Momxofxone - I'm on CD 9 but no idea when I'll ovulate, I have pcos and my cycles vary. Probably going to be around CD 21 but we will see.
CKJ - sorry af got you but yes definitely think about the positives. X
Well day 2 of temping and I don't think it's going well, yesterday my temp was 36.40 and today 36.61...It's not supposed to vary that much day to day is it? I was a little later taking it. If I can't be consistent then I'll have to give up on it.
Had a dream last night that I was convinced I was pregnant so took a test, but the test was faulty. I have a lot of pregnancy dreams, obviously cos it's on my mind alot.
I have had a few dreams myself. Oh and temping- it is completely different for each person. I temp everyday. but mostly just to get that confirm that i o'd. the temps themselves don't always really mean too much, just to tell if you o'd and when af is coming if it's not. After a few cycles you can catch on to your personal pattern, and get an idea on whether you are pg or not, or to know when you do O. For me, the one cycle that was different, was the one that i was pg. I like temping but don't read too much into it, rather than saying, ok good, i just o'd this cycle, so i'm good to go. But i'm also a control freak.
as for the pcos, i'm sorry. did you have trouble getting your first?
Sorry af got you CKJ!
At least you know your cycle is normal
Cookie- your temp really had a big jump up, sometimes that can happen. I say, try it this cycle and if at the end of it, you don't like it, stop taking your temps. Its a frustrating process.
I always have dreams that I'm pregnant, if only it could be a reality
AFM- I'm 9dpo and still no symptoms
I'm counting myself out coz I just know that we didn't do it this cycle. DH and I have decided to leave it and go with 'if it happens, it happens'. I'm really putting so much stress on myself with this whole ttc thing. My DD has a chess tournament next saturday and I have to help her practice, I hope that takes my mind off things this week!
I"m sorry but don't count yourself out yet!!! but stress isn't good for conceiving either (but then again, i've never known anyone not to stress when ttc'ing either) when are you testing?
afm, just sitting and waiting to o. Dh seems pretty into it as well. We have started this thing as if it happens it happens, but i feel myself getting really geared up to do it too. April would be a lovely birth month, so i REALLY hope this is our month!

to all of you