Awww sorry Buttercup but fab that a little weightloss has helped your cycle, onto the next cycle!!!

Good luck xxx
Anything today Brunette?
How is everyone else doing? I'm doing 1 dpo!! Yay!! lol
hurrah 1 dpo!!! you've entered the next waiting stage! lol
Cookie- Yay for being 1dpo! Good luck and I hope this is your cycle to get a BFP
CKJ- hope you dtd! How would you know when you actually O with the cbfm? I'm just curious!
Brunette- anything happen yet? Af or BFP? Good luck either way
AFM- cd6 not much going on right now. Although, I had those leg cramps yesterday and it went into my lower pelvic area. I also had this brown stretchy cm when I went to the loo.
Do you think its left over from af???
We also dropped off dh's spermo's at the fertility clinic and will only get the results next Thursday
probably still left over from af. i get that sometimes. hope dh's sperm gets a good result!
Brunette- I don't see anything hun. Like CKJ said, I'd be the same! Go get blood work! Its the only way you'd know for sure!
Cookie- my brothers g/friend had a baby beginning July and when I held the baby, it felt weird! One would never say my DD was a baby, coz I didn't know how to handle the baby. Lol for wanting to be 10dpo, don't we all wish we could skip the whole tww and just test and we would get a result! Ha, wishful thinking!
My sil let me hold her baby in october. And i have to say i felt really odd too. maybe because i was out of baby mode? it didn't feel right.
but i feel weird holding other people's babies anyway.
brunette i don't see a line i'm sorry
afm- partial ferning, but that's it. looks like less ferning than before. don't know what that means either. temps are still low and looking like they're about to shoot up with the o surge so fx'd i get that positive test tonight. once that's done, and the o is confirmed and we bd'd each day i think i'll be alright and be less stressed.
i'm exhausted today. dh said he didn't think as much came out on tuesday evening so he asked to skip last night to make sure he had enough for the three days after following the pos opk. I dind't relaly mind lol it's nice to have a small break and not make it all about business you know?