Welcome buttercup!! I think we spoke on another thread...I'm a fellow pcos sufferer waiting for ovulation, how I'd love to have a regular cycle...would make things so much easier.
Well weighed in this morning and have lost 8 lbs!!! I know it's a great loss but I had hoped for another lb as I'd lost 8 lbs by Friday. Still happy though and most definitely going in the right direction. Xx
congrats on the weight loss!!!!
Thanks brunette xxx
Just did an opk and its almost positive, it's only slightly lighter than the control line, in fact it might be as dark as the control line...took another on another brand and the 2nd line isn't as dark as the control line (almost though, but I'd only just drank a cuppa so was prob a bit watered down) I'll test again this afternoon, hopefully will clearly be positive. I've still got ewcm, so all signs are good.
Any sign of af brunette xx
wooo hoooo on the almost positive opk!!!!
Stay strong brunette!!! Maybe you ovulated later?
Did another opk which was a bit pointless as its no darker...I don't know why I thought doing it a few hours later would make a difference, esp as my per was probably watered down abit. I shall now wait and try again this evening. I'm opk obsessed!!! Lol
i'm opk obsessed too and mine aren't here yet. jeez....
AFM- cd 12, started teh marathon sat. night for

which may be a good thing! my cp is in fertile position although i can't check cm after all the

i THINK i got a ferning pattern this am, but it's way too early for me to be O'ing. so i'm assuming it was partial. However when i look it up, it almost looked full ferning- but it's just way too soon. so confused.
did any of you ever use a ferning microscope??? I"m asking because i'm using mine again, and i got a partial ferning this am, (it's still awesome) and i tested again immediately after (as i didn't believe it lol) and then it wasn't there at all. what causes that kind of stuff?