dh, me, pink, and blue
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Labrynthitis is an inner ear infection. Makes you dizzy
oh gross, is it like vertigo? that's all i've heard of.
Mommyxofxone - I'm doing a very low calorie diet, it's hard going but it has good results. Figured the quicker I lose weight the sooner it will benefit my cycles.
Lillybum - if you ovulated the week before then your luteal phase is ok, but keep an eye on it because it can be lengthened.
Just back from seeing my friend and her 2 and a half week old sweet!! My son decided he wanted a baby on the drive home, then right near home he said 'I don't want a not have a baby mummy, I'll tell you off, you can sit on the naughty step' did make me laugh. Can't seem to persuade him to say yes to having a brother or sister, he's really not keen. Xx
that's great about hte weight loss, and lol to your boy. DD likes babies a lot, but i don't know if she'd like having one lol!
Just been to Doctors. She checked my eyes but that was it. She still thinks Labryntitis and I'm to go back if no better in 1-2 weeks and be referred to ENT at the hospital. She said she could send a urine sample to the hospital but as it came back negative last time I was pregnant that there wasn't much point and wished me luck with my testing
wish she could've done more. :/
She was really nice about it and apologised that she couldn't do anymore yet.
I'm CD40 usually 28-32 days.
Girls I feel sick, I've just found out that my friends ex has killed her new boyfriend and stabbed her all over. She's in hospital in a critical state. I used to work and live with her but have lost contact over the last few years.
omg hun that's terrible!!!! i'm so sorry!!!!!
Oh just came in with a tube of conceive plus how strangex
lol that's great he's so on board!
With lilly I had no clue I was pg we had just had a mc so was on cd 56 I think had a dream I was pregnant took a test and it was possitive
This is the worst af ever I feel like im having contractions keeps coming every minutes also feel sick and dizzyxxx
i didn't feel pg at all except instead of getting super cold at af time, i got really hot. That was really my only clue something was up.
today my poor girl is sick, and tomorrow she turns two! so upset! i don't want her to be miserable on her birthday