Ttc#2+ 2013/2014! - 6 BFP's, 4 angels

I'm ok, having a chat with dh about the S/A that he needs to do by next week for the latest.
I phoned my gyno's office to get my results of the progesterone, but his receptionist refused to give it to me and said the gyno will text me the results.
I really feel like I can't take any more of this! The bfn yesterday was just the cherry on top! I feel like screaming my heart out, but that still won't make a baby magically appear in my tummy.
I've tried everything possible and still bfn.

Sorry for the rant so early, but I needed to get that out!
Vent away Hun its why we r all here :) xx
Thanx CKJ

Its good to chat to ladies who understands the frustration involved with ttc.

I told dh that I don't want to waste another cycle and he didn't understand me! After ttc for as long as we have, he should know what I mean! But he doesn't!
It really feels like a nightmare! Things are just not working out the way I would like it to.
My last depo shot was October 2011, so since the December 2011(I got my first af) we've ntnp for about 8 months and actively ttc for 11 months. I thought it would have happened by now, boy was I wrong!
Oh I'm sorry you are having a hard time of it at the moment Wildchic, don't lose hope though, you have to believe it will happen.

I hope it happens for you really soon. xx

Brunette - I hope you are feeling abit better, but I know how stressful the 2ww can be, I feel nice and calm now but I know it wont last once I'm in the 2ww.

Had abit of a bust up with the husband last night, he started moaning at me about why I sit around so much...he's basically accusing me of being lazy. Thing is though I work 4 days a week, I do a 34 round trip every day to get to work, I look after our son, I do all the cleaning, washing etc etc, so when our son is in bed and I've done everything I need to I like to sit and read or watch tv. He reckons I have my nose in a book all the time, ok I maybe do read abit too much, and he was complaining that I dont hear him when he talks to me, so I get that part of it, but I dont know why he has such an issue with what I do with my time. He'd soon moan if I went out most nights, so I dont feel like I can win. Just don't get why he's got a problem with me spending my evenings infront of the tv...most nights I'm knackered, I sit down for an hour, sometimes not even that and I go to bed, then I'm up at 6am the next day and every day for work or with our son who doesnt like a lie in. Grrrrr he's just wound me up abit, I dont feel like I can win with him. He's also moaning about my diet, doesn't understand why I always need to be on one...I explained if I didn't keep trying I'd be massive now, but I'm not because no matter how many times I fall off the wagon I always get back on it.

Anyway sorry to waffle but he's just annoyed me.
Cookie, I can so relate! We(the mommas) are always busy doing something/everything and they just don't see it that way. My dh probably believes that its just how its suppose to be!
I'm getting myself mad atm just thinking about it, lol.
You are not a machine and you to need to have a break, whether its reading a book or watching tv!
Yes that's exactly it, he thinks because I'm a woman that I should be doing all the housework...he washed up at the weekend and wiped the surfaces down, and then proceeded to tell me that he'd cleaned the kitchen, but what he failed to notice was that I was the one that mopped the floor, cleaned the cupboards, the fridge freezer and took both bins into the garden to give them a good wash! Apparently though he cleaned the kitchen, on top of that I did the other floors downstairs, cleaned the sofas and cleaned the bathroom and did washing, but still he needed an award and a pat on the back for apparently cleaning the kitchen... So annoying. But yes why shouldn't I sit down in the evening, especially in the week I'll have spent 2 hours in the car in total, plus 8 and a half hours at work, then squeezed in quality time with my son, got him to bed and asleep, then done whatever needs doing...I think that deserves a sit down. He's got it in his head that I need an interest, I dont know why...I dont agree with him though, if I wanted to get a hobby I'd go out and get one, in the week I'm too tired to do much, and if I want to do anything at the weekend I see friends or we go out as a family. If I'm not at work then I'm spending time with our son, and when he's in bed I really just want to relax.

Sorry waffling again. lol I just don't understand what his problem is! He said to me I dont understand how you can be happy just sitting around doing nothing...but I am happy doing that, I'm not one of these people that needs to be out all the there is the fact that in the evenings we have a 2 and a half year old asleep upstairs, we can't both just go out whenever we want.

Right that's enough of that, I'm just winding myself up!!! lol

Men eh....can't live with them, can't live...actually scrap that just can't live with them!!! lol
Lol cookie. I'm really in the same situation as you, so I know what you going through.

Men just don't understand! And then its still the ttc thing that my dh just does not get.

Hope your hubby(and mine) come to their senses cookie, lol
Well mine is being nice today, but I'm sure it wont last and its only because I had a go at him last night.

I think some men have tunnel vision, they really don't see the bigger picture!

I don't think men get the stress the ttc gives us women, and they are so relaxed and carefree all the time...its very frustrating.
Rant!! Stupid washer and stupid Argos!! I can't get a plumber to do the independent report and Argos won't help!
Cookie- I agree with you on the tunnel vision thing!

Brunette- so what you gonna do now? That must be very frustrating that no one is willing/can help you! These type of things always seem to happen when the warranty is up! The people who manufacture the appliances probably make it to so it can cause problems and break after the warranty is up! I hope you get to sort something out!
If you get af, then you did ovulate. As I'm sure you know that O takes place '14 days before your expected period'.

Its a waiting game and there's absolutely nothing we can do to speed up the process.

Were you checked out to make sure everything is ok with you?
I had irregular cycles and wasn't sure when I O and gyno put me on the Clomid and it worked to regulate my period.

hun that's not true for everyone. My lp is only 13 days. Some people have to take meds to lengthen theres if it's much shorter than that. And some people can actually get AF without ovulating. Everyone's cycle is different :) And for me, i O a different day each cycle. So i'm no where near regular. But i have quite a few friends that never O and get their period just like normal. So they didn't understand until they went for fertility treatment.

Oh I'm sorry you are having a hard time of it at the moment Wildchic, don't lose hope though, you have to believe it will happen.

I hope it happens for you really soon. xx

Brunette - I hope you are feeling abit better, but I know how stressful the 2ww can be, I feel nice and calm now but I know it wont last once I'm in the 2ww.

Had abit of a bust up with the husband last night, he started moaning at me about why I sit around so much...he's basically accusing me of being lazy. Thing is though I work 4 days a week, I do a 34 round trip every day to get to work, I look after our son, I do all the cleaning, washing etc etc, so when our son is in bed and I've done everything I need to I like to sit and read or watch tv. He reckons I have my nose in a book all the time, ok I maybe do read abit too much, and he was complaining that I dont hear him when he talks to me, so I get that part of it, but I dont know why he has such an issue with what I do with my time. He'd soon moan if I went out most nights, so I dont feel like I can win. Just don't get why he's got a problem with me spending my evenings infront of the tv...most nights I'm knackered, I sit down for an hour, sometimes not even that and I go to bed, then I'm up at 6am the next day and every day for work or with our son who doesnt like a lie in. Grrrrr he's just wound me up abit, I dont feel like I can win with him. He's also moaning about my diet, doesn't understand why I always need to be on one...I explained if I didn't keep trying I'd be massive now, but I'm not because no matter how many times I fall off the wagon I always get back on it.

Anyway sorry to waffle but he's just annoyed me.

ugh i went through this when i used to work. i worked 10-12 hour shifts, i'd come home, be exahusted and he'd complain. So, i started to not do his laundry. and not do his dishes, not clean things that were his, and he quickly shut his trap lol!

i also got him to do laundry on the days i was working, do dishes, cook, etc. Men sometimes have to be shown what it exactly entails to work and clean.
Cookie: I'm sorry your husband was acting like that. Mine does that. He is a stay at home dad (temporarily as his work had a major layoff) I work full time, have two children, and go to college full time! I do the cooking and most of the cleaning. He will wash the clothes but NEVER folds it or puts it away I have to do it. When I am off of work he gets to relax and do whatever and I take care of the children. He does the dishes and their care during the day and the vacuuming. He thinks that makes him a man super hero! Sometimes you just have to roll your eyes. I threw a fit a few weeks ago and he finally stepped it up.

Brunette: That is ridiculous that they won't look at it and that the warranty has already expired. That would make me so mad. We live in an apartment, so lucky when our washer went out the landlord fixes it. I'm sorry about your dip. I know seeing that bfn is so hard.

wildchic: I'm sorry you are feeling down. I tried clomid after 1 1.2 years ttc and it gave me really bad cysts so after three cycles he refused to give me more. Do you take any progesterone in conjunction with it? I have heard of some women getting a trigger shot of hcg. I don't know if that is something that works for your situation. :hugs:
Oh ladies it certainly sounds like you understand. Honestly whenever my husband does anything round the house he acts like he deserves a trophy...and the cheeky sod turned round to me and said 'I cleaned the kitchen for you' erm I'm pretty sure that its his kitchen too!!! Im not sure why when they do housework they expect praise and act like they are doing us a favour!!!

Momofone - if you were a stay at home mum he would expect you to do ALL the housework so why does he think he shouldn't do it? Men and their double standards! Pretty sure my husband thinks his jobs round the house are putting the rubbish bins out and mowing the lawn, because according to him they are mans job. Although to be fair when anything on the nasty side needs doing like cleaning the cat litter tray or unblocking the drain outside I make him do it and say its a man job, so I guess I'm just as bad!

That's bad Brunette, I would call up Argos and ask to speak to someone in charge!!!!
Mommyxofxone- I know different women's cycles are different, that's why I had it in inverted commas:)
I once had a cycle where I went up to 19dpo. So I do understand that.

Momofone08- the gyno only put me on 3 rounds of clomid and decided to do all the blood work. All blood work is ok, so dh will have to go for an S/A next week. I haven't been to the gyno yet to discuss what to do next, but he said he would like to do a lap next, so idk, will see what happens.

I phoned the gyno's office today and demanded they give me the results of my progesterone blood work. Surprisingly, they gave it to me and my level is 32.9:) and that was at 6dpo. From what I've read online, anything from 10 or higher would confirm O. Is this true?
I dont know either, dont know anything about progesterone levels! x
Progesterone is measured in nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL). Normal levels are:

0.1 to 0.3 ng/mL for prepubescent girls

0.1 to 0.7 ng/mL in the follicular stage of the menstrual cycle

2 to 25 ng/mL in the luteal stage of the menstrual cycle

10 to 44 ng/mL during the first trimester of pregnancy

19.5 to 82.5 ng/mL during the second trimester of pregnancy

65 to 290 ng/mL during the third trimester of pregnancy

These are the levels I found online. :D

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