been a month since we went to the docs, it's so frustrating :brat:

Soooo looking forward to the weekend, its the Mathew st festival this weekend & it's a bank holiday whoo hooo :happydance:

I dunno where she is, it's been a while, I've not even seen her online if you know what I mean, hope she's ok too :thumbup:

Really good luck, hope you get your :bfp: sweetie

Hi lisa,
thanks for having a look at the test.
I did a clear blue today only cause there were no pink dye tests left in boots and that too was positive but i'm sure its an evap.
o well theres always next month
Yeah the waiting is the worst part of all these tests.
hopefully they you get your apt soon!!
oh sounds like your gonna have a lovely weekend!!
enjoy hun!
Heya sbl,

sorry I've been AWOL for a few days, things have been manic here with work & uni work. Just wondering how you got on with the faint positives you were getting? :thumbup:

Hey lisa,
sorry i've been not been around that often and mainly on my phone due to my laptop deciding to give up on me and then my phone decided to do the same!!! :growlmad:

How are u?? Has Oh had his SA yet??

My positives seemed to be nothing my af was late but it arrived so i would say poss chemical.
Have had other things on my mind recently so havent been concentrating on ttc at all.
how's the studying going???
hope your doing well hun!
Hiya SBL,

Good to hear from you,but sorry to hear about the :witch:

I'm doing ok thanks, OH did his sample a week ago so just waiting on the results now, probably be about Wed/ Thurs this week. I had an ultrasound too & they found a 5cm cyst on my left ovary, well she thought it was on the ovary but it was blocking the ovary from view so we aren't sure :shrug:

She couldn't believe I wasn't in pain from it though, said it should be causing me serious pains, but I've not felt anything, weird hey. So got an appt now on the 4th Oct to discuss the next steps and see where we go.

The studying is going ok, exams in 3 weeks eeeekkkk! :shock:

How are you doing? hope it's nothing too stressful thats on your mind. let me know if you need a natter :hugs:

OMG lisa, you would think you would've ben in pain from the cyst!!

Hopefully you will get it sorted, they maybe able to give you something to shrink it, if not you will prob have to have it drained/removed.

Hopefully when thats gone you'll get pg quickly!!
wouldnt that be brill!!!!:thumbup:

Let me know how Oh's SA results go.
fx everything will go well hun.

I'm sure your exams will go well hun.

Ah i'm fine just found myself getting very down about the ttc and getting nowhere. :cry:

its been so stressful and i wasnt really coping that well.

crying,having panic attacks etc wasnt nice but beginning to feel a bit better now.

they've put my own some meds for anxiety etc so hopefully that will pick me up again.

Gonna put ttc on the back burner till i get that sorted and hopefully after christmas we'll start ttc again.
were gonna go the ntnp route for now.

How is everything else with you?

Has toots been on at all??

some ladies on here the last time i was on were pg now have had mc's.
so sad and so scary.:cry:


Hey SBL,

Sorry I've not been around, I've sent you a private message too just incase you don't see this.

I'm ok thanks just been a bit busy with revison for my exams in a week... eeek... Also a little down as we got OH's results & they weren't too good. Low volume (about half what they'd expect) but about 77million per ml which is way higher than usual, but the problem is only 4% excellent progression when they would want to see about 20-30%. They've told him to stop drinking completely, no tea / coffee & to take 1000mg of vit c, magnesium and we both have to go back in a while for further tests. Just all a lot to take at the moment lol.

How are you? & nope not seen toots for a while either, guess life gets in the way sometimes for us all :dohh:

Hi Lisa :hugs:

Sorry to hear Oh's SA didnt come back as good as u had hoped for. :flower:

How is managing with the alcohol ban etc??

I think my Oh would find it quite difficult.

How is ur course going now and when do exams start???

I've been so busy recently this is my first time to actually get a good look at BnB in ages!!
what do u think of the new look??? its odd isnt'll take a while to get used to it i think!!

Hey chick :hi: nice to hear from you.

He's not doing so bad with the alcohol ban to be honest, I't been about 8 days now & he's not touched a drop. Some ladies have recently said that I shoudl get him on Maca so I'm off to buy some of that in a little while, he's gonna be rattling soon :haha:

My exams are on Monday and Wednesday - 3 hours each :argh: I'm off work this week doing revision & I am feeling a little better about them now, I'm hopeful I'll at least pass which I wasn't sure about before but I guess it depends on the questions lol!

OH has to do another SA on the 21st October, apparently they need 2 samples of sub fertility :spermy: before they'll diagnose a problem with it :shrug:

I also have another ultrasound on 27th October to see if my cyst is any bigger or smaller, if it's bigger I'll have to have it taken out. After that we have a joint appt with the FS on the 29th November I guess to discuss our next steps, I'd imagine possible IVF, scary as that is!!

How's things going with you? where abouts are you up to now? Hows work going, I presume thats why you are busy.

Yeah the new look is a bit weird, but not too bad. I'm sure we'll get used to it soon.

:hugs: & :dust:

Hey Lisa :hugs:

How are ya??

Maca no idea what that is hun... :dohh: explain pls :haha:

How has ur week of revision gone??
Hope ur exams go well hun! :thumbup:

Are u having any pain from the cyst at all?? my sister had quite a large one when she was prego with last baba. had to have it removed when little guy was only 3 weeks old. poor girl she was distraught leaving him.:cry:

Work is going good and uni but i'm exhausted and sleeping is becoming increasing difficult due to over tiredness. uh and to make matters worse :witch: reared her ugly head this morning 5 days early!

Had bought a lovely dress to wear out this weekend as its my bday wednesday which i wont get to wear now. oh the joys of being a woman!

How are u feeling on the IVF route?? It is a scary prospect alrite but hey you dont know yet so keep the spirits up hun!

Glad Oh is doing well with his alcohol ban. Oh this ttc business is a life changing experience eh??

hope your doing well chick.

Oh and Toots if your out there!! come and say HI!!!


Hiya :hi:

I'm ok thanks but the :witch: got me this morning, ah well at least we can be close cycle buddies again :thumbup: :hugs:

maca is a root herb, comes from somewhere in Peru apparently, is supposed to increase energy & libido in men but my doc says there have been scientific studies that have shown it to increase :spermy: volume and motility, so I thought it can't hurt :shrug:

the week of revision started ok but then I got brain fry so I've kind of given up, figure if I don't know it now... Well it's too late, quite nervous though & I always make myself feel :sick: when I'm nervous, I might just run out of the exam hall :argh: :rofl:

I didn't think I was having pain but I have felt twinges on the left now I know it's there & I've had bad period pain today which I never get, so maybe it's getting bigger :shock: got another appt on 27th though to see how it's doing.

So sorry the :witch: got you too... She's a mean old hag, hopefully she'll be too busy with Halloween to pay us a visit next month. :yipee:

& sorry you're so tired with work and uni, have you got any breaks coming up that you can have a nice chilled time?

I'd still wear the dress, just use a softcup or tampon, you'll be ok, although if it's due to bloating and general feeling like crap I understand, I just want to wear baggy pjs when I'm on. If only I could go out in them :haha:

at least it's sn excuse for your oh to take you somewhere else when you've finished & you can wear it then :happydance:

not too sure how I feel about the ivf.. You have to inject yourself for 30 days.... In the stomach :shock: :argh:

& then I think about all the kids who don't have a home & think maybe it's fate, I said from the beginning I'd rather adopt, just think it would be so rewarding (i know having your own would be too, just feels a bit different I think) but oh would rather his own, so here we are, just not sure I want my own enough to stick needles in my tummy...

The :wine: ban is still going well, almost 2 weeks now, althoughhe's just popped out to get me some goodies to cheer me up and he text me asking if I would like some wine tonight to calm my nerves before my exams, no doubt he'd sneak a few sips... I said no :haha:
he has his next :spermy: analysis on the 21st to see if it's the same as last month, they aren't expecting any change yet but will only confirm sub fertility after 2 tests.

Anyway that's all my news for now, hope you are ok :hugs:

have a good birthday on Wednesday
xxx :hugs: :flower:

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